Are reparations a spook? Do the conquerors really owe the conquered reparations? I'd say not finishing the job and killing them all was good enough, but I'm a weird kind of leftist.
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Sorry if duplicate, first thread didn't post.
Are reparations a spook? Do the conquerors really owe the conquered reparations? I'd say not finishing the job and killing them all was good enough, but I'm a weird kind of leftist.
WebM kind of related?
Sorry if duplicate, first thread didn't post.
if conquerors paid reparations to every people they fucked over, they would be bankrupt, so it will never happen.
no they do not. the entire world is the inheritance of the international proletariat.
Reparations aren't a spook they're just a bad idea. Upward mobility is a myth and if you pay people off and they still remain poor, it will just convince more people that those people are where they deserve to be. Meanwhile, reparations does fuck all to address widespread poverty. That's the product of a shit system which would still be in place if you paid them niggas some shit.
i dont see why anyone deserves repatriation for what someone who they never met and dont know suffered hundreds of years ago. Really the only way it makes any sense is if you think America was their birthright. Also who would pay for said reparations? If the government does it your taking away everyone's money that would go to education and other public needed thing so your stealing from everyone else
Exactly. Shit happens, war is hell, blah fucking blah. Yeah muh history repeating, I've got that in mind, but we should find solutions for today and tomorrow, not have the descendants of the aggressors fork out money for centuries' old sins. Victim mentality is one hell of a spook.
Worst slave owners are those who are nice to their slaves.
They'd have to give ownership over the means of production to everyone they've fucked over, al of the working class. So yeah, reparations would be great, but they'll never happen beyond some petty handouts to token minorities to virtue signal and make the system seem moral.
You'd think the whole "I'm rich and I use my wealth to help, honest you guys" would be completely untenable in this day and age, but it do.
If reparations constituted handing over the means of production to the workers, I'd be all for it.
I think a key point user is missing is that the land–the means of production–that natives were forced to reside upon are complete fucking shit.
Under capitalism or social democracy it makes perfect sense, because the state grew off the forced labor or displacement of those people and it would be a way to redirect stolen resources back to the affected. Under socialism it wouldn't matter because they can't claim ownership of land, racism wouldn't exist, their labor would be fairly compensated, money might not even exist, so asking for anything in those circumstances would be entitlements
Reparations only make sense if the actual victims are still alive. Otherwise you have people who haven't committed any crimes paying money to people who haven't been the victims of any crimes.
Poor people stay poor, just because someone's great great grandchild isn't being genocided doesn't mean they're still not in a shit situation because of that genocide
If I believed that you could solve this problem by throwing money at it I'd be 100% for reparations
this though
Although there is an argument to make for ex-colonies getting reparations from the country that exploited them, since they dont actually own it anymore so dont have to build anything for them.
then it is a class issue not a racial one
Literally everything is a class issue fam.
Well now, they're more owned by corporations so in the end it still comes back to seizing the means of production…
can't argue with that also nice pic
Reparations aren't a spooks, they're a proposed solution to beliefs built upon spooks. They're totally useless though, because they don't change the conditions of those said reparations are intended to help.
There is just no logic by which that makes any goddamn sense. And what do all the mixed people (aka damn near everyone) do? Pay themselves reparations?
it is basically idpol gone completely mad
A vicious cycle. Ideally, Indians would acknowledge they got conquered, they lost, get over it and move on with their lives, and the right would accept that "might makes right" and such points aren't the best excuses for past atrocities (Gee, them rapefugees sure are mighty conquerors, how's it feel to be the modern Injun, Euro-Holla Forumslyps?).
And the right prove themselves incapable of anything but hatred and an unquenchable power/dominance they when Indians go out to protest a pipeline they scream "LET'S FINISH THE JOB!"
*Unquenchable thirst for power and domination
You don't owe people money for the past, you owe all people equal opportunities for the future.
Not possible in the current system.