Wurm Unlimited: Construction Edition

Let's play some fucking Wurm UnlimitedThe fledgling town of Brosmouth is looking for new people.

We currently have about 30+ members and are witnessing the start of booming industry.

Best of all, it's completely free. No level restrictions, plus boosted rates compared to Wurm Online.

4x Action speed, and 4x Skill gain speed.

Old client: kat.cr/wurm-unlimited-wrc-03-23-2016-t12305659.html

Torrent Hash: 29a20ee9d5960d3fe1aafc1e42134c8e64aa1276


if you've played before you will lose your character if you don't

New client: mega.nz/#!CFhzyTwA!9iODdZa5ICE1k9xsnZ7q8oMlzoUCHGz87StMlVkOEas

Torrent Hash: 700bbcc83d0abdda15c072c7d53779becc9ffec6

Auto-updater: wurmian.cloudapp.net/upd.zip


Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher\PlayerFiles\configs\default


use_nagles_algorithm from false to true

chat_censor from true to false

IP Address:

additional server info: wurmian.cloudapp.net/

Start on 'Freedom', you will spawn in The Liberty.

We have settled on F2 - Position 2250, 650.

Q: "I don't know how to play! What do I do?"

A: wurmpedia.com/index.php/Main_Page

Q: "But how do I-"

A: wurmpedia.com/index.php/Main_Page

Q: "Yeah but-"

A: wurmpedia.com/index.php/Main_Page


Other urls found in this thread:


Christ, man, at least try and format the OP.

I'll format you, you little bitch. Fight me.

Looks pretty nifty.
Just to be clear:

Seems like a fun game. Maybe I will install it once I install windows on this machine.

t. Trisquel user

I don't like this meme

This is probably the rarest thing I will ever find in this and it's a fucking log.

How's this for a better formatted OP?

Let's play some fucking Wurm Unlimited. The fledgling town of Brosmouth and her colony are looking for new people.We currently have about 30+ members and are witnessing the start of booming industry.Best of all, it's completely free. No level restrictions, plus boosted rates compared to Wurm Online.4x Action speed, and 4x Skill gain speed.>DownloadsOld client: kat.cr/wurm-unlimited-wrc-03-23-2016-t12305659.htmlTorrent Hash: 29a20ee9d5960d3fe1aafc1e42134c8e64aa1276==IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A CHARACTER BACK UP YOUR PLAYERFILES AND SMARTSTEAMEMU FOLDERS BEFORE UPDATING THE CLIENT OR YOU'LL LOSE THEM==Optional new client: mega.nz/#!CFhzyTwA!9iODdZa5ICE1k9xsnZ7q8oMlzoUCHGz87StMlVkOEasTorrent Hash: 700bbcc83d0abdda15c072c7d53779becc9ffec6Auto-updater: wurmian.cloudapp.net/upd.zip>After you have downloadedInstall, update, find gamesettings.txt in Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher\PlayerFiles\configs\default, and make the following changesuse_nagles_algorithm from false to truechat_censor from true to false>ServerIP Address: server info: wurmian.cloudapp.net/Start on 'Freedom', you will spawn in The Liberty.We have settled on F2 - Position 2250, 650.>whaa whaa it doesn't werk!Use a 64x OS.>I can't connect halpClose and try again.>okay I'm at spawn, can someone come pick me up?If you don't have the attention span to make the walk, the game is not for you. Complete the tutorial and start walking. Once you arrive, tell someone in the local chat that you're from the thread and they'll add you to the village chat.>Answers to every gameplay related questionwurmpedia.com/index.php/Main_PageAlso press h in game.==IF YOU ARE NEW THEN BUILD A CART. IT IS THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD DO.==

Log so supreme you carve up a dream.


Clean Shit

is there any way to run this through wine ?

Game runs on java, but i don't know if you can just run one of the jars because there's a .exe launcher. don't know if the launcher is actually just a .jar packed into a simple .exe either

I just got a rare copper coin.

What does money even do?


put the rare copper coin in the bank or if you aren't a jew sacrifice it at your god's altar

When is someone going to do the right thing and make a Jewish cabal to dominate Brosmouth.

Thank you for the sound advice. Do we have a bank in Brosmouth or will I have to trudge all the way back to the spawn?

The town's token is the bank, all towns have one just like the spawn town

What's up with the other areas on that map (wondering the most about Zanzibarland)?

Other areas are other players towns. Zanzibar is a colony of Brosmouth, it's a smaller town.

buy anything you want at the trader from the spawn point, or buy a trader contract with 10silver and jew everyone in town with exclusive shit only you can produce

Well then, I'm going to be setting myself up there, any support given to colonists?

We give plenty of help to newbies, we also got alot of trees so it's easier to make your house. PM BigguBossu if you need a lift.

