Mattress Edge 2: Spoiler General

Previous thread: claims to have worked at DICE and delivers spoilers, more incoming

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Why would anyone care about spoilers of this shitpile?

So I can know how big the pile is

How is that portrayal of "The Black Character" meant to fit with the progressive mindset that made this game?

Maybe being an anarchistic nutjob bitch terrorist is depicted as a good thing?

Motherfucker I'm a retard, hot damn.

Because her "Rival" is a middle-aged white guy who doesn't want to fight the Patriarchy but instead simply avoid fucking with it at all costs and live their own separate life, Employees in the streets and Runners on the roofs.

So she has to take things into her own hands because clearly that's not good enough and she wants to overthrow the Patriarchy and instill her own form of Government over the city. So the most logical thing to do is go blow up an entire shopping mall with shitload of explosives. This ends up killing the "Rival" because they think he did it while she gets off scot-free. Said Rival was also your Mentor and the only likable character in the game and then the nigger tries to play it off as she had no fault in this and it was all the Patriarchy

There we go, proper spoilers.

Not really, everybody thinks shes a crazy bitch outside of her goons.

DICEfag, how is the gameplay? Worse than the original?

progs absolutely despise blacks as much as stereotypical Holla Forumslacs.

Much worse.

Faith can't pick up guns anymore, they are basically chipped to the owner
She spent like two years in Juvie and is 16 years old but is a black belt karate master and can take out a group of 5 dudes all at the same time while two of them have rifles / snipers
Running away is not rewarded compared to fighting as Health regenerates anyway

Jesus, that's worse than I thought.

Fucking hell, I expected at least a short animation of her disassembling the gun.

Someone should put that on a t-shirt next to the MA:C logo.

They could've used this to heavily discourage Faith from picking guns up. When you pick up the gun, it sees that the wrong person is using it, and locks up after a few seconds and alerts more guards, making it temporarily harder

but fuck game design choices that allow the player to think

…how is that worse exactly?

I mean the one thing people would say that EA would ruin with a Mirror's Edge sequel is forcing gun combat, this is the exact opposite.

But the first game had health regen too.

I mean I'm not even doubting that it's a shit game, but I'm hearing any reasons why that wasn't also a problem with the first game.

In my eyes, that's still villain behavior, but I'm sure you won't be able to lay a finger on that character. Sounds like a very annoying game.

I get it. I think our worst enemy here is actually white women. They will do whatever it takes to be the center of attention of anything, and will use whatever empathy tactics they can come up, no matter the hypocrisy. Of course the natural response is to defend and nurture them, but at this stage this just creates betanodders and these girls are definitely not worth it, not anymore.

Not a chance

She just grabs the gun while a Guard is holding it and using it to headbutt them. Let me reiterate that this are guards wearing body armor and helmets and it knocks them out like nobody's business while Faith is an over-glorified teenager. Also her kick can literally break off helmets.

Here's a fun thing to do for a drinking game, lightly shove any enemy into the nearest surface and watch them lose 3/4ths of their health, even if it is a small bump in the ground they barely touch. Also there are enemies with the equivalent of power fists that shoot concentrated energy in a blast that she also can't pick up and use.

Mostly because we were forced to remove it entirely instead of making it work, respectively that its ridiculously easy to kite enemies around until you regenerated all of your health / shields.

You can't even tell her off.

Also, for extra cringe, check out the credits if you can. Specifically the pet names, some cunt literally inserted a bunch of symbols and emoticons in there.

Should we spread the word around the Internet?
You know, like Boston Salt Party?

What should we call this?

A big part of parkour is choosing your own route. Weapon restrictions simply don't compliment running and snapping up a pistol laying on the floor, firing off a few rounds and then continuing on. It sounds you're forced into hand to hand combat which should be a choice not the only option.

Health regen is complimented by taking cover and return firing or using ranged combat. Seeing as how that's not th-

And he responded before I could finish my post. Welld one sir. Doing god's work (if you;re not playing us like fiddles).

Quick question. Why do you work for a company whose work you despise? Just in it for the money? No alternatives?

Also java… for real?

Neat shit, DICEfag. Can you spoil Battlefield 1? Did you start working on the next Battlefront game yet?

Hey, DICEfag, what the hell was the thought process behind making a footnote of history the main focus of Battlefield 1?

Escaped developer confirmed retard

This shit is fantastic

Boston Salt Party is largely reliant on Bethesdrones actually giving a shit about Fallout's story.

Somehow I doubt people are as fussed about Mirror's Edge's plot.

Because the pays good and it's an office job. Pretty damn comfy. And yep, Java. If you want to get your foot anywhere in the bussiness, learn some Java and you get a pretty good starting salary and position. Further east you travel the more valuable it is from what I understood.

