Japikino Edition: Whitu Priviridge Edition

Interesting youtuber. He panders primarily to white weeaboos and advocates for them to come fuck his women to increase their birth rate.

Other urls found in this thread:

spankbang.com/1nk6o/video/asian slut cheats on husband for white cock joi

Looks like a chink.

Looks like a gook.

Jaw isn't wide enough, but I can see it in the cheeks. Either way they both have a vested interest in underming their betters.

He's a jap you niggers.

Get a load of this goyim.


Why do so many men have yellow fever?


I like slant eyes. They turn me on. It's a shame they don't come in human colors, but whatevs.

Do you want to fuck downies?

No. At least Yuta is obviously not a Jap, just listen to his accent. They clearly are agents contracted to turn Japan more "western", mainly by giving awful relationship advice (Japs don't care about language barrier, goy!) so weebs can have shitty experiences with Japanese women and end up blaming it on Japanese culture.

Just see Yuta's video about Kanji, were he suggests dropping the Kanji and just use Kana and add spaces, which would make everything worse an even more complicated, at the end of the video he may seem to be agreeing wth keeping the Kanji but if you pay close attention to his comparision you'll see that this is not the case.


Typical weebcucks muh dicking like tyrone the nigger

koreans suck, usually have nice bodies but you just know there's some fugly under that face

If you ever knock up a halfway decent looking gook, don't be surprised when the kid is born looking like it has a ballon where the head should be.

Deserved ban tbh

At least she isn't making high-pitch noises.

thank be to the magic of gifs

True. It's poison, just look at what it did to the nips. With the exception of technology, for the Japanese, If it didn't exist before WWII, then you know it's the jew's doing.


Yeah well don't tell reddipol unless you want a three year ban.

Coonfy is really obsessed with that isn't he? If anything I would say Holla Forums started it's descent into it's current firm about three years ago.

Take your meds, schizo

There's an innocence to them. A feminine and submissive quality that western women lack now because of jew brain washing and feminism.

Bro you have never ever lived in Japan. They are cold calculating parasites. There is a reason for the carniverous women meme over there. Just appreciate their looks and mannerisms which are objectively pleasant in certain examples. But never let appearences confuse you as to the nature of reality. They're just as bad as roasties.

Japanese women are cute and I like cute things.

The only thing it did to the nips is create a very profitable industry and greatly increase the country's cultural profile in foreign countries. The real reasons for Japan's low birth rates are much less exciting and mostly not unique to Japan. Japan doesn't even have the lowest rates, and if you subtract "immigration" from Western countries then I wonder what the real birth rates are?




Oh boo hoo he's president of the most powerful country in the world for four years.

I am not implying anything. I am saying you have never lived in Japan and have no idea what it is actually like.

Trump is president of Russia? What?

lol i see the berniebros have finally moved on from "he'll be impeached any day now"
that's good. work through your pain step by step.



I didn't even vote, I'm just a fan of salt. Really glad he won after seeing the results, though. There's no way Trump voters would have sperged out this hard. They were crossing their fingers while the other side thought they had it in the bag.


Man does anyone have that youtube vid from a Jap variety show where they were discussing Trump and recreating parts of his book with actors? Shit was fucking hilarious.

Found it
we good boy misser trump. articar nine to be removed prease?

Its pretty retarded. Japan is fine if it keeps its population stable, as its already a very populated island. So long as it doesn't fall for the immigration trap, it'll be fine.


ok so I kinda saw him going in this direction the last 6 months, but this is really sad to see he's just going straight to white panic pandering. Fuck this guy.

this idiot thinks pandering to alt right faggots is gonna get him viewers what a fucking idiot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
unsubbed fuck this guy. Look at the reaction to his video he's gonna lose most of his audience. IDIOT.

ok? like not all black people can be football players. fuck this little jap kid.

What about basketball, rap and blacked.com?


If he triggers goons he's okay tbh.

you don't have to livetweet it faggot just watch the whole video and then comment

I've seen this nip.

I didn't like him before, but now I do for some reason.

This nip's doing something right.

going extinct?

Japs aren't going extinct, retard.

You sure about that, user-kun?

nips have the same population as Mexico, but all in a little island the size of commifornia. A little drop in births, exaggerated by the jewish media, means nothing.

It's bretty bad. I think the Japanese government even pays people to start families but still struggle to recruit people.

In the future they will need thousands of robots, AIs, and Thai slaves.

I don't know about the first one, but of course the government gonna do something to look good, even if they know the problem is not really big at all.

Smh his propaganda is top-tier tbh.




Japanese girls look kind of gross. I got spoiled by plastic koreans.

It's propaganda because Japan cannot into immigration, and a distraction because Western countries have low birth rates too. What certain people want is 1) lots of non-white immigration, and 2) low white birthrates.

Like pottery

I guess there is something worse than a manchild.

it is propaganda because i say so! don't talk bad about Nippon!! 1

It's actually "howaito" because the first motherfucker to say "white" in Japan was one of the people that aspirates before the w (hwhite, hwhipped cream)

Based nip drops another truth bomb

No "Jap" that is up for racemixing in his "own" country is based.

