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Possible release of "October Surprise".

so when is julian doing the thing

I'm sure they're going to build it up a lot, until he speaks.

They are building the hype for the release to be more viral and uncontrollable so that the mainstream media can't do damage control fast enough.

"U S Demands to Assassinate Assange"

I forgot about this shit. And Hillary supporters are saying there's no proof of her calling to drone strike him? Apparently it's not far fetched… At all.


droppin harder than your mama on the kitchen floor

Julian's on now

They will defend her to death, no matter what. It seriously sounds like a real cult of personality. Hillary, the first female dictator.


Oh look absolutely nothing

Much better Assange audio

It's been interesting so far. Recapping the past 10 years for Wikileaks. Maybe an announcement; fingers crossed.

I don't care about the WikiLeaks recap, just spill the beans on HRC.

Nothing major will be released at this press conference. It's noon here in Europe but the people who really need to hear it are asleep in America. They will release it when most amount of American people can hear it before the American media puts its own spin on it.

right-wing kiddies crying on twitter in @wikileaks' mentions. because somehow choosing not to make massive leaks at 5 am est on HRC means wikileaks loses credibility LOL

>>>Holla Forums7737165

To see them crying

It's not like it matters. Hillary could be an actual reptilian and no one would do anything about it.

Actually, her being reptilian could work very well for her. To elect a first female reptilian president would be an even greater win for identity politics.

She'd never make it to power. Minorities are horribly under-represented in US elections.

pol is so angry

so am I


Sure are, especially that 1% minority.


The amount of tears from that board has been beautiful the last week.

Americans seem very pissed, acting like children who didn't get their toy NOW.
But I don't think they themselves advertised this 10 year anniversary event as a major release of new documents. It's other people who made that connection.

It was mainly Alex Jones

lol. I'm amazed that they think he's on their side in any way shape or form. He's clearly an anti-imperialist liberal.

They way he talks to Zizek, and the way Zizek talks about him makes me think he is a communist. Zizek said that the Swedish government called him a communist as well. Assange and Zizek have had a lot of meetings and Zizek clearly really likes him.

This is attempting to incite violence and all of these fuckers should be arrested for it.

Thankfully white people aren't a minority.

Most right-wingers have more strategic sense than most lefties, because they still perceive politics as war. They know perfectly well that Assange is not on their side, but why would that bother them? Some of his actions align with their interests. It's most of the left that has lost any strategic sense, caring more about who is what and with whom and so on.

A skirmish is not the war.