Can't say shit about BF1 since I didn't work on it, only ran stability tests when they were lacking people It honestly has a great aesthetic in MP but it's basically the love child of Battlefront and Battlefield Fuck if I know but I did hear they plan on making something to show at next years E3 although I'm not sure how correct that is, seeing as Catashit has been in the works for at least 7 years

English is hard m8

Dunno, see above.

Also get your voice in pushing for public SDK releases again


Well, there's always the subplebbit and the Steam forums. Maybe they will care. Oh, who am I kidding? Who cares about this shit?

o-oh… ;_;

You know, I wouldn't actually mind a Harlem Hellfighters expansion pack. They have a pretty cool story, but I wish it would focus on the war in it's entirety.

Why the fuck are you Swedes obsessed with Java?

tell the story of when everyone was yelled at for pushing for public sdk releases, mister~!

Mmkay, i'll give you the benefit of a doubt and call you Dicefag. Did Anita Sarkeesian actually have any input on this game at all? I recall some rumours years ago.

Did anyone else in your office share your concerns with gameplay/story/anything else in this shithole game?

You think it is worth a pirate at least?

Yo DICEfag if your Swedish and all wtf are you doing awake at 4 AM. Get some sleep m8

All our political parties are various forms of Socialists and Communists, are you really surprised?

Someone said "Hey, maybe we should do a public SDK!" He was promptly laughed at by the higher ups while the project manager told him to clean his office by Friday.

No, not really, it was mostly lip service.

Fuck no, cunts have their heads far up their ass and constantly try to shift blame away from themselves onto somebody else. The favorite excuse is "It's not our fault, we're actually good developers! It's just that we had a shitty base and engine to work with!" The majority of the studio is getting canned

Only if its for a drinking game of if you can get Broteam to do his own Tell him there's a bigger autist than fucking Zoe and Max combined from Life is Strange to get him to do it

I gotta leave for work in a few hours and I got plenty of sleep, fuck that.

The people defining your crazy cuck company sure are a funny bunch, huh…?

Eh, I was hoping the Parkour might just baaaarely be worth it. It was one of the things that made me enjoy the original all things considered. Shame

"The majority of the studio is getting canned" So it is all denial that they are shipping a bad game? How do you happen to know this? Is that just how you guys feel and act on the weeks coming up to launch?

Also for the sake of curiosity when the game goes gold do you get some time off or do they send you right to do more work? Day one patches?

I like you, though I am still not certain I trust you until I hear massive layoffs. Have a webm.


LOTS of Day one Patches are planned but I'm not sure if they will go through unless it sells a ridiculously surprising amount. Shit has been delayed so much and got so much cash thrown into it the only reason it wasn't canceled years ago was because of the Dice name attached to it.

Is it a spoiler worth making another salt party for?


I've read some of DICE's research papers and presentations recently for technological inspiration, no bully, is the Frostbite engine really not all that it's cracked up to be? I was always under the impression that DICE had really talented enginedevs working for a bunch of socialists and general faggots at the top.

>If it doesn't sell well it won't get patched.

I don't know if I laugh or laugh harder.

For that to work Dicefag needs to give us a major spoiler that can be condensed in two lines or less. The shorter the spoiler the faster it spreads.

God damnit user I want to kiss you.

8/10 I was expecting this and I still laughed.

ME reboot in a nutshell:

SJW who is "Unplugged" and "See's the world really as it is" needs to bring down the evil corporate overlords who with their programs will make everyone who is connected to it basically "Happy and controllable" and its up to you a lone undersized 80lbs teenager to take on the big bad corporations so you can "Free" all the ppl

And then you take them down and literally almost nothing changes because the reality is ppl are actually quite happy with their lives when ppl are not trying to fuck with them, but the game ends with the moral authority tagline of "You opened the worlds eyes despite changing nothing" bullshit SJW's like to push

Oh and your sister takes over as the head of the evil corporation

Funny this story came from EA, who of all things is an evil corporation who destroys everyone who works at it and makes up social problems just to sell games "Cause they have trannies in them!"

Oh yeah and the parkour was dumbed down incredibly and is 10x easier to pull of what is available which falls in line with Anita's bitchfest that she wanted the game easier because "It was too hard for women"

That's this entire shitfest in a nutshell

Engine is great, it's just the typical case of putting a bunch of tech illiterate monkeys to work on it that brings it all tumbling down. That - and in their defense - it's not as straightforward as making a FPS.

