Testosterone, is absorbed by the female, via sperm. This is turn, creates a greater sex drive in the female, as it increases libido, AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES, it will only stop if the women stops having sex with different men.
>The results showed that estradiol, progesterone, DHEAS and androstenedione levels did not differ between the groups and were within the normal ranges. Cortisol levels were significantly higher amongst those subjects who had recently fallen in love, as compared with those who had not. FSH and testosterone levels were lower in men in love, while women of the same group presented higher testosterone levels. All hormonal differences were eliminated when the subjects were re-tested from 12 to 24 months later. Source Hormonal changes when falling in love Marazziti, Donatella et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology , Volume 29 , Issue 7 , 931 - 936
If women are cycling through men, all the time, and men always falling in love with women, creating non lasting relationships, this creates the ideal conditions, abnormal hormonal inversion.
Probably this. Semen has high test, so it's probably absorbed through the cellure membrane of the vaginal canal via osmosis.
Nicholas Reed
What about the sluts who always insist on condoms? I have the same question with race-traitors. If she fucks a nigger but always with condom, is she salvageable (at least physically)? Or will Telegony still play a role?
Luis Wilson
So love is a massive farce then? Good to know.
Adam Martinez
Ian Moore
"Love" is nothing more but a chemistry of hormones and psychological effects of receiving the chance of having a potential well-endowed mate.
Also, OP is a faggot; sperm absorption in testosterone is minimal. It only gets pronounced if the slut in question carousel her vagina through a group of steroid-abuser gymrats through multiple months.
Easton Gray
Holy shit, how much of a virgin are you?
Noah Harris
is it just because it's different sperm or sperm in general, what about monogomous women who fuck their man on the regular?
Zachary Walker
Pick one. Yes, love is "only" electrons and chemicals, but what did you expect, magic? It exists because evolution selected for it, and it did so because those of us who fell in love had a much greater chance of having their kids not beaten to death by some other guy.
Owen Jones
You stupid nigger, that is not how osmosis works.
It's not a massive farce, but it does have a time limit of roughly 2 years. Let that sink in.
Daniel Evans
Love is all too real bruh.
Colton Parker
It's real, very real, very powerful, and you never experienced it.
Jose Torres
LOL what a massive emo faggot thing to say.
Anyone who believes that shit at face value is likely the same non-performing beta shitcuck that pretends to LARP about "muh day of muh rope", and when that day comes will be too much of a pussy to actually go outside and interact with people.
Haha, just go fucking kill yourself already, you pathetic excuse for a male.
Aiden Bell
I'm glad I don't have to worry about women stealing my gains.
Ryder Gonzalez
So if I suck a bunch of guys dicks or get fucked in the ass a lot, will I be more masculine?
Michael Green
sage for no source
Dylan Ortiz
Lincoln Lee
Well, fags have sex with loads of guys on average and raw a lot more often. Maybe they're so promiscuous because of all the testosterone getting blasted on them and in them. It might mean that you can make greater gains. Or you might just get addicted to cum. Give it a shot and report back.
Nicholas Rogers
Ian Carter
Only virgins would be against females being more sexually available.
Bitter virgins who want to take the moral high ground when in reality they are just sour grapes.
This predicts that the same effect would be observed in women who have lots of sex within the context of a monogamous relationship, which is false.
There's no evidence for telegony in humans. You shouldn't date women who have been with niggers because only garbage women fuck niggers in the first place.
Jacob Cooper
We Know
Robert Gray
Found the women.
Bentley Perez
Yes Herschel everything is a figment, lets just concentrate on the dust coming off of the mountain rather than the mountain itself.
Fuck off kike.
Luis Turner
I don't get the reference?
Evan Cooper
So manwhores and chads literally create sluts.
Wyatt Cruz
You're a fucking idiot.
Carter Gray
Filtered for reddit-tier pedantry.
Lincoln King
How fucking stupid can you be? Same reasoning libtards use. Get a grip.
Jaxson Moore
How unfortunate for you, being such a casual reductionist. Your whole conception of life is a fallacy borrowed by the nihilistic materialists that preceded you.
Lemmings are the last people that ought to be telling others about getting a grip on things.
Josiah Young
o i am laffin
Joshua Rodriguez
I'm sure you are, reddit.
Thomas Morris
I think the wop who designed this study neglected a vital variable: Italian women are world-renowned cokewhores. Cokewhores will "fall in love" with every last scumbag who gave them 50µg cut with baby laxative and it's well known that cocaine increases free testosterone in women. So much so that they'll literally grow fucking beards.
