socialism kills
Socialism kills
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that's always how it plays out
I dont see how that chart adds up to socialism kills. To me it says: state capitalists are not socialist and operate on so many levels of delusion that it is more humane to kill them than let them live
The chart there uses the same logic that "communism killed 100 gorillion" faggotry uses.
most of those traders were IMPERIALIST ARABS not Capitalists
National Socialism and Fascism is not Capitalism you fucking retards
w e w.
natsoc and fascism is capitalism
The driving force for the slave trade was capitalism.
Uh, yes they were. See this post
Lolberts and ancaps are essentially market fascists anyway.
You're ignoring that Hitler greatly twisted what "socialism" and "capitalism" were. Nazi Germany was, in structure, a sort of authoritarian nationalist capitalism, regardless of what Nazi propaganda might have said.
This is a Gregor Useful Idiot quote, BTW. You know, the guy Hitler orderered to purge and had assassinated on the Night of the Long Knives, because he was one of the few within the NSDAP that actually had a somewhat socialist outlook.
Hitler was a top businesscuck, being the first to bring a European national economy fully privatized.
Wordfilter kek. This is Gregor S t r a s s e r.
So fucking close and yet so far.
But of late, since Bismarck went in for State-ownership of industrial establishments, a kind of spurious Socialism has arisen, degenerating, now and again, into something of flunkyism, that without more ado declares all State-ownership, even of the Bismarkian sort, to be socialistic. Certainly, if the taking over by the State of the tobacco industry is socialistic, then Napoleon and Metternich must be numbered among the founders of Socialism.
If the Belgian State, for quite ordinary political and financial reasons, itself constructed its chief railway lines; if Bismarck, not under any economic compulsion, took over for the State the chief Prussian lines, simply to be the better able to have them in hand in case of war, to bring up the railway employees as voting cattle for the Government, and especially to create for himself a new source of income independent of parliamentary votes — this was, in no sense, a socialistic measure, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously. Otherwise, the Royal Maritime Company, the Royal porcelain manufacture, and even the regimental tailor of the army would also be socialistic institutions, or even, as was seriously proposed by a sly dog in Frederick William III's reign, the taking over by the State of the brothels.
Its funny, because Stefan is the only one who realistically browsed pol anyway.(obviously for some it was literally impossible, but I doubt HHH ever did either) And yet they all came to fascist positions on their own.
Your mom's vagina :DDDD
This image only takes into account authoritarian socialisms and ignores all the libertarian socialism ideals.
You clearly don't know what socialism is. Lurk moar.
If you're going to BTFO socialists, you should probably know what socialism actually is.
Socialism kills exploitation and slavery, sure.
No it's not.
that's not what socialism is fam
Socialism is an idea. Capitalism is an idea. Ideas don't kill people. It's as stupid and silly as convicting socialism to a prison sentence because the accused is a socialist. Both sides are equally retarded when it comes to this. Most belief systems do this. You can't kill and suppress away the conflict of opposing views. It's why despite agreeing with a lot of it, the conclusion marx ends with is so cringe, stupid and always self defeating. There is no happy ever after and that's not a bad thing.