Has anyone here ever jerked off to a Simpsons character?
Has anyone here ever jerked off to a Simpsons character?
I think we all have at some point.
Even normalfags do. Marge was on the cover of Playboy.
Many times.
You know damn well that we have.
you could at least post porn that's at least drawn good and not traces of porn stars with simpsons character's heads photoshopped on them
Ruined/10 you had one job shad
Shad is just a diseased whore, he has a sense of humor I'll admit. But Shad would draw any degree of sick fuckery, couldn't be surprised if he's drawn his own parents or siblings getting used up like the most shameless of ghetto trash sluts.
t. fag with no taste
Many times. Edna > All.
yes even mindy
Based Shadman drew a picture of his mother on valentines day and sent it to her.
you are like little baby
Post it.
Nah… mostly 3d for me, though I did one time succumb to the temptation of Summer from Rick and Morty, I have to admit.
If only it were an aged-up maggie and not tranny bart, this would be perfect.
I guess you didn't save all that cuck porn ironically after all, goon.
Marge is a disgusting, nasal voiced bitch.
Holla Forums of course.
Is it true that aussie banned that site?
Someone was sentenced to a prison term for 'child pornography' for collecting such images.
ive came to things you people wouldnt even believe
go ahead fgt
But that was on Canada
God damn I love Shad.
I have fapped to porn of lots of cartoon/videogame/anime characters.
I figured most people on the internet have.
Welcome to the internet.
lol holy shit those are garbage
At least post something good and not pictures that look like they were drawn by retarded Brazilians.
Too bad there's no good or even half-decent rule 43 content with The Simpsons.
do you think Bart and Homer wipe properly? Bart is like 10 so he's probably skiddy, and homer is lazy and fat so marge's mouth might be vacuming chocolate in that pic
what the fuck
I jerked off to Bart's penis from the movie.
Considering other things, I'm not ashamed at all.
I'm pretty sure Bart gave me my shota fetish too, always flashing his ass
eat your words son
that's garbage. pick a style and stick with it, you halfway fags