
Do you guys actually buy your games or do you pirate them?

I made a poll: poal.me/cz4aw4

Personally I pirate every single fucking one of them, the few times that I actually bought a game legally and shelled out a shitload of money for it, the games still wouldn't work for whatever reason (need to dl 20gb update, need to have steam account, need to have battle.net account) and the company would still treat me like a fucking pirate and wouldn't let me play the fucking (you cannot play multiplayer on two computers with the same copy of the game) and in the end I will have to pirate the same game anyway just to get the piece of shit to work.

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poo poo pee pee

why buying when you can get them for free?
It's not like they are stolen

To support devs


Whatever you say, nig nog

This is really the only reason why i ever bought a game.

I also prefer piracy because torrent and downloads can stay there forever while in Steam or GOG games can get "deleted".

oh here we fucking go, satan comes over to ruin the day

Do you realize that if not for publishers/steam game wouldn't be made at all?

Grab a shit ton of ROMs/ISOs for emulators/flashcarts/modded consoles. Nothing modern has been worth the effort to pirate.

Pirating mods when?

Whatever you say Satan.

Actually the only games I didn't pirate much was back when burning PS2 games was still a thing I would actually buy the originals games that I really liked.

Theft removes the original. If I purchase an apple, and then magic thousands of copies of that apple into existence and distribute them for free, I'm still not stealing.

Plenty of indie devs self publish, and kikescammer is always an option.

You're categorically wrong.

I support a few select developers (not publishers) that make legit good videogames and doesn't bullshit or try to fuck over their consumers/fanbase, but I pirate everything else.

Do you even know how games are made?

Publishers publish games, you are right, but that doesn't mean they turn devs into video game rock stars who swim in cash and live in mansions and fuck hot bitches.

I pirate some games to try them out since demos are a thing of the past, and I buy the games I enjoy because I'm not delusional and I understand that people need to get paid for their hard work.

That's not an argument, and you're still wrong. if you'd like to backpedal and walk back your original statement about how without steam/publishers games wouldn't be made at all, I'm willing to let you do so.

I buy all my games, but only when they've gotten at least a year or two old, have a Definitive or whatever the all-DLC version is, and that too is good and marked down. That's definitely not the same as buying games new or piracy and should have a different option.

It really isn't, as the base stock of the games is virtually infinite, so it's basically free. The only reason you pay the devs is for the service they've done to deliver that free product, not the product itself, and if the service is crap I'm not gonna pay no matter what.

Doing it wrong OP.

Optimal mindset is try before you buy and if it is good buy.

Not like I am ever going to be the target audience again whether I buy games or pirate them. Might as well save my shekels.

no fucking shit you need an account to play games like that you retard

It really boils down to actually laws in each separate country.
If in your country downloading games without paying is illegal - it's illegal.
If in you country there are no laws about it - it's not illegal.

They pay devs so those can fucking eat.

I'm not backpedalling anywhere.
Do people work for free? Now they don't. If publisher won't pay devs, they won't make games.
If game doesn't sell, publisher abandon dev, and no more games are made.
Indies are fucking cash grabs in 99% cases exactly because it's not somebody's job, but hobby, that people don't spend a lot of time on.

If you can get shit for free, and you don't care where it comes from - good for you, go do it and have fun, it's your right as a sentient human being.

If I want to support one dev/pub team or another I buy their shit, if I don't - I pirate it.

Ohh I agree with one of the points on "The Faggot" any game with Dunovo is not going to be purchased by me ever.

Does that make me a faggot?

Better poll because OP is a faggot.


You're not only backpedaling, but you're shifting the goalposts and claiming that games made as a labor of love/hobby aren't "games".

You should just kill yourself :^)

You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Except the police lol, if that's the case where you live

why not both


I buy games that warrant a purchase.
If a game doesn't fall into that category, I'll pirate it. If I really like it, I'll happily buy it but go on playing the pirated version if there's no option to move my save file into the legit version.

If it's a game such as, say, a fighter (street fighter 5, and tekken 7 soon) then I'll likely buy it outright after determining whether or not it will run on my PC.

Adding "nigger" in front of it doesn't make it any less logical.

Both. Anyone that answers differently is a jackass.


it doesnt make you any less of a nigger either

I pirate if the option exists and provides little to no downside, buy if it's multiplayer or heavily gimped by having no online access. Unfortunately most of what I want to play that's coming out nowadays are Sony exclusives and PS3 hacking doesn't seem accessible at all while the Vita's still hopeless. At least I can still get Pokemon for free when that comes out, r-right?

Not an argument. If you can't eloquently state your case, why bother entering into a debate in the first place?

Screaming and shitflinging as soon as you encounter an argument that upsets you and can't be logically refuted is what blacks and women do.

