Still developing, some people have been injured, that's all that's confirmed.
Still developing, some people have been injured, that's all that's confirmed.
Other urls found in this thread:
23:20 currently in Paris.
Need more info.
Story's still developing. That tweet's all I got but I'm trying to find more. Got a periscope here.
no one else is on it yet
trying to find french streamers now
Posting in epic thread. Preparing for happening. Thanking rioting muslims for increasing LePens chances
Not finding anything
ah, cheers m8
No use checking french MSM. If it's anything good for her it's not getting covered and will only get spin 12-24 hours later.
Preparing for happening…
periscope is fucking up for me
anyone else getting the search function to work?
What could have possibly made all those women and children angry?
Here's hoping a nigger catches on fire and starts a chain reaction of spontaneous nigger combustion that spreads throughout Europe
fuggin chegg'd
y dozen u stobbit :-DDD
Sharia law extended its borders over a wine store and now they're crying about how aggressive bigots are establishing harem enterprises within their borders.
none of the stream links are working and that last story you posted is from germany
the fuck
fuck off this one is working fine
Hey Achmed, wanna give us a periscope so we can watch your people secure a victory for Le Pen?
Dammit OP, this better not give me blue balls.
Some shit is happening.
I check you back, sir.
Jesus Christ the same results I saw before are gone. I think Twitter is actively hiding this shit.
fuck off I'm a burger and my shit isn't working for some reason
not for me, I'm fucking pissed
Any streams?
holy shit thats alot of swat!
Meanwhile they're protesting police brutality
can someone say "le pen landslide"
it wouldn't have mattered what I said, would it?
Tag used is #MortDeLiuShaoyo
"Death of Liu Shaoyo"
Is anyone ever actually really mad about it?
There are way worse things than being internationally known for a delicious ground-beef patty sandwich served hot on a toasted sesame bun.
Enough sliding with the burger meme. We have a happening currently going on.
Cop was stabbed and suspect shot.
Protest took place in front of commissariat du 19e (police station)
So it's the chink community pulling shit because they smell weakness, interesting.
no, nobody is mad about the "burger meme" except this one shill that keeps posting b8 memes whenever someone says burger
Because now I kinda want a burger.
That sounds east-asian, since when are the chinks getting shot by the cops?
You have to go back user.
heil'd for happening
oh fuck this is looking good for Le Pen
reload it faggot periscope is well known to be a shit platform
Dubs in ID and post. Well played goyim.
God forbid I post a pastel horse or smug anime face
If you would believe it, too many people get mad online.
Impressive. Very nice.
Nothing on Google yet as of this writing.
are they trying to black this out, because it sure as shit looks like its trying to be blacked out
it's a derail tactic. They took some random meme and decided to get butthurt about it every chance they get.
That's what I noticed too. This is looking an awful like like the Berkley riot where there's fucking NOTHING as far as reports go.
Anyone who can rip Periscope streams is strongly advised to do so.
it's the chinks this time, surprisingly enough
I read this as "death of Liu Kang".
There's nothing happening. WHere's the fires?
Its like they still haven't learned of the Streisand effect
its pretty obvious
Dunno so far.
It's mostly
Anyone know what it's about?
Why is periscope such shit with constant freezing? Swear this is the most useless social platform that ever existed.
Now RT on it
Asian community butthurt about the incident, decide to protest in front of police station. Of course, since this is Paris countless "activists" showed up (hence the cars on fire).
Apparently an asian was killed and they're chinking out about it now.
What's the asian equivalent of a chimp out? A panda riot?
Anyways, seems like its calmed down now for the most part based on this stream I am watching
that was over in a flash, every asian dispersed right after shit started going south
very odd, considering the guy they came out for was probably a mafia chink faggot, given that he stabbed an officer in an attempt to get away.
What racket are they hiding in Paris, anyways?
Shareblue is taking up older tactics of getting mad at absolutely everything and then avatar fagging about it.
There is a vid of the crowd aloha snackbaring, are the the chinese mudslimes?
No joke, French SWAT handled that shit fucking quick. Amazing how quickly it's handled when it's not muslims.
what happened to ustream? the app essentially function the same just without gay twitter integration
you can't tab out of it fag. you have to stay on the page
It's on my second monitor faggot.
