Pierre got me to out myself as a champagne socialist and a fraud


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4 threads on this in 2 days. 4. You are pathetic, you know.

Where are the proofs billy? Where?

who cares about e-celeb shit and trip faggotry ? post cute 2d grills

People who make posts on tripfags are even more cancerous than tripfags. It's a fact.


rebel if you stop posting this wont be a problem anymore.

Hahaha no child. Drink bleach.


I'll admit Rebel's twitter is very amusing


Don't bump this dumb shit

Let's have forced Anons ffs, this is becoming tiring.

I am starting to agree with this


the fat meme? It went away.
This meme will be dead in 2 weeks time too, and then you'll have to think of some new smear.

There is a reason why trips are univerisially hated throughout all image boards. Unless if you have an actual reason to use it, shut the fuck up.

I have a reason, if you count stupidity as a reason.

When you posted on your youtube channel it was somewhat understanable but now that your not producing content then there is no reason to.

but I am. I literally posted a vid a week ago, and have another lined up.

Rebel lives in London, right?



Get that liberal shit outta here.

Poorfag, btw

What's xir gender?

Daily reminder.