does Holla Forums support the prospective victims of primitive organized religion in poland?
also any poles on Holla Forums able to tell me if CzarnyProtest is a complete bourgeois liberal scam or a fairly leftist movement?
does Holla Forums support the prospective victims of primitive organized religion in poland?
also any poles on Holla Forums able to tell me if CzarnyProtest is a complete bourgeois liberal scam or a fairly leftist movement?
"This has nothing to do with Christianity, this is all about the material conditions in Poland. If US Imperialism hadn't fucked up the country so bad then people wouldn't be so spooked."
-t Holla Forums
anti-abortion is anti-imperialist position and only NATO shills will disagree
kek, okay!
Are you sure? Poles are white remember.
Yeah this. :DDDDDDDDDD
just fucking use condoms
Holla Forums is almost universally anti-religion, unless you chose to acknowledge the very loud shitposting special snowflakes like RabbleObesity and their meme ideologies that change every two days.
They could have given themselves a much easier time by justifying anti-abortion with the simple value of human life.
Legally almost every country criminalizes induced abortion (if it's done by a third person against the will of the pregnant woman) with the object of crime not being the pregnancy (or the woman) but the fetus itself - therefore every continental law code categorizes it under "crimes against life".
There is no reason to draw out Christianity to be anti-abortion.
Why dont you people believe children have rights? Specifically the right to exist.
inb4 a fetus isnt a child because I said so
It's ridiculous how indoctrinated people are. Almost everybody except anti-social conservative nutjobs go 100% assmad when you explain them the two sides of abortion and become even more hysterical when you present them logical arguments.
Mind has nothing to do with that - I'd say consciousness is the decisive factor but that's for scientists to to define. However it's amazing how early you can track the fetal brain evolution so a ethically correct deadline would probably have to be much much earlier compared to what most Western countries have now.
This part of the article doesn't make sense. A court wouldn't sentence this guy just because he tried and failed to deliver the baby.
It's a leftist movement that the liberals are trying to co-opt.
I'm pretty sure it only got as big successful as it is because liberal media are hyping it to hell and back. But hey, whatever works, and surprisingly enough they're not trying to subvert it. They simply see it as a unifying front against the current conservative government, and I think they learned from their previous attempt (so-called Committee for the Defense of Democracy) that if they try to make it all about themselves, the left will walk away.
Also, a reminder that abortion as such is already illegal in Poland. The current shit they're pushing would literally make miscarriages subject to prosecution and force women to give birth to children with anencephaly.
Aren't those words synonyms tough?
There is nothing wrong with banning abortion
It is an ethical non religious problem, women shouldn't be allowed to do it
Actually this is the rhetoric most western anti-abortion activists use (it's literally in their name: 'pro-life').
Yeah that second part is pretty important and this is not relevant at all. Poland plans to ban all abortion that isn't related to either miscarriage or some danger to the woman's health. Simply not wanting the fucking kid because your condom ripped, you got raped or simply don't want the kid is now illegal there.
This is true; any ideological opiate can do the trick, like Islam in the Arab world or reciprocity and filial piety in China. I don't see how Christianity can not be the opiate most influential to this ruling in Poland, though.
I'd say a lizard has a mind but not necessarily a consciousness but I guess that's just terminology
Funny thing is, a few centuries ago, the church considered a child didn't have a soul before he were born. Probably related to the fact stillbirth rate was quite high.
The women don't own the baby to kill him, i though the whole point of being commie socialists is being against humans owning humans
it will have a mid and a personality in short time though
lizards can be pretty conscious about them being lizards you don't know
Yes it is because even if the woman decides to do it herself without supervision of a doctor the element of said crime is materialized - categorized just below homicide and murder as it is targeting human life.
If the law recognizes prenatal human life as something requiring protection, it is absolutely inconsequential to disregard the legal statement that has been made in criminal law by ignoring biological facts about brain evolution just to pander to feminism.
Please don't tell me that you're a "race realist" or nationalist, you're doing so good right now
I'm not a race realist because that's retarded I'm a pan-nationalist though (European, Eurasian), sorry
The point of being communist is to correctly dialectically advocate for the continuation of society.
It isnt about being muh morally best person ever
Oh ffs lol
Aren't we advocates of "the peoples revolution" here?
If the Polish proletariat majority wants to ban clogging up the means of human production, I see no reason that it shouldn't stand.
What kind of shitty communists are you guys?
Advocating for the people doesn't mean agreeing with them under every circumstance. That would mean supporting Nazi Germany.