Faith is let out of Juvie and gets recruited by her old mentor to run missions, said mentor gets killed in a raid 3 hours into the game and Faith is forced to seek shelter from terrorists - aka the nigger - for another two hours or so. They capture the Patriarchy's adopted daughter which turns out to be your long lost sister you thought was dead. The Patriarchy is working on a program that I still have no idea what the fuck its supposed to do exactly just that it will make people more subversive and easy to control. You take the chip, the Patriarchy dies, your sister takes his place in a "THERE MUST ALWAYS BE A LICH KING" fashion, and the populace finds out about said program but doesn't give a single fuck so status quo is mainted so you can free run after finishing the story another two hours later. Literally nothing happens other than all of your friends dying and the terrorists are never heard of ever again.

You magnificent bastard

Seek shelter with, my apologies

>Moral authority tagline of "You opened the worlds eyes despite changing nothing."

Pretty much this

Also fun fact, I think this project cost us the most competent QA teams we ever had in a sheer quantity statistics.

This entire situation with mirrors edge reminds me of what happened with the daredevil comics. Daredevil is know for being a serious noir take on superheros. That's the core of the character. He's a blind lawyer, thats already adult subject matter.

Anyway one writer decides to turn daredevil into a meme spouting light adam sandler romp. The critics and everyone in their clique thought this was the best fucking thing to happen to comics. The whole comic book establishment was all for it. The fans no so much. The fans hated it so much it became one of marvels worst selling runs. That's how out of touch the critics were.

This mirrors edge shit is a similar situation. When mirrors edge came out it was when EA was actually trying to make to and original ideas. It was also before feminism got politicized with video games. Most people who liked mirrors edge just liked it as a concept, like "hey fist person parkour game this is kind of different". That was the general reason people liked the game. It was all about the gameplay, the story was just kind of there. Then like I said before video games got politicized with feminize.

Mirrors edge was no longer about being a first person plat-former, it's now sole defining trait is that the main character is a strong independent womyn. Now the entire focus is on the story that fans of the first game never gave a fuck about. Most people who wanted another mirrors edge just wanted a better polished game, something that fixed the problems of the first while still working off the framework of the original game.

Then enters Anita. EA pays her to come over and tell the team of devs how to build the game. She says "dumb it down its too hard" and to focus on faiths character. Now we have another CINEMATIC EXPERIANCE TM that will be forgotten as soon as the next cod comes out.

Its really ashamed that EA decided to ignore the fans and just jerk off about mu feminism.

Do you know if EA/DICE shills here?

Seeing as how I literally play tested this game 3 months ago before quitting EA of Orlando and moving.

You're full of the BIGGEST piles of shit.

How about Adopted daughter of the bad guys is your long-lost sister and becomes the Big Bad after you kill her father?

Explain what's the real deal, then.

Its pretty obvious to tell who is the former EA employee pissed at this pile of shit and who is the shill dude

I mean fuck, even TB is having non-stop problems with the game, and he has not one but TWO GTX 1080's

If you got such a big dick then flop it out motherfucker. What's the truth?

Normally I'd apologize to any poor guy that got stuck playtesting this shit after buying him a beer for being a trooper, but in your case I hope you never got the Skip Cinematic button to work more than 10% of the time while being forced to stare at Rebbecas ugly manface.


Fight, fight, fight!

He agreed with what I posted here which is this game's story in a nutshell

Corporations R bad, ppl who are hooked up to them are sheep, and you need to kill the evil shepherd

Turns out ppl are not really sheep and really didn't give a fuck about this shit because it basically didn't affect them despite the game going on and on about how the corporation was going to "Control them all" but you "Opened their eyes" in the end and in the future OTHER ppl will rise up against this "Evil" that is the corporation

You want fucking hilarious? This is almost a line by line retread of DMC 2013, just less demons, blood and swearing but even worse combat and gameplay involved

This is why you don't let SJW's anywhere near games.


Fuck it.

This is blatent bullshit. Fuck off you cunt.

Fuck it.

guns are out, focused on parkour.
Parkour is played identical to first game
There is a skill tree, and the parkour skills are locked behind the tree, but it only takes you 30 minutes if you aren't a dumbass to unlock everything.
This game is in no way, shape or form a SJW game.
Faith is not a strong womyn who don't need no man.
And the niggeress is a fucking chimp who loses her shit, even Faith is like "Yo dude, people need jobs, we need to keep society running."

Faith's love interest is the only white boy.
Her asian love interest gets fucking cucked by this white boy.

Go on ask me fucking anything I'll answer it.

Fuck Greg, fuck EA, fuck everything. I got a bottle of jack and I'm ready to tango

oh shiet

Was Greg one of those guys that sat on facebook and HOTS all day and had no fucking idea who Icarus or Noah were, let alone read the design document?

Cause I take it back in that case, you have my pity man.

There's really no way to confirm any of this until the game's out and some youtubers and streamers suffer it in our stead.

