Scientists find disabling part of brain that controls rational thinking causes pro-immigrant views

Why don't you invite lions into your home while tipping your fedora, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:–Miracles/cjyaqv.html

Well I can't say I'm surprised.

Isn't this the same as domestication?



Wew totally didn't see that one coming!

this fucking timeline kek

We've known for years liberalism is a mental illness.


Well its no suprise that leftist are closely related to clinical retardation.
But this changes things, yes now we have PROOF - on paper,that leftists are clinically retarded.
And that makes things easier, because now there's a REASON to open up the nut houses again.
Or just gas them, whatever works to cull the useless meat in motion.

Old article but yeah, it's been known for a while now that leftists are poor at threat assessment. It's why there's no point trying to convince or convert most of them to our views, they are quite literally incapable of understanding them due to their brains being structurally different.

I wonder if there is a process to reverse this, or activate/stimulate those parts of the brain.

We need an actual reveres-brainwash process.

Maybe you'd have to overstimulate their sense of threat assessment. It's not that they are incapable of feeling fear, the problem is that they don't see it coming. This is why leftist so often overreact and have a breakdown whenever something they don't like happens: it never occurred them that something won't go they way they wanted it to go. Just think of what happened when Trump won.

The end goal is to domesticate humanity. Why do you suppose hipster faggots who support this shit are always soft faggots?

The Amygdala? This has been known for years.

The proper word is "retarding".

It's not:
fire shut downer
flame shut downdent

Dogs still have a good threat response. If they didn't then they would be useless as guard animals.

The problem is they literally have a smaller amygdala that cannot handle as much processing as K selected right wing people. Even if a surgical method was developed to expand the amydgala, it would push the rest of the brain against the cranium and be functionally the same as a brain tumor or aneurysm, etc. Really you can't help these people, but triggering amygdala overload to make them devolve into violent shitheads is the best thing to do since they can't fight worth shit and it completely alienates normies and deflates any type of movement. The deficient amygdala is also why antifa cucks attack women and sometimes children, their threat assessment is faulty so when it overloads they literally cannot process a threat to save their own lives and just attack anyone that vaguely triggers them including women, elderly, and kids. Research into amygdala development and exactly how much of it is genetic will be important so we know who to sterilize and who to just expose to more competitive sports and bullying to develop the amygdala. Chad nationalism is the future.

You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

You were right up until the last sentence, then you went complete and total retard.


This is it niggers!

That asshole Elon Musk is gonna push cyber implants and then they're gonna massage your brain with a certain frequency to become a low test retard who will role over and accept this shit corrupt system.

We need a holocaust, fast!

Kikes know every single time they've set up a neural net it's quickly grown to be pro-NatSoc, hence they shill against Musk's AI plans because they know it'll be the death of them.

Your days are numbered, KIKE!

They are doing the precise opposite, with the ghost in the shell movie and all. You can look forward to other transhumanist and cyberpunk fiction being produced by Hollywood and kiked out bigly.

I am really glad that they are tipping their hand this early tbh. Makes it easier to defeat them. How hard would it be to hack a bunch of useful idiots with the cuckchip and turn them into Kike Killing Kommandos? All you need to kill kikes is 7 proxies if this technology gains traction among the normies.

I knew there was something off about all those people using the Christcuck meme.

Holy shit, this explains why i have slowly gained faith.

>Do you think you can uncut someone's legs off to make them taller, Holla Forums?
They are switching off the threat center of the brain in people who have developed it properly to give them the experience of someone whose brain hasn't developed properly.

I believe it's more about having faith in something higher/greater than yourself. In particular God, but more relevant to current events: the nation. This is why they allow hordes of outsiders in. Brain damaged leftists don't view the nation as something to perserve and protect, and as such they act in manner to harm it. If I may extrapolate more from article, I think they simply incapable of higher abstract reasoning/thoughts. My evidence for this is how normalfag memes are often shallow and contain text to directly explain the context and meaning of the iteration of the meme to the observer. Our memes, however, have incredible amounts of abstract depth where an incredibly simple image can describe largely abstract feelings and emotions (Gondola for example). Hell, we even gotten to point where we've started the first cyber-religion.

Not worshiping a Semitic demon doesn't imply a lack of spirituality. How you find the time to shitpost here in between keeping invalids alive and importing your brothers in Christ from the third world is beyond me.


Alright, so what was that about being "enlightened" and "skeptic", huh mr. fedora?

LSD and intense re-education camp. LSD can alter the brain. Am I correct?

The implications of this make me very nervous.


Lack of threat assessment about immigrants (not-my-tribe as your brain would process it) also kills your emotion towards the greater whole that you yourself seemingly belong to, like your nation (my tribe). This capacity however allows you to perceive and also believe in God, who reflects and animates the natural order in the universe, just as your love for your country inspires and creates order within.

Without belief in the divine and their own people, humanity is deranged and lost, just like the lefties are.

I wonder how many of the scientists that discovered this thought about it for a second and came to the same horrifying conclusions Holla Forums has.