Advocating for the people means correcting them when they are wrong and doing what is best for them as a group. If they decide something to be so without external groups pressuring them then we should go along with it but if there are external groups affecting their choices, or if it is an irrational request, then the party must use their power to correct the mistakes of the people.
She don't "own" the baby, it's a part of herself that gradually become more and more autonomous until it split and forms another person. I'd argue there is no clear instant where personhood start, but since we have to draw the line somewhere, the start of brain activity seems a good reference.
Yes, which is a dialectically-defined category, not whatever proletarian false consciousness induced with bourgeois ideology preaches.
'If the American proletariat thinks everyone ought to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and serve the job creators, I see no reason that it shouldn't stand.'
How does that work? What basis do you use to create your own supernation?
Lol nice one but I'd be considered pretty Aryan by Holla Forums. I just think nationalism as we have it now is petty and outdated, all these random borders between small European nations that came together because some feudal lords pushed each other from horses with sticks.
I do hope for an Eurasian awakening and becoming the Fourth Position fueled by class struggle but also cultural consciousness, so yeah, I guess I'm pretty spooked
And who oversees the party and decides what it does is rational or not?
Communism is about reaching the end of history and the perfect man, that perfect man perfected his ethical code and moral judgement
read hegel plz
The people do. I trust an educated population to know when they can leave the job of running their country to someone else and when they must step in. Everyone must see what the party members do and everyone in the party must be voted in but this doesn't mean the people must be inquired about every decision.
I now unironically support Poland's government
The basis of a common history and a cultural consciousness that's been shaped by sharing the same environment, language family and religion combined with class struggle within a macroeconomic territory. Small Nationalism is worn out, Pan-Nationalism will be the new integration model for people in the future, I hope.
Communism is not the end of history. Dialectics flows forever.
What power do the people have if they can not act out their will? If the people will is not inline with the party, then the party surely must go, not the people.
It is remarkable how every political ideology that was upholding a social order considered itself to be the end of history - dating back to the middle ages.
i said
as long as the communist model has no inner contradictions it will be the end of history , if there is any inner contradictions in that system then it will be a stepping stone to next ideal stage
i agree.
all the way, comrades. solidarity from wegry.
you cannot reach for an illusion. Contradiction is universal and lies in all things. If contradictions stopped then time would stop flowing.
First intelligent Maoist on Holla Forums since quite a while. 好棒了。
this ain't no illusion mang
this is science
bruh get out of here
itt le actually reactionary leftist meme
socialists who don't support reproductive rights are a fraud
inb4 "muh idpol"
It's not that simple, even many staunch catholics are against this shit
t. Pole
This. If you don't support mass killings of the unborn you are #notmycomrade.
and how do you feel
This. The whole point of anyone learning any theory at all is because class-consciousness doesn't come naturally to all proletarian the moment they're exploited. Just because they're working-class doesn't mean they know how to run society. It's almost as bad as saying aristocrats should run society.
Please stop of supporting mass killings of brain cells.
That ban fucking retarded, even the de facto head of our country was against this, but his parliamentarians decided to disobey him and push this retardation further.
Nuke Poland tbh
Poland is to us what Sweden is to Holla Forums.
This is THE poltard mentality and we are everything but poltards
P r O O f s
Well for starters we ARE the politically incorrect leftist board.
We make fun of both SJWs and anti-SJWs equally. :-D
Also we tell people to fuck off and read theory.
Show me a right.
The global population of Europeans is declining, abortions should be illegal for whites.
Not that's a butt
Are you Lithuanian?
In my eyes abortion is murder, spin it any way you want, you're still an asshole the way eugenicists are asshole by your presumption of superiority over who gets to be human and who gets to be incinerated like a uses needle.
Go back to facebook.
Those people do not belong to that country, they have no say over how it is governed. They are welcome to try exert their will, but as non-citizens they will be met with bullets.
My question remains unanswered you smug fuck.
Not really,there's a pretty substantial religious faction here,
No there isn't.
yes there is,
It isn't a majority though
There's only 2 Christians on this board excluding Rebel.
One buddhist (don't know where he went).
No Muslims.
No Jews.
That's about it.
Original argument:
People, nigger. Suddenly people can go fuck themselves because they don't align with your part… sorry, your "state".
The party controls the state you fucking retard. Stop pretending borders don't exist.
Hello, I drop in sometimes from time to time.
I am the Christian Commie who effortposts.