Also is it not possible that they changed shit 3 months later?

Been asked but I'll ask again,are there EA or DICE shills on this board?

I don't give a fuck about the game give me some dirt on working at EA faggot

enjoy your drink

if you're lying just give up on life now and save yourself the effort of typing



Hold on, didn't it require less buttons to do these actions in this game then the previous game

Shills follow anywhere that has a sizable community, Holla Forums is no exception regardless on the "cheese pizza" meme they boast about.

Oh shit

Nea, he's mostly right on the money. The last three months have been nothing but constant delays to get the turd more polished.

Guns are out like I mentioned earlier, focus on parkour is literally run around the area to charge up your shields if low on life / come back from a "Second Wind"-type mechanic, spam the kick attack on most enemies while dashing to the side, and cheesing the Sentinels by wall running - jumping back - plunging into them with a kick. Skill tree is as shit as he mentioned, you got like 4 upgrades locked behind story progression Faith bit is arguable as far as I'm concerned, bitch is an over-glorified teenager who has several flashbacks to her parents dying and a ham-fisted shout of impotent rage in an elevator when she finds out the hideout is attacked to not make her stronk & independent Also parkour is easy as shit compared to first game

Head manger of my department.
Exactly what you say. Didn't read a damn thing.
Never responded to a fucking THING when I sent him Bug reports.
What a fucking cock he was.
I shit you not he had a fucking fursona that he had TATTOOED on his fucking calf.

There is no way they changed as much exposition in the story.
It's a safe game though. I promise you it's not as SJW as some Rumor has it that Blizzard is hiring reverse shills, they are on 4chan, 9gag, reddit, here, to defame Mirrors Edge and call it an SJW game, that Overwatch is the superior game might have you believe.

The only thing they could change was the magrope. They may have made it a little more obvious where you can shot it too because, and I swear to fuck. Some playtesters, one bitch in particularthought she could zip HALFWAY across the fucking map using her magrope. Disregarding the parkour all together.


They are a bunch of cunts.

Tell me cock mongler, do you have nigress chimping out then?what about when faith agrees with Bad guy but doesn't agree with the way he goes about it?

No it doesn't. That video you saw was an idiot reviewer being an idiot. It's just as hard the timing is still exactly as you want.

Not for the reason you think it is.
None of it was dumbed down. it's the exact same code base as the original game. All that we did was tidy up the code so it wasn't so stupid anymore. The result was it came out to be smooth, being easier to pull off, but nothing intentionally made it easier.

This thread is getting interesting even if it's nothing but bullshit.

Looks kind of like uncharted where you run through scripted shit and press X to do awesome stuff, and then you watch it happen.

Whole ending looks really cinematic. And everytime you have a choice to do something, the game is telling you where to go exactly.

Way too much watching shit for the end. What the fuck is this? The final boss is the main villain's rent a cops?

They're really hoping this thing sells enough for a Mirror's Edge 3, but I don't know if it'll actually happen.

How can you say that? Buyer's remorse is a feature!

What are the chances we're being rused by two niggers with a lot of time to watch YouTubers?

to be rused you have to believe it in the first place


I'm not buying it so its not like I give a fuck if two faggots turned out to be lying.

You know those Villians that didn't do anything wrong?

That's our villian in this game. His goal is sound, his methods are wrong.
Don't be a mongoloid

You got a beer on me user.

Also the guy is right, it's not SJW. The Sarkeesian shit was lip service as I mentioned earlier but Faith And fucking Plastic, don't get me started on that shit are the cringiest shit to have ever graced video games as a whole and can easily fool one into thinking their SJW bait

I feel indifferent personally, the other user probably does to. For proof, best I can think of at the top of my head that wasn't mentioned already is to go near a ledge where you have a door in sight directly in front. Quickly pop up and down the ledge to spot the fact that the door fucking disappears constantly.

"His goal is sound"

Fuck off

If you're being controlled you're being controlled, be it via computer or via a gun

This game is SJW filth and it can fuck off and die, the fact the protagonist agree's with the "bad guy" is why this game is an utter piece of shit that will be forgotten in a fucking month

I don't care if you're shilling or not, just the fact that two DICE employees are fighting is enough I need.

On a scale from finished product to rough prototype, where is this fucking game? These bugs sound like reason to delay another month or so to unfuck.

Two guys died during this things development cycle, it's safe to say it has taken a tool on all of us sanity wise. Not their deaths, nobody cares about those two cockmonglers, just the project itself.