We really need to figure out how to boost the amygdala's function and then use meme magic to make leftists do it. We'd basically WOLOLO them into becoming RWDS. Also, fuck you for posting anything beyond season 8.

It brings to mind Jung's description of Gods/Demons/Spirits as shadows of a collective psyche; if the part of the brain responsible for identifying the collective being damaged also results in a decrease in spirituality as concluded by the study, that suggests Jung's intuition about the matter was very close to the actual neurological processes.

You might not like it but…

My guess is that this is, like much brain science, is something many have known for a long time but is just now being shown to the public. And my next guess is that all the toxic shit in food and medicine today has caused a great deal of the damage and it's not an accident


He's a fat fuck snake oil salesman. His screeching is amusing enough but don't bring him up as a serious source.

I'll just leave this here…

Was that typed up by an $8/hour nigger secretary employed by that kike's law firm? It's not even proper American English.

Dubs declare it must be done.

I'm quite sure that we could develop a system whereby we can facilitate the restructuring of the brain with the help of all of our science and occult anons. But it would be voluntary. Hmm.. makes me remember something I read years ago about the golden ratio and how observing it in nature and concentrating on it in meditation can have a positive effect of the mind and even heal damage. Can't remember where I read it though..
Anyway the idea being that stimulating someone's brain with sacred geometry through memes may be an option. My guess is it'd trigger subconscious recognition of the natural order/god's plan (whatever you want to call it) and with enough exposure start to rewire some of he damaged bits. It's a stretch but it'd be an interesting experiment.



Hello newfag. This changes nothing. It's already been proven that leftists have a defect amygdala so we've had leftism being caused by brain defects on paper for ages. This merely adds to what regions are damaged.

Now shut fuck up and take your six months.

it has to be an improvised subdialect of legalese that has to be understandable by illegal beaners, of course it's not proper American English

Kinda like the only way to have leftist and liberal discussions is if political correctness is enforced, countless subjects are censored, and the whole place is basically a safe space.

Free up the speech, the debates and the ideas, and suddenly no one can argue against conservative, right views.

This is direct evidence that we are nearing the end. Remember the Musk thread yesterday 'merge humans and computers' ? The jews are nearing the point where they can directly modify people's thought patterns. This story used magnets… cybernetic implants aren't even necessary, they'll be devices you can just wear on your head. (Though, I'm sure they'll push for implants to make it more permanent). They'll be able to pick and choose areas of the brain to shut down or excite to produce the desired outcome. (The jews suddenly want you to go to die for Israel , switch to mode 2). Once this is unleashed on humanity the book begins to close, once jews have this power they will entrench it and push for more and more until they've created actual zombies. Holla Forums alone has been warning of the innate evil of the jews and the unfolding hell they will unleash upon normies at least we know better than to ever get near the incoming 'facebook direct neural interface'

If you told me this five years ago I'd think it was one of those "Birth control makes your daughter into an ugly slut who practices witchcraft, does drugs and worships the devil" type jokes.

Sounds like this would also shutdown the ability to measure danger when crossing the street, relaxing around blacks, driving. I've seen documentaries on people with brain injuries that lost their sense of danger and would make incredibly dangerous choices because they no longer felt fear.

Certain species of lizards can regrow limbs, we'll likely be able to develop that ability in humans far into the future.
We are about two decades from deus ex levels of prosthetics.
We have stilts and decent prosthetics right now.

like this one?

Oy vey, you expect me ta pay a schvartze foaty dahlaz an howa ta tawk ta an illegal undahkyamenned citizen wit no nahledge ov English? Whaddaya take me foah, a goy? Dis is anudda holocaust!

Not all dogs, plenty of dogs are retards who get scared of non-threats and ignore real threats.

What if this is a fake article trying to get us to stop Redpilling people? I want to see the actual studies with sources backing this.

So does that mean low T leftycucks have part of their brain malfunctioning?

It could just be that people create the image of god as a coping mechanism to deal with (legitimate) fears. I've come to hate immigrants because of crime stats and their generally sleezy behaviour whenever I encounter them IRL yet none of it has made me reconsider religion. The concept of god still seems meaningless to me. His existence wouldn't explain anything so I don't see any validity to theological arguments. The only angle I see is that if we all pretend we believe in a god (and it's the same one) then we have a powerful tool to lead the stupid who fall for it and think he's real. For instance if we memed Kek into the mainstream any other memes we want to make mainstream could be delivered "by him" so to speak. That's how I view historical religions, they're forms of population control that go where pure intimidation with arms can't. The idea of an omniscient spirit that holds a certain set of morals and can punish you in some way (now or afterlife) but also offers rewards (now or afterlife) means that those who control the moral narrative have power even where they can't look or interfere. It's no longer just the threat of police violence that keeps niggers from nigging if they genuinely believe they will get bad luck as punishment even if no cop catches them.

Tfw pol degraded to a bunch of snackbar equivalents

I wonder. Even when I believed some of the egalitarian nonsense and I've never been religious, I had a highly developed ability to detect threats

leftists have absurd belief structures of their own, maybe moreso than religion because there is direct contrary evidence yet they won't change their position.