A better way to work around this would be to study Oscar Wilde and his Soul of Man Under Socialism:
Replace "poverty" with "abortion" and "impossible" with "unnecessary" and you will see what I mean. Why is abortion wanted in the first place anyway? That is the fundamental question.
Where is party? Can I talk to party? Does he have an address? What about the state? Oh right they don't because they're fucking symbolic abstractions of people, but it's totally fine if they can impose minority rule because people aren't majority consensus isn't made by people. Youre an idiot.
also your idea of regulation is the same as the ebin liberal "take away da guns cuz they gill people :^🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀"
leave it to leftists to want to kill every member of their own race, including children, given the chance
What buildings do the party take over when they are in power? Are they government buildings? What about the institutions they take over? Are they state institutions? Oh right they fucking are, and there's nothing symbolic or abstract about it.
How can my comrads be this stupid?
I see no issue here.
In my eyes wanking is murder, spin it any way you want, you're still an asshole the way eugenicists are asshole by your presumption of superiority over who gets to be human and who gets to be wiped with a tissue.
In case someone cares, the proposed law was speedily proceeded and summarily thrown out today. Nobody even tries to pretend it wasn't because people went to the streets.
It's fun to see the rulers fear the people for once.
Society is good because it makes human life better, not for it's own sake. I really doubt we will ever be at a point where there's a lack of people willing to reproduce of their own volition.
Are you not deserving of death as a child due to your inability to work at the time? There's a difference between being and becoming, and fetuses are in the stage of becoming human. Pro-choicers have the most laughably pathetic arguments tbh.
And thats why revolution will never come, the people love the system and want to maintain the system and any request for radical reform of the whole system is seen as a threat on your living conditions and thus your life. Only those that are failed by society dont resist the notion of its destruction.
Smh they should have passed it.
ever heard of japan
A fetus doesn't have consciousness it isn't a person
ah so it really is just becuase it makes you personally mad and not about the fetus at all
I support the right for women to do what they choose with their bodies, and I support militant abortion.
Not one more generation forward!
You know what I find sad, after 80 years of fucking science and Atheism putting Eastern Europeans into fucking space and building space stations. Straight after the USSR and Eastern Bloc collapse, they all go back to dicksucking catholicism or Orthodox to an extreme fucking degree.
You would think that, even though Communism might have been oppressive, that 80 years of scientific and ideological enlightenment, would have pulled these fuckers out of their medieval superstitions.
It didn't work precisely because the system was oppressive. You tend not to listen to jerks shitting all over you.
This was all a spook by the way
It was a fantastic spook though
Actually, yes it would. High-level politicians of the ruling party were pledging support just a few weeks ago.
Yes, it's not their own project, so they have no particular attachment to it, but they were perfectly ready to please their fundie base (which is now absolutely livid, btw). Too bad they can't afford to let the left mobilize its own base, push the Overton window back and scare the center away from them.
From each according to ability, to each according to need, nigga.
It may be retarded in the colloquial sense property, but is pretty much tautologically obvious in the Stirnerian one.
I'm all for communism and the like, but thinking their are no jews that lurk here is retarded
american go back to your own continent
As an Australian i would actually like if capital Punishment was optional fir the prisoner due to over populated prisons, but then i realise the government would abuse this by putting prisoners into positions where they would want to kill themselves
I swear to fuck i changed that to for
The problem is that no matter what argument you use to justify giving the right to life to a small cluster of cells, you inevitably end up inadvertently also justify giving those same rights to various hypothetical machines and other decidedly non-human things.
For example, let's say you argue that anything which when left to its own devices will grow into a human must be given the right to life. In that case the hypothetical machine with rights would be one which contains an artificial womb and samples of genetic material. Every 9 months it randomly combines the genetic samples to create a new embryo and starts growing it in the womb. If left to its own devices the machine will always produce more humans in the future, so destroying the machine would be equivalent to killing those people.
You can devise similar machines to meet almost any reasonable argument about why fertilized eggs should have rights.
These fucking cunts have 5 days a month where they need to be responsible, 5 fucking days and then, they can still fuck up and get to a pharmacy.
60 days a year woman need to fucking have some sense, and it's too much for them. 'We need doctors to rip a fetus out of our womb because that's the ETHICAL side of the argument, everyone else is in the wrong and just hates woman'.
massive faggot
wtf I love Feminism now
Yeah, your girlfriend gave you the broke condom routine did she? lel
So you get raped and just lie around making sure you get pregnant?
I was drunk, typical female justification. And you can only get pregnant 5 days a month, six is pushing it.