Well, I quickly got into the game and made my character, but then I had to go help my boyfriend with something. Not sure if character raped and murdered and spawn

I'll be properly playing for the first time either in a few hours or tomorrow. I'll read up on the wiki, but any specific shit I need to know about the aid given to newbies and colonists would be great (or the name of someone I can find in-game to talk to).

Sure thing, try to walk here to get a feel for the controls, if you get stuck then send me a PM

Two questions:

What's the history of Brosmouth and who founded it? 8ch?

And is this natively compatible on Linux ?

It started on an 8ch thread about Wurm, someone found the pirated server and we started getting things set up.

Why nagle? Won't it lead to more latency?

Apparently some oldfags from the previous bro settlements back in the wurm thread in halfchan 2012 made this one

I can now confirm that it does not. I'll be trying to get it to work with wine.

That's pretty neat. They became a real superpower on the server didn't they? Mainly going up against the Russians.

Is this game actually good?
What is there to do?

chop trees, build cart, build house.

Not true Afaik. Me and Burzan (Who played Wurm before with Holla Forums) were the two original people. I was never part of the Holla Forums wurm stuff.

Although none of this really matters

This is how all that false genealogy shit keeps happening throughout history


Is there any way to relock a cart or did I just fucking destroy my cart?

Use the lock you got from unlocking it.

What is this

Thank you, I'm retarded.

How do I iron for the cart? Maybe I started building too soon…

I know what it is, I was just asking why it should be used, but after seeing the pace the game is set at I guess it's no big deal.

I giggled

try again you nigger

My bad. Yeah, this game isn't one that is going to necessitate a

Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to make a road to the gates when it's gotta go through someone's fucking backyard?
Think before you plan, jesus christ.

are you hosting the server?


It's a Yuro server.



oh shit i forgot my post


oh I thought you were doing some avant garde way of saying ">implying"

I'm imagining some scenario where Nikolai pulls some favors with the warden to get into his office and, after hours, he sets up a wurm unlimited server to run in the background.

Actually I like ruskies. They hate sandniggers as much as I do

What kind of faggot doesn't like ruskies, fam?

a goddamn communist, that's who


How do you use the updater? Just unzip the files straight into the WRC folder or what?




Fags in town nigga


some pics

Damn, should've joined in with FS 1



Is there anything I can do about this? I want to build my estate on the side of a hill and I've already torn up a good bit of it just digging.

you can mine down rock tiles with a pickaxe to change the slope, can take a mountain down to the water level if you want there is a mod on this server idk if its currently broken our not , but the other pickaxe you can make the Albazurith or w/e the fuck is called has a bonus to surface mining more than the other pickaxe

It isn't a rock tile though. I'm trying to level a dirt tile and it keeps telling me I'm hitting rock, but when I switch to my pickaxe I have no options.

yeah, you gotta hit each corner with a shovel, until, the dirt is gone, then mine the actual rock tiles down to make it flat if thats your goal

Got it, thanks. That's a bit of a pain in the ass.

This looks like it could be fun.
I'll be on later

or, drop 3 dirt on that tile, flatten, then relevel everything based on that tiles new height

yeah terraforming too close to the rock/dirt layer sucks fucking ass, and theres no way to know its there until you already start flattening and run into it

Alright fuck me I guess, time to find a new spot.

if you drop a few dirt on that rock tile to make up for the rock in 1 corner, then flatten so you get a flat tile of dirt, then relevel out from that spot you wont have to forfiet whatever work you've already done, you just gotta go back and raise the level of the other tiles

Does ping ever matter in this game?. I mean if it's a yuro server, my ping would be like 300+.

Im an argie

Is there magic, and how in depth and good is it?
Can I summon spooky skeletons?
Can I waste hopeless amount of times amassing a shitload of mana to perform a extremely complicated plan that consists of a sinkhole, on-the-spot alchemy to turn dirt into oil/shit, and on top of all of that create a fireball to light the fucks up?
the only game I can do such a thing in so far is unfortunately Minecraft with a combination of a grenade, fireball from any generic magic mod, and oil from buildcraft.

also judging from how other MMO saunas last on here, how long does this have left before most people leave due to boredom and disinterest.
being a summerfag, I can never really get into MMO games.

Excuse me?


I am

is other guy, but seconding what he said about magic and summoning shit up.


You know those ugly boulders that are up in the dirt? When I build a house, will those bastards stick up out of the floorboards? How do I get rid of them? The pickaxe isn't doing anything.

pack the dirt, then pave the dirt with rock slabs

Packing got rid of them. I plan to lay down floors so it's all good.

if you say so :^)

Is there any way to return grass to a tile that's been dug? It looks so ugly.

anyone has 32 bit launcher?
Pls respond ;_;


Besides smelters and some bigger projects what can masons even do in this game

Fuck this, I'm just going to walk to Brosmouth.

I'm new and I want to be a priest if that makes you feel better


statues, stone houses, stone walls

Just improve it. As long as you don't get fucked and need a hide you should be able to put everything together, especially if you've put a boat together from nothing.