Levi Garcia
Yes there is - it's called microchimerism.
Jacob Smith
ever notice how faggots like this guy always make themselves stand out even across threads? I sure do
Henry Ward
The problem with the love debate is that there clearly is a difference between the "I want to fuck you" love and the "I want to take care of you" love. Just and Benjamin Franklin noted the psychological effect of having someone do favors for you makes them like you more, taking care of someone regularly makes you "fall in love" in a way that is distinct from the chemical attachment triggered through shared orgasm that diminishes over 2 years.
Julian Evans
Female testosterone in context of love and her heightened sexual desire is a response of endocrine system to a long-term exposure to a male, rather than it being exclusively caused by absorption of semen, although its presence is what triggers the bonding, feel-good feeling in a woman and the aforementioned testosterone increase.
What disrupts the cycle on several levels is the use and abuse of hormonal contraceptives, which interfere with base hormonal balance in a woman, on top of fatherlesness, earlier puberty, and promiscuous culture (virtual dating, mass media), which damages female incentive and ability to bond properly to one man, instead making her receptive to male attention from all over, but reducing her ability to bond (and thus reducing faithfulness in practical terms). This exaggerates the already predisposed female traits for hypergamy and pursuit of the fittest gene.
Owen Watson
TFW telogeny exists and I busted nuts in raw Japanese and Korean pussy, multiple times. What do?
Jeremiah Wood
Which is something that marriages have to do while they have their 2-year bonding period to transform from romantic love to marital love, with the latter being a cultivated feeling for the other person that goes beyond the chemistry, but one that can sustain it through emotional engagement on a higher level.
Jacob Young
That's a lot of projection bro.
Jaxson Richardson
How many niggers have you killed today? DEUS VALT!
Carter Roberts
Completely off topic, but what's a good way to increase your test? Other than diet, because that's not working for me so far.
I guess this might explain the calls to stop sexual promiscuity in the bible. It turns bitches into hormonal messes.
Landon Price
Grow testicles
Luke Murphy
It does create a level of psychological dependency, and yes, men who are in long term relationships tend to have circulating test that "levels off" whereas, men who are in situations with "strange potential breeding partners" in a more 'r' selected environment tend to have higher test levels.
That could account for the discrepancy.
Brayden Flores
Huehuehue how stupid can phenomoneologists be, there is no such things as experience!
Levi Gray
Love is like gravity. A force between people socially.
Hudson Fisher
What about the stat that young people are having less actual instances of sex these days (yet more partners)? If you claim semen raises test in females, then they ought to be the sluttiest living the tradlife, actually fucking on a regular basis. So what raises test more, the semen itself, or the hormonal rollercoaster of having multiple partners?
Luis Turner
Maybe you should drink semen to get more test.
Julian Kelly
That sounds like a bit of sampling bias to me.
You also have to take into account that a lot of whorish women are more likely than not already higher in circulating testosterone on their own.
Which in turn increases risk and novelty seeking behavior, incidentally simply putting onself in certain situations can increase or decrease your testosterone levels. And there is a phenomena that some of the people on Holla Forums who want to mythologize testosterone need to realize, which is that testosterone is always going to be on average higher in degenerate 'r' selected societies and lifestyles.
Unstable warlike societies will always skew toward that, and in turn rewards with impulsive, low-trust, risk taking behavior.
I'm definitely NOT saying testosterone is bad, I'm just saying there's a hormonal sweet spot and that max levels for test are not in a practical sense good for a 'K' selected society.
So it may be these women are already hormonally inclined and simply reinforce that, but it can also be risk taking behavior that reinforces it as well. It's way more complicated than "women absorb sperm therefore they're whores".
William Morales
strength training(zma, retional a, vitamin d3, k2) evading feminine and cuck behaviours. jerk of only to women in your imagination, where you are the dominant person aka the rapist. if you have a girlfriend, be masculine in the sheets and outside. Be gernerally dominant most of your day, don't be "nice" to people except your friends. food+babykillerpill+ social behaviour(raised by schools)+cock carousel
Jaxson Cox
That's completely psychotic and entirely superstitious.
Also IIRC K2 only precipitates lower estrogen levels, still useful though.
Asher Reed
A girl I used to fuck a few years back was on the pill and would let you cum in her and she was a slut. She had daddy issues so it could been because of that.
