Swedes talking about major explosion in Stockholm at 00:56 (30 minutes ago)
Swedes get in here! HAPPENING?
Swedes talking about major explosion in Stockholm at 00:56 (30 minutes ago)
Swedes get in here! HAPPENING?
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Please Kek.
Is it happening?
Seriously, guys, this better be on worldwide news tomorrow or we have yet another case of MSM trying to suppress information, yet another incident to redpill the normalfags.
To clarify my phrasing, the explosion was heard all over the city. The power outtage was small and local.
Staying along for the ride , swedebros or swedish language speakers get on small new sources and see if anything pops up in the next our about the sound.
for now there's nothing on RT's website
Soon-extinct Swede here.
Nothing in msm yet.
To be fair, it's 01.55 here (that's 1.55 AM for those of you who are unfortunately using fundamentaly flawed imperial measurements.) Most news-writing Jews are in hibernation by now.
I'm calling BS untill I c some domestic reports on this. Probably a sub-station that blew out, hence power outag?
Second thread on flashback, same info, same posters pretty much:
probably just an old generator blowing up
Swede here, they said that they heard a loud bang. Not necessarily an explosion. Almost hoping for happenings to get it over with but I doubt it.
Probably a sonic boom by a passing jet.
It was just a tire blowing up.
All I heard was a balloon popping.
I reckon they were starting a race nearby.
Most likely a movie from a local drive in.
I figure street artists were playing drums.
Wouldn't an explosing substation cause huge blackouts?
This guy's probably right about it being a generator rather than a whole substation or even a power pole.
Stockholm Syndrome feels fittingly named these days. Swedish people are held hostage in their own nation by muslims and globalists, and they it's good or necessary.
I-its just a gas exploion guise!
MSM said that there were military training operations in stockholm on the 27th. Could be a cover for a bust, could be just training, could be a fuck up by them, could be goatfuckers
Would that be heard all across the city?
Explosions are normal goy. What are you, anti-science? If no one hears alloha snackbar, did 18 Swedish women and children really get incinerated? You're a fucking racist white male if you asked. It's liberating to be decapitate for Allah. It's your duty as a Swede to be killed for a shitskin.
haha fucking hell, really? Goddman war zone. Whose the Swedish information minister? The guy from Iraq? hahahah
Yes, yes go back to sleep, goy.
That's what am talking about! More of that rationalizing and doublespeak.
flashback thread now on page 2 already. Sonic boom is starting to seem likely since nobody heard any sirens and some people are now mentioning airport and air activity.
Great idea, user. Meme it.
Nothing ever happened in Sweden.
Maybe some fuse blew up, some fuses and disconnectors have explosive charges which explode making a loud bang to keep the circuit open when there's a fault in the grid, which would explain the blackout.
The explanations are getting stranger. A newspaper says it was a tiny Earthquake, a user in the chat says it must have been a workplace accident by an incompetent work crew who almost killed someone (by accident) with a high pressure water jet (?) previously. And a surveillance camera aimed at the general area is OFF for some reason…
Here's a direct link to the translated article where a seismologist claims it was an Earthquake but admits he can't rule out an explosion either.
Again the sub station shit?
I am sure we had a thread like that weeks ago.
Really made me think
German and Scandinavian languages are where "berg" comes from, it means mountain. Jews just adopted those names because they apparently had no last names when they arrived, or something weird like that. They all picked names they thought sounded nice, that's why they're all named after flowers and precious metals.
If only they had called themselves
scheissberg queefstein and victimowitz
things could have been so much better.
lmao, didn't check date. The article has nothing to do with this event, it's from 2006. I guess a user on flashback linked it to point out that earth quakes are a thing and can happen in stockholm. But an earth quake doesn't come with a single loud bang so that's bullshit.
Earth quake theory is bunk. It's either a work place / power grid incident or a sonic boom from a fighter jet.
Lightning hitting a substation.
and it blew up because there are no lightning rods installed at such a utility building, right, Jorgen Schwedenstein?
Any else remember a couple months back when a blast took out a car and shattered a bunch of windows? The official story was that there were a bunch of fireworks in the car that blew up. Something stinks in swedecuckistan and it's not just the niggers and mudslimes. They blow shit up all the time in malmo. It's a normal occourance. They're probably attempting to cover up that it's spreading.
Swedes HAVE to assume a positive, narrative compliant reason for ANY occurrence.
Thoughtcrimes are NOT acceptable in any way in sweden.
Simply thinking something outside official narrative is punishable if detected, giving voice to that thought would be literal treason to humanity in the mind of a swede.
They are proper fucked, the perfect victims for the jew.
I disagree, a lot of us understands that the reason why we don't have wahabism and islamic terrorism massmurdering children in the same manner as the rest of europe is because they get fucktons of welfare, they get left alone. Many muslims even think that theu are recieving money from the jizya tax of atheists and christians. Recently there's a rumor that the muslim brotherhood is considering moving their HQ to Sweden because they feel like they'd be more secure and have an easier time covert operating in europe from there.
We're already taken over, we've swallowed the bait, the trojan horse was accepted. The day we start having islamic terrorism, we're doing something right.
Meme carefully
Just start spreading the rumor it was a neo-nazi attack. They'll blast it all over the airwaves.
Just imagine when the pendulum swings the other way and the only acceptable narrative becomes full 1488 GTKRWN. The jews will stand no chance and be fully annihilated.
checked and f
hello newfag
No. Tell me more
>inb4 swedish underground militias start coup and removes kebab and burns churches
Rout (((them))) out Bjørg
It's probably another mud anyways, by a man can dream
I tried to find it quick, but there are so many explosion in stockholm stories I couldn't find it and I'm on break. I did see judenpresse articles about migrant grenade attacks picking up in stockholm, so at least someone is talking about it.
Read the latest entry in the flashback thread. This goy thinks someone basically tried to blow up a bridge but failed. The translation is sadly gibberish:
I'm going to have to go for the explanation of work taking place on a bridgehead and someone sabotaging it by moving explosive materials that were already on the site, causing the explosion.
This will just be discarded as a random act of vandalism, noone cares. Things like this happen all the time, the police isn't likely to do anything either.
Locally in another part of the country I just read about a mall fire started by "gangs of girls in lower teens" who are making a mess in the parking lot and used to climb onto the roof, where they used ads/fliers to start the fire which burned out a grocery store causing a few $10k of damage. There's no conclusion being drawn from this other than an open question why the parents let their kids roam freely like this.
This is Sweden after all, where nothing ever happens for a reason, any implication of actual causes behind things generate scared looks and accusations of being a conspiracy theorist nutjob.
Fuck me, we refined these pattern recognition machines in our skulls for millions of years and these kikes have managed to shut them down.
There was a another attempt maybe 2 years ago to blow a bridge in stockholm
Lots of people heard the blast but everything was blacked out by the regime
Someone on flashback took a photo of the bridge foundation and it had a blast pattern of soot
its a false flag attack.
nothing in the news so far
"stockholm explosion"
TODAY IN (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((THE SWEDISH NEWS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Meteor explosion over Stockholm.
Uploaded in the last hour or so.
This is some 1984 shit.