I'd imagine the triads(if it is really them) are smart enough to know that police attention is bad for business.
No idea but you never had freezing issues with live streaming unless it was a bandwidth issue, which back in the OWS was the main problem with 3G. Periscope is just garbage from the beginning.
At least the chinks are willing to do something unlike the frenchies. It's fucking embarrassing that we just tolerate all the shit going on under our nose and do absolutely nothing.
What the hell is going on in France all the time?
They are that smart, it's true, but they're not above sharpton-tier public displays to assert their turf. This isn't the first time chinks have lost their shit over police interference in an enclave. They probably know that the arabs get what they want by doing similar shit to keep the cops too scared of lawsuits to intervene.
shit like this is exactly why you can't trust chinks. hell, they're probably worse than mudslimes.
France has been busy lately. Damn.
multiculturalism is breaking down.
Shaoyonara chink
Good points. Are you a baguette yourself?
Of course they are. Working people are already asleep or getting ready to go to bed in France.
I used to live there, I'm an ex-frenchie
holy shit that car explosion at the beginning
pls be Happening, pls be Happening, pls be Happening. We haven't gotten one since like 2 days. wtf.
Picture related is from france.
Suck my American shit, commie.
No, just no. The chinks are bad in their own way because they're high iq "model minorities" aka white people with different skin, but the mistake is that they are hugely ethnocentric which creates another problem on its own. When it comes to day to day life though it's muzzies and nigs all day long. Nothing comes remotely close.
I was in Paris last summer when the commies were chimping out. I hope all the Nazi-cops I met are cracking their fucking heads. Also the Slavs, the slavs want to chimp out on the niggers as well.
You can take the frenchy out of france but you can't take the france outta frenchy.
Why did you move? Too much pc, multikulti? And where did you move to?
Is it always cloudy and gloomy 365 days a year in Europe?
What the fug? Doesn't that only happen in action movies?
all your streams isn't working under tor, you bunch of anonymous immigrants!
Hmmm, I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think. Intelligence indicates their behind the problems in Paris.
More to come
Yes good. Very smart.
Oh shit, family member. That looked almost like Ferguson. Shake my head to be honest.
start shooting holy fuck
This, they are no more loyal to France than the average mud, except that they extract industrial revenue and valuable connections from there rather than just welfare.
A lot more insidious to deal with, albeit more peaceful, except for instances like this when the cops hit a nerve.
wesh gros
too many arabs, got beat up a lot as a kid, friends were cucks. French society is extremely untrusting and they isolate any elements of masculinity well away from the culture at large by incentivizing CRS/Military/International biz work for anyone who can muster up a testicle.
What police 'violence' are they protesting? Is it because some guy got a nightstick shoved up his pooper months ago?
I see.
I can't wait to see how Madame President handles rioting shitskins.
Chinks are alright. Never loud, don't fuck around, just go around their business like whites.
cute girls time?
some cunt got killed after he stabbed a cop
He probably should have binned that knife, and saved his life.
I guess I had to get back up to report on that.
First let me begin by my usual pasta:
>I've been posting the same thing so fucking much I may as well make it a pasta. For the past few years, every single event in France is amplified to make it sound like a fucking civil war. Every single time there's the slightest event, there's talk of total chaos in the streets, which, as a Parisian, I haven't seen yet. There's been attempts on social media to spread disinformation about the stability of France, colored revolution grade attempts, which are quickly opposed as French people are highly present and reactive on the internet, and those lies don't fly for long, but still, there's been attempts. More and more I'm thinking (((some people))) are testing the waters to see just how much bullshit we can tolerate, how quickly we react to it, and how efficiently they can kickstart a ((((French spring)))).
Get the fuck out the donald with your based chink faggotry. You civ nats are nearly as disgusting as shitskins.
Article up over here
Mad about the burger? No. I embrace it. Yuropoors might adopt the burger… but I was born into it.
Halt burger! Don't make me post my sikrit collection of anti-burger webms! You have been warned!
They might as well just give Le Pen the presidency at this point.
You won't do it.
He thinks we're on r/the_donald
Exposed yourself, faggot.
This sort of ethnic violence, from the least threatening immigrant group the Chinky, is better for white nationalism than all the kikeish rubberk-necking we now get at every Mossad false flag.
