Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ /vm/

"Why Bother" Edition

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got some spritework done, so there's that

Shouldn't you use a shader to mess with it?

what do you mean?

Rather than making several frames of animation ahead of time, you could just make a static image, and then manipulate it with a shader.

Lads, get this:

Ncurses style FTL which binds the power rate of your ship to how fast you can encrypt pseudo-random text. The player builds custom software, such as targeting scanners and propulsion management, with a library built on top of a *nix shell.

The computers ARE the spaceships!

is that a unity thing? I'm working in GameMaker

Oh wait, Notch cancelled that game years ago

New exciting progress edition!

What do you guys think about this new autolocking lightning/laser weapon which automatically homes in on targets if they are inside the turret cone of vision, which player 2 is controlling?

The color and lighting is temp, i'm still trying to settle if i want a blue electricity tone or maybe go full futuristic mode and make it really colorful.

Come on bois lets break the record for most progress posted in a single AGDG thread!

Any 3D artists here? advice on how to properly paint weights on dresses? even short skirts give me some trouble, I know it has to do with the animations I will use but there has to be some pattern on what are the optimal mappings.

I hope I can finish my commissioned dress in the following days.

Something about that look really off.
I think the "glitch" effect should be way shorter than it is. First pic related. It's your choice, though. Don't change it if you like how it already is.
Why do you have so many duplicate frames? You don't need to double or quadruple frames in increase length, you can make frames last different amounts of time.

>*to increase length

well the game was 60 fps so it would have gone faster. in gmk any sprite naturally goes through it's animation

though I can just program it to go, its just easier to do it that way, at least until it seems better

like this one, which randomly goes through different cycles of animation

Does anyone know why a Song would cut off a second or so from the end of a track in MonoGame? It's really starting to piss me off.

maybe because its zero indented

I have no idea what that means.

it happens frequently with animations and other loops

for example [1,2,3].length is 3 but if you want to access the last 3 position you have to use [2] because it starts counting from zero

if you are using something like
play.source("x.ogg") play.start[0] play.end("x.ogg".lenght)
you are running in the same problem

I have never "zero indented" used before
It's "zero indexed"

You can set image_index via code to any subimage of the current sprite. That way you can have it play at different speeds.

yeah thats what I was talking about with the core thing. stretching it out was just me being lazy.

is there really any detriment to doing this?

It's a song, and it's played using MediaPlayer.Play(song), so I have no control over where it starts or ends.

Why don't you just add a second of screeching static at the end?

It gets bonus points because eventually you'll run into someone who doesn't have the issue.


how many of those watermarks did you add on for fun?

looks good, but the mix between triangular looking shapes and soft wavy lines makes it feel like its two different lazers.
is the only colour for lazers you're using red? I think lighting is pretty good, but if you think you can make it better go for it

Since others have added /vm/ to the thread, I have to ask:
How do I map a rom's memory? Is there an easy or step-by-step way to approach it that isn't "randomly changing hex values and hope it works"?



Progress so far: Trying to fiddle with Castlevania COTM's savefiles via hex so that I can then work on adding/testing random changes to the rom itself.

Savefiles are 64kb in size (because of GBA specs), although it uses less than half of this, in fact only 976 bytes per file. I can see where the time and player stats are stored, but its very aggressive with a savefile checksum and eagerly deletes the file if anything is invalid. Basically I have to figure out the checksum algorithm before I can make meaningful changes

I now have an M14.

The one problem I am having with the firing sound. I have it play every time the gun fires, but after firing a bunch it stopps for a couple of shots and then starts again once the last sound played stops playing. It's really frustrating but I'll keep doing reserch to see if there's a way to fix it.

It probably has to do with UE4s sound culling, depending on what version you have. How do you play the sound? Are you playing a cue or just a wav? Ideally, you should have a cue with several wav files in it, playing one of various sound files at random, and playing the cue on fire. In that cue file I believe there are culling options too, from 4.11 onwards.