I must have gotten especially lucky early on because I managed to low level butcher out two pelts so far.

anyone in either brosmouth or zanzibar that can make 2 cordage rope? will compensate with whatever

Are you guys gonna build a cobblestone road back to Liberty ?
I live nearby and it would be really helpful if we have a road to use.I will help with materials if needed.

Yeah man, I'm working on getting a road connecting us to other towns, don't worry.

When I run the launcher it does nothing. I extracted the updater and ran the updater.cmd in the Wurm Launcher folder. What am I doing wrong? I would really like to play this

Thanks, i live in a settlement west of Zanzibarland. Most trouble i have is to find a way to go around Taka no den, i always got lost and wander off somewhere.

make sure your config is set up properly, and follow pic related

My current problem is I can get it to launch and connect to server, but I keep disconnecting as soon as I am actually in the server.

Who's the autismo that wanted that big rectangle levelled?
You made a bad decision to raise up the lower part of the hill, that will take a metric ton of dirt that we can't get without fucking the landscape.
I really wish I could just dig it all out

No, then I'm not doing that.
Fuck off, southfag.

Walls done but a few gates, whats next niggers, were we gonna put the colossus('s)

Either side of Trump mountain, the beach, pick faggots

I changed the "use_nagles_algorithm" and "censor_chat" settings in the txt.
As for the properties files I changed the few to .properties1 and it stops working immediately upon launch. I don't have the compass, toolbelt, and tooltips properties for some reason.

No one ask you to make a road to my place, im just asking if you guys are going to make a road FROM Zanzibarland to Liberty.

If you have no luck, post this again. I'm going to bed but I'll come make them if you gather enough wemp. Get extra, it's tough to make and removes wemp for each failure.

I know your pain bro. We're all gonna make it.


No, fuck you, I don't live in Zanzishitland.

No natives allowed to live in Zanzibarland

You damn muricans ..
And no i don't want to live in Zanzishitland of your.

TRUMP 2016


yeah idk, thought that might help because I saw it in last thread. Do you have up to date c++? microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=26999

I'm still crashing as soon as loading screen / >welcome to WRC is finished
Oh, I figured it out.
I had to turn glsl_enabled=2 to =0

oops, meant to quote>>9604580

get on you nigger

If you made the west gate a few tiles north you wouldn't have that problem there.

Well I didn't make the fucking wall, and I didn't make the fucking houses, so at least let me try and make some fucking roads.

Could you put a gate back up in the north west? Doesn't help help that Brosmouth is impossible to escape to begin with.

Everything is updated but still no dice.
Should I try the older client instead?

fuck yes user i fucking love you. i've been meaning to get wurm but i'm too much of a poorfag atm.

will there be a giant swatstika monument built sometime in the future?

posting this again because some idiot decided it would be funny to set up a tent called Church of Fo ON the fucking bounding box of the tree preservatory and erect stone walls around it

please don't do that shit unless you don't want a sustainable wood industry with added fruits as a bonus

Probably, I'm having performance issues and I can't even get the settings to open personally so I'm going to try using the old client as well.

In an hour or so

would anyone mind setting all their options to low and uploading gamesettings.txt to somewhere like hastebin.com ?
when I click the settings button it just turns white and doesn't do anything, and nothing happens when I click the cog on the launcher.

You have a moment of inspiration…

You almost made it,

No surprises here.


now what's needed?

Did you fix the settings window? Seems to be a common problem I can't an answer to.

I alt tabbed to get to it, it hides behind the game window otherwise

Hmm. I downloaded the old client and it's still not responding upon running both the updater and the launcher.


So hey, I'm trapped in Brosmouth, I'm not willing to die just to get out. I have one question, do lockpicks work on this server?

At least I finished my muthafuckin small cart after 7 hours, but to be fair I spent way too long mining ore and smelting it so I wouldn't have to make return trips without the cart.

im aus too and its not even bad nigger

jesus, this game is bad.

No it's just the server owner (Fuck you Pown) refuse to have more than 1GB of memory, this game suppose to run smooth even on warm rocks because you can optimize it to pre 2010 graphics

Hey nignog, why did you make the conservatory so high? It'd be easier to make it lower and dig deep. Digging is easier than placing dirt.

Was for me last night.

Why does it even need to be flat?

I picked a spot, went half the distance up the slope and started from there
I didn't start at the top of the slope and try raise it all
I also didn't want to deal with the fucking rock that you have to excavate all around to even be able to dig that shit
but feel free to start lower everything down to a level you are more comfortable with


I cannot stress how fucking good huge axes are when you're in a group in PvE. If you have not chopped enough trees to get your huge axe skill up to 20 you are playing the game wrong.

its so lonely in here atm

its good for pvp also if you out number them

if only there was some nigger solo in the HOTA atm that you faggots could come fight…

I need to go to bed 2 hours ago, m8.
I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow, after I push the boat that I finally managed to get up to useable quality into the sea.

