coming to a heartland near you, right at the height of happening season
black sun purge day confirmed when?
Total Solar Eclipse
Other urls found in this thread:
Watcha slidin?
wiccans and pagans will be out in force
That's the wrong Salem. The real Salem is on the east coast.
But larping neopagans don't know that.
define please
Care to elaborate on those numbers? Is there another thread where I can find its meaning?
We're doing it. We're memeing the annexation of Canada.
I believe there's at least 2 Salem's in the path of the eclipse.
Maybe more.
It's the Christ-cuck shemitah crap.
So totally Holla Forums related.
What do you mean? Shemitah obviously happened, and I say that as someone who was very sceptical before.
and neither is the correct one. Real Salem is in Massachusetts
Wow op. Didn't even include some of the sweet OC that was created in the last on this topic. Didn't even bring up the fact that the sun would be in the law of Leo during the eclise and some of the other lore that was shared. Totally shit thread you got yourself here OP. You should feel some shame and contemplate lurking more. Faggot.
Paw of Leo.*
More sage.
Trump was our reward for Sowing the seeds of Israel 70 years ago. Shemitah!
Just a little more sage.
Thanks for the weekly reminder Op, but you need to provide some additional information of said subject other than the same shit you posted last week. I'm not necessarily trying to be rude or anything, but the same subject matter can be gathered with a simple online search.
Sage for not enough effort.
Mexico isn't included because there will be a wall by then.
I plan on being on the north end of the Grand Tetons during the eclipse.
I think it will be possible to see Mount Sheridan to the north (in Yellowstone) bathed in light while I am in total darkness.
Should be pretty cool.
What does an eclipse mean for occultists? Extra magicka points?
Could we possibly prepare a Meme Ritual for the coming festival?
It means free drinks at you local Wiccan bar.
The eclipse is a warning for the Aryan. The light of the Sun blocked by a body without it's own light. Much like we today are eclipsed by the nose of the Jew.
I'm not the only one who's going to perform a ritual for Kek on a mountaintop during the eclipse, right?
Bowling Green user here, and senior fag. What should I do ?
Will post timestamp tommorow.
That;s not how you do it user. You need the numbers.
I'm actually quite concerned…
Kek protect us
God's chastisement is coming. Don't be mad when your loved ones get obliterated.
As a resident, and someone who lives close to said Islamic center. That is a paintball field, not sure if the muzzies go there or not.
Maybe do some investigating
Could you do us all a solid and find out?
I can case it out, no biggie.
It's N-Tense sports, Bowling Green. Only open to the public on weekends, otherwise it's open by appointment.
Good post.
inb4 mods delete this just like every other interesting thread in the last couple months
The West must survive. If this is the catalyst to remove the Muzzies, I'll gladly participate in the LAST Crusades.
Wow. It will pass over close to where I live
KC and STL will burn!
>tfw I will be at ground zero for the Kekapalypse my body is ready
Look up Saturn worship.
Look up jews.
Look up the Mecca.
Look up revelations in bible talking about ecplise of the church.
Look up mural of pope francis crying blood.
We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children.
Great ride
It's been 100 years since Fatima. The three secrets of Fatima are:
1- This was a vision of hell, which Lúcia said they experienced on 13 July 1917.
2- This was a recommendation for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a way to save souls and bring peace to the world. It predicted an end to the Great War, but predicted a worse one if people did not cease offending God. This second war would be presaged by a night illuminated by an unknown light, as a “great sign” that the time of chastisement was near.
3- The third secret, a vision of the death of the Pope and other religious figures.
2017-9-23 has been in planning for longer than 9/11 and all you need to do ruin everything is just c4 the arch a week before the happening and they dont have time to fix or rebuild it
Wrong thread
my life has gone into the twilight zone, and i feel its only going to get weirder from here on out.
git out
I thought /polk/ was openly hostile to Holla Forums
Now I see that this thread got moved from there to here.
Is this entire site nothing but mods bullshitting us and stirring shit for laughs?
it is the gang star
son of a john
the hidden king
▲ ▲
finally €¥€ $€€
▲ ▲
guider of puppet baron
the ancient world chaos and order
n0ne 0ther than the one you thought big brother is actually your overly controlling mother
best start believing spook skellington ghost stories when you are in 1
Would you bump with black sun memes
Since I promised yesterday.
If the Three Days of Darkness should come true, Death will put out the False Light of the Powers that be.
Proximate signs in their probable order of occurrence:
-Flouting of church laws, irreverence and immodesty in church, fall in attendance at church
-Lack of charity towards others, heartlessness, indifference, divisions, contentions, godlessness, pride in human knowledge
-Breakdown of family life: immorality, adultery, perversion of youth via the media, immodest fashions, people concerned only with pleasures
-Civil commotions, contempt for authority, downfall of governments, confusion in high places, corruption, coup d'etat, civil war, revolution
- Floods and droughts, crop failures, unusual weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines, epidemics, unknown diseases
I ain't buying this, Chaim. Still haven't got rid of those 50'000 rifle rounds and 3kg of gold.