Early Beta imo. Note that this is the second iteration from what I understood, there was another one beforehand that got scrapped

I like how EA employee's are turning each other en mass as the victimbux support of liberals in society is wearing out

Also sad how we get endless shit like Dragon Age, Mirrors Edge etc now and not another Dead Space game

But I'm sure Issac in Dead Space 4 would try to reason with the ppl of earth that the necromorphs are really not all that bad and they're not trying to destroy ppl they just want to immigrate with them, and "Necrolives matter"

I linked the ending faggot with all its SJW shit exposed

Can't lie anymore

No you goddamn idiot
Holy fuck you're mental capacity is on fucking level with Dark Syde Phil! Jesus!

His end result is to have peace. He wants to do this by controlling the masses, Faith doesn't like the controlling thing, thinks everyone should be free to choose their own place in the world.
Jesus how stupid can one person be?????

me and my fellow EA nig aren't fighting, there is disagreements on the game but we aren't fighting

you're mental capacity
you're mental capacity
nice one m8

That is SJW as fuck.


Remember dice shill says the storyline isn't SJW, despite the video proof its full SJW sht

What? Tell us more about this

I still stand by the notion she's mostly just pulling a stupid fucking "ALWAYS A LICH KING" shit then anything else.

This, we ain't fighting. More like bantering while feeling sorry for each other we work for these fucking monkeys.

Not much to say, two guys literally died during it. I like to joke it's because the project was that shit it made them kill themselves. It's a wonder the QA casualty tally isn't through the roof honestly

You lying dog

That makes no sense, how a 6 hours "experience" can put OVERWATCH in danger, you can`t even compare these games

You cunt better post any proof that you work for DICE faggot, anything

Worry for you job is not an excuse, nobody cares for cantonese interactive action dolls board, post proof

Looks a lot like typical SJW


Ask anything about the game itself and I'm happy to post but I ain't kicking a comfy office job in Swedistan over nothing. Not until Ubisoft makes a proper fucking studio here, at least

I apparently do as well. fuck my fingers are being stupid tonight, well I'm also drunk so there's that.

I just realized something.
You must be one of those shills I was talking about earlier. all you keep saying is IT'S SJW IT'S SJW.

That ending is taken out of context. But besides that. It's a fucking shitty story.

That's not it at all though. This nigga will fucking explain

I'm playing Quiplash in the other thread, gimme a few minutes.

Holy shit, that's amazing and sad at the same time.

I'm not sure how Dead Space 3 ended, but I would like it if somehow he becomes insane and while surviving the onslaught of Necromorphs he's spreading them throughout every human population there is

Now as much as I hate Faith's side in this, having someone create this world were everyone in this collective society is worrying, but I don't know the full plan or if it was ever explained in the game or anywhere for that matter so if you could enlighten exactly what this "peace" is, that'll be great.

There`s ways of proving it without compromising who you are, don`t give me that shit

Any official identification with the name cut is enough, that won`t remotely put your job on the line because everybody on your company has one

Post it you faggot

That was my first post in either of these threads, faggot. Try again.

well this is the gayest shit ever

i'm going to play some video games

Yes I shill for EA

I also shill for Bethesda and Daybreak games given my posts here in the new webm thread

I also shill for anime tits apparently

Oh I'm also a shill for xmedia recode because I make tutorials for it

Or maybe you fucking idiot…..

Dead Space 3 ended with Issac and pal floating in space, the DLC has you picked up on a ship along with your friend who is being run by a cult (SURPRISE) and you take over said ship and get back to earth to find a bunch of necromoons eating it

And that's where the story ended, and we'll never a Dead Space 4 so I just assume Issac died

Looks like something Valve would have released in 2008

This thread is pointless to be in, but I'm still going to save it for the future, just to see if anyone was telling the truth.

inb4 g-g-g-gotta go!

Are you NCbro?

Well I would have hoped that Issac just goes full Doomguy and Rips and Tear for the rest of his life trying not to kill himself and stomping his way around the solar system.

Yeah I'm NCbro

TL;DR for explanation since I'm still in game, Glass is neighbored by an agressive buttfuck corporation / nation and Patriarchy is trying to keep the plebs in line to not start another protest / wannabe revolution in case shit goes south. Cat is not so much brainwashed as she was simply raised by Patriarchy and continuing the family business is what she's been raised for - as well as being an ass kicking Mary sue - and the only reason she ain't dead is because of pure luck from Faith. Black November does terrorist shit - bomb the mall I mentioned earlier - and that's about it. Meanwhile an asian dude named Dogen has you climb a skyscrapper under construction to drop some earthquake stabilizer shit down the middle to destroy the foundation and all the work done on it. Hilariously enough it still fucking stands just due to having the corner pillars standing.

Goddamn modern degenerate "art", that was more of a horror play.

I'm here to watch EAfag and DICEfag have a dick fight

They already came, user.