How about bringing an end to jewish instigated 3rd world mass immigration into Europe Memes.
Or you could carry on posting pictures of pigs and mohammed and calls to retake Constantinople to make every malevolent conspiring jew in the world smile.
I know your collection
it's painful
Thats an anti-gay marriage protest in FRANCE? Wow, nice.
pls don't
Don't be too impressed. The crowd is 98% muslim.
No you dumb nigger. Faggots like you and the other user are the donald with your talk of based kikes and based faggots and based niggers. Learn to read and then kill yourself.
Let this be the last warning shot.
lol oh
The majority of French people opposed gay marriage, the law was forced onto us by our dictatorial government.
Nigga it was the whitest protest France had seen in 50 years.
lol oh!
You have poor reading comprehension.
… are muslims allies, or idiots? Erdogan right before netherlands election. Now this, while le pen is gaining more and more momentum. I always considered muslims to be jewish puppets, but what if they are putin's.
Low-brow chink mafia rabble-rousing, over in less than an hour, interesting because chinks instead of arabs.
If more sectarian groups are getting the sense that they can push the envelope further, we're probably missing something.
If you used proper punctuation and grammar like a good White man, then you wouldn't have outed yourself.
Getting car insurance in France has to be worse than ACA premiums at this point.
Is it time comrades? Has the baguette awaken? Only God knows the wraith of the derided frog!
You don't know many chinks, do you…
Muslims pretending to be White. I remember when it happened and you're trying to revise history, Shlomo.
Why is this chinks? What is the source on that?
Reminder that European news calls Arabs "asians". It's probably muslims like it always is.
No. They are not. Just because they hate Jews and faggots doesn't make them our allies. They would just as soon behead you and rape your daughter as they would throw a faggot off a roof. Do not think for one moment that they are in any way on our side.
Man, it's like they want Le Pen to win.
Literally scroll through the thread before posting please.
Nigger-tier rhyme.
Now I'm not white? What's next on your shill flowchart? You get dumber everyday.
Used to work at a Chinese restaurant. Holy fuck the Chinese ladys voice was obnoxiously loud and catty.
i've had gook luck too.
Yet they are helping more than us to get le pen elected. The muslim guy in london too, he did it right after the vote on brexit, when junker used shills to demoralize the britbongs and euroskeptics countries.
War is clearly coming now.
The enemy that has infiltrated our nations now think that we no longer have the right to our own lands.
Prepare your Arma-Lights and your gear for
Put your your squads on alert.
The chair is against the wall
The chair is against the wall
What did he mean by this?
what the fuck bagguettes. First you bait us into this thread then you leave us with no happening. faggots.
So is it useful idiot marxists protesting? Soros-bought and paid for idiots protesting? Shitskins protesting? Sane conservatives protesting?
It's all FUBAR man.
Where are the other videos?
That's what you get, frenchies.
Fucking chinks, dude. All of the shitskins are becoming emboldened - they are in our nations and intend to take it from us unless they are removed by force.
You should hear the videos of the rat faced chink women shouting. It's enough to drive one up a wall.
Kindly requesting that black and white poster from the nineties about gook women.
Kek wouldn't go to France. Listen to Kek and Trump, France is no longer France.
More cops deployed in the area.
whos running that account tbh?
Off by one
This thread is WEAK SAUCE.
Come on people. Use chan for the powers of good. This is where we unite and spread truth!
Why is this thread being raided by cuckchan?
interesting choice for a mask shitskin
It's a forced meme originally about Finnish people's stupid accent. It's been appropriated by anti-Americans but it doesn't make sense.
Tiger electronics is cancer. reported ages ago that violence erupted after police killed a Chinese guy
thread is dead
No it isn't. It's always been about making fun of Americans.
T: Suomalainen.
Won't you help elect a woman to political office, user.?
I like this meme.
t. burger
So can she really win? I'm almost entirely sure that they'll rig it like they did in Austria and the Neatherlands.
Can we get some American election observers loyal to Trump on the ground to watch for funny business?
Which US presidential inauguration is this?
I thought that was a British thing only.
thanks doc
Unfortunately they could easily just accuse America of rigging the elections that way. We'd have to have Frenchman on the ground watching their own election.
