Who here enjoys this game and why?
I'm struggling to get into it. It's not a bad game but it just doesn't suck me in. I love Isometric CRPGs and I also loved New Vegas so I thought this would tickle my fancy but it's just not doing the job.
Who here enjoys this game and why?
I'm struggling to get into it. It's not a bad game but it just doesn't suck me in. I love Isometric CRPGs and I also loved New Vegas so I thought this would tickle my fancy but it's just not doing the job.
how are you building your character?
From the top of my head I can't remember. I think I kinda went for a charisma build but this was back in February and I only tried to pick it up again earlier today (not on pc atm to check). I'm not having difficulty with the game (I am only 8 hours in though ) just not finding it fun. Those 8 hours have been forced.
Any mods for this game for visual improvement?
I do because it's a good rpg with choices and consequences™, non-linearity and very decent quest design.
The enjoyment I got was from the different ways a problem could be solved and finding new locations in the wasteland. If you've played 8 hours and you don't like then that's fine, Try the sequel or fallout tactics, you might enjoy those more.
There are mods for modern resolutions but no HD overhauls if that is what you are asking.
Is 2 much different?
It's worse.
I honestly feel like the first two fallout games didn't age that well.
The first has many features that the sequels massively improved upon and the second was unfinished, had poor quest direction, and constant pop culture references and 4th wall jokes.
thanks, the HD overhaul for Diablo is fantastic and I was hoping something similar was done–but I will check out the modern resolution mods.
For Fallout 1 you only need Fallout fixt mod/patch.
pcgamingwiki.com exists for a reason
Thank God for the Restoration Project
Eat shit and die.
I feel the same. The interface is shit and the atmosphere of the game is just grey and brown and death all around. Yes, I get that's how things are supposed to be after a nuclear war, but it's still boring. It's also really slow in combat and for some retarded reason my cursor freezes during the enemy's turn.
thanks, built my first pc recently so I am new to this and just starting to replay my old games
This. I really don't like crpg combat. Not the kind of games I like.
I'm pretty sure you can increase the combat speed in the options menu
Even at the max its slow as all hell, never played it lower than max but I can't even imagine how agonizing it must be.
That's why both fan fixes for fo1 and 2 allow to speed up animation speed past default maximum.
Seriously, if you can't develop some patience, then you will never like this game.
Who are you quoting?
It's got a lot of strategy involved, both in and out of combat, which I like; a good personality to the game, if you will.
Read some guides, figure out how to get the water chip, and then watch the awesomeness of the game open up before your eyes.
Just stop whining.
Why are you memeing?
You don't need a guide to get the water chip, by the time you get to the Hub the game makes it extremely obvious where it actually is.
Because you make up scenarios that don't happen.
The fan improvements increased the speed for a reason. You sound like one of those faggots on the steam forums who counters every argument with "Entitlement".
Psst: wrong dude.
Here's your (You).
Please, I have the speed turned up to the max, and it's just about fast enough, if you find default max speed "too slow" you probably should just stick to real time RPGs.
you can already skip enemy turns AND turn battle speed to fast.
stop being a faggot.
You can sage all (((((you))))) want but you just lost an internet argument.
What the heck do you mean? That almost every town has a unique theme to keep things fresh? Well gee that does not sound too bad, does it? Plus, towns like Klamath, Den, and Modoc are pretty generic.
It's only a couple of cases.
That's true, but at least for me it adds to the charm.
Literally nothing you listed is a real negative, and the Enclave is ridiculously more interesting than the fucking Master.
Take your meds.
I meant that almost every location has some sort of gimmick to it.
Farmer town? Check
Nazi town? Check
Chink town? Check
Mutant town? Check
Wild west town? Check
FO1's locations managed to have their own feel without resorting to these kinds of gimmicks.
Do you like borderlands? You might find them quite charming too
In what universe?