They've been keeping up the bullshit in their games so long, I'm sure they have enough stamina for another round.

Well if there are any EA/Dicefags here, answer me this.

How bad are things in the industry right now?
Is EA still treating it's employees the worst?
Why not get a standard programming job?

Better pay, easier hours, why stay at EA?

I'm not even sure what else we can discuss. Plus I'm playing Quiplash

Pretty bad, majority of QA and Focus Testers are as shit and casual as you might imagine in your worst nightmare
Yes and no, depends where you're at. I'm lucky with Dice.
Because the stupidity of people working in this business make up for better pay. It's like free high quality comedy every other day, once you manage to stop giving a fuck and do your own thing. Case in point, QA user and his Manager.

Could that be any relation to the current cookie-cutter bullshit game development degree programs offered in most colleges?

I've been seeing a similar thing in my business, people getting degrees in software development without ever so much as opening an IDE.

Managers hire them due to their credentials, then it becomes too expensive to can them when their incompetence is revealed.

If you were to give a percentage how many employees there can actually do their job?

How casual are the playtesters? Is it true they just get family or friends who aren't that into games?

Best to ask QA user that.


why would it be too expensive to fire someone?

A severance package and replacing them, maybe? I have no idea, considering that EA is supposed to fire people all the damn time.

It's almost as if it's supposed to be a textbook description of them.

Hi Todd Howard here. Prey 2 is happening.

Not as badass as nu-Lara chocking 6ft gorilla mercenaries to death with a wooden stick.


Or brutally murdering them with an icepick only to break down crying 2 minutes later because she has to kill someone.

Reminds me of the tomb raider revival.

Tell me something about the parkour, did they remove momentum alltogether? Because from what I see from videos faith accelerates at the speed of light and is at the top speed half a second from starting running.

Also all the levels really remind me of Lemma, if anyone played that. Really large, not much to do in it.

As shit as it was, TPP was so damn well optimised.
Also newer/HD Serious Sams

This is what happens when you put too much focus at making insane wads of money in the smallest time frame as possible while giving a subpar product each time, resulting into a consistent loss of quality trough out time. Plus a consumer base that feeds it by buying everything while taking everything told by the marketing as granted and got "trained" to defend the product or company like their life depends on it, not counting the usual post-purchase rationalization and systemic loss of standards each generation.
Most AAA games after 2009 started to become blatantly laundry schemes, practically.
At least this shit has started to crumble, even if a bit late.

The one good engine that is now used to advertise fucking pachinko machines?

Kill me Pete

Serious Sam though I agree. Croteam is a huge bro. Props to them and to all of the solid AA devs out there.

screencapped for truth.

Too soon.

Holy shit.

Kill me, Pete

So this is the power of jewnita.


Less options
More mainstreamed gameplay
No risk-reward element

Oh lordy where to begin
Ya know, the last part pisses me off. Cause obviously the citizens and not corporate are on ground level. So it would be citizens destroying other citizens property and the hero wanted this.
A riot is not always a good thing you dumb bitch
All it means is extreme unrest. It's something you normally do not want to happen, ever.

You know. Watching all this from another angle. If we got an sjw writer to do its part than release it from the job. Than get another writer to reverse the roles the sjw writer wrote, a company would end up with an above average story at minimum. What I see is that sjw somehow have their common sense so perfectly switched around. These type of people would probably give psychologists something interesting to work with for years to come. Probably even an educational book about their backwards behavior.

Yo shills! See this? No one gives a fuck about your feminist vulva sucking fest.

GJP faggots, beta-male feminists, and Anita's personal shill crew are freaking out about the bad user reviews coming out for this shit heap.


This is a prequel right? How does it fare with the story of the original? Wasn't her sister some sort of police officer in the 2008 game?

Hush now user, you are implying that the story and the narrative is incoherent and we wouldn't want that would we?

Ok, I just looked on the wiki. Her sister's name is Kate Connors, and she works as a normal police officer. Also as far as I remember, she didn't have any particular martial arts skills.
This doesn't make any sense. I'm confused…
Is catalyst supposed to be an alternative take on that universe?

Well that is no fun at all.

Last I heard it was a reboot.

There is something even worse here, in terms of storytelling.

ME:C is a prequel, why is the original a somewhat realistic interpretation of the near future with a lot of the tech we have now, while ME:C has shit like ID GUNS and MAGICAL FISTS THAT SHOOT SPACE WAVES.

Yes, it's a reboot. In the original they are also sisters but distanced themselves because of their respective jobs.

It's not, it's a reboot.

I kind of liked the "world" of mirror's edge, but this new, more futuristic world feels like pure horseshit.

It's an overly dramatic reboot tbh, it tries to hard to shove shit at us.