I dont have a girlsfriend, condoms can break, contraception of other forms can fail, so can the morning after pill. Pay attention in biology class next time you go back to middleschool.
They fail at what percent? Do we need full abortion for all because the low risk of a condom breaking?
Tell me this, can woman teach themselves to abstain from sex for a few days, or is that Patriarchy? Why is it acceptable to make a right on pro-abortion activism when you could actually, much like rape, teach woman to help themselves, and the unintended victims of their 100% totally failed contraception doc, honest.
YES. Most certainly because there are other forms of contraception which can fail without noticing and thus a baby can develop.
Fucking hell man. You can get pregnent outside of "5 days", you fucking idiot. It is possible for sperm to survive for longer periods of time than "5 days", i mean for fucks sake ovulation can take longer than 5 days.
Where you had a tiny bit of credibility before you lost it all in equating the control over your sex life to being raped by someone else in the sense that its just as easy to prevent it.
A friend of mine recently had an abortion. She wanted to have the baby, but had become malnourished to the point that the child had no chance of surviving, and carrying out the birth would put her own life at risk.
Abortion is not a contraceptive for women who love killing babies. These situations almost always have nuance, and the anti abortion side is the one who fails to grasp it.
That has nothing to do with womans rights, that is a medical procedure based on calculated odds. There is no nuance in pro-choice, it's a political battering ram on the wrong side ethically, but feels it's on the right side politically, like it was an issue about equal pay.
7 days in a super freak, max. so lets say a week. I didn't conflate rape and abortion, I said we cannot educate woman on rape or abortion because it's political kryptonite, like telling a woman losing control of her functioning is dangerous and not an expression of independence, you will be raped possibly.
Telling a woman that abortion is horrific, should not be considered a glorified feminist ideal, and that it is very easy to not get pregnant, and try and change the culture around sex in the only week they can conceive.
An abortion is ethically wrong, you have to lawyer that away to get to pro-choice.
ask not for whom the troll wews, he wews for lad
This is where the left fucks up, you either have to say abortion is like stripping wallpaper or that there is simply no ethical issue in killing a fetus.
Abortion is the most obvious political issue where the ethical wrong is cast aside in favour of other more trivial considerations.
You can be pro-choice and understand ethically abortion is not right, or as the guy above said, where is the nuance?
There isnt.
this is where the aut right fucks up, by creating false dichotomies based on their feels
Ethics are a spook. Be utilitarian.
Call abortion mass killings if you want, i don't care about the potential lives of anyone as long as it gets me a stable society.
Are you seriously trying to appeal to ethics to a group of people who are okay with armed revolution?
I think gassing all the kikes is unethical, I have yet to hear anybody who thinks it is, but there is a social logic to it.
I'm not appealing to you, you don't exist in society, I'm criticizing societies and the lefts position regarding woman and their complete lack of responsibility.
If race had any real existence, you might be able to convince me that gasing the kikes is a good idea (although eugenism being a failed idea in every implementation, don't hold your breath).
Women might be irresponsible, people are in general. But idiots with children are worse for society than idiots who abort twice a week.
Guardian readers exist, you do not in any numbers, even in college class is at the bottom of the heap now, and will never be coming back.
I don't object to abortion on grounds it's unethical though, although it is. I don't care about someone elses child bar the demographics. In a better time abortions would be fucking great to get the shit out of the pool.
I object to abortion because it's fucking ridiculous to demand another human snuff out the living thing that carries your genes, like it's a fucking right you should have, and not 100% avoidable.
If you can't educate the proles on preventing abortion don't bother with the dialectics.
So you're referring to the he-wants-but-she-doesn't scenario.
I believe this is the kind of thing that isn't best solved by law but rather social pressure (i.e. doing such a shitty thing to the father should carry stigma).
Then again, if what you want is that the law mandates both parents give consent before an abortion (modulo rape victims or conditions threatening the life of the mother) then i can only wholeheartedly agree with you.
It's sad that parenthood is still seen in most of human society as something where mothers should be in ultimate control (and feminists aren't really helping) but that can be helped.
I don't even go near that he wants she doesn't, because again, you knocked her up, you know what type of woman she is, you bear that responsibility of her being a cunt and killing her own child.
I mean basic standards, are you ready for a child, if not, how can I prevent that. Killing a child is ,mentally damaging, because no matter what the sistas in the Guardian or on Facebook say, you cannot fool yourself, and you killed your own child.
The baby is exploiting the mother. It performs no labor, yet still leeches food. Much like the capitalist.