That's what I have concluded.
There are certain things, the stupid are not supposed to think about(because it would destroy them, either by getting insane or suicidal/depressive).
Religion might give you hope and it is indeed a powerful tool and probably one of the more useful ones. But well, a strong faith might actually give you something as well. A stronger will you might say.

but what if you see the collective threat from immigration but believe that religion is bonkers?

Yeah, that would be nice. I see no chance of it happening though. I saw religion as playing pretend when I was introduced to it as a child. I played along for a while but it never did anything for me. The only way I could believe in a god would be if there actually was one and I experienced proof. If such proof existed it would be mainstream news. We would both know about it. It's not going to happen.

I mean, can you blame them? Apparently they're similar to a toddler in intelligence, just with a different skillset. If you didn't know what a lawn mower was, you'd probably be like "what the fuck is that" too.

And it is probably not going to happen. But neither can it be disproved, so believing in a god is not stupid.
Actually, did you see how leftists and marxists are flinging shit at the Christians at every instance possible?
One of the reasons why I think religion is important. Religion also treats issues like the origin of mankind. But all these things are completely philosophical and theological.

Being afraid of lawn mowers is actually smart. A lawn mower can cut you badly.

lsd un-bluepilled me


Is the atheist argument.

The religious is this:
Humanity possesses an innate understanding of the supernatural, being creatures which are tied to both the natural and supernatural worlds by virtue of their own nature. From the supernatural - God - there is derived the completely illogical belief that there is such a thing as "right" and "wrong - that is to say, conventional morality.

With this understanding comes an implicit understanding of other concepts - hierarchy, kin, and other higher ideals. Essentially, those thing which have absolutely no biological basis. In the physical brain, these things are related to the ability to understand threats to oneself - one understands punishment/judgment, for instance.

Retard that characteristics in the brain and what do you get? A human body with a severed connection to that which falls outside of itself. A more passive person which doesn't think about consequences, morality, or any ideal higher than himself. From the Christian standpoint, this person is the exact definition of the perfect target for the Enemy; while no pride or wrath may exist, no humility or patience can develop either.

Now this doesn't answer the question of how one can then be for certain high ideals, and still be opposed to theism. In this case we step into the matter that the brain is not simply one piece, and there are more than one ways to understand something. Take immigration by muslims. It is possible to understand it is a threat at an instinctual level. It is also possible to understand that it is a threat through logic - by showing the numbers, statistics, and events.

Essentially, a person with a sufficiently high intelligence and enough experience is capable of being taught something a person with a mind more developed towards this moral-supernatural processing will natively understand.

There is another side as well - the religious person who rejects the ideals of a people, of a nation, etc. Here we have the opposite problem. In this case, we have a person being taught something incorrect. The subversion of religion. Go to a random church around the country, and you'll be sure to see words twisted around by speakers who either misunderstand or purposefully misrepresent them, pressure applied to inappropriately provide aid to foreigners, etc. The very long end result of a very long term strategy to prevent the Church from fulfilling its mission of moving people closer to God.

Lawnmowers kill something like what, 40 people a year in the US? More?

Filtered and reported

Sophistry. Believing in something with no evidence is absolutely stupid.

Leftism/marxism is a competing religion. It shits on all other religions. The biggest misconception Christians have about their opposition is that it's motivated by atheism. It's not. Leftists/marxists are barely atheists any way with all the metaphysical mumbo jumbo they believe in despite zero evidence, see "equality" and the belief that if nobody got rewarded for work people would still work (this one despite plenty of evidence to the contrary).

And its treatment is a big bluepill. Try to reason that the belief "one race, the human race" isn't perfectly in line with Christian dogma. The idea that every "human" life has the same (very high or infinite) value is in no way secular.

My conclusion is if it can be done with magnets it can be done with electromagnetic fields such as wifi. Long before short these fucking cyber kikes will develop tech to weaponise wifi hotspots as brainwashing ambulatoria in this Meme War I of current times. Tesla was right once more

Believing religion is bonkers and being religious isn't mutually exclusive, at least if we run by the assumption that the religion believed to be bonkers is one of the existing organized ones that you can write on whatever form asking what religion you are. You can still be religious without believing in any organized religion just by believing in some manner of higher entity or purpose, such as for example for bluepilled fedora tipping atheist believing in 12-dimensional beings dicking around in our mere 3-dimensional (debatable but bear with me for a second) space. Think of Carl Sagan's segment of Flatlands, and add the general view the ancient Greeks had of their Gods being a bunch of proto-shitposting aspies fucking around for shits n giggles.

Still, this all depends on the actual definition of religion being used in what context. Same with the word "God", which will change definition depending on who you ask, from the most innocent person who'll say something like being a caring father figure, and the next guy who'll define him similar to what a novel writer is to the background face-less name-less characters of that novel.