There are a lot of channels on youtube who talk about dating in Japan that tell you that everything's gonna be okay, fuck everything, b urself. What he is doing is at least giving advice to people coming there to act like a decent human being in Japan before considering dating.

It's still racemixing, still degenerate. Inexcusable.

I'd agree if it was a black and a white person racemixing, but I'd racemix with a japanese woman so I don't think it's inexcusable. Japs and whites have good genes.

What this faggot does must be inexcusable, even for you.

True… I don't think that's a good racemix. Still, his last two videos were great. The truth is the truth no matter who says it.

He's obviously pandering to people like you.

That's because you're a beaner. You're already part Asian and what European genes you do have are already diluted. Europeans need to reproduce with other Europeans or else you end up with the hapa races growing even more.

It would be pandering if he tried to sell me something, a product, and he'd say things that he doesn't believe to make me buy it. In this case though, all he got is views, which came at the expense of a lot of muslim/black subscribers that he had that had unsubscribed. I think he just said his honest opinion on the subject, and I don't have to like him or agree with him in everything. Actually, this is a very important thing that makes me attract negative attention everywhere. I don't pick a side, I agree with stuff.

That's a pretty cool story, but I'm white and european, pretty far from freaking Mexico. I like how japanese women look and I really don't believe you at all if you say you don't. I can smell bullshit from a mile away.

Attention everywhere? Who the fuck are you? You are a no name.
This isn't about picking a side, it's about analysing the whole persona of the person giving you this "opinion". In this case this "Jap" is a clear degenerate, no "based" opinion he may said just to pander to some faggots is gonna change that.

Are you ok bro? Do you really think that I care if you respond like an autist? It will just make me stop responding to you, I have better things to do.

It is. You're trying to devalue his last videos based on his older videos. However, what he said in his last two videos does not contradict his channel history and is not false just because he advocates racemixing proudly, especially to his own people. That is an act I don't like, but I don't have to be a mega autist about the word "based." It was obviously used as a silly adjective to congratulate him on having some balls to say something that' not politically correct. Take your fucking pills. I can do something better than sit here all day and analyze his entire channel or correct my adjective.

You don't seem to.
It is. You're trying to devalue his last videos based on his older videos. However, what he said in his last two videos does not contradict his channel history and is not false just because he advocates racemixing proudly, especially to his own people. That is an act I don't like, but I don't have to be a mega autist about the word "based." It was obviously used as a silly adjective to congratulate him on having some balls to say something that' not politically correct. Take your fucking pills. I can do something better than sit here all day and analyze his entire channel or correct my adjective.

Alright, you're wasting my time. Explaining yourself is not autism, I've heard this 999999 times since the internet existed from my grandparents' parents. You know what autism is? Having a lengthy debate with the subject "how dare you call him based for two videos that had good points?" I don't like the guy in general, but I really hate you. Calling me a no-name when you dislike what I say is the proof that you're a moron who looks for authority, a person qualified to tell the truth, and not a random person like me. You're the one who picks sides and lacks any balls to form your own opinions. I hope you enjoy your life, you clearly seem like a well-grounded person.

And don't expect another response from me. I know what you'll do next, or at least what you wanted to do before you read this post. A half-assed witty response where you think that you've won a debate because I took time to explain myself.

I don't understand why you get so defensive about this.
You are a no name, nobody knows who you are here.
I've formed my own opinion, I analyzed the guy's persona and opinions, and come to the conclusion that he's a degenerate and his supposed "based" opinions should no be taken as a excuse for it.

spankbang.com/1nk6o/video/asian slut cheats on husband for white cock joi

I didn't say it's propaganda because I say so.

The kino of porn

B-but anime is so REDPILLED that's why I watch cartoon shows about and for little girls!

p.s 14/88 but those Jap girls are an exception cause they're "Honourary Aryans" muh dik told me so! I'm sure Hitler would approve of my little Elliot Rodger hapa child.

Trump cucks are eternally stuck in the election mentally. They have to be cause that way they don't have to face the reality of the situation. Trump won a year ago but we still have to defend his from all those Hillary shills!

butthurt roastie detected
if you acted more feminine your crusty squishmitten would see more action

Now I get t, that's why you've been so butthurt lately (more than always) your PTSD is kicking harder now that you remember that it has been already a year.

Whoa really disproved what I said. I'm not a woman tho so try one of your other stock "rebuttals" like screeching goon or Holla Forums at me while you defend your BASED racemixing. That'll really beat me the fuck out for all to see I'm sure your 13 year old waifu would give you a big thumbs up if she was real too.

yap yap yap go back to the kitchen you catlady

Japanese women are superior to white roastie cunts. The hapa will inherit the earth all because white women are feminist bitches that want to give their countries to Jamal and Ahmed. Fuck degenerate white women and their feminist bullshit, white men are now going Asian and it is white women's fault.

Is this your channel, user?

I'm pretty sure Hitler at least didn't approve of being retarded.

If Western women weren't such poisonous wastes of oxygen maybe white men wouldn't have to look elsewhere for female companionship.