Alright so this guy on my Universities shitposting page created a satirical event called "GET AS MANY ILLEGALS DEPORTED AS POSSIBLE" and it is starting to get traction on twitter. This girl Alexis Isabel is threatening to dox and has already gotten her twitter army to send information on him to our school. Any help here would be appreciated. Here's the tweet that started it:
Pic related.
Alright so this guy on my Universities shitposting page created a satirical event called "GET AS MANY ILLEGALS DEPORTED...
What do we do mass report her profile?
Spam with "redpills"?
Coordination also on this thread, using same nick for identification purposes
Tis what I'm doing
of fuckin course
I wish I was still there at this point, all the happenings there would've made things more interesting.
What if she's illegal herself?
it's so based, if you still have your email, you should join our shitposting group
Were you around when UCF Underground was created?
UCF as in University of Central Florida? I'm like 20 minutes away.
dubs for truth. Yes
come chill with us sometime(namefag)
I'd love to, but I am a poorfag cripple without a car.
I don't know, but I was around during the time that one guy was going to shoot some people but instead immediately saw a cop after he walked outside his door and so he went back inside and killed himself on the spot.
oldfag, yeah. Too early for underground. Just this year
We've found her address and some other info.
4475 NW 99TH AVE sunrise FL
I'm a freshman. Underground is basically UCF/pol/
[email protected]/* */
(954) 309-7908
Snap: lexi4snap. Insta: lexi4grams. Business: [email protected]/* */
Residential Address 0 LANDIS HALL
Mailing Address PO BOX 62575
May 04, 2016 » Alexis Moncada » Address: 4475 NW 99TH AVE, Sunrise FL 33351
I love you Holla Forums
Is captain shitlord even doxxable or is he using a sock puppet
Top kek. I hope you guys can get at least a few illegals sent back to their shit hole
So OP made a stupid event and now fears to be doxed and calls his private army…
and your not going to help a fellow Pollackt?
Shill! Shill! Shill! Shill!
Yea, we don't give a shit. Full out or don't get us involved.
Although you do have a point.
Eh, if it normalizes this shit to the masses, all the better.
Fucking white knights.
why are you getting into a discussion when he is being accused of racism when talking about mexicans/latinos? first thing to do is to tell that it's not racism because latino is not a race, you can even add that latinos are white just to fuck with them
(((white))) knights
What is the info section significance of breaking links?
Pardon me, I haven't into Holla Forums as much as I should.