You parents' and grandparents' class was recorded by the early Soviet bureaucracy...

You parents' and grandparents' class was recorded by the early Soviet bureaucracy. And if you wanted to join the party or become an actor, an officer or a journalist nothing served you better than descent from liberated serfs.

Let us have a family tree threda of our own!

Other urls found in this thread:


Where does medical professions stand?


depends. if it's a craft (nurse) youre a craftsman, whereas a doctor is an artisan.

Damn this is autistic, but sure, whatever.

Prole here.



How do my files keep get corrupted


or not. it's for you to decide.


Gulag/wall worthy

I'm obviously not a clergyman but the picture is really cool so I took it. If we're going by last job, I'm clerk since I was a librarian. Currently just a student..

I know I know, quarter nobleman. Refugee aristocrats from French revolution no less.

We're all slaves under capitalism.

Do all your family have children at 50 or something?

t. bourg
:^) jk user love you

The great grandparents aren't those people, but they descended from the aristocrats in France. Dunno how they lost all the wealth and ended up marrying a sub-working class family.

They didn't have one for unemployed lumpen, so I used the clerk.

Da ist Stalin.


All my great-grandmothers where house-slaves, so I just put what their family was. (Rich capitalist farmers, coal miners, Hungarian noblemen a generation or two back, but had their lands taken from them iirc back in east bloc days, and lawyers and merchants iirc.).
Most interesting person in my tree is probably my grandfather, came from a British coal mining family, turned hippie, emigrated to Denmark and lived off of smuggling hash, heroin, ebony and other exotics from Pakistan/India/Nepal -> Denmark. Spent his final days as a cab driver.

I found it confusing to look at these without differentiating from male/female, idk, call me a spooked idiot but it tells a much more interesting story to me.


Don't know my father. My understanding is that he was a plumber turned business owner (of plumbing related items).
My mother is a Nurse.
Her father was a plasterer/concreter turned baker (who owned a bakery)
My grandmother was a nurse who then went into the business with my grandfather.
My grandfather's father was a miner. I believe his wife was a home maker - I could be wrong - either way she died when my grandfather was 12.
I'm not certain on my grandmother's parents.
To the best of my knowledge the bakery was the first business in the family, going back they were usually miners/laborers/farmers.
Oh, actually someone may have owned a pub at some point going back even further, I'm not certain.



My family is spooked as fuck. (Excuse the typo)

My retarded brother stands to inherit everything as he's incapable of work.

I'm also a disappointment toiling away in a factory (not theirs) so my parents resent giving me any inheritance till I "make something of" myself.

I don't care for the money, it do feel ashamed though.

As close as I can get with the options provided.

glad to have you,

I don't know anything about my the people marked in question-marks.

My father's abusive dad was filthy rich, but left nothing to his children and gave everything to his girlfriends. His wife, the mother of my dad, abandoned him.

My mother's grandfather was abandoned by his parents and lived with his grandparents, who were farmers.


What is a pastor doing on Holla Forums?

So is a clerk low-level management?

Also what does self-employment fall under?

the wheels of history.


I browsed 4chan before I was ordained. Moved to Holla Forums later on. I see no reason to stop coming, most people here are genuine.

He struggled with his faith, yes. I don't see the point you're making?

I also don't see the point here.

What if my parents and grandparents had doezens of careers over their lifetimes. Both parents have done everything from military to oil to grocery store working.

ur a cheeky cunt m8 I'll give ya that

You mean there are only 2 classes???

You could say he took it down in leglock and proceeded to break it's neck. Do you speak any french? Seeing him struggle for socialism is double the fun (too he wasn't as successful here.):

He found his own answers, whatever those were.


I would say that his harsh condemnation of faith loses its luster for those who have never experienced the Catholic French priesthood of his time, or Christians who reject the institution of the Church in the first place.

please delte this post before my files get infected too thx

Yes I do resent my father


Aristocrat thing was a bit of a joke.

He's a business fag and he isn't quite stupid enough to give me money. I'll be taking off pretty soon and I know I'm not getting shit from him, which is fine with me. He's also severely disappointed in me for a lot of things.

Oh well, then I'm sorry. In which case you should forge for him a new will and terminate him! JK JK or am I???

So where do you belong in this limited spectra if not nobility?

Well now that I'm 18 and don't haven't had any plans since leaving high school he wants me out of the house. I have no real credentials, so yeah I'm somewhat fucked.

Ah…in the midst of hard times as these it is our good health and good sleep that are enjoyable; may you then take care of yourself so that you have the opportunity to leverage your want into greater success.



Artisans include doctors and scientists right?

The pic should use HPM class names. Basically, clergy get renamed to intellectual, which can include secular teachers (which makes way more sense in late game), and aristocrats become landowners (good for aristocrats or mid-level landlords).

Fuck if I know what my mom's mom's family did.

Service sector family