And on the third day, user set sail.

Someone build up two walls on the close and far end of the plot, it makes it look like everything is supposed to be that exact elevation. If there's rock close under the ground then I won't dig deeper.

Probably because it's easier to navigate and keep track of the trees

That's not even a potato you've got, it's a potential potato. It could grow into a potato if ~you~ weren't a potato.

Wurm is terribly optimized if you use the default graphics settings. I can play most of the brand new games on high settings with 40-60 framerates, but this pile of turds runs at 10 FPS in the town unless I make all the settings really low.

You guy's letting Aussies in?
Or are we already all Black listed :^)

There's at least 2 people in Australia playing, myself included, that I know of.

my pc/gpu is like 10years old and this runs at 30fps fine for me

Oh, that's a surprise.
Hows the ping?

ping doesnt even matter as long as you use that nagles algorithm shit in the config to prevent the server itself from lagging
t. other australian

Install a 64 bit OS user.

I said two people in Australia playing, not two Australians. I'm only half Australian. I was born in and consider myself a Kiwilander.

go sniff petrol elsewhere

Are you genuinely retarded?

doesnt matter to me you chink dog eating petrol sniffing sudanese maori cunt


is there a fix for the settings window not working at all

lol make me


ausfag town when?


how to make those cool walls? As usual, the wiki have no info on anything

Evidently not. :^)

When we need a prison. :^)

I am using a huge axe, should I go aggressive fighting or keep with my 15ish normal fighting?

I am planning on keep using my leather armor, only improving it's quality


anything else you need me to type into google for you? you fucking retard


they remade the graphics then, it used to be just some tall version of the small stone fence thingy

since when it actually looks good?

yeah, that gate don't seem like the high iron fence gate, so what is it?

Well, she ain't much, but I'm proud of her thus far.

I'm thinking of naming the eventual house Shotastead, with a statue of a girl boy in a dress up front.

That's because is isn't one of those you fucking moron.


Play the game yourself, you faggot. It literally straight up tells you.

Well I'll spoil the mood and not be an unreasonable ass about it; it's a Portcullis bruv.


dang, no wonder searching for 'gate' was not finding it, thanks

I don't live in broville or whatever, I can't as easily just walk there and check the name

Pardon me for not answering stupid questions what are easy as fuck to find out about.


how exactly was I supposed to know that was an Portcullis?

For future reference

1. Know what a portcullis is in the first place. Pretty basic little item.
2. Learn to search properly. Not as hard as you think.

Meanwhile I can't excuse my lack of knowledge in English to know that it was an Portcullis

How can one search for a name one does not know? That's way harder than you think, or is there an certain procedure to go through it?


Search for similar items. In this case, it was a wall component. Try "wall".

gate returns a similarly useless page (for the sake of finding the portcullis)

make me
were you not expecting to interact with fucking autists here?
I am even saging since this is severely off topic

Portcullus does not show up on the page for Wall on Wurmpedia. It does not show up on the pages for Door or Gate as well.

All this to excuse yourself from being helpful and saying one word. Portcullus. All it would've taken and no one would've have taken to avoid all of this.

I must be tired to fuck up sentences this much.

Anyone want to make an island off the coast of brosmouth with me and build big walls around it to keep out the zanzibarfags?

Nice fucking kick

That's pretty fucking stupid of their system, but aight.

Regardless, I am not a fan of spoon feeding to such a degree.

you seem really upset

How many people are even in Zanzifagland? And does Brosmouth's wall encircle it anyway (well, when it's finished, anyway)?

Then why say anything at all to begin with? If that were true and the idea of being helpful by saying a single word is so damn triggering to you would've ignored the comment and even filtered it. All you wanted to was sound superior by withholding information, which is the most sad damn thing on the entire planet. Well now he knows the word that you know too and out of the exchange he's at least learned something where you've appeared as a big pathetic baby. Congratulations on that.

[08:52:11] The server is shutting down in 2 minutes. Reason: QUICK RESTART

admin is removing the swastika from above the town

We had a swastika?

God damn it, guys.
Can't go for three minutes without your crazy graffiti.

What fascists.

Did they leave the TRUMP 2016?

I was thinking of making one myself when I ran across it, how odd.

Stop "white-knighting" the stupid. The cure to stupid is only death.

He was not withholding information.
The info was there available in a piss-easy enviroment. If can't/won't/doesn't want to find easy accessible information, then he does not deserve pity of any kind.

yes, and the butthurt russian admin saw and decided he goin to remove it

Did you even read the discussion?
wall, door nor gate will find the portcullis in the wiki

how is that easy and accessible? maybe you need a dose of your own medicine

how did you know

Now we're just going to draw them everywhere.

Look at me race to give you a serious reply!

Fucking slavs.

Zanzidirt has about at least a dozen players now.

You just had to say it

Man, I completely forget what I did with all my clay.

People like you are the reason the Wurm Wiki was dog shit for years. Not everyone is as autistic as you.