It'd be fascinating to picture the views of people who don't even believe in "religion" in that manner. That they're just in this planet and that's it, time to get shitfaced and do what the jew wants you to do just because. As I was typing that, it came to mind that the jew probably weaponizes the word religion to label anything it wants as nonsense, since we all know how fedora-tippers of the kinds that make reddit their homepage immediately discard anything related to it.

nerd detected
you will never be a chad fatty
you will always be a sexually frustrated beta

New and thought provoking information. Thanks for taking the time to share it.

First of all, this article is old and we already talked about it in 2015. And second of all, why the fuck did you put a bunch of fucking dots in the URL? Do you even know what the purpose of breaking a URL is? Why would you make it as annoyingly difficult as possible for people to visit your link?

Saged and reported for your shit thread. Go back to reddit.

Having no idea of the nature of the threat, they attack the messenger. He caused them to feel bad.

Gods of the Copybook Headings springs to mind

I believe there was a study where thinking about your ancestors increased performance. Religion makes sense as a self-propagating hack, and naturally people drawn to manipulating or parasitising others are drawn to try to use it to their ends as well. Think jews becoming lutherans for an obvious example.

only if you allow religion to dictate the topics, typically down a safe path. Look at history, biology, and evolution purely from a logic and evidence, and you will be amazed how much more extreme and certain you become. Undiluted redpill.

Dogs lost much of their brain power from reliance on humans though. Essentially for them we act as a duel organism.

The article is old, but I'm bumping anyways because this generated intelligent conversation. Holla Forums is more than just a news aggregator. Nice dubs m8


Premise: There is something that could be described by the term "supernatural". I disagree, now go ahead and prove it.

False. Right and wrong are absolutely logical, they are attitudes that granted their holders success in survival and reproduction. Useful morals make you survive and thrive, useless morals die off with the idiots who hold them.

It's "right" or "good" to be nice to each other because cooperation leads to survival. It's wrong to steal because conflict within the group threatens the survival of the group and your personal survival (as the thief) if get your shit pushed in after you get caught.

Morality is not mysterious and illogical, it's usually rather obvious why a certain moral has been adopted by a population. You need to lie to create a void that the supernatural would fill. There is no void for it to fill. The world makes perfect sense without it.

What does it matter? The point was, if you're a dog and you're not afraid of lawn mowers someone might run over your tail with a lawn mower. It would be very painful, for you.

And that is the big problem I also run into. In the end it is a tool to control the stupid. Those who can not be redpilled(if you consider redpilling as giving someone the ability to think)

Well, being Polish I can tell you, that the Pope… The old polish one, not this shitskin, helped us in repelling communism.

Outsider STEM warriors like you who are not-so-subtly asking us to explain why your godless worldview is wrong while insulting us for having faith instead of praising empty transhumanistic scientism need to leave.

Not an argument.

Religions exist because humans have religious experiences. I think that none of the Abrahamic religions are actually any good at contextualizing those experiences, but religion will never go away because these experiences are hard-wired in the human animal, and I personally strongly believe they are a legitimate form of perception just as basic as touch, sight, and hearing. The problem here is generally a matter of interpretation. The first time you have a nightmare and run into your parents' room they tell you "no, no, it's not real, just forget about it." They don't teach you the beginnings of depth psychology or introspection to try to uncover where the dream cake from and how it differs from waking experience.

I think almost everyone has the kind of spiritual experiences that undergird belief in god - even if it's a god outside the context of mainstream religion. It's just that you've been handed a set of biases that you don't even realize prejudice you against engaging intelligently with the content of your own experiences.

You dont even understand the dead end science with which you wish to replace God, yet you demand arguments having made none of substance yourself. Typical arrogant and entirely useless STEM child who does not even have the courage to be honest about what he seeks.


when they can stimulate these religious experiences in a lab using magnets (not talking about this study), you have to admit maybe it's not a god doing the talking

anyway, only some people have these experiences; i think most don't. I certainly haven't. Without exception, the religious people I know are just scared of reality and don't want to let go of the psychological safety blanket they've believed in for so long. I can even corner them in arguments, and their last defense is always just "…….you just have a bad attitude." It's like they start to see the light of why it's wrong, then their ego kicks in and it's back to square one.

Different brains for different people, that's all it is.

If you see nature laid bare to you and view it as an insult, the problem is you. Or, considering the reddit-spacing, you might just be a D&C shill.

I've had 'religious' experiences, it was actually introspection, understanding psychology and myself that makes me not leap to the conclusion that my feels meant there is a god.


Tell that to all the evangelicals in regards to israel

You make more sense than the other guy but here's where you insert your unsupported premise:

People have all sorts of illusions. We all know that weird feeling when the train next to our own starts moving in the opposite direction. We all know about optical illusions. You can also get really mislead by sounds, all our senses regularly create false perceptions, they are not perfect.

I think I would have a much easier time explaining that additional sense away as the sum of glitches produced by the other senses, than you would have in trying to argue that there is any "perception" happening there, as in, there is something to perceive there and not just noise.

Dreams are to a large extent simply the brain cleaning itself and to some extent sorting through memories. The idea that all dreams have meaning is pretty esoteric. Is that what you believe?