Can confirm, I am Mr. Shlomo Goldstein
Same argument could be given for the mentally and/or physically disabled who can't work you monster.
They should be paid minimum wage for fucking up a workers day mate.
Precisely because of that.
ITT people unironically thinking fetuses are people
Yeah, the just pop out Human, it's magic.
thats one spooky ass kurwa
Exactly, abortion is not a human right, human rights are a meme that don't exist only in white peoples heads because they know the population isn't 100% fucked, and believe other peoples must be salvageable.
The vast majority of abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus looks like a glorified sticky hand at best.
I suppose you don't eat any meat?
Of course not, first they must start developing nervous system, which doesn't happen until the 12th week of pregnancy.
Even then its debatable if they are human.
Oh shit, so every part of human development is not relevant, just the head coming out of the vagina part.
If the cells divide the way a human cells should it's fucking human, nothing will change that. Why not just go with the who gives a fuck argument, it works better and is more honest.
Ok, so what makes you human in your opinion?
I came from a sperm and an egg of two humans, therefore I divided in the way my DNA told me, I was human through all fazes of my development.
Like I said this argument is not the ethical side, not that I give a shit about dead babies per se, I give a shit about an entitlement to dead babies as a right.
Ok, so what you are saying is that your biological makeup makes you human, correct?
So do you think that feral children are human?
Non-socialized, non-speaking.
No, having actual consciousness is what matters.
The thalamo-cortical complex, which makes consciousness possible, forms and becomes operational very late in pregnancy — at a point where abortions are very rare. Besides, the fetus remains entirely sedated in the womb anyway.
Unborn fetuses are increasingly human-looking lumps of flesh.
You haven't answered my question, by the way; do you eat meat?
Yeah, so are autists, same thing, different route.
Based Law and Justice
Wtf I love Poland now
Autism is completely different.
Consciousness means nothing only to the argument of whether abortion is ethical do to pain concerns. I don't give a shit if a fetus can feel or not, Conciousness would be an argument if we stayed a fetus forever, unless a medical condition stops it the only thing stopping a human popping out of vag is to kill it, then that argument is nonsense.
Lel, it was a joke.,
One can only dream.
Yes I eat meat, I once shot a Pregnant deer and was disgusted when I saw the fetus. But I'l go one better, I do not give a shit about abortion only that it is allowed as a right, in a European country that cared for it's people, ie the indigenous, I would allow abortions but in reality a society should work to the point there is never a need for an abortion.
Animals don't have consciousness.
did you cook it?
No, the guy threw it away, I was surprised by it and it took the enjoyment of butchering the meat away which I always loved doing/
wtf am i reading
I do consider the life of a fetus to not be worth more than that of a live chicken. In fact I would theoretically favor that of the chicken, who is actually conscious.
You threw away a perfectly good meal.
Random? have you ever had grass fed venison, I made fucking sausages for a month too, it was just a bummer the guide didn't clock it was pregnant
I suppose in a Communist world protein will be outlawed except there will be no State and that will never fucking happen.
You are reading that the lack of consciousness of a person in early stage is not a reason for their disposabillity, when they would be a human baby in mere weeks.
The stripping wallpaper argument never works, the chicken argument never works, that is why Feminists have to 'My body' argument.
It would be a human baby in mere weeks, maybe. The fact is, it isn't right now.
You provide no explanation for why my argument supposedly "never works".
This puddle could become the next source of an evolutionary history in 1 millions years so stepping in it is genocide.
Then you're depraved.
Not him, but, something capable of feeling and thinking > something incapable of it(like fetus until ~12 week)
If morals are just spooks, why is it wrong for Poland to try to ban abortion?
because it's just one person imposing their spooks on another
I never understood this myself. This support of abortion always seemed completely out of character for leftists to me. Instead of being the ones arguing in favor of the babies rights, they start making property claims and dehumanizing them. Things come out of their mouth I would expect to hear from someone on the right instead, and yet they tend to hold the opposite opinion.
It's a strange world.
Why are there so many stupid faggots in this thread acting as if abortion is purely a women's issue?
It effects men too: if you accidently get someone pregnant (say if a condom breaks) you could find yourself either being forced to raise an unwanted child, or end up paying child support for the better part of two decades.
Not to mention the possibility having to raise a child with a severe disability: which is a fucking nightmare for anyone who is poor.
Any man who actually get laid has an interest in supporting abortion rights, though I realise this probably excludes a decent chunk of you, this being an image board and all…
Jesus fucking christ, it's like they want a society populated by unwanted fucking retards. The majority of these kids would have a life so shit they would be literally better off dead.