Interesting. What's the pop of Brosmouth at now? I've made my place outside the walls so I don't see much of what happens in there.

serbs back on

the overpop is so bad that i have to just live in my cart

I updated the client, but the live map is gone. Is there a way to get it back or is it just outdated now?

>2 redirects from wurmpedia.com/index.php/Wall

If you can't do that much You are clinically retarded

Sleep bonus refill?

Not for me

>2 redirects from wurmpedia.com/index.php/Wall
I see none, what you even mean by that?

[09:16:26] did anyone believe my story of the admin restarting the server to remove the swastika

Remember you can buy a HOT meal made of 3 fillets of the highest quality meat, secret family spices and vegetables harvested localy, all for just 5 iron coins from the maid in the bird in the hole inn

And if you are tired, you can always come and rent a bed for only 25 iron coins

[22:47:55] im a big faggot xDDD

how much to come in again?

He's lying again

Head west of Brosmouth. There's a big hill that has been deforested and is just empty lebensraum waiting to be flattened and populated.

It isn't even high quality.

Its like you actually LIKE shit

That looks pretty gross lad

It's like, 50 quality or something?



Last I saw, it wasn't even above 10.

>>>Holla Forums

Go back to your containment board fucking retard.



I make 15 quality casseroles with leftover shit I catch on the ground



Stormcucks are paranoid schizophrenics and do not belong in Holla Forums.

Shitposting should be a bannable offense.


Also, the meals weren't very good either.,

user, there's a TRUMP 2016 and FAG carved into the landscape. Along with a swastika.

If you think any of us a serious about anything other than the condemnation of Zanzibarland then you're a big silly willy.

You're gonna get shiggy diggy'd in the jimmies for that memetastic outburst, and also check my dubs.

I got you fam

user, I hate Holla Forums as much as the next guy, but this case isn't even anything fucking serious.
The guy just posted a humerous picture.
If you are really so autistic that you get triggered over shit so tiny, you may want to look towards more 'safe place' places, like reddit or tumblr.


To elaborate, due to both my job and education, I don't have time to play as much vidya as before. In games such as Wakfu and Rust, such a thing is bad because both games will punish you for being offline, which is terrible in game design decisions but some CEO faggot greenlighted it through.


You faggots need pelts?
I could send over my old ones rather than tossing them aside like I've been doing

I didn't used to, to be fair. But 8/pol/ is just plain awful. A massive hugbox echochamber what bans folk with dissenting opinions.
Or at least, it was last I looked at it. Unless stuff's changed in the last three, four, maybe more months, it's that way.

I miss going to Holla Forums and actually learning shit.

>>>Holla Forums

Go back to your echo chamber.

Get this shit out of here

how about you chill out by sucking your boyfriends cock

We need an exchange or something. The amount of shit just left laying where ever because players don't need it is abysmal.

Despite there being a wood shortage I've seen tens of dozens piles of logs, planks or sticks left all over the countryside and in the streets of Brosmouth.


I just loaded 33 logs in the morty and clay bin outside the mine, not sure where to put them

you mean Brick and Morty?



Also im working on the quality fams, get yer shit together all of them are +10ql but its really hard to level this shit up and i serve them hot, that gives a +8% nutrition bonus, something no other food has

No matter what my meals wil get you to 60-70 nutrition, while most of the other shit fights to keep you near 40%, Dont be a nigger, eat fresh

We need to do something about the littering. I have no idea if it's okay to take this shit or not. I found some random ass key in the middle of the street. There's a skeleton on the beach, I can't tell if that means he's given up on the game and his stuff is free reign or not. Shit's ugly.

We need to build a trash bin at every district

be the trash man, take everything worth something and shove it in the communist depo, the bin the rest. Dont forget to meme about it all day.

my 15 quality casseroles keeps me at 43

Define some rules about item keeping, make so that any item in the middle of the fucking street is free game, don't want your shit taken, don't litter the street with it

or something along these lines


If I had a large cart I would, but I'm not hauling my small one around slowly to gather everything that falls.

The only rule that needs to exist is "Don't leave your shit in the street you fucking animal" or something along those lines.

Who the fuck would want to join a town that's already built?

Wurm is all about bulding your own village.

Also is this an amerifag server?

Fuck, even the animals know to clean up the place.

You don't fool me

there are people eating this thing

No we have tons of unfinished shit and projects that require at least 5 specialists



Do I need to actually buy the game to play this or can I just download the client and go?

nigga you think any of us bought the game?
well, some did but not for this

Alright, I'm downloading.

Also what's the Updater for?

For updating.

I played his back a long while ago. You faggots make me wanna play it again.

Also before I fuck up. Does it matter if I get the which client I get?

Does it matter which client*

Fucking hell I'm tired

Do NOT get the free one. Can't use the free one. Either the paid one or the pirated paid one are needed to connect via IP.

get one, the one from OP

Do it. We are basically creating our own Banished village and it is somehow working because of sheer autism

Get the client from the OP. Don't buy their shit off Steam.

