UK PM Theresa May has signed article 50, triggering Brexit
She signed it
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neato. let the great jimmy rustling begin as the shills try to conince us we aren't winning.
time to mine salt
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hotlinking to BBC
Don't they want to put a rush on free trade deals with Gulf niggers and Hindustan?
Bring out your cups men, there's tears to collect on the horizon.
oh also this, you should feel bad OP
have they run out of denial or will they move on to claiming the eu will say no and that's that
I have no idea satan. Jews will keep trying to kill us until we go full 1933.
We got a lot of weapons to sell so muds can mud
learn to break your links nigger. Reported
Now they are going to shill about how this will lead to shitty trade deals from the UN as promised by Juncker and Britain is going suck non Islamic cock for a while.
*EU, not the UN.
Now how long before it's official?
They talk about 2 years process.
5 to 100 years tbh.
Holy shit. The salt in my workplace right now. I'm listening to a guy ranting on as I type.
You was too late.
I literally missed it by 2 fucking seconds
Hopefully the unrestricted travel privilege is remove immediately.
Or Free movement of peoples as I think you call it.
God Save
neat OC, have a classic
a bit pessimistic for my tastes that one.
Hmm, perhaps
nicely done britcuckistan. Now…
All shit posting aside. I dream of the day you lads take Britain back.
You think we're selling Johnny Sand-rat the good shit? 'Export models' old boy. Same thing we've been doing since we sold cheap 'blowy-uppey' flintlocks that failed the proof tests to slavers in West Africa.
more like it!
kek. people say we're conspiracy theorists for saying are governments aren't for our own peoples good.
That's how they've operated so far.
I hope to fuck the EU turns hostile (more than now)
Excellent, hope to see france doing the same in a year or two.
They will try and make it so painful that other countries wont want to follow. They are still as pro-eu as possible and wont admit they are crumbling.
I love you, cousins. May we prosper together.
And the Scots coincidentally want to push for independence again after getting trounced only a couple years prior.
Really makes you think.
Polls in scotland say the public want to leave less now than when they lost the last referendum. Also even the scots will have enough sense to at least see what it is they will be leaving. Also theres the fact scotland wont be able to join the eu if it did leave without destroying itself as it would need to roughly triple its current cuts to comply with eu rules.
Tldr, the scots arent leaving the uk, sturgeon is just being a cunt.
Thank you, Theresa May
God save the Queen
EU delenda est
To be fair, that's exactly how the EU operates…
The fact that Brexit is actually happening (and by that I mean that they are allowing it to happen) is a worrying sign for me.
Brits are undoubtedly about to be shafted in some other way to make up for this.
I wonder is the London Terror attack was a sign
It's either Brexit or civil war and either way we win
You bongs better hand the e-jew a £200B bill for all the excess money you paid in when they act all smug and try to give you a £60B one for leaving. Hit the rat kikes in their fucking wallet.
So, what is it about him that turns you on?
It's snowing less here recently which means I'm able to go out by myself again.
Other than that it's all been the same.
oh god
There is no greater shame than submitting a post in the wrong tab.
I'm surprised this wasn't stickied, this is big news.
They will not be able to rejoin the EU.
France and Spain will veto it to stop Brittany and Catalonia from seceding.
If she signed it then it is what the Kikes want.
Try to figure out how their plan to use Brexit to their advantage.
Checked and I'm a Scottish and I agree and most people her see her as been needlessly obstructive and I wanted to leave last time. SNP don't realise is if they get if independence they have served they're purpose for us. People have joked about that for decades here.
Then the SS finally gives them a firm slug to the jaw, cuffs them, and sends them to the Expedite oven line.
You're forgetting that its not usual to have free movement with trade, open up trade to the rest of the world, but dont let in unwashed hoards aswell
The boards taken an anti-Anglo turn of late that the mods, if they're not for it, certainly aren't handing out bans for it like they usually do with dnc. I wouldn't wait for a sticky.
tbh I think the Americans are happy with Trump, and don't see a need to help us meme our countries back by returning the energy. Can't blame them tbh. It looks pretty comfy to be a yank these days.
its true…our focus must now be on europe and the commonwealth
Hitler trips confirm Le Pen victory and French independence.
God bless ar Nige, wouldn't have happend without him. Start mining salt lads.
Considering every single European nation (not just Britain) was tricked into the EU over 40 years ago(sold as a simple trade agreement), and every zionist lackey politician since then has continued to cover for the lies of what the EU actually means.
Just what makes all these goys think the jews are just going to relinquish control of Britain through a voting process, that so far we all see every jewish owned politician who hijacked 'Brexit' backing off and running away like leaders of brexit Ian Duncan Smith, Boris Johnson and Gove (all openly pro-EU until the day of Brexit referendum being announced), coupled with every zog politican putting every obstacle in the way to stop article 50.