Datamining thread

I typically pirate before buying, unless the original developers are dead or extreme jews. The few times I don't pirate before buying are times where I know a game is good or it was included in a cheap bundle.

try english you thieving nigger

I really fucking wonder how jews will benefit from knowing that majority of people visiting 8ch's Holla Forums pirate shit.
Like seriously, how can you possibly transform this information into profit?


Based Satan delivers the painful truth


Depends on the publisher or developer,sometimes i pirate games from indie developers that i dont know to see if the game is woth the buy or not,like hotline miami.

ah i see you have a firmer grasp of the english language than you originally let on you cheeky fellow. well that is as reasonable a stance to take as any. however i stand by the idea that it is stealing when someone works on something and is not properly compensated, but it doesnt feel wrong when theyre trying to rob me in the first place by publishing shitty early access unoptimized ports without demos, and i dont want to reward that behavior. i will gladly help myself to such fishy products and decide later if its worth money. i suppose that would make me a feminist guided by a corrupt moral compass which in actuality is just my own whimsy. [laughter]

You're okay, user.

100% FREE DOWNLOADIN. (Piracy would actually mean I'm reselling them illegally. Like fake gucci handbags and shit.)
Used to be 100% buying before like 2004. I remember buying UT2004(worth every cent) so i guess its somewhere there.

I don't need reasons, but there are:
-gaben can go fuck himself with his shitty service,
-there is no ownership for STEAM purchases
-modern games are fucking shit anyway.
Even if there was no free downloads on KAT and likes. I would still not but anything. Maybe would play f2p shit of freewares or do something else dunno.

If we all say we pirate everything(which is a truth btw) the will hire less paid promo-posters to inform you on new exciting releases and more paid posters to bash piracy. :^)

I pirate all my PC games, use emulators for old (PS1 and earlier) console games, and buy all my new (PS2 and later) console games since I can't be arsed to mod my hardware.

does it even suck somali dick?

I get games conditionally, I will almost always pirate a game first to evaluate it, if I like it I buy it but I usually continue to play the pirated copy for technical or logistical reasons (save file incompatibility, not having to reinstall, etc.) unless there's a reason to play the official copy like updates or multiplayer.

If you care about my reasoning it's because I am a capitalist and don't like to give rewards to people who don't deserve it, because of the lack of consumer rights in regards to video games you really don't have much of a choice. Refund policies have gotten better but they're not ideal, the ideal is too open for abuse though so I understand why, I also understand why developers don't do demos anymore since it can only harm their sales if they know the real quality of their product.

I really wish this was the norm and people would stop funding the development of bad products with the earnings from previous bad products, that good developers would get support instead, but nobody gives a shit, luckily neither do I.

I buy. If it's not worth my money it's not worth my time. If it is worth my time and is catering to my values then I'm glad to be supporting it.

DRM and lack of Linux support discourage me from buying but aren't always deal breakers. I usually only buy older games so they turn out pretty cheap. Then there's stuff like Terraria which are cheap and btfo of most other vidya in quality & content.

Really though, there's lots of great niche open source and free games to be playing too. I just never see a reason to pirate anymore. Like why would I pirate fo4 when I can just spare myself the suffering and enjoy the salt parties?

I almost always torrent my games. There was only game that i ended up paying for which i pirated first. The only reason i buy games is if i really want to play the multi.

I pirate if it's unavailable, or if an official release of a game is gimped (like the Steam version of San Andreas that's incompatible with certain mods and removes songs because of licensing issues) or unoptimized/unplayable (such as the versions of Doom and Quake that Bethesda just shits out in a dosbox emulator and are no where near as accessible as using zdoom or zanundrum). Also if there's DRM that's too restrictive and requires online access (Denuvo, Uplay, or Rockstar Social Club)

Other than that I always buy, even on gog (inb4 muh abandonware and muh cracks; the actual abandonware they have is free, and those cracks aren't protected intellectual properties, anyone can distribute them).

I take it you've never encountered a dead torrent before.

Download torrent



I buy them when I have enough money to and there isn't anything I ought to buy first.
For example, I kinda wanted to buy a game that cost 50$, but for that amount of money I could get myself more 4GB of ram for my pc, which it needs since I've only 4 at the moment and everything is bloated to shit.

Relatively new Dirty Bomb barely has 5k players at any time. And this shit is f2p online-only.

Nigga are you in a hurry to play 15 years old game or some shit?

Haha user. Learn to toast.
I have 2

I'd rather play Warface's PVP.

I have 110mbps internet for a reason.

Why are you posting from Tor?

This is probably why many games have tacked on multiplayer.

You still need a WAD. Last I checked those are commercial releases. I got Doom 1 on sale recently. Running GZDoom myself. Something wrong with my system in that it won't compile odamex so no multiplayer, though.

There's a free WAD for DOOM. But you pirated a commercial one. Another case of pirating when there's a perfectly good free option. This happens with non-vidya a lot, too. People will go through all kinds of torrents and possibly cracks to get some software running while there's a free option that does the same shit.