Fucking hell, christian conservatives have to be some of the dumbest people on the planet; even the fucking nazis were smarter than this.
>>>Holla Forums
Abortion is murder and exploitation of another human. All communists must oppose this.
This tbh famalams
It's not a part of her body
It always has it's own genes and that can even create trouble because different blood types of the mother and baby
m8, not even newborn babbies should be considered humans, strictly speaking. The only real difference is muh feels with a real life babby vs. a fetus with no qualities to attach feels to.
Consciousness does not define a human, particularly if the lack of it is temporary.
k, so what does :^)
The presence of a soul obviously.
How do you discern such a thing?
Learn to read you illiterate fucking faggots: I said UNWANTED retards. Their lives would be shit not simply because of whatever abnormality they were born with, but because they'll get treated like shit and neglected (as I've seen happen so many times before).
Besides we're aren't talking about killing a conscious thinking being, but rather preventing one from coming into existence in the first place. If that's wrong then so is abstaining from impregnating every woman you meet, since your failure to do so is preventing potential people from existing.
surely you can't be serious
But this is neither right nor wrong because these concepts don't exist.
So hyped for the sub-90 IQ genocide of 2025.
saaaame tbqh familia
It's human genes
A human who is in a coma and for all intents and purposes dead is less of a person than an AI with no body who is indistinguishable from a "real" human in a conversation.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You fucking can't.
There's nothing to prove.
A person can be whatever you want it to be, it's an abstract concept.
Cancer cells are also human, but why would you go to jail for killing in self defense?
Better to err on the side of caution when it comes to these things in my opinion.
Not an argument ;^)
I don't think any person should be considered less of a person than any other person, the guy is either a person or not. And if you're saying the man in a coma is not a person, then I disagree, even if he is for all intents and purposes dead, whatever that means. It's the principle of the thing. He's not dead so he still has rights.
And the AI can be a person too, why not?
But then, like I said, the whole thing is irrelevant because a person can be whatever you want it it to be. There is nothing to prove. It's maybe not practical to be so liberal about handing the title out but that's not the point.
I don't even think its relevant
Holy shit, read your theory fuckhead. And yeah, i honestly hate how reductive this board is with its naive economism (another sure sign of not actually reading marxist work). Maybe it doesn't effect you, but abortion rights absolutely affect women in their daily lives, sometimes causing problems in their work life and thus their financial situation. They are workers like us and deserve such freedoms.
You don't have the autonomy to murder people either. Assuming the fetus is a person, then that freedom would not be protected.
The issue here is you're already going into the argument implying they are not. But what does that question have to do with workers rights? It first needs to be decided if the fetus is a person or not a person. Worker rights regarding this do not come into the picture until after the decision.
It's a unrelated philosophical debate and I don't understand why it must be a certain way for leftists.
ITT : Americans still triggered by abortion
makes like, total sense
Could you get any more cancerous?
It's a little more complex than that.
Only if you don't believe in determinism at all. To base the right to live all arround consciousness is a lackluster, what about people in a coma? Hell, even sleeping people could therefore be killed; because after all they lack the consciousness, they'll never know that they never woke up nor feel anything. Chances are that a sleeping person will wake up though, the same way a fetus will end up being conscious as well.
To base the right to live on the potential to become conscious is also fucking stupid. I guess we should stop doing IVF or experimenting with stem cells because they have the potential to become human.
We haven't really done any experimentation with viable embryos up till now.
It's not about the potential. You're mixing up causations here.
Sleeping people are conscious beings with their brains temporarily and reversibly turned off.
Fetuses, especially first trimester fetuses that most laws allow to be aborted, don't just lack consciousness, they lack both a capability for it and a history of it. They're most closely comparable to the brain-dead, which have provably lost their very capability for consciousness along with their brains and are, as the term implies, considered dead as human beings.
Neither will people who were killed while awake, once they're dead. It doesn't matter when and how you destroy the consciousness, you still do.
Early fetuses cannot yet be conscious. They can develop the capability for consciousness in the future, but then again, so can a sperm and an egg. So yes, it's all about the potential.
There are certainly many subtleties to factor in, but that's the gist of it.
People sleeping or in a coma have a history. They are autonomous human beings in a temporary state of unconsciousness. As soon as they snap out of said state, they regain full consciousness and go on with their life.
Fetuses don't have a history. They are in fact defined by their lack of consciousness, and could be best described as pre-conscious entities. They are but a mere potentiality.