All signing article 50 means is that the elites have 2 years to trick and trap the Anglo goys into something else just as limiting and controlling as the Eu just named differently but still maintains control by the one world government they've had in planning for centuries.
I hope this doesn't become the like braindead blind delusion the Yanks are showing for trumps muslim ban, which isn't a muslim ban in any way whatsoever.
Remember Theresa May and all her government are in the pockets of international jewry, until the day that the UK government is out of the jews hands Britain will still be completely owned by zog.
Meanwhile the EU has absolutely nothing to do with non-white immigration, the EU only deals with white Christian European nations travelling freely in Europe, the crime of the EU is the move to one world government for the jews.
We need to get going again as this board has gone to shit. If the frogs spoke english id say help them elect le pen but as it is idk what we should focus on. Could be some d&c for mudslimes or something similar.
First time watching Teresa May speak.
Sincere, alert, intelligent, professional.
Any user know who owns her and the agenda she serves?
Isn't going to change a thing. We've traded globalism for full libtard hyper-globalism. Tories will turn this nation into a desolate corporatist nanny state by 2030. No matter what we do, (((they))) will always win. Exasperating having to fight globalism all over again.
is nige hard of hearing?
Yeah this board is hideously overun with muslim internet defence forces demanding we vote for every jewish compromised kosher nationalist neo-con kike in controlled opposition and killing all muslims in every other thread.
Not anti-zog party's but instead vote for zog approved kosher nationalists?
Indeed, as you say teams of organised muslims astroturfing Holla Forums…
Some salt
Don't fall for the propaganda Scots don't want the independence Sturgeon and SNP will push for they don't want the EU as a replacement for England.
Read between the lines when sturgeon rattles on she only wants another vote when she believes a leave vote will win which isn't likely to be any time soon.
I love giving you bongs shit, but I hope this goes well. Godspeed lads, remember to remove your shitskins ASAP.
Thanks lad.
There's nothing remotely similar about those two pictures. Why are leftists so bad at everything?
I thought Holla Forums was in favor of white idenity and paneuropeanalism. So why is everyone celebrating Brexit?
Heh. They just decided to put the SAS on the streets to rev up that police state instead of actually addressing the problem.
Is this bait?
t. Dicky Spencer
Even in threads about UK you spread your anti-le pen BULLSHIT, hasbara-fag. Will you ever learn ?
Never happening
plenty to do! what to focus on? euro elections!
you can still help france despite the language barrier. memes are always the place to start.
don't forget - germany is having their elections in september!
also: we get too caught up in the meta-politics too often - ought to be more focused on policy-based goals for example: us aussies are currently debating repeal of part of our racial discrimination act. drumming up pressure at these opportunities makes a difference
He's a big guy.
Godspeed Britain.
Nige is the best
Cheeky fucker with your dubs.
Good on you, island krauts, good on you
I'm against all the zionist neo-con jews your team of hasbara trolls keep shilling for.
All of them, not just the latest Le Pen promotion your team is tasked with, all of them from Wilders to Britain First neo-con zionist kikes.
While you snivelling shills insists on astroturfing Holla Forums with pro-isreali bollocks I will always be here to oppose you
Well we can't directly sell them weapons or we'd be complicit in war.
What about a program where we lend them weapons and they use what they pay for?
Whoops, sage was on.
I'm surprised they didn't say 'asian'.
probably said Hilary Clinton one time
As a burger, I don't understand this shit at all.
I mean, it's a piece of paper. They have a piece of paper on you, and nothing else.
Just tell them to suck your dick and leave. What are they going to do, declare war on you with the EU army that doesn't exist?
They're a bunch of uppity commie bureaucrats who daydream about ruling the world from some sort of Star Trek orbital station.
Why can't you just tell them to suck your balls and leave? Aren't their rules and agreements only as binding as you allow them to be?
If France goes I'm pretty sure EU is kill.
It's sad in a way. A co-ordinated European effort might have been good in theory, but with politics the way they are it had to be killed for our survival.
Brexit is just the brits scheming against united europe once again. Brexit is literally not related to stopping mass immigration or anything like that.
While we do have a long ways to go to fix our country and it should be our first priority, there are a few of us in America that would like to help and see other countries start to unfuck themselves. Just because there's an ocean between us, doesn't mean we shouldn't help our brothers and kin in Europe regain their sovereignty and prevent the genocide of their people.
It really has been used as a trick to gull the goy, the only immigration it affects at all is white Europeans being denied free entry to Britain, even UKIPS manifesto pledged to replace the loss of European workers with Africans and Indians.
