The older I get, the more I grow to hate this film. This is, hands down...

The older I get, the more I grow to hate this film. This is, hands down, the worst Star Wars movie in existence; Retarded plot, rehashed plot device, teddy bears with spears, and absolutely no motive for Luke to defect to the dark side. I'd rather watch two young adults fall in love in a time of 3 days from through awkward dialogue and incohesive chemistry, than discovering the two main characters who've kissed each other more times than anyone else in the OT trilogy are siblings. Face it OT cucks; this movie is just as bad as, if not, worse than (((The Force Awakens))).

Fuck off Nazi

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the main reasons why Holla Forums was ever popularized in the first place. We're here to stay faggot, get used to it.

No, fuck off back to your echo chamber.

>>>Holla Forums

u BO yet btw?

First off, he was saying Return of the Jedi was as bad as The Force Awakens. Criticism of Force Awakens is secondary here, did you even read his post at all? Secondly, what the fuck rock do you live under that you don't know Hollywood is run by Jews?

Why do goons hate correct spelling?

bcuz id driggurs u drufkuckz wen u git dalgd 2 lieg de jildrin u r

It was the only genuine kino out of the OT. Redditors like you probably think the prequels aren't kino too.

Get a loud of this shitskin.

Yeah it's not great, but still better than Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, and The Force Awakens/

fuck off back to yours
>>>Holla Forums

I don't fucking care about his opinions on shitty movies, everybody already knows all Star Wars films are overrated garbage. I just care about the fact he was being an obnoxious tinfoil wearing right-wing Nazi shoving his retarded beliefs into everything.

Rulecuck pls, nobody actually reads your posts anymore.
You should ban OP for making you mad tho.
Oh wait

There are no "nazis", there never were.
You brainwashed fucking idiot.

As for (((the force awakens))), it is pretty clear what that is.

Since when is every first post on this board Holla Forums bait?

user, I don't know if any one has told you this. Jews are evil.


Is this satire?


Since roughly June 2016


im jew


We outnumber you.
lurk moar

I think a huge abuse of power known as gamergate was the main reason. Not larping nazis that haven't gassed one kike for all your talk.

What did he meen by this?

And a cancerous butthurt commie sperg ruins another on-topic Holla Forums thread, shame. This board becomes more shit by the day because these leftist soyboys decided Holla Forums would be their battleground board to "take back" from Holla Forums. But of course their sperging only makes people hate them more, just like in real life.

The problem is either the BO won't add mods or the mods refuse to delete the constant leftist shilling and cuckposting.

Holla Forums was one of the primary boards that were massively censored during moot's betrayal, giving us little to no choice than to migrate to Holla Forums. They also expanded user base through YouTube videos and other forms of social media platforms. So, yes, from the beginning of its inception on Holla Forums, 8/pol/ has always been a large representation of Holla Forums's user population.

You've shifted the goals, of course the majority of anons here lean toward Holla Forums, particularly on common specific subjects. However, you said "main reasons," and this is inaccurate at best. Gamegate brought most anons here, including those who were never on a chan prior. The funniest part of this is that the most cancerous part of Holla Forums was detached from Holla Forums and sent running to their perpetually butthurt circlejerk Holla Forums, which means you admit to having shared a board with those faggots at one time.

this is what's considered bait nowadays? fucking pathetic, off yourself OP.


Of course gamergate was the main reason that attracted many anons to Holla Forums. Holla Forums wouldn't have had as many anons as it does now, were it not for gamergate. I didn't mean to shift the goalpost, my bad. I meant to say Holla Forums and Holla Forums are major influential boards on here that are keeping this Mongolian basket weaving image board alive.

Self unaware Holla Forumsack is self unaware

It was always the weakest link

The most hilarious thing is how many redditors Holla Forums itself has.

No the most hilarious thing is kekistan. And then when the got laughed at playing it off and pretended it was Sargoy of BLACKEDwife and the fourch crew and never them.

Like I remember being 13 and falling for memes too. But I like to think slicking back my hair and wearing a leather jacket wasn't as embarassing as that. I mean ypu can grow into that hair and look. I don't think the spraypainted bofferfoam warhammer and cape your mom made for you will age that well. Hold on to you trump stuff kiddos, it will be an interesting cautionary tale for your mixed family.

POTUS never ever faggot

Someone get this commie faggot off my website.

I was going for the Cliq look, but that is probably a little before your time. Little bit Scott Nash, little bit HBK

You must have been a pussy slayer.

Cunt Destroyer

Ladies love a leftist

you ain't kidding

Oh… sweetie…


The dialogue and character interactions are the best in this film. Just the plot and battles suffer because of the bear shit. First half did nothing wrong

Lol what a triggered faggot

Nothing is worse than the force awakens

This "oh sweetie" transgender faggot meme needs to die, fast