Sorry, guides was meant for the un-intuitive UI
In Klammath people mostly hunt and skin geckos, so it's more than just a Farmer Town, if you mean Modoc, Modoc is a town that not only has a restaurant in which they serve deathclaw omelets thanks to the fact that the owners have a deathclaw secretly hidden in a shed protected by dogs, It's also that underneath that same town there lives a group of people who disguised a nearby farm as a haunted one to scare the Modoc population so they're kept in check.
You mean Vault City right? They are pretty much elitists who see themselves are better than your average wastelander, I'd not call them Nazis.
San Francisco has more than just chinks, it's also where the hubologists live, It's basically wasteland Scientologists, you can go to their base and either help them with their plans to use a space shuttle to go to space, or sabotage it.
Lost hills is pretty boring, yeah.
Reddin is pretty much a wild west town inspired town, but not many games have a town in which you can be the sheriff of.
You call them gimmicks, I call them well thought out themes, and by that I mean that they have an impact in the player, In FO1, the town of junktown for example, is a town made entirely out of junk and all that means is that the town is surrounded by a wall of junk, whoopdiedoo how interesting.
One thing is a bunch of references at certain moments, another thing is a constant bombing of memes in every conversation and bit of info.
Shady Sands
Like the talking brahmin?
Like the fucking TARDIS?
Your complaints are shit and you're a retarded hypocrite with no self awareness.
In the Barenstein universe where your shit taste is replaced with excellent taste :^)
I like how you throw easter eggs in the same basket as the NORMAL things from FO2.
You don't need a special encounter to meet the plant in Broken Hills, the Brain in Gecko or talking deathclaws in v13.
They're just there, always. As standard.
You were talking about self-awareness?
Oh get the fuck out of here. I love how you skipped the rest of my post where I blew you the fuck out as well. Stay mad, kiddo :^)
And they all have a purpose, the Plant in broken hills is part of a quest, the Brain in Gecko can help you fix the powerplant, and the talking deathclaws in v13 are Friggin' Cool
Plus it is explained that these deathclaws can talk thanks to Enclave experimenting.
Not even random encounter, special encounter. One of a kind in the game, you know?
You know what else makes them different? Shit like easter eggs doesn't make it to canon.
I skipped it because I'm browsing through prons but if you're that desperate we can go through them.
Far from a simple farmer town, they left vault 15 to found Shady Sands, have a wall around their town, some kind of militia and are prosperous enough to turn into NCR.
Try town that's ruled by an oppressive gang because they have its "proper" mayor confused and blue-balled. The civilians rise up against the gang given the first chance.
Vault city is nazi by choice.
Not even a town, just a place with ghouls above a vault occupied by a group of super mutants. There's no law, no trade, no nothing.
Calm yourself nigga, what even gave you that idea? The fact that they have a sheriff?
Here's your answer to your post:
The slags don't even live under Modoc but quite a while away. Both their problems (quests) and ending slides are about growing food and shit, it being a "farming community".
Yes, it has scientologists (another pop culture reference) but the first and biggest area is the china-town with a fucking ring in the middle where 2 leaders duke it out regularly. They even call you names in Chinese.
The perk to avoid random encounters makes the diahrea tier gameplay less painful.
You can also finish it in under 2 hours if you arent a retarded mongoloid.
And you call all that just gimmicks, right? I guess it's best for every town to have real weak themes and just be generic wasteland towns, because if that's the case, FO1 is just more Gimmicks, every Town in FO2 apart from it's main theme has little extras to give you more activities to do, far more than in FO1, but apparently if every town has a theme, they're just weak themed parks.
I call things like the hubologists in San Fran gimmicks because they add nothing of substance, they're just a silly organization that's meant to poke fun af scientologists.
Compare that to FO1 Hub which isn't a freak show but still a damn good big town.
What about Slappy? What about Harold? What about Iguana Bob and his "prime cuts" what about that money loan? What about the owner of the crimson caravans that won't stop yelling? What about that Robinhood wannabe leader of the thieves guild?