Oops, nevermind. Listen to him.

What does Improving do?

I can improve my fence and have just improved my statue but I have no idea if it actually does anything. I noticed no physical change on the statue but then I wasn't really looking.

Nigga I sympathize, I was in Broshitville the other day and saw that gates are call portcullis and I knew right then there were going to be people wondering how the fuck to make a gate and where to find it.

Alright thanks. Will see your asses soon enough.

that the one marked as new client in the OP

Walk your way over to us. Walking builds character.

I'll walk like a running nigger.

forage and botanize the grass on your way over for some food

Fuck that shit, steal pumpkins when you see someone setting that shit down.


the new guys have a buff that decreases their aggro range for 24hours of online time

improving most items increase their durability

Imping tools increase their success chance in crafts, higher skill gains and faster action bar

High QL materials also determine the final quality of the product, cap with your current skill


Played this before you nigger. Read.

Better yet use your sickle on the trees to get sprouts. We need some fucking trees.

So it doesn't visually improve any item then?

For buildings I think it makes them decay slower.

Nah, although when items decay past 60 DMG they look much worse, so improving them will keep them look clean and nice for a long time

Okay, thanks.

I mean the number goes up!

what more could you want?!

So this map is huge as fuck.
How does PvP work? I want to eventually make a town where we act as vikings.

Also are all gods and shrines on this map?

Well I was hoping my /cuteboy/ statue would look more cute, but it's as good as it'll ever get I guess.

Shut it down.

they know.

Its because you can never play with Holla Forums without some retard announcing to the world where they come from.
Same shit happened with Dragon Dogma online.
Not that it was bad that it happened, it was a shit game anyway.

All it took was one autist that shouted "HAY 8/V/ WHER R U GUIS?" and then they found out

I like to watch my train wrecks from a good distance.

Do you guys think we should create a taxi service from spawn to Brosmouth or should it be a pilgrimage for newfags to prove that they are one of us?

God I saw that happening in real time - shit is cringey. Still, it's not as bad as those ones who were telling people to come to Holla Forums and then some faggot actually showed up because of them.

hes the guy that had his bed, 300 cotton and other shit stolen straight out of his place by us

Pnut please leave

Walking is a rite of passage.

are you shitting me?
i went there for like 4 round trips

I thought that was Rice?

X is autorun it takes literally like 5 minutes

Do people really struggle with it?
I mean at most I walked around a troll.

pls respond


Why did I spend a couple hours making two Nymph statues and renaming them as /cuteboys/?

My life is mildly rotating, in what could potentially become a spin, out of my expected pathway in life.


We have Mag shrine in the mine
Fo shrine at north eastern wall
Dunno where the Vyn one is at but its in town

PvP has its own designated area, everyday

Kill yourself my man

do what in your heart you know to be the best for your penis.

Well now it is a fucking cakewalk because of the maps but at the start anons would get lost and have to find their way on their own.

Mostly so newfags learn to at least forage, drink water and use the compass

You both give such good advice.

Come back when you've set up a cave deep in a mountain and filled it with 100 statues of little girls, all staring at the entrance.

Someone needs to make a list of abandoned houses.
I'm sick of walking past the same half-finished shack for a week. Fuck you, Joolius.


Me talking about Holla Forums on the server isn't the first time it's happened btw, lamar is a complete nigger and straight up told the admins when he started that 'he was told on Holla Forums that a town was made in F2'
Allahu Shitpost

- Holla Forums


I thought part of this game was village warring against each other.
No edgy death waifu god?

I guess it's too late to reorganize the town into a better layout, just a straight up grid pattern. It would be easier to navigate and see which places are abandoned. I've been through town several times and have no idea if anything's occupied or not.

Not laying city blocks define by cobblestone paths with nine equal if unmarked divisions within that city block was a mistake. It's all higgledy-piggledy now.

Not having a city layout oversight committee/general user guide was a big mistake. In my opinion, at least.

You have most certainly never looted my shit before, I live on the complete opposite end of the map than Brosmouth/Zanzibar. And I keep all my good shit behind decent-quality locks.

Let me rephrase what I said, the only reason I knew to come here was because of Lamar spouting off where you guys are from. Only a few people in the server don't know where you fags are coming from, everyone else is completely aware.

I don't think I could be more disgusted with you if I tried.
Shut the fuck up. Never post at me like that again, you vile, reprehensible human being.

Why do you even post here?
Fuck off.

If everyone in these threads updates on a map where they have buildings? Would also be a good idea to get a census of the population too, and what everyone occupations are, or whatever.

It's like you hate having fun user

I knew lamar was a nigger from the moment I saw him

I want to make a split from Brosmouth, there are several tiny islands I would like to build on.
Fortify and make a temple to some Eldritch god.
Too bad the entire map isn't pvp otherwise we could make a longboat and go raiding.