Everyone, without exception, has illusions. "Spirituality" then is a misinterpretation of some or all illusions one experiences. Spirituality is synonymous with your tendency to perceive information where there is only noise.

You're adding nothing to the debate.


Refusing to believe that your own experiences are real is just solipsism. Sure, you might be a brain in a vat, but it's not worth talking about. Doubt needs to be predicated on reason. If you don't have a clear reason to doubt the validity of your experiences, it's just empty mental masturbation.
t. degree in philosophy

Atheists are cancer and want us to become faithless zogbots like them. Atheism is communism is judaism is satanism.

I was doing no such thing. I am glad for my experiences. I seek to replicate them. They don't imply a god or anything supernatural though.

You know you can't win this debate, yet you're unwilling to self-reflect on why that is and possibly change your views. Instead you choose to throw a tantrum. It's embarrassing.

Atheism is weakness, malice, and arrogance - 'i have acquired some base understanding of the world, so I will never need God again. Thanks for nothing, spirituality.'

Atheists only argue in bad faith, outsider. It is merely arrogance and hatred of God what you proffess.

I have enough personal experiences with the esoterica related to dreams that I think the Oriental ideas about the subtle body are probably real. I don't know how it should be so; I don't know why it should be so; but the feeling of falling back into your own body at the end of a dream is real and consistent enough for me that I think it's an accurate perception of reality, though the extent of that reality is obviously extremely poorly understood. The Buddhists and Hindus have been working on the problem longer. Where the West turned our faculties of perception outward, they did just as much work at turning them inward and I mostly accept their conclusions.

Under a completely secular standpoint life has no value. If you take a naturalist viewpoint of the world and consider there to be no higher authority, no inherent hierarchy preordained, then there remains only one aspect: to survive. You could say that the spreading of genes matters, but in truth, no animal considers its legacy. They have sex because they are in the mood to, which is a biological impulse evolved specifically for that purpose. Even those animals where the males are consumed after mating attempt to put up some resistance to having their lives ended under most circumstances.

For the sake of argument, however, we shall say that legacy overrides survival. And perhaps so - after all, many animals do exhibit self-sacrifice to preserve their offspring. But this legacy in no way applies to others, or to ones outside of ones own children. The concept of a "white race" is meaningless to a proto-human; even the concept of a "tribe" is foreign up until a certain level of development, let alone a "nation" or a "morality". None of this arises until the concept of "God" does as well.

Look no further than behavior of so-called African "Christians" to show you this. While their lips may speak of God, only the absolute smartest (read: average white intelligence) even show an inkling as to actually understanding anything more. Ideas such as "morality", "consequences", and indeed a value to anything beyond oneself is completely absent.

There are close to two thousand years of Christian literature on the matter, but for a very plainspeak explanation in modern English you can reference the early chapters of this:–Miracles/cjyaqv.html

Now regarding your statement on morality, this is all incorrect.

Under a purely naturalist system, stealing is not bad. Stealing and getting caught is what is bad. In either case it is certainly not wrong. Indeed, if you can lower your workload by stealing a small amount from another person for yourself and your children, you have made them genetically more fit. The evolutionary advantage is therefore not in being able to moralize - it's in being able to tell the best lies, most carefully avoid consequences, and feel no remorse from causing harm to others.

Now I'll give this - the chemicals of pleasure released upon acts of charity and similar biological processes do contribute something beyond the above. But there is also some debate on how much of this is a social aspect. Consider again the Africa situation. Were western morality derived purely from biological impulses to survive, surely those same impulses would result in a similar morality elsewhere (for the African brain, while less intelligent, is similar enough to be triggered to by the same stimuli). But this is not case. The same can be said for Asia as well - while similarities arise, the cultures create very large schisms. Just look at how cheating is perceived.

If there is a God, morality is an absolute necessity to reaching something beyond. But if there is not, it is only a weakness for people. Indeed, the only weakness would be lacking the ability to avoid consequences. The "virtues" of cunning and ruthlessness.

You're supposed to spoiler pornography.


t. an actual outsider projecting hard

I don't have a response for this since I don't know much about oriental anything.

where do you think you are?

God, I cant stand these average individuals who invade our communities with their kike scientism. It is no different than arguing with a ponyfag. They know their arguments reduce to nothing, but would rather we worship that nothing than having to admit we are not our own God (each kike scientism follower's ultimate dream, just as the jews always desire superiority over God with feeble ideas)

Read the Buddhist Cosmology article on kikepedia, it's a decent enough crash course on the topic. I think that without at least acquainting yourself with Oriental metaphysics you are at a disadvantage in trying to think about the western philosophy of science especially regarding materialism because you don't have anything to compare it to.

such a cringeworthy fedora tipper, i can tell you are under 18

back to /r/atheism


Mysticism/hinduism/buddhism are factual and scientifically corroborated. Fuck off with that dumb shit.

You have to remember that scientific rationalism grew out of Christian scholasticism in the first place. Comparing logical positivism to Christian metaphysics is a bit of a false comparison because they largely rely on the same unconscious premises. Researching Buddhism makes those biases more apparent, and you can evaluate scientific materialism more critically.

