The media played itself again, Trump only grows stronger
It should have been Merkel received no invoices from the federal government but >google
Berlin denies it, but why should I believe them? For all I know they're lying to save face.
Doesn't matter, it's a win win either way. To be honest, your timeline is even better.
The normies will believe berlin no matter what and in that case it makes all the lefty sites that reported it look like the retards that they are.
the idea is already out there.
official or not.
4d chess will be played.
Oy vey. Of course Merkel lies. She lies when she opens her Commie mouth, no one should believe a word this niggle enabler says. Race War will see her ilk dangle from a lamppost.
So it was fake news? I don't trust anything the German government says.
FFS Google needs to stop hiring pakis to work on their translation teams.