Really? This is the line? We carved TRUMP 2016, FAG, a swastika into the mountain side knowing full well it might lead to bans because people get up their asscanal over that shit but the idea, in hindsight, that we should've laid the city out a little bit better is fucking abhorrent to you?

Orcs don't build Tudor-style buildings user. And even then orcs tend to clean the streets of animal carcasses instead of just letting good meat go spoiled.

Because it's hilarious to see you faggots sperg out about your ebin sekrit club.
for srs tho you idk what you guys thought would happen

do you realy think people on here would take the time needed to check out the server rules?

and then to abide by them?
it's like you don't know where you are


The only reason we try not to advertise is to keep super-sensetive people away from us. Because the fact of the matter is they'll complain about being offended and we won't give a fuck, but it'll cause needless conflict outside of things that actual make the game more interesting. Things like raiding or wrecking someone's shit.

As soon as people see it as anything more than a video game and bring in their personal feelings it ruins shit.

Keeping normalfags out is as much for their sake as it is for ours, that's just common sense.

Yeah, that is the line, because grid cities are fucking horrible without exception.
I want to live in a quaint bro town, I don't want to subject myself to Commissar user's fucking retarded planned bullshit.
The maximum amount of planning I'm okay with is a big road through the middle of town. Every other idea is shit and garbage, fuck you.

it's like you like to play inefficient and make everything a chore

Grid irons are ugly and boring as fuck. Nobody will be happy being constrained with a small designated building area.

Which island? There's none near Brosmouth.

That would make quite a few buildings to keep track of.

No. Did you not understand my point?

Oh I never expected it. I'm just saying in hindsight it would've been easier for us now.

Lol ok.

Like I said, I think it was a mistake because we can't tell ass from elbow within the city. Even Rome had city layout designs. Don't get your ass in a twist.

I play to make things look good'. I play to make a beautiful city.'' And here you two fags come with your shit grid ideas like anybody fucking cares.
If you want your shit ass grid shitbox, then fuck off and go make it, I don't care. But that shit will never come to Brosmouth. Never ever. Go fix what's wrong with the city instead of bitching about it.
But you're not, are you?
Fuck you.

They could be 5x5 or 20x20 for all I care. I'd just like some semblance of a city layout so we can navigate the area easier. It would make spotting abandoned sites easier.

Yeah one of the tiny ones down south.
Some people spawn at the other area and walk that way.
I mean I'm a scrub, I have no idea what I'm suggesting actually entails.
I guess I'm suggesting an idea and seeing if its feasible or not.
However a fucking island fort/temple would be fucking sick.

Then go fucking make one.

This isn't a fucking singleplayer strategy game. There are 30+ people with different ideas and playstyles, and you're not the one to decide who plays how and who settles how unless you make your own shitty settlement.

Ok, now you're sounding retarded. We literally are talking about how to fix it, faggot.

Guys will you faggots calm down.
I see what both of you nerds are saying.
One user is only try to argue the sense it would make while you are trying to argue the reality.
Its an argument without end because in essence you're not even arguing the same thing.

The only complaint I have with Brosmouth is the lack of one key hill in the center.

we have hole tho

Gee, it's almost like it takes longer than a fucking week to make a city.
Get fucked, dumbass.

Maybe you're playing the wrong game.

As a Zanzibarian my only complaint with Brosmouth is the fucking wall you built to keep us out.

Well, you shouldn't have seceded, then. Should you?

Awful lot of logistics and I'm not sure what spawn would get people there closest.

Eh. No real point making an organized city layout of it's only one person.

So do you, don't make you valuable.


Who let the 'Zanzibarian' scum in here?

The wall's been there since day 2.
We didn't build it to keep you out, you just decided to leave. Stay mad.

I never want to hear you bitch about this in these threads ever again.

I'm going to reply to your comment with the word 'Bitch' in every single one of these threads for as long as I live.

pixels in virtual reality > human life

described your life pretty well there

I want everyone to look at this guy. Wurm requires the good sort of autism This right here is the bad sort of autism. Do you even know what you're arguing about, bub?

>our in-progress city
You're the retard here. Step 1 to fixing Brosmouth? Gee, I dunno what about fucking finishing it?

Yes, then we're on the side fucking side. Holy shit. We were talking about cleaning up abandoned houses before you went apeshit.

Well maybe if people didn't try and bring their singleplayer Simcity autism into a fucking MMO, I wouldn't go apeshit.

I just started and have no fucking idea what I'm doing. I got killed by a troll then went back and almost got killed again.

Has it been proven yet that a human life is some how more valuable than a virtual one and nobody told me?

I could conquer the entire known world, and it would still be a speck of blue cosmic dust in a massive ever expanding universe.

Oh we a hella past autosage at this point.

Hold on I'll throw up a new one.

Guess I'll make a small house near the island and work to make a boat.
I have some of the purest and strongest autism.

Good. We need a fucking clean slate.