Yeah, this thread is definitely getting D&C shilled.

Remember that religion is the topic that Holla Forums homes in on most aggressively.

Apparently the virulently anti-atheistic board culture that has thrived here never happened. Typical atheist wanting to trash that which is Good with his hatred of God.

Ex plos ively pumped flux compression generator FTW

sure are a lot of of baseless assertion (1)s in this thread, about a 1.5 year old article from a torpedo

that you lump those together is especially funny.


It's all an approximation. It just has to work well ENOUGH. As long as the male struggles a little but still ultimately gets eaten the system works and there's no pressure for the male behaviour to change further. Same is true for human reproduction instincts. Women who are no longer fertile still have a sex drive. Some will say for social purposes or whatever but I'd say the simplest explanation is simply, why shouldn't they? Close enough.

I don't see any connection there. Tribes were essentially extended families, and so is a race. You get god-tier cooperation, pardon the pun, among extremely loyal people (most White people) and you get shit-tier cooperation between shit-skins even though they're just as religious (today moreso than Whites). Intra-tribe and intraracial cooperation arise from a cooperative trait in the population, not from belief. You can have belief without cooperation.

That just means intelligence is an important factor in "moral" behaviour. How does that support your point?

Only on an individual level. On a population-wide level this theft epidemic would be extremely destructive. Nobody would trust anybody. Strangers wouldn't give you a drop of water if you came travelling by their property. Nobody would help you if your wagon broke down, nobody would help you in the work place, everyone would be a selfish asshole. People as you know them today didn't evolve in a vaccuum where only the individual's needs matter. Imagine how many kids you can have in a society where everyone genuinely likes each other and tries to help out vs. if you're an asshole surrounded by other assholes and all anyone ever tries to do is scam you out of your belongings. Everyone would be worse off. Assholes can only thrive as long as they are a tiny minority.

No because Africa is a different place to try to survive and reproduce in.


Your implication-quotes don't correspond to anything I said.


We project artichoke nao

dont bully christ cucks user
they know not the spooks they worship

Or maybe non-believers hold back when a thread is decent because they know retards like you will get triggered. Meanwhile religious posters seem to have no such inhibition. Just because you spew your horseshit in every single thread (organic and representative "anti-atheistic board culture") and we ignore you and let you be doesn't mean we agree with you, or that we don't exist.

I pick my battles. This one was worth picking because OP was about science and religion. It's absurd suggesting that discussing the very topic at hand is "D&C" while shitposting ad hominems non-stop like (You)'ve been doing is quality content we need more of on Holla Forums.

It angers the atheist that his opponent is able to find faith and be content with it. His own inability to grasp a simple premise (God exists) must therefore be replaced with an ever-expanding set of descriptions of reality. The atheist does not seek out a deep understanding of the science he believes correct, yet he has the audacity to ask those with faith to disprove the very ideas he does not understand and which never formed enough of a consistent whole to challenge the idea of God to begin with. That is the atheist's gambit. It is a bluff, identical to the machinations of how jews argue.

Get out, cuck.


You outsiders are fucking disgusting. Non-believers? You are the believer. Every day you pledge your loyalty to a set of ideas created by man which you do not even understand. You are a suck-up to the scientific establishment, nothing more.

Holla Forums unplugged

Jesus, did CREW hire Holla Forums or something? This seems bigger than their usual quarter-assed raids.

This is old news. Like 2 or 3 years ago they were reporting studies that proved "the application of magnetic force to the amygdala is what we need to do to make conservatives less hateful".

Communism requires mental illness.


Nobody has problems grasping the premise. You seem to have a problem with grasping what that means. It's just a premise.

Science has long outgrown a stage where a single person could understand it all so this accusation is laughable.

Point to somewhere in the thread where even one poster did this. Go ahead. Of course this would require you to read the thread first.

There's no reason to assume God exists. That's all the challenge anyone ever needed to mount against your (((premise))).

Very convincing, butthurt.

You are a faithless child and an outsider. Go away.

fascism is truth regardless of what you call it

no u

This is literally the first time I've seen someone on Holla Forums trying to use "outsider" to ostracize a poster. The irony. What board are you actually from?

Jews utilize the weapon of never admitting they're wrong to the point of death. Atheists too think they can get away with it. Sophistry doesn't even begin to describe it. Useless men who want some air of importance.

You are an outsider, faithless one who comes to Holla Forums to spread jewish atheism.

Just noticed that it wasn't the same shitposter as before so we've got (2) invaders here at least. Common link: They use "outsider" as an insult while themselves sounding painfully foreign to the board.

This would be the time for someone who frequents other boards to identify where that meme comes from so we know who is raiding us.


Human reason didn't evolve as a tool for apprehending metaphysical truth. You've just substituted worship of god for worship of reason, as if reason is a toolkit that tends towards infallibility instead of just marginally improving applications of invention.

More deafening projection

They've been pretty active for the past two weeks or so. Religion threads are reaching ever-higher peaks of shitshow lately.


the jews found an easy way to divide us
and both sides blame the jew for it


Now you're just being incompetent in your ability to spot shilling.