It's been quite while since I played, so I don't remember all the details.

Also how is the ost? The first had some chill IDM style music that was a nice fit to the whole sterile theme of the game.

It was one of the things that I liked at the start of the original ME: the way Faith interacted with her cop sister. They have issues and they have disagreements on the city, but they still care about each other in the end enough to hug it out and Faith promise she would help her sister in her time of need.

It was HUMAN. It didn't need a soopah srs story. It just needed to make me care about the characters and their plight.

Is it supposed to look like a bunch of broken glass?

I don't think there has ever been a single decent reboot, at least not what I can remember off the top of my head.

The original had the charm that it was believable, there's some crazy shit, but it was crazy shit grounded in reality.

I'm also curious about this. AFAIK Solar Fields was composing the music for this game too, and I loved the shit out of the original's OST. I might pirate this shit if it's decent material.

Yes, but that's only because of the glossiness.

I found a youtube video with most(if not all) of the tracks. Some tracks are a bit more "loud" and high pace compared to the 2008 game, but there are a bunch of songs that are more like the ones from the original. You can still tell it's solar fields though. His style is pretty obvious.

In the first game, whenever you fell from height and hit the ground you made this gross splatting noise

In the beta for the new one it all just fades to black instantly

Was this a bug or was it deliberately taken out to make the game less scary


How the fuck does she survive that entire last portion?

Looks like they're fucking up the game in ways I haven't even imagined

I loved that, it really felt like you were falling and it was scary.

I guess it was removed in response to the complaints about much of the sections of the first game felt too much like "trial and error" and those noises accentuated the feeling.

I liked them because of the added immersion and to make you realize thay you were being reckless or fucking up hard.

Falling triggers me! I should not feel bad about making a mistake in game! CATER TO ME AND MY SENSITIVITIES!

It made me care about Faith and not want to fuck up. It is stupid.

Caring about women is misogynistic.

One angry reaction so far.

Less people = more work per person = more hours worked for a deadline = more overtime which is 1.5x usual pay rate. If they all make the same amount, but the extra work has to be billes as overtime, you end up paying more. Not to mention severance packages depending on the contracts.

I don't even care if this whole thread is bullshit.

SJWs don't understand this, they think riots are good and if you're not with them, you're against them.

The game literally has "hold x to soften landing" button, in the original you had to press the crouch button just before hitting the ground to avoid taking fall damage.

Ouch, that must hurt more than making the difficult choice between nuking the commonwealth or killing your son in the ending of Fallout 4.

I've been doing this all morning and I only get instant disconnects. Could they be that mad?


No it isnt?

Are you lost, friend?

Has user actually tried this shit? My impressions so far (not played, watched streams only!)

-gameplay casualized (trail of menstrual blood guiding you, lazy QTEs all over)

-tolerable cartoon cutscenes of ME1 replaced with cringe tier cinematics

-Faith is basically (mattress) edgy transgender Mary Sue now

I actually have to give some credit to uncharted. Out of the "muh cinematic experience" games it probably gives you the most control. That sequence they used for E3 last year, the convoy chase, the controls there are the same as for the rest of the game, L1 climbs ropes, X jumps, square is attack, O takes cover etc. You can aim and shoot at any time and you need to or you'll die. Hell if you want you can just take over one of the jeeps and start driving away from the action and this is probably the most "cinematic" level in the game.

Why the fuck is climbing it even necessary to destroy it? Couldn't the earthquake thingy just be plopped on the ground?

Wow, a game has several actions bound to more than one button. Truly revolutional

I was just pointing out that it doesn't take said control away during cinematic set pieces.

You're a moron. Nowhere did anyone say it was revolutional. It was just more than Gone Homo, despite people claiming it's a 1 button game.

We have come to the point where having that is a remakable improvement over the rest of what the market has to offer.

We have tolerated QTE shit for far too long.

Could some user post that Photoshop of Faith's early redesign? The one where her facial features are exaggerated and she looks even more like a nigger? Can't find it anywhere


Pretty sure that someone in the twitter front is now questioning that we're using the IGN review as ammo against the game (and by extension, Sarkie's involvement) without questioning it.
If not, it's a good time to prepare a counterpoint for this.

There isn't one. Sark's involvement was a load of bullshit. (And so is IGN)

at least mirror's edge 3 is gonna flop when the normalfags see what kind of forgettable trash they bought.

fuck off DiCE don't you have some nigger dicks to render for BF1?

Because the anti-earthquake thing was a massive fucking spiral at the top of the building suspended by three cables you unhook for it to come tumbling down

Don't ask me how any of that shit works, I have no idea. Also game is out apparently, you faggots can feel free to pirate it and see I wasn't bullshiting you. You have my pity if you actually do

Was the fursona a crocodile?

