Tfw too smart to be a leftist


I'm too smart to be right wing ; ). You could at least have said muh basic economics also
Holy shit that board is awful.

easy to say when you have no idea about how economy works.


how many times do we have to tell you, your autism doesn't make you smart

This bait thread has been made at least three other times this past month; get some new material.

Left/Right politics is only the continuation of liberalism tho.



t. tool of mao and stalin

Sage for retardatiom

but mao and stalin killed the people i wanted killed.

like intellectuals


yes we do
unlike you, commies.

isn't how an economy work


How do I become a communist?

Step 1. get drunk
Step 2. Stumble into gateway to Satan's realm
Step 3. ????????
Step 4. Destroy profit.

nice ideology m8

That is some next level strawman tech you got there.


Free shiet and equality lads amirite

Last I checked the majority of /sci/ was left-ish and actually contributes to society.