Zero attempts to spread "degeneracy" or "communism". And you're still saying "outsider". It's NOT a meme here. Why don't you try to be more subtle now that I'm actively helping you?

This is a double-edged sword. On one end, the amygdala is useful for detecting threats. On the other hand, too much activity will create a society of high-strung shut ins.

There needs to be a balance.


P.S. This post was stupid. Obviously 83b9cf (7) and 9adbbb (7) are the same poster who switched IPs between 18:11 and 18:33. He keeps using the same foreign buzzwords which is bewildering.

He hasn't posted in a bit so maybe he's moving on to a new IP right now. I guess he has a 7 post limit her IP.

Basically when lefties are atheist their part of the brain responsible for the religiousness isn't turned of. It is simply repurposed to believe in absurd ideas like racial equality and pathological altruism.
True non-religious people are rare.

Interesting point. I wonder what my religious brain parts are busy with, if I have them.


Well I am oversimplifying it. It's not really about any spiritual or supernatural beliefs but rather the social cohesion and the unquestioned dogma associated with religiousness.
I know several devoted Christians who are independent minded and recognize society's bullshit unlike those so called atheists on the left.
It is not exactly correlated with intelligence either, that's why so many college educated minds and otherwise talented people believe in bullshit. Conversely there's a lot more down to earth men who might not understand quantum physics or computer programming but don't believe in dogma.

Bretty much. There is no point discussing it because

Also, intelligent dogmatic people tend to be even more devoted to their reality-conflicting beliefs because they have the mental capacity to be able to rationalize them.

I don't think anybody in this thread is a left wing atheist.

Pet dogs aren't guard dogs. Most of them don't even bark at intruders.

Get out, brainlet shill. If you were not a christian dogmatic/shill you'd be on leftypol.
People like are destroying this board.


Better than a low-trust society where you're daughter can be raped by juan or mameet with no repercussion.

shills can't meme arrow

filtered, samefag outsider

college is pretty average iq these day, and consists of the most indoctrinated and insulated people around. Of talented and intelligent people I know who learned realworld skills, none of them I know believe anything unsupported or will gladly state their reservations and lack of proof if they do.

look at working and hunting dogs instead


you're posting r/The_Donald threads here.

It's an old news story and the spin they put on the study was already debunked. They chose conservative participants because they wouldn't have received funding for their study if they had chosen a 'progressive' group.

This method of using transcranial magnetic stimulation on the posterior medial frontal cortex could be used to temporarily reduce anxiety – no matter how valid the feelings are – in pretty much anyone as long as it is processed by the posterior medial frontal cortex, which is the part of the brain associated with detecting and solving concrete problems and threats.

I'm sure you can use transcranial magnetic stimulation to reduce belief in feminism, anthropogenic global warming, gunphobia, socialism, atheism, etc. any type of belief in which there's a threat processed by the posterior medial frontal cortex. I'm sure it would even work on DonaldTrumpphobia.




Is that link still ok? I get 404.

Don't fucking tell me this article is also censored in Sweden…

Try this german then


I humbly respect your opinion and your tripps.
I didnt take that into consideration.

Why post it as a link if you don't want people to click it? If there's a spam block put in a space instead of dots.

Who reads a link before clicking. I don't.

Jesus Christ lad.

God is the anthropomorphization of the idea of the great good or something greater than yourself, user.

I would normally be suspicious of them for testing this on only 14 people, but since they were picking from college students and excluding those that were "extremely liberal", finding 14 is quite the accomplishment.

and my experiences had nothing to do with that, so I stand by what I said

You're thinking too hard here user. Always look back to previous Jewish tricks to identify upcoming Jewish tricks.
In this case, look back on Soviet Russia.
They will officially label all the liberal phobias as legit mental illnesses which can be treated with "magnetic massages" and targeted micro surgery.
They will use "magnetic massages" to identify the exact portions of the brain which they can excise using silicon based instruments controlled through fiber optic strands thinner than hair.

Makes a lot of sense to be honest. Liberals scientifically confirmed for mentally impaired. Atheists too.

That's because liberals have their thought process and learning come from kikes and the marxist indoctrination. Because of libs in the modern day it's so much easier to recognize that their tactics, sjw tactics, and jew tactics are all part of the same booklet. (((they))) don't change anything or do anything different. Kikes are fucking retardedly short sighted when you find the truth of them. Their only means of surviving has been running away to countries that don't know who the fuck they are after time that the country they are invading gets tired of their shit and throws them out.

libs/leftists should belong in a mental ward, but tri-gendered pyro foxes are now accepted within society, at least in places on the internet where that behavior is encouraged and rewarded, like (((social media sites)))


Only the ones breed to be cute, those are mostly brain dead barking little fucks. The ones breed to do useful stuff like border collies are pretty intelligent.

Sure are a whole lotta christcucks in this thread.

There's nothing wrong with atheism if you hold that belief by way of healthy skepticism. The correct response to this news article isn't to stick it to the kikes by joining a judeau-derived religion. Are you actually retarded? Christianity is literally another of Judaism.

