can communism work without nationalism/patriotism ?
Can communism work without nationalism/patriotism ?
You couldn't have found a reaction image where the guy wasn't sitting in front of a keyboard?
That's the only way it can work
Both have been rendered obsolete by the spirit and synthesis of Juche. Take the redpill
couldn't find a contextual pic, sorry.
anyway, i mean in order to get the worker to do his shitty job, he needs to be motivated.
for capitalism its easy, show him big boobed sluts, big houses, and sports car
I mean for the bottom half of that image
No. Communism must do away with childish capitalist ideas like equality and globalism, as they are bourgeoisie constructs and promoted by porkies worldwide.
Kinda how it has to work m8
have you heard of this board called Holla Forums
Communism can only be brought about with the complete destruction of nationalism/patriotism.
I like big boobs, bug houses and sports cars and I am not spooked by the stateideological aparatus
Maybe communism could work, but real life could not work.
Nationalism and patriotism must be abolished for communism to work.
Find your own damn motivation. Nationalism only leads to right wing politics because muh precious status quo.
What the fuck has Nationalism to do with the status quo?
Useful Idiotism strikes again. Sage'd.
French Revolution was surely upholding the status quo.
Concept of nationalism did not exist prior or during the French revolution. Nationalism is a 19th century bourgeois invention.
Good fucking post champ
fuck this gay site jesus
fuck this gay earth
So are you goy waiting on a global revolution? What kind of timescale are we working on here, considering how diverse people's beliefs and values are globally.
Would you support a nation that went socialist and was a success?
top kek, fam. sage'd
If nationalism was the prevailing ideology in France, the rebels would never have existed and the revolution would've never happened.
Define "nation"? The people? Sure. The government? No.