I don't know what to be more scared of, that so many people on Holla Forums know the same guy or that vidya QA is infested with furfags…

The first game was a massive flop.


oh. most people i spoke to liked it and i did as well. didn't know it flopped.

i think he meant sales-wise

That was a fun read, oh man

Why would anyone buy "games" like this in which the meager gameplay is interrupted every 50 seconds for "muh story"?
Oh, right…this cinecasual shit is all they've ever known & they're hopelessly brainwashed to defend it.

All these cutscenes give braindead millennials an opportunity to check their phone.

Why did this have to happen? I actually really enjoyed mirrors edge 1. Why did they have to do this to the 2nd? Why couldn't it be a good game? I have to play ME1 forever now, i won't touch this.

Anyone has a link to the archive of the previous thread?

I don't know why, but after beating the game, I'm just blase on the whole thing. It just feels like another Dystopia to me and very few of the characters made an impression on me (Save for Faith and maybe Plastic).

It feels so rushed. A lot of plot threads and characters are just smashed along in a race towards the end, and I just don't understand the world.

Why are the corporations bad? Why do they want to control everything? Why do they want to change the world to a police state? I thought they'd at least answer some questions from the first Mirror's Edge but now I'm left with even more questions.

Is it wrong to complain about this game's writing? I don't want to make comparisons of this to the Hunger Games, but I feel compelled to.

Everything makes sense now.

Corporations are bad because they say so, it would take too much effort to give actual reasons the bad guys are bad guys

After all the big bad is a mild mannered white male. Doesn't that scream evil to you?

I hope someone was fired for that blunder

Wasn't that citation on the 4chan post false? I myself can't find another source where she said those things

But even if you want to go that route, you can at least explain shit and make the villains interesting. There have been plenty of films and games that explain why the villains are villains and still let them be the bad guys. Even the Hunger Games did that.

I don't understand why they didn't to that here if they emphasized the story over gameplay.

wow, this came out? forgot about it completely, and haven't heard any mention of it.


Anyone watch Penny Dreadful? Season 3 really dials up the notch to 11 regarding victimized women, girl power, and feminism. ME 2 is gonna be like this, right?

I'm not talking about Brona and her whore army, but small bits constantly pushed into the show, like when the woman won a fencing sport match through cheating, the show portrays it as if the man complaining about the cheating is wrong just to give a pat behind the female fencer. It's a sport match, ofcourse it has rules

So, is the game mod-able?
Will there be DLC?

I actually liked the setting a lot (both physical, and the backstory), and was very interested in the setting & characters. I also liked the guns, and I believe it should have been kept.

Also, does anyone have a copy of the terms & conditions for the game? or know where I can get it?
The PC version.

I could point out how incredibly cliche the entire video's worth of plot content is, but I care about the little things they fucked up more than anything.

There's enough cliches here alone to tear this scene limb from limb, but that's not the main and only problem here for me.

Is the original game worth a pirate?

Yea, but a lot of people still have problems with performance. Supposedly something to do with nvidia so you might want to google a fix

Fuck off Schlomo.

Are the spoilers real?

This is beautiful

You better be jesting son, this is an EA game.


Who the fuck did the Q and A for this

No, we have to have both of them be special snowflakes user.


So is there a torrent?
Does it use Denuvo?

It has denuvo

Ah fuck it then

I don't get it.

Anyone who has the game early or has watched any of the Youtubers that have it would be able to tell you most of the things being spoiled in this thread

I feel draw to it just to see how tarnished of a game it is. But I also want to remember how good it was.
Probably not even worth the head ache to decide. This game isn't even a game. It's a lightly interactive plat former with about as much depth as Super Mario Bros back on the NES. And even then that game at least was ground breaking.

i liked playing as faith in the first game, she needed more character but I got ghost in the shell vibes

why did they re design everything to be blood/glassy anyway?
the visual style of the first game was actually breath taking

Oh, so it's like an actual part of the building then. I thought it would be some little handheld device considering how silly this setting seems to be with future tech. It makes slightly more sense to climb up the skycraper then I suppose, but it still seems stupid.

I'm new to PC gaming, and this board.

Damn. I guess no Catalyst for me then.

All this time since the first game and all they could do was just copy the same game from the first but remove acquiring guns and modernize it with a useless open world and it still has the same bugs as the first game. I even recognized some structures that were similar to that first game in most of the levels. What the hell time did they spend on that it took two delays and still was a shallow retread of the first game?

Judging by how this keeps happening, publishers seem to announce games early since delaying it makes it sound like they care about the quality. It can also be a handy tool for whipping the devs with to get a move on.

Why the fuck do you need the terms and conditions?

Kill me, Pete