If you think about it, only intelligent sentient beings believe in a God(s). You don't see it in any other animal because they aren't capable of philosophising existence.

As for rational thinking, it's only obvious that individuals who would compromise the the survival of their group or themselves would be an evolutionary deadend. It's because giving up your most important instinct of self preservation makes you a defective living creature and insult to life, which is why evolution makes sure leftists never breed on par with the right. Even nature knows they are a waste of DNA and wants leftists gone. Thank God political views have high genetic lineage, might explain Generation Z being so uncucked.

I imagine some scientists had the looming suspicion, but I also imagine some scientists vain enough to think this is the direction towards 'enlightenment' for the mass.

Are you seriously fucking saying that god exists because we as a species conceptualized the potential for a god?

We have gone beyond mental gymnastics. This is mental figure skating, and what you just said is a fucking triple sowcow.

Sorry, salchow.

I can't get into religion either, and I think it's mostly because my perception of god has been so deformed by the semetic religions. Christianity, Islam, Judaism. It's kinda like a guilt based death cult that values faith and subjugation over overcoming obstacles and seeking truth/strength.

I find solace in nature and natural order. I don't have to worship it, just respect it. Maybe you should try studying other religions (even dead ones) to dismantle all of your assumptions about what god it supposed to be.

Seriously what the fuck. There's more rational thinking and philosophizing in many more topics than fucking god. Nobody should consider theology or the debate of theology even in the top 5 of humanity's greatest thoughts.

Looks like a lot of us have arrived at a similar conclusion. I don't personally subscribe to religion or god, but in recent years I've come to appreciate why it's important that most people do.

Christianity is foreign to Europe, just as it is here in Japan
shinto, buddhism, and zen by extension is implicit japanese identity :^)


he just broke the link different, look again

user, did you come up with that evolutionary morality theory independently, or did you learn it from another poster on Holla Forums?

Might explain why no matter how many facts and statistics we show , the leftists cannot be reasoned with .

Bread theme

This post deserved trips


But people haven't believed in Odin in ages.


From a social engineer point of view it is pretty simple: Reduce the natural instinct to certain changes in your environment because certain mechanisms dictate (which also rely on human nature) to reduce the resilliance of the native population to achieve certain goals, or future potential methods to achieve said goals, because goyim.

"If you think about it, only intelligent sentient beings believe in a God(s). You don't see it in any other animal because they aren't capable of philosophising existence. "

Nigger you need reading comprehension skills.

He is not saying "we can think of it therefore it exists" he is saying that being able to believe in a deity ANY deity is a trait that only sentient creatures on par with humans possess and therefore the implication is asserted, right before he outright says it, that leftists are mentallt defective humans and thus "sub" human

Any hallucinogenic substance will improve brain plasticity, which is what's required for old dogs to learn new tricks. Mushrooms are much easier to acquire, and honestly LSD would be like trying to rebuild an outhouse with a bazooka.

Yes, during the MKULTRA studies one of the things they specifically trying to research was how susceptible psychedelics like LSD makes you.

they were literally trying to find how to brainwash people with acid

its probably what the jews do to celebrities, drug them up with acid and rape and torture them, then inflict them with brainwashing to cement it.

we could probably do something similar, , like dosing people with acid and forcing them to watch TGSNT all clockwork orange style

also i have taken acid, and I saw swastikas and wolfsangels everywhere, and saw a vision of charlemagne and widukind in heaven, both of them telling me to remove kebab (in a more godly mandate kinda way)

so i dont think psychedelics themselves brainwash you specifically to be leftist, they merely brainwash you and cement current religious or political ideas. hippies are the result of LSD being spread by retard liberals and potheads, using it as a method to spread their ideas through subtle drugged brainwashing.

Have you heard of CREW or CTR?

Which God? Christian God? Allah? Zeus? Odin?
This article is obviously kike propaganda to get more people go to church and obey them.

WOTAN shall walk once more, and with him, the people.
^ First image.




Inb4 stuff we already knew, and even have known for long, but figured I'd post for the un-informed :^)


Sure thing, LARPer.

Didn't we have this thread over a year ago? Oh yeah:

What ya sliding chaim? Newfags need to lurk for 2 years before posting.

HELLO EVERYONE, why don't you try to understand what the experiment was exactly instead of talking about the media spin on it? You all took the bait you bunch of suckers.


1. It's a method to temporarily lower anxieties

2. If you feel the group you identify with is threatened by something then it will activate the posterior medial frontal cortex.

3. It works on all types of anxieties processed by the posterior medial frontal cortex.

4. The scientists recruited conservative subjects for their study because it was the politically correct thing to do and they're probably 'progressives' themselves

5. If they had chosen 'progressive' subjects who are afraid of say Donald Trump then it would have lowered their anxiety and the headlines would have been TRUMPPHOBIA CURED WITH MAGNETS! or something like that.

you can now start typing "sage" in the e-mail field and stop bumping this thread

My fucking sides.

B..But facts are racist / sexist / transislamophobic goy.