The Beginning of the End
-Howling winds, lightning and thunderstorms of unprecedented magnitude
-Earthquakes around the globe,
stellar constellations go crazy, Earth's magnetic field runs amok
Evil will be released from the Pit and allowed to roam on Earth. Terrifying apparitions will take place, millions will die from sheer terror
Meteors will rain from the sky, all large cities will be destroyed, poisonous gases will fill the air, cries and lamentations everywhere. All unbelievers will burn in the open like withered grass
The entire earth will become a huge graveyard, people caught outdoors will die instantly. Three-quarters of the human race will be exterminated, more men than women. No one will escape death but the Most Righteous and the Most Evil. This is said to be the First Apocalypse
relate this:
Connect that screen cap with Fatima and the book of revelations of the Bible. There is a lot of mystert reagarding the Fatima happenings (if they were actually sent from God, or demon), with the pope hearing voice from Satan saying he will destroy the church and God telling him do as you will and so on.
Also, Pope Francis is considered the Last pope. there is a mystery mural in Rome with him crying blood and in the bottom the date for the mural to come true is 2017.
Pulling your leg, you have too short timespan for this
snow niggers
me too, i'll be your backup fellow StLbro
Fuck me, the eye of
disconcerting considering the fact that the jewish calender and islamic calender are lunar based
and the Gregorian calender is solar based
daily reminder Christianity pre-dates judaism
daily reminder that the original infidels were the muslims and the occupants of the land of judah
daily reminder bible translations replaces Judea with 'jew' or the ca'anites in the land of judah
daily reminder all Caucasians are from the tribe of Judea
we're not kikes
but if we want it or not, we(heathens) seem to share some ancient roots to them.
We operate on a moon calendar too, we don't count years. We count summers and winters from an important event….
But to deny there is some connection here, between us and the kikes, prolly before they became kikes, would be a lie
their ancient rituals….. that's bloting…
Well the working celtic cross used the same geometry calculations based on the stars as the pyramids would've needed to be built,
I was going to comment on that
it's not a cross
It as you show here your self, is as old as it gets. Simple, it's the 4 seasons of the year, spring, summer,autumn, winter.
(((Christtianity))) adopted to where ever it went, as the customs prevailed, it had to adopt.
God damnit are you at my kb kamfy? cut it out, is only shitpostinng puter
bullshit, everywhere our people went, we made calendars that worked, and counted moons separately which is why 7-day weeks proliferated. Jew years don't function, which is why they are constantly inserting months
shills detected
"celtic cross"
some 3k bc
Reminder that Scheitmah didn't happen. Anyone that said it did had to pull stuff out of their ass afterwards to piece together some bullshit.
nice leddit spacing fag
The X-Men did time travel
yet you cannot deny the science christcuck, we were basically gassing the kikes before they even existed
muh wikangz
pic related is prolly around the same date…….
nothing to see here, move along
don't give him fuel
You're right though. Those are just caveman-tier paintings of viking boats.
The tribe of Judea came from the caucus mountains the tribe of judah came from the desert region well below sumeria
the modern bible translation replace "Judea" with "judah" sorry to tell you
they are, it's a meme that this started because we attacked england
which for the record we also did a long time before that. In example Hamlet is a pure rip off, a true story danish prince named Amlet. Well known here. He gassed his uncle too. These carvings shows the culture and ships existed several thousands of years BC. But we had not runes yet, so this is what you have. To be a bit serious though, usually you have some boats going east other west, which later reflects in going the eastern path(austrleið) or western path(Vestrleið)
Gassing kikes all over the place
what if vikangz conguered egypt?
We have no historical records of being there. The thing here too is, we count the ages in two.
Burn age
Mound age
It reflects in the burial ceremonies, so there is no luck in finding 5k yo ships anywhere, because they were burned with the chieftain/small king/earl/whatever on board.
The mound age, first started in Denmark after Frey died. Dan the great was a good friend of Frey, the (((swedes))) said to the people that he still lived and put him in a mound, poring all the taxes into the mound. One gloryhole for copper, one for silver, one for gold, for 3 years they did this. After that, Dan the great made a mound for him self and the the mound age started in Denmark. Even due to Frey, the burn age lasted a lot longer both in Swedenistan and Norway.
As stated earlier we don't count years. But we know that Frey lived when your jebus kike was walking in our home, I'm not sure about Dan. Prolly a bit later. Frey and Freyja was the last of the Disir and Diars to walk on our home
Dan the great is the one who gave Demark her name
We say Danmark, but these potato gobblers can't speak
it's called hidden history for a reason
I'm not saying they were not niggers, and the blue eyes shit is real yes. But we have no historical records of it, it's basically to old, that simple. In Persia too. But well I dunno it's older. In these places they talk about giants too, they are from here, more precisely stryn. But I'm not saying we wuz kangz and built the pyramids……. But someone did, and they had blue eyes yes, which also is evolved in the north not only in humans but other species such as wolfs as well. Prevent snow blindness and see better in the nigh(spot the nigger)
absolutely right, most of the american native stories about giants give them blonde or red hair but some of them appear mutated (probably due to inbreeding as the number dwindled) but also appear in other races
This I did not know, the skrælings say dis? Well a bunch of people moved from Greenland to Markland when shit turned to shit. Shipping cut off, the kikes made the plague. and the empire fell in 1319. You shouldn't rule it out actually. Often myths have some basis in them, that's why they turned into myths(sagn) in the first place. We part things in two here
Sagn, mythology based on some truth
Sagas, history
Total solar eclipses happen every other year. This isn't some rare celestial event; let alone a prophetic one.
This has later been backed by records found here, before Olof the farmer(who found the stone and thought it was some induin shit)
Anyways this is what it says on the stone, it gets debunked and bunked over and over, due to one word used there. This was the times of unions and when we changed tongue here on the mainland, while iceland kept their tongue
dis be selfish bump, because I love this fucking nigger lol. Diaz my nigger, he knows his shit
threads bumplocked moran