I'm a commie but I love traditional demure and submissive women
Is that ok?
I'm a commie but I love traditional demure and submissive women
Is that ok?
Traditional is pretty gay but submissive is good.
As long as you're not a faggot about it you're ok though.
y tho
I want a qt young wife I can have kids with
Which has nothing to do with tradition
whose "tradition" are we talking here exactly
Pedos will be shot for the greater good of all when the revolution comes.
Fair point
How can the left reclaim QTs?
Because they're boring. What's to stop you from having kids or an exclusive relationship with a qt who isn't a traditioncuck?
1) get fit
2) dress decently/hygiene/hair
3) don't be a fuckwit
Works for me and my friends who go as low as 5/10.
but pederasty is traditional
Yes but the post was referred to 12 year old brides. Pederasty is specifically men with boys.
insecurities and the fear that "modern women" are going to ditch you for the sake of making a statement probably
having an exclusive relationship with a qt IS tradition user
To give a serious answer to your shitty thread, OP, you can like whatever the fuck you want. And in a communist society there will more than likely be women who have generally the traits you desire, the point is that those traits will exist in that person because it is what they personally desire, not because it is mandated by Tradition™.
Partaking in tradition and enforcing tradition are two very different things.
As much as my knee-jerk hate reaction to trad-fags surfaces sometimes, whatever floats your boat OP.
Just don't bring that shit around me and my dominant tomboy of a woman and we good.
Communism is traditionalist because the factors that destroy tradition are now absent
Communism is anti-traditionalist because the factors that enforce tradition are now also absent
just believe it's "natural" for women to behave in that way. Boom, no regulation needed
You are in the wrong place fam, Holla Forums is a gay board.
Sure, but you have fucking shit taste.
me 2 bro.
I'm not eve suprised tbh
Why? That's so barbaric.
Having kids is degenerate
Abort your kids like a good goy
Then go protest about how #BlackLivesMatter
If you find a women who's into this as well it's okay.
Hey Holla Forums, whatcha sliding?
That's been working out so well for you so far :^).
Careful with that edge friendo
Not him, but imo we should accomodate pedos by creating child-free zones and professions. You dont let a junky live in a house full of crack and then expect him to not slip up (although he shouldn't), so we should make it easy to not fuck up for people unfortunate enough to be born a pedo.
it isn't just have kids and have a happy family
What about people unfortunate enough to be born rich? Do we put them in worker-free zones so they aren't tempted to exploit them(Even though they shouldn't.)
Thoses are called gulags user.
Goulags are not work-free!
Exposure therapy. They themselves become the worker.
There it is! To solve the pedo problem, we must turn all pedos into little girls!
We're not quite there yet, but if we get to the point where we can turn adults into little girls I doubt pedophilia will be much of an issue anymore. They can just shack up with someone who wants to be a little girl.
Do you think we should we put single men in woman-free zones so they aren't compelled to rape?
It's nothing like an addiction. It's just a sexuality and, if managed properly, it poses absolutely no threat. First and foremost the minor-attracted person must feel some sense of belonging and mutual respect with society. You're much less inclined to hurt your best friend than some bastard whom you know would gladly hurt you if given the opportunity. Secondly, they need a safe outlet for their urges. Masturbation is a perfectly healthy part of human life, and it should only take a brief glance at /a/ to convince you that fapping reduces one's sex drive. Finally they need hope. If everyone was told the world was going to end tomorrow, rapes would sky-rocket. Raping a child is an inherently self-destructive act and nobody does it if they feel they have something left to live for. What hope can a pedophile have in a society which despises them so much?
Sign me up. I'd gladly be a little girl as long as "daddy" had at least one or two fetishes in common with me. You're right that this is one of the best long-term solutions to pedophilia.
Its optional, dipshit. I'm sure there would be plenty of pedos delighted to be able to work in a child-free environment where they can focus on improving themselves and being happy rather than having to face their own misfortune every day. Theres also men who choose to go to a monestary an remain celibate out of their own choice, because they want to. Why not offer a modern equivalent without all the spooky religion for pedos?
I totally agree, but we should still give them the option. From what I've gathered is that is is almost impossible to get away from it, even if they want to.
Yes. I propose these women free zones be schools, boardrooms, city hall, the drivers seat of a car, etc.
Forgot to add:
Even is most people you equate them too (like /a/) are normal, this doesnt mean that all of them can handle it. Furthermore, a basement dweller from /a/ can still get a gf, he can still overcome his rock bottom and get out on it. A pedo can never do this. I can get a girlfriend who is masculine and dominant, a pedo can't get a lover who is a child. A pedo has no hope to ever be romantically statisfied. You yourself said that hope is required. Smacking people in the face with their own misfortune only makes them more depressed and angry, not better. Hence, I think we should have these kind of child free options available for whoever feels they want to avoid facing their unchangeable situation.
Oh, then yes, that's certainly a good idea.
Communism was created by corporations and the government to give their citizens and their cash-beasts something to fear, so they could be controlled by the Great Satan, which is, the dollar bill.
All I can think about now is all the adorable drunk little children that are going to be around
Truly, this is a future worth fighting for.
Why is rebel satanist now? Is god mad at him for drunkposting a few days ago?
having kids is now traditionalist?
have we progressed too far?
I'm just waiting for him to go FULL STIRNER.