Didn't see one in the catalog, so:

Didn't see one in the catalog, so:

Filename thread

















windows 10 here nothing special, what did happen?

You'll never know.


Here you go.


All of this time using just alt+tab. I've missed doing the same, but fancier.

Cool, i get the same but everything is flat against the wall instead of looking iOS-like fancy










finally, something remotely clever



goddamn someone made a video out of it


you're on a roll today, butt buddy



No you tard, its Champignon.





Is it the Gary Johnson interview or do all those interviews just take place in the same room?

This kills the /k/.




I'm disappointed that's a scooter, not a motorcycle
Must be a Bethesda sandbox

It's the interview with Mike Rowe. I like him.