Well I finished my binge on old kid's shows
now I can get back to figuring out how to imitate jumping from super mario.

Damn, I'm using 4.10.

Right now using "Play sound 2D" which was only meant to be temparary anyway. I'm glad someone here knew the propper way to do it, thanks. I'll look into the cue and see if I can transfer my game to 4.12.

Progress: Units can now select targets and make their attacks.

Now to figure out how to make a formula for hit chance and another for damage.

BTW, is it just me or 4.12 can't install at all? I wish I was able to manually download and install engine versions.

man, i wish UE4 wouldn't have been so shit in forcing me to install a fucking visual studio.
Its not even using it to compile shit.

How am I ever going to make an MMO when I don't even know how sockets work?


okay, stay tuned for my next posts



last webm insider joke won't make it to the final version, sorry guys


and that's all for today, i hope everyone else posts their progress too


I'm at work, so I can't post shit.
Besides, I'm not doing anything interesting; just trying to wrestle with my sound/music system.

Are you able to run it in a debugger? Is the savefile memory-mapped? Can you determine the memory location of the savefile? Can you put a watcher on the address of the checksum? If all this is true and you can manage to break somewhere inside the checksum algorithm you can examine the stack trace to find the entrypoint of the algorithm. Then it's up to you to figure out how it works.

Otherwise you can just disable checksum verification. Find the point where there's a conditional branch that jump into code that deletes the savefile and coerce it to always branch the right way. Map the flow of execution and compare between when the savefile is correct and when it isn't. The first point where one branches and one doesn't is probably the branch that goes into "checksum invalid, delete save file" instead of "checksum valid, continue into save loading".

wrestle with it


once i was on a beach on japan, it was cold, and i sit by the shore, thinking about giving up, then a japanese fisherman started screaming at me, at first i thought i was in some kind of forbidden area, so i stood up as i was going to leave, but then he made some gestures with his hand that i took as an invitation to stay, then he kept talking to me, i couldn't understand anything except his last 3 words


and that's how i decided to go into gamedev

Alright so I figured out how to add infinite new tilesets, change the existing ones and how to do pretty much everything in the game. So now the question is, should I change the normal tilesets in the game to make it look more modern, or should I just use new tilesets in new places I want to add?

I feel like Johto, at least, still looks really good, so I'm kind on the fence with this.

What should I do?

you really shouldn't have clouds on your minimap

Will I get sued by Bethesda if I make a game with the SPECIAL system?

They almost sued a company I worked for because I made a Tshirt with Vault 111 on it to capitalize on Fallout 4

Bethesda is pretty sue happy, but they don't have control over gameplay mechanics. Nobody does.

Do what you want.

Been trying to make some stuff in FL Studio for a project I'm working on, hopefully it isn't too shitty but I'd like some feedback from any musicfags on this thread.

When the original Fallout was being made - Interplay was going to originally use GURPS but the deal got fucked over by Steve Jackson Games not wanting to be associated with a game with high levels of blood and gore which eventually lead to the inception of the SPECIAL system.

You'd probably get sued for using the SPECIAL system itself, though a modified version could probably be used.

Definitely use a different pass filter or distortion effect at 1:00, doesn't sound good imo.

Also I feel like the music does a nice job building up and the overall song is nice/energetic, but it also has a problem where you're building up too many voices overlapping eachother over time drowning each other out. Maybe it's not a big deal to others, but it kind of adds noise pollution, so I would try and decrease the volume of either the voices being drowned out or the voices overlapping them. Other than that, keep it up.

They can't sue you if you're anonymous.
Unless they mistakenly sue 4chan, in which case that would be hilarious.

Interesting to see all your work guys!
Here is mine:
(it's a devlog)

How is this progress, devfriends?
Added a mechanic for the two smaller coop ships. Player 1 and 2 can place down one transmitter each, one is male and the other is female. Whomever puts theirs down first places the female down, second player then places the male down.
Once both are placed, if they are within range of one another they will create a electricity field which fries anything that travels through it.

