That's not what defines whether you're a member of the bourgeoisie though.
The machine is personal property, not private property, he cannot exploit anyone using it anyway because he is self-employed.
A self-employed person isn't bourgeois.
The bourgeoisie are people who purchase property with the intent of using said property rights to restrict access to the means of production so they can pay people far less in a wage than they produce in value.
It's not enough that little Timmy has a lemonade machine. He would have had to have bought out all the lemonade machines and employed people at less than then the value of lemonade they produced, and then kept all of the lemonade, and the profits from the sale of said lemonade, for himself.
Hello Holla Forums
It's not their property after they've been sent to the gulag :^)
Marx instructs his readers have such a hard-on for "class tension." They must mistake their irrational zealotry for an "understanding" of Marx.
Dear god this thread is a trainwreck.
1) The meme makes no mention of the ownership of the machine, therefore all tests are inconclusive .
There is no second point.
Meme maker has strawmanned oh so hard.
Are you suggesting Marx didn't actually believe in the exploitation of surplus labor?
It's nomenclature, not events that Marxists cling to, because not-average minds discuss ideas, am I right?
Marxists value history, philosophy and theory, not mere nomenclature.
If that were really so they wouldn't change the meanings of words.
The kid is petty bourgeois tbh, so killing him/her will be decided by the vote of the commune.
Marxists don't change the meanings of words. Marxists use their historical and widely accepted meanings.
those first to user's saged dumbass
It's not your property, it's state property because the state is the one defending it. It's just a fiefdom given to you by the state.