It'll just get bumplocked.
We've been doing this for what, a dozen threads now? Wait until we're on page 13.

One time we went well into 500 posts until a new bread was made. We are good.


Too late it's up.

why does one anons, specifically ab6004, opinion on how the city should be built matter more than other anons opinion?

I agree about getting rid of abandoned houses, but this thing is that you want to insert city simulation game bullshit into an MMO, all the while putting aside the fact that not only is this an in-progress town, but that most players do not want to be that organized and efficient. Fun is what this is all about.

You don't need the entire link newfag.

That will redirect automatically.

It doesn't you fucking idiot. You dense motherfucker.
You think just because I call you names that I think I'm more important than you? No, you're just a fucking no name faggot just like I am.
Fuck off, retard.

Read the IDs again, dickhead.

it's hilarious watching brosmouth falseflag themselves and create conflict where there is none

This is my room in Birds in the hole

I saw lamar talkin shit too. Jews abound.

Relax bud, I marked it because of the 'abandoned house' thing. No need to sperg out.

meant for ID 140093 if it wasn't clear enough.

I guess that's fair enough
hmu if you guys need any nickel, though, I have a Nickel mine.
I have a Copper mine somewhere too, but it's a pain in the ass to get to.

it will just get bumplocked and pushed off the board
page 13 or 750 posts is when you make a new thread newfag


Human instinct user, they're both equally worthless but a species without an irrational force driving them can't survive


that fucker has been around for a while, guess his owner logged out outside your house

Carrier with 4 people here my net is recovering


Oh so its not just me

Are we banned

>You got disconnected from the server for some reason:

no, the server just said fuck you either because it's starting up and is busy or it recieved too many connection attempts as you tried to log on

[15:28:22] firewall disliked something and banned almost all connections)))

o fuck are they actually russian


Well that or half (((jew)))

Well, I'm dragging my cart all the way to Brosmouth through hordes of slow trolls. Is there something I can do once I arrive there, any way I can be useful apart from dragging pieces of wood?

We can use more sprouts, the forest around us is shrinking

Grids are fucking ugly as fuck
It makes everything look robotic and systematic. Real villages in the time were built as needed, not to satisfy some organization fetishist. The town looks really good when things are on different levels and orientations.

We just need to even some of the roads.

did you and some whiskyfag just roll into town?

Yep, who do I talk to / what am I supposed to do?

Get a horse quick if you can, then make a small cart to drag heavylifting around and make all the tools you can to get rid your newbie tools as soon as possible, then make large cart and find another horse.

Do we need any fishers? I'm trying to find something to specialize in, and there are fuckloads of carpenters, miners, chefs, and smiths.

I have horses to give away

This. Also the roads leading out of the gates should be straight, fuck that fag on the westside.

Daily reminder to burn down Nkdragunov's inn since he wants to steal our food and resell it.

b-but i live there

Pogrom, lynch the kike

N-No-one is going to answer me?

you mad

food and cooked food is always needed, but don't know how fun fishing would be
go for it but don't neglect to train some other stuff aswell

I think there's another fisher that'd like to fish with you

Oh shit guys


cool trailer
too bad it's a trailer

Don't show the gridautist this trailer, he'll blow a gasket.

brown is roads, dark green is planted trees, light green is space where trees can self plant OR when needed used as extra space for more trees

assuming trees take 1 week to grow through it's entire life cycle, this gives us a maximum of 9 trees of each kind per day while using all available space to grow trees once the farm has been cycled over the course of a week

this is also assuming that we get our hands on some oak sprouts of high quality and that we have a forester with a high enough skill and dedication to take care of the trees

this shit also needs to be completely walled in and connected to a storage house where only foresters have access to the growing area and carpenters have access to a separate room for lumber storage

it fucking sucks when you have to be the commendant for shit like this to work, but it has to be done for it to work otherwise it would just be raped and pillaged on the 2nd day if it even survives that long

that shit needs to be walled off

We still haven't got enough dirt to even fill the thing in. I still suggest lowering it down but I don't want to start anything unless the original creator okays it, but I don't even know who that exactly is because user.

Keep Nkdragunov out as well before he can try to sell our own wood back to us.

Nissin is the one that started the idea of a tree preservatory or tree farm
I an also say that Nissin has been spending the last 2 days digging for about 14 hours a day
the sign with the word Trees on it near the north east corner of the wall around the town is at layer 531, you see this by looking at the tile corners
the tiles furthest to the north are rock that has to be manually lowered as you can't use the level function on surface rock, at least I have not been able to do it
digging and laying out dirt is faster for me than trying to mine rock which is why it's at the hight that it is
if you can chip away the rock or know of a way to not require you to keep clicking or pressing a button every 2 seconds we could lower it down another 10 layers which would shave off 10800 dirt

do you want me to use my trip or will this be enough?

Ah that makes sense then, the rock would definitely be harder to get through.

just macro mine the rock in the way down


damn son