How do you guys deal with burnout?
For example, I've done a shitload of code 1-2 days ago and now don't feel like doing shit.
Do you guys just wait it out?

money motivates me

But I do it for free


Step 1: Don't burn out
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

I need some help on how to achieve step one…

They can't copyright game mechanics, so you can copy that to your heart's content.

However, they could hold a trademark on the name "SPECIAL" (although I'd question how strong their claim is) and they could sue you if you use the same name.

Don't program until you physically cannot program any more.

Set up a schedule for programming, so you're not just doing it because you have nothing better to do.

That's how I overcame my burnouts. I haven't burnt out in over a year now, and I program every day without fail.

do it with friends.

Looks gud

More progress!
Place-able "anchors" which can be placed by enemy players. When active, they will search an aoe around them and hook onto any enemy player going too close.
Once hooked, they have to shoot the node/rope to break free, or optimally get their teammates attention and have them help you free.

will the ships be able to collide with each other?
that could be a pretty cool way to stop a couple of ships that are charging at you since one that gets anchored would hit the others

Thats a pretty neat idea, user! Easy to implement as well.

neat idea

help me out understanding classes in haskell
right now i'm trying to get something to work so i can understand how the classes are supposed to be used in general
i wanted a test class with an operator, which can combine elements, as if you were combining string. like you have 1 ### 2 = 1*10+2=12
or "1" ### "2" = "1"++"2"="12"
if i'm even remotely doing this right, i'm still getting an error saying that there's no instance of (Show a0) when using the print function in main

main=do print(testFunc 1 2)class (Num a,Show a)=>TestClass a where (###)::(Num a,Show a)=>a->a->ainstance TestClass Int where x ### y = x*10+ytestFunc::(TestClass a)=>a->a->atestFunc a b = a ### b

there's a cure you know.

Does YandereDev still go on these threads anymore or

nevermind, figured it out

he usually appears in the thread that inevitably appears every time he posts an update on youtube

I'm getting fucking sick of this. It's been days.

Dunno, I've just been mucking with the savefiles themselves, trying to figure out where things are.

Here's what I got so far, though.

Mapping in COTM is listed as a "percentage" from 0.0% to 100.0% (but its really just 1000 squares). Thus, there are 1,024 valid map tiles, and the entirety of the map revealed data should fit on one line of bytes in the savefile there

Slowly making progress…

In case anyone wonders. Yes, this is, in fact, a revolver with a suppressor. A M1895 Nagant to be precise. The soviet engineers applied some vodka-magic to the design and made it possible to suppress it, by making the cylinder close the gap to the barrel when you pull the trigger.

Since this is the why bother edition;

How often do you guys get the "holy fuck this is pointless, I'll never be able to finish this, even if I did It'll never sell, what a waste of time" feeling?

For me it's weekly. Like a little summary.

So don't sell it.
Who cares about making money?
You're trying to make vidya, not money.

Sort of, for me it's incredibly tough to both make any progress AND enjoy my time actually playing video games. I feel like making my own game is pointless in spirit if it forces me to stop playing them in exchange. I hope to push through soon.

So I was looking at the code in Pokecrystal that handles loading the actual pics of the pokemon, and for some reason there's a whole section that gets loaded into the game but just has duplicate entries, not to mention that there's a shit ton of space left in the other sections.

This said, should I add new pokemon into the game? I was thinking mostly evolutions of already existing pokemon:

I reckon I could even end up with some space left for a few new trainers here.

How many name spaces do you have left?

I don't care about the money I make, but it is my goal to finish and release my game, and I'm not going to abandon that goal, even if it takes me decades.

And if I actually release it, I do want to get money for the work I put into it. Like I said that's not my primary motivation - gamedev isn't the best option there lel - but yeah.

Name spaces isn't a problem, I can pretty much add how many I want

Oh alright then, the way you phrased it seemed like this was a limiting factor.