What about the sheriff of that town and his Deputy Kenny? The player character will scream "Oh my God! They killed Kenny! Those bastards!" if Kenny dies.
Let's go over to the other towns shall we? In Junktown, Gizmo himself is a freakshow, Doc Morbid supplies Iguana bob with the "meat" for his prime cuts, you have Saul the boxer, you have the entire Skulz gang, should I go on?
It might help to watch a let's play if you're having trouble getting into it. Fo1 and 2 really are open ended rpgs through and through. The games allow you to really stay true to your character by adding so many options.
Slappy is just crazy and Harold is a ghoul-like guy which isn't anything weird in Fallout. To get to Iguana Bob's secret and Robinhood you have to actually do some digging, while the shit in FO2 is straight in your face.
In Adytum you have that one Razor gang member that can't stop drinking nuka cola, you also have the Followers of the apocalypse, in their base you meet with a ghoul who apparently was another v13 resident that had been previously sent on a similar quest, plus the friggin leader of the Followers is vocied by goddamn Bobby Hill, not a freakshow, but a funny fact.
You serious? his name is Doc MORBID, his name is no more different that if he had been called "Doc Murderalot" It's obvious from the getgo that something is shady about him, and it takes you no more than 5 seconds to climb down to the basement of his hospital and discover the truth by talking to his RETARDED MIDGET ASSISTANT.
No, he's just fat. I hate fat people too but their existence isn't anything unnatural.
One more poor pop culture ref.
Yes, they're doing shady shit, so what?
Boxers and gangs, what about it?
In the skulz's gang you have that one freak who is constantly laughing like a Beavis and Butthead reject who will attack you if you choose any but one dialogue option, and in the case of Saul, the guy is pitted against not only other boxers which would be the normal thing to do, but also radscorpions, molerats and other crap.
He's a friggin' freakshow, and a cartoony one at that, HIS NAME IS DOC MORBID FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
That's 5 seconds digging more than in fo2 witnessing a duel of 2 martial artists and speaking to ghosts. With or without restored content.
So what's your point? If you want Fallout to be more believable, how about calling it "Radioactivity induced cancer simulator"?
Because I really like the setting, the writing was good, and I enjoyed learning about the lore.
Also even by CRPG standards the combat was pretty shitty, that's why you always build towards max AP and always, always, always aim for the eyes .
The point is that you don't add whatever you come up with to your thing, even if it's fiction.
And what about the official writers? They don't get to add any new content?
If FO1 was anything to go by ghosts don't really fit it.
And much of the crew who worked on FO2 wasn't from FO1.
Maybe from YOUR point of view, but apparently from the point of view of the writers, they fit right in, so really what can you do about it?
I was enjoying it but I couldn't figure out where to find the water chip. pls no bully
What you said can just be applied to what bethesda has done to Fallout.
You wanna go with that?
What an fag.
No, but the team that made Fallout 2 was more or less the same, albeit with many differences, but nothing too drastic, plus there were no retcons nor contradictions unlike with the bethesda titles.
Uh huh, even Tim Cain left early in FO2 development.
The team still kept most of the designers from the first game, the team is not that drastically different.
Voice acting is still fantastic. When I behold Jim Cummings' performances in FO1: he lives up to his family name in my pants.
You couldn't find the water chip, by talking to NPC's and exploring you can find it easily. The time for bullying is now.
both 1 and 2 take a lot of getting into. I don't have any advice though. I know with 2 you start having fun as soon as everyone has some decent body armor and can hit things most of the time
you sound exactly like one of those autistic retards from NMA. You should stay there.
Obviously not if you hate one of the best.
That game's combat is broken beyond all belief. Unless they made a huge fan patch or something.
I would aggro skeletons 3 screens away and the game would pause and wait for them to move. It was unplayable. And that was just one of the bugs.
PS:T and BG2 are two of my all time favorite games but rightio m8.
green legos