What are some vidya that have good boot camps in them?

What are some vidya that have good boot camps in them?

Fuckoff rugga

HL opposing force is the only one I can think of.

why live

what are some vidya with good booty camps

I still remember the boot camp sequence from Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Holla Forums, my chair constant smells a little bit like cum, even when I'm not sitting on it.
I've never actually came on my chair or floor or anything, so I have no idea what it could possibly be. Nor do I live with any other men.
wat do?

HL: OpFor

You have a leakage from your sack, you have to go to your doctor.

Your chair is a sexual relationship with somebody.

Could be fungus that would smell, but not like cum.

Wait, fungus on my chair?
I think I would notice that.

I'm far from a military nut, in fact i despise Merican style army/military culture atleast the kind Hollyjew likes to portray because i hate you fat pieces patriotic useless merican shits but this was the best tutorial i've ever played.

Your mom washed your chair with bleach to remove the stink away. Cum smells like bleach

Why the fuck would Mercians boast about American military?

But then wouldn't my chair smell like bleach?

Not Mercian.
Are you fat? stupid? or both aka Amurrican?

Operation Flashpoint, or ARMA: Cold War Crisis as it's called now.

What are you implying there, faggot?

Show it to MDickie and wait for inspiration to hit.

Saxons go back to Frisia, England is rightful Danish clay