There is a limiting factor, but only for loading images, unless I find a way to bypass that.

I was mostly asking if it was a good idea or if it was superfluous

I'm glad you're determined.
It's strange; I don't want to sell my game. I want everyone to play it for free, and give me money if they want to.

Is crystal the most modded version? If I were to do anything, I'd love to give gold/silver a go.

The reason for this is that you're afraid of failure and worry that your game isn't good enough to sell. Keep trying, you'll get there eventually.

Actually, I have great faith in my game. It's a unique and interesting take on the Rogue-like genre.

I'm just not a jew. I want everyone to be able to enjoy my game, regardless of their income.

ok lad

I feel this way too but I'd also like to be able to make a living doing this instead of neetbux

Testing an energy pistol in the game. In the video, infinite ammo is enabled for ease of testing. The main feature is auto-targeting; tapping the Quick Attack button will auto-target the nearest enemy within line-of-sight and fire a projectile at them.

Damn, I thought you guys died.

Looks good!

Pokecrystal is the only one that has a debug.
It's pretty much the same as gold, just has a few nice added things over it

re-skinning seems kind of useless since you cant up the sprite sizes (as far as i know), and the game looks fine.
maybe try something like adding a new town to start and then maybe trying to add some sort of story extension

Here's where I'm at now. (I tried to set a flag for an item I picked up and wiped my save)

Pic related is three separate snapshots of the same save file at 6:05, 6:08, and 6:12 saved. The first line increases a little bit but doesn't seem to match up with the expected timestamp values I have, while the last line has random values at 0x0144, which makes me think its the checksum.

(there's more data per save file but this is the only relevant part that was changing)

That's basically what I'm planning to do yeah. I'll probably still change the tilesets for kanto though, those look like absolute shit.

good point
considering you would know better than I, how hard would it be to scrap the story and cutscene and basically make a whole new pokemon game, or even just a smaller game?

I'm not sure how easy it would be to completely remove the current story, as that might break a lot of shit, but I'm pretty sure making a new story would be fairly easy.

The hardest things to understand are by far the flags that trigger certain events, everything else is mostly down to personal preference and how polished you want your game to be.

It's still fairly comprehensive though, you shouldn't have too many problems


Not dead, just busy. Posting updates takes up too much time, so I'm scaling back. I usually avoid posting in these threads because I can never get back to them in time.

Anyway, off to bed now. Goodnight!

This is starting to get annoying; I figure out one thing and then I'm stuck again.

I am no coder but does your character have a "state" where it allows new inputs while jumping?

I'll need to understand the jumping code more in order to help. that is if you even want my help.

Set a boolean "can jump" variable that resets to true when the player touches the ground, and is toggles to false when the player jumps while in the air. This has the bonus of giving a single air jump when you run off a cliff.

If you don't want that bonus, only set the variable to true when the player jumps off the ground, and make it false when they touch the ground otherwise (otherwise it will still be true after a jump).

It's not finished, but I think I'm gitting gud at model-making; literally the first thing I've ever made from scratch.

Not bad, but you really should touch up on your anatomy.

Needs some meat on the Z axis.

that chest kinda looks like it collapsed on itself

the stomach/ass area needs some reproportioning but its coming along nicely for your first model.

cant wait to inna low poly

What's with your whackass topology and really bad anatomy? I recommend you use reference, for both of these things. I also recommend you plan out your resting pose

This is something I've been working on for the past few days, my topology isn't perfect but apart from a few simple things about loops most topology especially for games is just whatever, it doesn't deform retarded when animating so it's good.

My anatomy is off too but I'm aware where it's off and it's consistent with the assets I'm replacing so whatever.

I like what you're going for (small top, wide bottom aka pear shape), but the chest area and the stomach look off, kind of like someone with some malformation of sort on her thorax.

Where is the kurwa faggot? I can't remind him that I'm going to fug her daughteru if he doesn't show up.

Realism status: Miss in action.