Leo Brooks
these things help: Don't smoke weed or drink alcohol Look into natural anti-estrogens like tumeric powder and mucuna puriens No soy products AT ALL Avoid plastic containers as much as possible, and NEVER use them in microwave ovens No milk, or at least very little. Eat grass fed beef as much as possible Burn off excess fat, the more fat you have, the more estrogen you produce Cut out oats and sugar both raise prolactin levels (prolactin as in breast milk hormone) Aim for a diet of primarily meat and vegetables, with low starch and carbohydrate consumption At a minimum, walk every day, but more exercise is better. If none of the above helps, save up for an operation, but you will need to make lifestyle changes, or your tits will come back. Good luck user.
Brody Cruz
So you are saying that you should not love your woman?
Jacob Harris
Telegony is real, lookup Lord Morton's mare. But it only counts if you are the first guy to come inside of her. After that she is saturated and any other semen will have minimal effects.
hey edgelord, love is much more complex then just being a psychosomatic response to attraction. The word your looking for, genius, is infatuation or lust.
John Lewis
Only 2 years? I'm glad my father's time limit was a lot longer or else I would have been sacrificed to moloch as a toddler. You're a fucking retard.
Wyatt Brooks
Bullshit and regarded "correlation=causation." They are sluts BECAUSE they have higher T. Their T is not higher BECAUSE of being sluts.
Logan Miller
They are virtually nonexistent but it doesn't matter, aI am dismayed that no faggot in this thread has been able to see through the actual purpose of this reporting. Why are you even on Holla Forums then? I will spoonfeed you faggots one more time; This "sperm ruins your looks by making you look like a butch dyke" is obvious social engineering aimed at increasing condom use amongst White women. Thus it is a measure to decrease pregnancies in the target group, I.e genocide.
Juan Myers
10/10 pic OP, so much asshurt in this thread.
Charles White
For real though, modern day jew pozzed scientists need to be hung one by one. You'd think the story of one scientist getting paid off to try and make lead poisoning not seem so bad would've been enough, but fucking faggots stick to science and unquestioned faith in scientists not being paid off hacks of jewish interests like it's a fucking religion onto its own. no, and frankly it should take out the (((Judaeo))) out of Judaeo-Christian. That kind of shit and unquestioned faith is why libs and "global warming" have such a foothold.
Hudson Murphy
So that autistic bong was right all along.
lloydianaspects.co.uk/evolve/breasts.html >That women do vary their behaviour according to their own brand of attractiveness is supported by a number of observations. For instance, women who have sexier bodies, rather than pretty faces, are more likely to indulge in casual sex, and lose their virginity three years younger. They also put more emphasis on the physical attractiveness of their partners, and in other ways tended to be more masculine (Mikach and Bailey, 1999). This is possible partly because a woman can be exposed in the womb and during life to testosterone. Some women have high levels of both sex hormones, and testosterone makes people lustful. Women with large breasts achieve menarche (periods) earlier, and get married less often (Manning, J.T. et al., 1997). This suggests that the instincts of women are fine-tuned to their best reproductive interests, and that breasts are sexy. A woman who is likely to succeed in the long term, due to beauty and brains, may grow smaller breasts and wait longer before losing her virginity. Another option for a woman is to become as sexy as possible as quickly as possible, and start breeding as young as possible. This doesn’t mean that they are not fussy about the men they mate with, but it does mean that they would put less weight on how long those men stayed with them. They could get the best sperm by being sexy, rather than being intelligent, but they can only get the best sperm this way when they are young, so they “go for it”. There is supposedly a link between high levels of sex hormones, both oestrogen and testosterone, and lower intelligence, which fits this pattern. This would also fit the frequently noted phenomenon of women thinking little of the intelligence of busty young sexy rivals of easy virtue.
Brayden Moore
so this is a shit op. please do your homework.
for the sake of clarity: (A) if we presume normalized non-white / cross-bred female, then: (1) if they take the schizophrenically labeled 'birth control' hormone pills, then they experience (2) a fuck up of their internal daily clock, (3) a fuck up of their monthly clock, which both proceed via (4) a slamming back and forth of way too much estrogenic with variable half lives and impurities, of which itself causes (5) subsequent release from the normal shunting of self-production of cholesterol-to-testosterone byproducts of gonads (that all gonads have period; sex irrelevant; division releases testosterone, thecal outter cell layer is –the– addition in female ovums to convert to estrogenic steroids), that of which itself (6) does cause transient unpredictably unpredictable (irregularly irregular) testosterogenic spikes –and– estrogenic spikes. summary lesson: take estrogen and you'll have baby rabbies so bad you'll be driven to get fucked by any camel, goat, or wildebeast (crazy), and simultaneously think that you're fucking them and their not fucking you (bat shit crazy), and in this dualistic hyper-mania have a requisite depression and subsequent failure of all internal ALREADY DEGRADED / ENTROPY RIDDEN regulation (see: shitskin / 'mother' nature syndrome).
