Why are eastern devs actually competent?

Why are eastern devs actually competent?

Asian kids are made to understand the importance of hard work and being the best that you can be. Western kids are told that they're awesome and can do no wrong and you can do it, Jimmy!

LoL is not a good example.

But that's wrong. There isn't a single eastern game that isn't on Fox Engine or MT Framework that actually runs worth a shit.

That's not what I was told. I was told I'm not worth shit unless I can make a name for myself. Then he threw bottles at me.

Plenty of shit eastern games. They don't get any popularity.

This is also true. The shitty eastern games don't make it over the ocean. So we just don't know if they exist.

You really this bored, OP?

In comparison to Riot anything about the San Fran indie clique is competent.
Riot hires retards with no qualification due to cheer nepotism which is why they take decades adding any feature to their stupid game even though they have 1500 employees.

Have you ever even played a jap game on PC user?


Brad, go home, you're high again

Riot was garbage visually in the past, most splash was just ugly. Then china got its client and redid the art with some decent stuff, riot started mixing in some of that into the NA art. Then they got these new artists that make everything the same and makes classic champions that build that game unrecognizable. League was always a bad game but nothing went right for it in the end outside maybe the porn. Game is pretty bad now.

The west is full of degenerate pussies that let themselves get spiritually raped by Kikes. Millennial basic-bitch retards you grew up with never grew up but they still make your games.

Epic meme

fuck wrong bait

Hard to tell whats worse.

You do recognize those plots, right?

Asian kids are told that they must work their entire lives and conform, or be treated like the scum of the earth social outcasts rejected by everyone and looked down upon.

The average Holla Forumstard would literally kill himself if he had to grow up in japan.

To enlighten your ignorant ass, and to answer OP at the same time:

Japanese devs are better at their job because they're literally mindless slaves that overwork themselves to death ignoring their health and their families often literally dying of work related stress and heart failures.

Isn't that why you're here?

Don't game devs in Japan have more freedom and less work? From what I understand, corporate America basically has devs releasing shit due to time constraints while nip corps understand that their consumers want quality (moreso as the modding scene is shit).

Yeah really fucking competent

t. gaijin

yep, they fule my boner.


This guy sounds like he talks with his nose instead of his mouth. I can only imagine the Slaaneshian horrors that lie in the Deviantart account he undeniably has.

They're really not. First you get shit filtered by the language and cultural barrier and then it's still programmed even worse than Assassin's Creed: Unity.

Stranger of Sword City really pissed you off, didn't it?

he's also a furfag

His points are still valid.
Save for Nintendo, I've never seen a quality video game come from Japan.