I think I heard someone yelling snackbar.
What's with the anti-Americanism?
We're the first western country to say no and elected a self identified "total Nationalist" to our highest office.
She's got more momentum than Hoffer and Wilders. Lepen has a Trump like touch right now. Possible 60% + so even rigging won't have the power to tip it.
Yuropoors would call such an actions "cucked".
Oh shit
Brennt Paris?
this can't be serious. cucks love it.
sounds like Rumspringa is getting wild this year
Definitely one of the best memes.
this can't be serious.
cucks love it
But we're the least cucked western nation outside of Eastern Europe.
Pls no Bully
Please keep this shit at cuckchan.
If there was a riot like that here in burgerstan, the police would be firing on that crowd.
So an Eastern Asian got killed by the police and Muslims are using this as an excuse to chimp out, right?
Why is imkampfy allowing what amounts to a cuckchan raid in here?
I wonder why
Also Euro's don't give us nearly enough for our patriotic music.
It's fucking great, the only one's who can match us are Russians.
But seriously, explain to a dense clueless user please.
If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, then I suggest you get off the internet forever.
Euros will never know the glory of BarberShop music.
suggestion aggressively disregarded
Honestly we really should discuss good American music more often, we have a lot of really good shit that not's promoted by (((Hollywood))).
Rural America is love
Rural America is life
why would I want to get b&?
That's not Barber Shop. That's Madrigal.
Ah, disregard my post then
Vocal Harmony, whatever.
Still good shit and I wish that real American culture got more international exposure, i'm fucking sick of KikeWood representing us internationally.
Can we get a hotpocket in here to shitcan all the fuckstains who can't stay on topic?
They just did not rig it enough. The vote for Trump was higher than they anticipated.
I never intimated otherwise.
We still need to counter EU fuckery in France.
So, what's the latest happenings?
Is the last thing we know?
Any official reports on this?
There are a lot of Barber Shop competitions that I try to show people and I always get the same response: "That's cool, but where's the beat?" Makes me want to slap a bitch.
Idiots determined to take what you have because they are too stupid to make their own. Like a retarded ANTIFA clone. The small-time soldiers don't really care for your politics because they'll be boning 72 see-through teenagers in their version of heaven.
That looks pretty good actually
t. american
Just imagine a world where we expose PedoWood and BarberShop Quartets and Bluegrass becomes popular again.
Also Niggers drop rap and get back to Jazz and Soul.
I went to France on vacations and there were more black people than on Chile, also there's a big glass wall surrounding the Eiffel Tower.
t. cuck faggot
how about back to africa instead of just jazz and soul?
Why not both?
I have read it. What's your point?
lurk moar faggot
Says the gook
Someone has to clean my house.
stop replying to bait
also whats happening this thread is a mess
Refusal to discuss events.
sage for offtopic
I thought that was still under construction?
Southerner here . When I went to Paris it really was full of shitskins like I've never seen before . I'll try my best to vote Le Pen but it might be over without another revolution with the guillotines .
Good luck
We have other problems. Like these unchecked dubs.
Torch the Iron Tower, my tadpoles. Turn this faggot city into ash.
Kek can't be banned, you masoncucks. Kek will exterminate every last Satanist on Earth, and Masons are next.
The will be no tomorrow for the followers of Satan,
that is all.
There's really only one solution.
as long as they're singing in Africa
Aren't those atomwaffen cucks the ones converting en masse to islam just the other day?
I've checked the site of Le Monde, and it mentions hardly anything.
Keep on rioting…and secure Le Pen's victory
But niggers ruined jazz and soul.
Niggers ruin everything. Goddamn them.
Antifa sure likes attacking old people
orangutanging out
thanks I've been waiting for someone to .webm this placeboing segment, I was thinking about it when the kid shot up the high school in southern France and now there's Paris riots, the timing couldn't be any better really.
Is that a woman riot cop having her hand held and being protected by a man riot cop?
Way to go Giselle! You really helped out in that riot! Woman power!
You'll never see them attack a /fit/ Man or anybody that can reciprocate. Cowards, the lot of them.
They're both males. At 0:18 the one in white tells someone to walk away/back up. It's not unusual to use a formation like that when not every cop has a shield (proper riot squad still on the way to the scene).