for the sake of clarity, there are other pieces. fuck you, go do your homework. for the sake of clarity, if we (B) presume white, non-crossbred, father adoring females, the drugging of hormone sex pills (and releasing devices etc) will push them in the same direction, but no where to the same degree, and often their own internals, as well as their based environment, prevent behavior malfunction. the sex pills don't help them, tax others, but the tax is not to the same invalidating-of-their-pathetic-existence as shitskin females. it goes without saying that a far greater proportion of this white, noncrossbred, never-ceased-adoring population DOES NOT TAKE SEX PILLS. the lesson is simple in this regard: the constellations of failure often go together: shitskins will shitskin, non-shitskins generally will shitskin less.
now please, understand that 'please' is a formality. you are not being asked. please go away, please go do your homework.
David Howard
Are you an autist?
Luke Lee
your face is a lie. autism will not help you. have some more 'autism' anyway.
this is autistic too. and a lie as well. a population lie (that other posters correctly saw), a publishing lie, a confidence lie, used to fuel more lies and crazy.
shitskins have problems. this includes mudshit turks and kikes larping as lower peninsula italians. this is more than millenia-age-old-news. this still does not validate crazy assertions of made up biomechanics. to assert that the dysgenic and entropy-ridden have high sex hormones is laughable – they have failure of receptor, failure of regulation, and failure of all-those-other-things-that-didn't-get-passed-on (memory, analysis, aka brainz whatever). this goes for both sexes of the descent, as so defined. to further assert that they pass hormones via slut shows is also crazy – it would take 100x more –daily– fucking than their already elevated fuckfests to attain the similar results gotten from poor shitskin female 'birth' sex pill and diet guidance.
https www ncbi nlm nih gov/pubmed/1030919
now go kill yourself. please.
Justin Turner
Thank God I lift for me and not for some stupid bitch I'd have to lower my standards for.
David Wood
nice user, but post more since /fit/ is practically dead since 2016
Tyler Moore
/fit/ didn't die, it just turned into a second /r9k/. I always advise people to read the sticky and get the fuck out as quick as possible.
Chase Hill
maybe your post is a lie. I had a infograph to disprove this kike but apparently I can't find it.
Blake James
The fuck is this spam? What's with the massively low quality of threads right now? Mods been asleep for a week or something?
Oliver Thomas
fuck off shill
Tyler Brooks
it turned into /r9k/ when weird figures like travelling matt and others came, but /fit/ has been dead before that; they are only the maggots that only capitalize on an allready rottiing corpse. Hence it's not the maggots' fault that it's dead.
people are just aren't interessted in fitness anymore, they don't care beyond looking okay-ish to acquire the lowest form of female attention and when they do they abandon us.
that's just the way /fit/ has allways been, you don't find people who genuinly love the sport nowadays anymore - but when they do, they stick
according to this vaginachart my girlfriend who turned 18 five months ago must have had arround 100+ sexual partners when I took her virginity.
while this holds truth to some degree you can't expect it to work like depicted in this chart
Nathan Wright
Blake Adams
This thread is fucking retarded. If you want to be taken seriously, stop going on about women being mindless sex fiends, and show some actual science. Does that article in the OP state exactly how semen is somehow absorbed by a woman and in turn influence her hormones? Because it seems like OP has made a claim without being able to back it up.
Shit like this is what puts people off the right wing, and sends them right back into the arms of idiot leftists. If you just go on about how evil women are and so on, you're doing the same thing that leftists do when they demonise and dehumanise the right. Instead, you're better off behaving like an adult. In my experience, most women actually don't sleep around with multiple men. And if a few of them do, it's not important. There are far bigger problems in society. And if you want to encourage conservative values in women, don't just write them all off as sluts and whores, because once again, that's just going to put them right off anything remotely conservative.
Joshua Bell
you might find it amazing that some women can regenerate their hymen. is rare but more often than some busted up beaten pussy being untouched.
Carson James
I drink a lot of milk. Have I fucked up my life?
Joshua Ramirez
nu/fit/ the most famous tripfag is literally called trappy-chan. YET /r9k/ is to blame for fit, right? gtfo of here.
