The best of squib?

The best of squib?
I'd argue it's probably the Ed209 office kill from Robocop but I might be wrong. I've seen some good squibbage.

Ika thread?

squibs are explosive blood packets used to simulate gunshots in movies. They can be implemented well or poorly. You're just a fucking weeb. Someone needs to fucking gun you down for real.


You don't have an inkling what this thread is actually about.

I think he is just squidding.


Cuttle your losses while you can, OP.

Squid thread

heh who owns Holla Forums?

Either real butthurt or real samefaggy.
Weebs can't deal with shit and you have no power without the mods on your side.

prepare to be invaded kiddo


Left: OP at the beginning of thread
Right: OP now

The best part is going to /sudo/ and watching him cry salty tears like a bitch demanding that Codemonkey hand the board over to him.

I have never seen anime fans bringing any interesting discussion here. Maybe this is why you guys are so hated

>GTFO NIGGER!! Nu/tv/ /leftytb/ is the single worst board on Holla Forums. The userbase makes the Holla Forumstards look like /a/nons. The zero moderation makes every mod on Holla Forums INCLUDING Mark look like /a/'s moderation. And the worst part is that the commie BO & his goon mods don't give to shits about the current state of their board and will go and delete any criticism about how Nu/tv/ /leftytb/ is shit.
>All of you /leftytb/ goons also need to GTFO as well for killing Holla Forums.

pretty low energy "inkvasion"




The Godfather, Sonny gets massacred

This movie has a lot of nice squibs.