What are you watching tonight?

What are you watching tonight?

That old guy looks like my boss, except for being a nigger.

Tuesday, eh? Andromeda and Stargate Atlantis of course.

I'm watching your mom in the toilet


An American Tail

ds9 reruns

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Kim or Erica?

Also, when will we get a director’s cut? I want to see what Berlinger had in mind for the film, not the version the studio made him release.

Erica is arguably the cuter one

Now that is some kino.

Kim isn’t without merits either though.

Nothing, I gave up watching TV and movies years ago now. I just come here to get my opinions from you guys on how bad nu-TV really is.


make love to me

Cuckime. Queen's Blade.

Andromeda was the comfiest sci-fi show ever.

I wish Netflix would reboot it with a larger budget but nobody besides Kevin Sorbo could ever play the captain….Dylan Hunt the best space captain in the history of the genre.

Why are got grills always QT?

Glengarry Glenross. Then Pawnshop Chronicles.

Sorbo is the shit. This started airing right before I started college and I never got to finish it. It's kinda nice watching it on TV with commercials and a nightly time slot. It's that perfect time where you arr almost drunk enough to be able to sleep so you are pissing ever commercial break to ensure you don't piss the bed drunk.

*Why are goth grills always QT?

I ask myself this every Friday afternoon.

I have to say this movie was way better than I remember it being. I wish Adam Wingard's remake was more like this flawed masterpiece and less by-the-numbers.