I'll agree here. These things are cancer. The last game I ever pirated was actually Max Payne 3 because of RSC. I regret buying MGSV. Well… sorta. I try not to have regrets. I don't so much regret buying it as I do supporting that DRM and all the fucking monetisation they added to the FOBs and MGO3. Despicable.

Account suspension is real, so that's a legitamate fear. But generally you just lose access to a particular game's online multiplayer if you were cheating or whatever. A whole account suspension only comes if you were trying to sell that account or do one of valve/gog's big no-nos which you'd be stupid to try anyway.

But with the coming wave of SJWs banning everyone for decade-old vidya banter in pvp then I can definitely understand some fear.

However… it's not enough reason for me to go full pirate. Lret's say a game is deleted from my account. There would HAVE to be a good reason to do that to me since I break no rules, keep my head down and never cheat.

I don't even see why they would ever do that to regular consumers… they're just asking for fucking legal action. I'm in the EU we have pretty strong consumer protection laws here. Valve or gog would gain nothing from doing that kind of shit. What is one game to them? Nothing, that's what. They'd gain jack shit from removing a game from someone who didn't break any serious rules. Do they think that person is going to buy the game again (yes if it's CSGO but they're the ones breaking serious rules). Companies are smart, they know digital shit means nothing if it can keep their consumers happy. It's why free to play games apologise for unexpected server downtimes or whatever with free boosters and in-game items that are usually exclusive to the monetisation aspect of the game. It's a good way to apologise that costs them nothing. Just like a publisher like gog or valve have nothing to gain by removing a game I wasn't even going to download more than once or twice anyway.

I think most people don't even download all their steam/gog games so the server load isn't even 1:1 in terms of purchases. They're rolling in money.

I have Blade of Darkness on my GOG account and that shit isn't even sold there anymore (was pulled for legal shit) but they cannot say I'm not allowed to play it since I bought a licensne. They technically don't even have to host the files for me to be able to download the game 24/7 as much as I like but they do anyway as a customer support thing. It's DRM free anyway so if I didn't make a backup locally then it's hard to complain if you're really talking about vidya doomsday and setting up your software bunker. If you're relying on torrents from the most ad-ridden sites known to man then you're not very serious about keeping your vidya anyway.

See, I worked on making that pile of shit really hard just now and nobody pays me 200 mirrion dorra i'm totally enttled of.
Stop stealing and pay me, user.

well if somebody copied your pile of shit to play with it and it was fun you might have an argument.

I used to pirate all, but now I have a job, so I'll buy nearly all, because I want them so serve my taste more. I'll pirate only, if I'm really uncertain.

For the rest, I torrent and if I like it I might buy the ones I liked/support the future games they make.

If I'm not mistaken Digital refunds are impossible and with most stores you cannot return open games.

Are marketers data-mining to see if viraling on Holla Forums Holla Forums is worth it at all?

Everyone should have voted "pirate" to see if shilling decreased at all.

I couldn't pirate Just Cause 3, by the logic that every pirate is a "stolen" or lost sale I must have went out & bought it. :^)

I don't mind them copying it. However that's has nothing to do with original statement.

What devs deserves supporting?


The ones that cater to your values.

At this point, the only games I've been buying are ones I previously pirated.

I've got the money to buy stuff, but I'll be damned if I'm going to go back to paying full price for things I know how to get for free.


Devs get salary according to their contract, not royalty, you job-challenged african-americans. They also come and go from the firms, because gamedev is shit-tier in software development world and they try to move somewhere with proper standards, QA and humane salary.

Exception are indies. Yep, you can support them, But I'm not sure about supporting all that unity tech demos and sample projects for $20 flooding steam.

Given the current trend of selling games on lies and "hype", the only option for people with common sense is pirating and then buying if they like it. Faggots who preorder or buy at day 1 should be gassed

So none of them?

I dunno. You tell me.

List your vidya values in terms of a product. What are dealbreakers. And what games have you bought so far?

I pirate when I can. Except on the 3DS. I could do it but I don't because I already have most games that I want, now that it's possible, and I don't want to take any chances. If the damn thing bricks I might have to buy another one, so I would rather not do it.

I buy on console and pirate on pc


Don't worry about it user, the industry is creatively bankrupt and anti consumer to the core. Its not worth saving there are no heroes left in man.

I buy games I know I want to play, though usually never a full price.

If I want to play a game but I'm short on money, I just don't play it. I have other games I can play, I don't need it right now.

If a game doesn't sell well, that usually means layoffs or studio closures. You know that, right?

That's more a function of the publisher's overblown expectations of sales than piracy.

They've been poisoned by CoD's blockbuster numbers and believe that they're entitled to sell as many copies despite not appealing to as many people, then blame pirates for not buying games they weren't going to buy in the first place.