Levi Parker
Easton Clark
>every single woman has to be a raging slut While that logic would hold weight in liberal infested cities what with women instincts following the herd to fit in, find a mate, and procreate, however even if rare there is the offshoot chance you do end up finding the perfect wife material that isn't a self centered gold digging slut and actually adheres to the healthy family lifestyle. Just avoid the liberal infested cities.
Landon Wood
Succubusessuccubi? are real.
Carter Hall
Sup /r9k/?
Liam Bennett
Something about the way his dick stands looks really sad.
Jonathan Adams
kek, it would be painfull to believe that to be true but so is every redpill; I will give it the benefit of the doubt
at the end you and me or anyone won't find an idolized true aryan wife if we don't craft it ourselves
Colton Perry
Thanks for the advice user. That's the first I've heard of turmeric, I'm gonna look into that.
My tits aren't even really that bad, but it makes it look like I have a buff chest when I actually don't, and I don't like fooling people about that.
Jaxon Morgan
Colton Sanders
No, mods are on, but they couldn't spot shills if their lives depended on it, as if they want to deal with shills spamming shit lazy threads, they never do anything about it.
Robert Sullivan
top kek
Jackson Murphy
The question this raises is this: Q: What's the biological benefit this provide for women?
(attempt) A: It potentially increases sperm competition to fertilize the woman's eggs.
Cooper Gutierrez
That's a terrible infograph. Is it all the same woman? Were the partners recorded for that same woman? For all we know vaginas just get less taught with age, based on that. Plus vaginas vary with appearance just as much as dicks or tits do. Have you never seen more than one vagina in person?
The pill makes women constantly think they are pregnant, and it alters their behavior accordingly. They commonly become sluts because the concious knowledge that there is less of a consequence for promiscuity, and the unconscious knowledge that they've already found a suitable male to knock them up, now it's in their best biological interest to attract multiple strong aggressive males that can protect her while she gestates.
Eli Flores
I remember a year or so ago some user linked a study with gadflies or some shit showing how male dna becomes imprinted onto females genetic code after sexual intercourse, thus resulting in the possibility of having a child made up of multiple men's genetic makeup on top of the female.
Nevertheless,the more sexual partners a girl has the more of a repellant she becomes as a future wife and mother for sure.
makes me wonder if finding people actually in love means it was a one-time thing, gone after they jump on the carousel. assuming the study wasn't shit, of course
you believe them? kek
most important is cutting out alcohol, if you're already eating pretty clean
rural posters suggest otherwise.
Michael Butler
His dick would be more average if he got rid of all that pubic fat.
Oliver Cruz
how the fuck this is related??
spoiler this shit goddamnit.
Joseph Parker
Chemicals = everything, moran.
Carson Torres
Why are women seemingly part of a mystery cult to moloch? Are they all Punic descended? Do they believe they are philistines doing their duty?
jesus, are you cunts using this as a template now?
Joseph Cooper
come on
Aaron Bailey
Jaxson Ward
Sup Reddit
David Carter
can you read? hes a biologist t. biologist
James Smith
Should have taken your AI when juicin. You can have it removed by a plastic surgeon with an in-office operation.
Oliver Jones
Is there any winds of change in biology / genetics towards recognizing the importance of ethnic physiology differences?
-t. fledgling bio/chem student
Lincoln Perez
This makes me so sad! What a horrible world we live in. Can't wait till this world is on fire!
Cameron Lee
Go smash your balls with a hammer. After all, pain is only chemical reactions.
Jose Bailey
it's certainly not just feminists, women 'argue' men like this if they are trying to shut them down, as do their white knights/leftists/fags, though they won't be near as obvious about it. Women especially, if you argue to disprove their accusation, will just pick another tactic and continue. They won't use these on each other though, they use different tactics to enforce herd compliance and the pecking order on each other.
Bullshit and regarded "correlation=causation." They are sluts BECAUSE they have higher T. Their T is not higher BECAUSE of being sluts.
Asher Sullivan
They never argue the point if they're losing. They just start with the "loser virgin" crap. It's fucking retarded. White knights don't help.
Camden Carter
Doesn't mean much lad - research into telegony in humans would be hugely controversial and not likely to receive much funding, nor much priority in publishing. If we've found evidence for it in other organisms, there's very little reason to think it doesn't occur in humans - you're just another kind of animal, and if many types of animals demonstrate potential for telegony (they do), then it stands to reason you do too.
Austin Gray
Seems like support for a cyclical argument.
Michael Brown
ITT: trolls trolling trolls, goons, antifa, general shitposting, shills You're better than this Holla Forums
Thomas Garcia
Not lately.
Isaac Collins
stop trying to control the others when you can't even control yourself.