Spic that will be voting for Trump here. How does it feel to know your horse will lose?
Spic that will be voting for Trump here. How does it feel to know your horse will lose?
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My horse isn't even in the race.
no one here supports clinton you fucking ingrate
That's right! Your horse already lost
Lurk more you fucking dumbass.
Make me :^)
But I never had a horse in the race…
Voting for him cause he's not going to start a war with Russia of China. It will happen within two terms of Clinton is elected. The degredation of our relations blamed by all right thinking people on the unchecked expansionist aggression by those two countries, of course.
Nows the perfect time to make your horse Donald J Trump
Go be a classcuck somewhere else.
No one cares which flavor of ruling class you favor
No, I think right here is fine. Any more buzzwords you want to throw at me? I'm all ears.
fucking chicanos I hate them so much
I favor the one who wants to MAGA and won't start a world war :^)
Unless you're a Mexican you're retarded. We aren't paying for the wall.
Wrong breed of spic. Besides, Mexico will pay for it.
seems that we're currently being raided by Holla Forumstards.
wtf are the mods doing ?/
Fuck off warmonger.
[citation needed]
The only place in going to is a greater America
My horse isn't going to lose. My horse can't even be president, he's a horse.
yes I am a mexi
hopefully you get gassed
I hope he loses just to spite your little cult of personality and for spamming Trump for the last years. I'm fucking sick of hearing about your elections.
This coming from the spic too busy gassing himself with marijuana
The western media is already shifting towards a war stance with those two countries. They've taken to using the same language used against Assad for Putin and referring unequivocally to "the Japanese Senkaku islands"
I probably don't need to tell you the relationship the msm has with Clinton and neoliberalism in general.
what a fucking retarded comeback that was
Basically this. I think that Hillary is the worse choice and that she's probably going to ruin everything for ordinary working people and maybe start WWIII, but I am still going to vote for her just to enjoy the massive wave of Holla Forumsyp asshurt that will come after her inauguration. I'm going to cum at least seven times at the thought of your bitter tears.
Not like my vote matters, anyway. :^)
And I hope he wins so that you keep hearing about him for four more years
horse shit as expected.
seems legit.
it the woste case senario is gonna be coldwar 2
Maybe if your country didn't focus so much on weed it wouldn't have a shit economy.
Even if he wins, he's not gonna live up to the hype, you're setting yourselves up for disappointment.
It's not my fault if buzzwords fit the bill for you.
If you worth more than them, you might get something new.
The Military industrial complex isn't going to end once Trump is in office and America was never great
It will and it was, actually. Specifically it was great in the 70s and 80s
i'm not voting
i'm just buying a gun
As if you were capable of gauging worth
Yeah it's totally unconscionable which is why it will never happen even if we put ourselves on that trajectory. See you in five years.
In the 60s and 70s you had trade unions and labour protections. In the 80s it stopped being great around the time Thatcher and Reagan came around. I wonder how that works?
it'll be like liberals for obama
Also, weren't we in Vietnam in the 70s?
It seems that all the shit that precipitated the worst parts of the 80s happened in the 70s.
what exactly was great about the 80s ?
everyone i knew that lived in the 80s were kids (at the time) with massive nostalgia goggles
and most of the people that i know that weren't kids in the 80s said they hated the 80s
That was real low energy, fam
Try again
Try again user
Stop shilling for Trump. It's pathetic. Especially here of all places.
Please select your destination:
wait i thought the good ol'days for Holla Forums were the 40's and 50's
I'm Hispanic voting for Trump, but unlike you I don't lack enough self-respect to call myself a spic. As for how it feels? Well, you can blame Trump for his own downfall. All he had to do was attack Hillary for the liar she is, and he failed to do so. Trump will very much lose, but I wanted him to win.
You actually think he won't save his trump card for last?
So is shitposting is the highest form of argumentation for you?
Make a shitpost, get a shitpost.
That's for making my point for me.
Unlike you, I see Trump for the incompetent buffoon that he is. That's why I think he should be president. The less effective the executive branch becomes, the better. It has seen a huge expansion of power between the Bush and Obama presidencies. Trump would lose all of that power within one term. Congress will eat him alive.
user, at some point you gotta stop biting. All this b8 isn't healthy for you ;^)
An incompetent buffoon isn't capable of playing the election like a damn fiddle.
No, he isn't, and Trump didn't. He was in the right place at the right time. This is what the electoral map looks like right now.
All Trump had to do was not act like a retard, but here we are.
Hillary is going to win the election, and it's Trump's fault.
Punk rock maybe?
I have no idea.
Reagan was a shit.
I'm never surprised the right can never decide collectively when it was great. It's such a nebulous way of looking at things.
Apparently, cartoons were awesome. But then again it could be very well nostalgia goggles.
I too enjoy looking at data that over samples democrats
That's what you people said when Romney was going against Obama, and Romney got beat as badly as it was predicted he would. See:
Don't get me wrong. I would rather Trump win, but it isn't going to happen.
Cool, I'd probably vote Stein or Trump if I were in the US myself.
Apart from causing a brief surge in hate crime, electing Trump will achieve nothing.
And he'll probably be assassinated within a year.
you mean blm and cucks attacking white people right?
That would be the final nail in the coffin for the two party system.
You are retarded OP
top kek
I bet you have the hypocrisy to say people are attacking you yet spend everyday spamming "gas the kikes race ar now"
nice straw man
nice asshurt
Not only you are dumb you are also fucking clue less.
ok mr spooky butt pirate, go walk the plank before I shove my hook hand up your pirate blasted booty.
I want to spread both of your scallywag pirate cheeks apart with my dual hook hands and shove my prosthetic wooden pirate cock down your throat. Then my ship mate will come up behind you and shove his peg leg up your splintered pirate hole.
I'm not in it to win yet. If my horse gets at least 5% of the vote I'll be satisfied enough.
Gas yourself you fucking homo.
Feminist voting for Trump tbh.
>implying picking which puppet head actually matters
as opposed to paying for mosques for a religion that has no right, moral or logic to be in the United States, and more immigrants on welfare eating it up as well as general shitheads from our own society.
I'm down for a wall that might possibly help keep America white again. I'm obviously unable to know what race you are, but I would think that a country founded almost entirely with 100% white males and females that has achieved so much in such a short period of time, to now we are at less than 50% white without the fake "mexicans considered white" bullshit and our country is going to shit. Logically why does nobody correlate this together. Not everyone has to be white of course, but most countries that are majority white, are leagues above other countries
do women really hate Trump ?
dunno why but she makes my dick hard
Their horse already lost. Lost before the race even started. Then they told the horse that he never had a chance to win because they rigged it and the horse still went on to support the other one, because he's a useless geriatric spineless commie and that's what they do.
Because you're a degenerate
His daughter, Ivanka, is doing well with the women. I think he's polling well with the women. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but he has a real chance of pulling a lot of the 🇺🇸 together even though he's just a centrist liberal.
wew so much spook in just one post. How do you do it?
She was going to be next president back in 2012, the election is a foregone conclusion.
your memes are so weak
Doesn't make it less true :^)
why would you vote for trump when he wants to send mexicans back to mexico
He is not the fucking magical god-emperor, you faggot.
That fact that every spook and shill has been treating this election as coronation is the sole reason I am never voting for her.
nvm, i just checked.
not so well, he's a train wreck tbh
who the fuck cares about that bitch ? she's not gonna be in charge, will she ?