Anyhow, here's another short video I found. You can hear a fucking chink bitch at the cop because his friend is getting btfo. I just noticed, there's Chinese media working from Paris crying about this at the moment, as if police officers don't defend themselves in China.
Can we get a tl;dr? Who's rioting, is it really actual chinks?
What's the HAPPENING report?
I have to go to bed soon so I haven't kept up.
why is paris burning
Half way through this post I deleted my message & started over. Should I even ask? In my heart I know what caused it.
Shit like this makes me want to be a cop sometimes.
Report is: This is pretty low energy and certainly not worth losing sleep.
No snackbar? Well this is weird. Thank you Sir.
Happening Cancelled
it was a crazy chink shot down by the cops, and the whole chink community decided to revolt like a completely non-integrated non-bluepilled community
pics are (((google)))translate of those articles
it's already over
christ kikes are so hideous
You mean non-redpilled community right. Not bluepilled.
nice dubs
the chinese are horrid people. Asians in general can range from bad to alright, but the chinese are fucking animals who'll swindle you like an uberjuden.
Dont trust a chink for anything.
I mean the chinks are very not-integrated, not controlled by jews, very conscious of their own cultural heritage and not ready at all to be good multicultural goyims, so they're functionally non-bluepilled
they know without doubt that they are here to cash in on the generosity of the bluepilled western civilization
Source on the cover song?
Some I'm a Barbie Girl Cover. I don't remember how long ago or when I found this. Glad you liked it though. You'll just have to save my webm. I can't lead you to the source.
Kek confirms, masonic luddites will hang
Just found it, artist is Ely Bruna, looks like a tranny, kek.
They can go last, but they, too, must go.
you can say that twice.
if this one doesn't bring a tear to your eye then you have to go back.
hang on this is chinks rioting??!!? what the fuck?
better loop
These "fact check" sites trigger me hard.
the doom music got me, hahahaha
Maybe a color revolution because they know Le Pen is going to win?
You serious? China is full off kike interests. They just have a good in-group mentality.
Have you seen what is going on in Canada?
>Chinese are parallel jews Japanese are parallel Aryans
You're wrong I see.
What happened in Sweden last night?
Reminder for Bruce Lee fans also; he was assassinated by Jewish and Chinese movie industry moguls.
I think the "burger = bait" posting is a meme unto itself.
Jesus christ, that's basically dial-up with a signal strength problem. People actually tried to stream with that shit?
You tried/10
I take it the cameraman is on the "peaceful protestors'" side, keeping the camera on the cops and keeping out of frame the people throwing shit like that?
Goddamn, I'm so fucking disappointed in you, Holla Forums.
I am not following this and i havent watched any of his paris videos but tim pool is in paris doing some lifestyle blogging about getting gassed by the police and so on.
not following it but my guess is that the globalists started it. does anyone have hints or proof, i'd like to show it to the normalfags.
Thanks Holla Forums
Don't forget this classic as well.
I wonder just how deep the execs of Twitter are in with the jews and jewish agenda. They police, throttle tweets, and more. This kind of fuckery needs more exposure. video evidence and what not.
I got something better:
The pure hate nearly every Asian country has against China is beautiful, China really is the Asian Jews.
This. The lesson here is that "they are obedient until they are the majority".
Indeed. I thought the chinese were more civilized than the arabs.
But it's a thin veneer. They're just as opportunistic.
For some reason I think this is authentic. These people must be seeing Le Pen's rise and must be making a pre-emptive move.
China really was the biggest subverter all along.
Notice how they always target 4chan rather than shills or kikes nowadays.
But they never do it convincingly enough. A chink or SEAshit will always be called either a Jessica, Rachel, Elizabeth, Joey, Marcus or a Jeremy. No matter how they try to subvert it, something is always off.
Though I'm starting to think there's something to it. This was fucking nothing yet again, and it was blown out of proportion.
Sorry, Monty Python ruined it for me.
checking those trips, and I agree.
However, the future RWDS should play theme songs from various classic comedy shows.
Benny Hill
Monty Python
3 stooges
golden girls
you get the idea… you know, to lighten the mood in the ongoing bloodshed.