The EU is the communist plot to take all governments of all nations under one government headed in isreal.
Farage was pushed out of Brexit [a word that no Englishman can tell you it means, even Theresa may rather sheepishly says "Brexits means brexit" which literally means nothing) the movement and the politicians in charge of leaving are all self-admitted pro-EU zionist lackeys who for decades lied about the EU and its role in enslaving us.
The EU is the European sector of the One World Government of the JWO like the North American Union is for the yanks.
Isn't that tantamount to a declaration of war?
I hope you realise that Farage wasn't even allowed to represent Brexit, that was headed by zionist [and all openly pro-EU] lackeys Gove, Johnson and Ian Duncan Smith, all three fled and distanced themselves the moment the results were announced.
Besides as your picture shows, UKIP simply meant replacing pretty literate and compatible Polish girls with ugly Africans and Indians from the Commonwealth, this was clearly stated in their last manifesto.
The kikes control both the horizontal and the vertical when it comes to jewish politics.
it's always so odd to see nationalism, aka wanting your country to be the best, lumped into other forms of wrongthink
If/when we leave, we're still going to struggle with immigration. These fucks are not going to stop and will even open us up to Commonwealth invasion. Good thing the single biggest issue is immigration, as the people won't let it go unnoticed.
Boy I sure do like that a foreign-born shitskin operates her business with impunity in my nation and has the power to actively work against my interests in the judicial system.
Not going to lie, I didn't believe that May would sign it. I thought they would try to drag their feet until the sun went dim. I'm glad it's happening. At least Bong land will be free
This pleases are nige.
I can barely understand what he's saying.
How is that even supposed to work? How can you sell a barrel that already blew up?
Well I think it's good.
Pepe / Wojak them
Kill yourself kike.
good topic, bad OP.
That's how all rap works.
every non-shill on this board is so energized that they have no doubts this will happen. so fuck off kike
Screw it, did it myself.
Good job Britbongs, hopefully Francie Arabia is next.
user you don't get it, juncker it gonna be really mad. He might put sanctions against the UK and then watch as the eussr collapses under its trade deficit.
Holy shit it's real and recent. Is /ourguy/?
>When contacted by The Sun Mr Wilson defended his comments, saying : “To be honest, we’re getting overloaded with coloured people. It is a problem with certain types of coloured people — those who consume curry — it sticks to the carpet."
That isn't even near what I said you complete cunt.
Recognising the jews got the game rigged is the first step to the Red Pill.
The idea would be to not sit back and expect zionist lackey Theresa May to do what she said. The last few hundred years of jewish controlled democracy shows the leaders tell you what you want to hear and do something else instead.
The idea is to now recognise the state of play not carry on living in some Talmudic induced La-La-Land of "winning" while kikes have absolute control and realise that they must organise and create a true resistance to international jewry across all of Europe and the West or continue to sit back, and… wait for Theresa May or Donald Trump to turn into Hitler.
That fucking pathetic
is a horrible mantra as bad as any Frankfurt School "Diversity is strength" marxist brainwashing mantra, voting for ZoG, and expecting anything other than ZoG is what got us in this mess in the first place.
Either you know this and thus an unconscionable state spook of sorts or kike, or you don't see this because you're a slave to the electric jew and still believe in jewish illusions.
please try harder
Thank you for being less lazy than me.
It's exactly what you said you disgusting lying yid.
The SNP is a shit-tier pseudo-lefty party full of proto-antifa faggots.
Just one battle has been won, not the war.
And despite have almost unlimited billions in oil shekels their military forces are shite. It does no good having a Typhoon when you've got Muhamed flying it and Mehemet, Mohamed and Ali as the ground crew.
They're fucking hopeless and would immediately perish against a Western crewed opponent.
Congolese are the niggers of Africa, if you can believe such a thing is even possible. link related. Long read but well worth it.
http:// /threads/50799-Democratic-Republic-of-Congo-Lubumbashi-to-Kinshasa/
fuck, wrong thread sorry.
And you are the nigger of breaking links. There is no excuse to ever use a space character to break a link, let alone two. Grow a synapse and do it like this next time, you ape.
Option 1, omit the http):
Option 2, use formatting to break the link):
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.
Does the UK want to unite with Canada, because I think that would be a good idea.
Canada gets white immigrants, and UK gets resources. Just need to make immigration only possible in the case of marriage. non-fail civic nationalism. Don't even have to go full HAIL VICTORY.
To bad that will never happen without many a meme and the only way the white race will survive such obvious attacks is by vindicating Hitler and the Nazis.
I propose this as the national anthem
I would kick Indians too if they were shitting on my carpets.
there is recent talk of commonwealth free movement