What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



What's the point of the TV in this pic?

He went even more jew.


This thread is shitting on him you autist you should like OP


I know a guy who owns two separately purchased digital copies of Deadpool. One on his xbone and one on his tablet. He doesn't have an internet plan, and must buy credit on his phone to stream them.
He also streams himself for hours every night watching tv, smoking weed, and listening to music. He must also buy credit on his phone to do this.
He owns a youtube red account. He proudly showed me this, and said "I don't get ads!"
I asked him why he didn't just use adblock since it's free. He said "I used to have adblock but…" and trailed off.
He doesn't make much money at all. In fact, he regularly asks to borrow money from me and rarely pays it back.
My point is prices will keep going up until retards like this stop buying the shit, and they'll never stop buying.
Oh, he also owns two fridges that are both plugged in and both half-full. He does not own a bar of soap.


Holy shit…

Nobody here is shitting on ourguy Mike, you should go live rent free

that's not exorbitant. Sargon gets $9000 a month and he's one person (and his job is reading news articles he finds on Holla Forums)

oy vey this cofee meme is really getting out of our greasy hands

Well, in the original context Mike was suggesting that everything about the theater experience was bullshit.That people at theaters are annoying, and they charge you retarded amounts of money for the concessions. He suggested if the average person saved all their money from going to theaters every year they'd easily have enough for a 100 inch television, and they could then pay the pay-per-view price and invite a bunch of friends over to watch the film on their home theater system.

Because he mentioned the pay-per-view price as typically 50 dollars, and justified it by saying "That's not really that much when you can invite a bunch of friends over to watch it." certain people (read: retards) in this thread are claiming he wants people paying a thousand dollars to rent movies.

$50 is too much for a movie. I can buy a Blu-Ray for $15-20, sometimes even less.

Read between the lines.


He was a BernieBro, wasn't he.

Dear G-d.
And stocklasa is supposedly a czech/slovakian surname. How can one become so jewy?

When you take into account the cost of antivirals for Jack it's not so much.

I assume you're burger for being this poorly educated.

Why do they need all this money? 8 years ago they did a 50 minutes review using their own money.

Are they at least transparent about it? I want to know how they use the money.

God, I really can't stand normalfags who rush to throw their money at everyone they find remotely entertaining. "DUDE, THEY MAKE AMUSING REVIEWS ON THE INTERNET THAT REQUIRE NO MONETARY INVESTMENT, LET ME GO AND GIVE THEM MONEY! IS MY MONEY REPLACING NO MONEY xDD VERY COOL XDD DIABETES xDD"

truly /ourguy/


I think his logic was that you would pay 50 for the movie, and then invite at least 4 other friends over who would chip in 10 bucks.


What if I want to watch alone?

No singles policy

t. eternal bohemian

From the makers of