From an artistic point of view, your model is awful and uninteresting, like text-book standard body type with an odd boobjob and some man-hips. But the anatomy seems right.

I already said it's a replacer, and it's consistent with the character it's replacing. it's from a game from the early 00s although the character isn't nude in the game and the breasts are at a relaxed position in comparison to the game. I'm sure there are anatomy issues in there somewhere.

Re purposed the lightning gun thingy to this.
Activate to erect the turret, any enemy in the vicinity (fairly close range) will now be quickly zapped and dealt damage to. Great for offense but can also be used defensively as it targets incoming asteroids and enemy projectiles (the slow ones) as well.

Is this like that game Spaz but good and without that atrocious artstyle.

I reworked the lighting and vision systems, so they look a little better now.

Have some progress.

Is your musicfag kill yet you fucking talented faggot?

That looks much better now! Good work.

Hah Not yet, but he is a really obese fuck so he probably won't live to see this game released.He is a good guy though

No idea what spaz it but i appreciate the compliment!

This looks like an advanced version of the Adventure mode in DF

a 2d space sandbox that just has you repeat the same content over and over again to get to the end of the story.

Can you break the grid-like lighting, and blur it? I think that'd solve a lot of issues.

Yes but Square patented ATB.

What about ACELIPS?

I finnaly got UE4.11 working (because UE4.12 fucks everything up) and using sound cues fixed it.

Also I am taking an annons advice and putting in a smaller sniper rifle/DMR (which will be the last gun I add before I start working on the enemies). I'm currently deciding between Accuracy International Arctic Warfare, Dragunov, and the HK417. I thought I would ask here to first to see if there are any other rifles/DMR's I should consider.

Explain? I cuz just installed 4.12 (I still have 4.9)

Has anyone here gotten doublejumps to come out properly on Godot? I just need to know it's possible.

I somehow got it to work right on Gamemaker but when I tried applying onto my Godot project (with some tweaks because of the different language and shit) it just won't work; I feel like a retarded chimp right now.

I installed UE4.12 and transfered my UE4.10 game into it and a lot of things stopped working in the process (such as textures and some animations). Can't say I didn't expect that to happen, but for now I'm staying with what works because I don't have the effort to figure out how to fix it.

That would explain why my FPS/TPS toggle didn't work on 4.12, guess I'll have to re-do it on it to see how it goes, fortunately I don't have any major project and I am just using the engine right now to test PhysX assets.

I use a simple counting integer function. Jumping adds 1 to the variable. When the variable is equal to 2, jumping is disabled, until a very short linecast to the ground (ray if you're working in 3d) returns a hit, resetting the variable to 0.


I'm starting with programming and game development, is Allegro a good first library choice?

Haven't done 4.12 yet, only 4.11, but I'm glad the sound cues fixed it. If you have issues with decals not appearing properly, they changed the axes for drawing them. X is swapped with Z now.

Otherwise known as a variable.

I have no idea how I'd do that, but I can try.

So you can still jump twice after running or falling off an edge?

Oh yeah, MoM user here

I am still working on my mod; I not been busy or anything, just still working on my mod. Its a bit hard to show stuff off when I wanna keep a few things a secret for the next trailer

I am wondering if maybe I should show off some more monsters or something.

Welp. After endless nights of fruitlessly searching for a job, trying to help my uncle who is being falsely accused of rape by some broad who got diversity hired at his job, and generally being an unproductive sack of shit, I finally got back into the swing of things.

I made a Browning Hi Power, in exactly 500 polys. Rather fond of how it came out, but I'm always lookin to get better so any critique is appreciated.

So it's exactly what a human body should be then.

Never heard of allegro.
If you have no experience in programming, consider picking up lua and using Love. Lua is rather simple, and there are some decent tutorials on the Love engine.

Yeah, or do a check to see if player isFalling/inAir = true or onGround = false; to prevent a double jump starting in midair. Players would still be able to perform a jump to save their life like in Smash, but not a double.
Set a variable to increment after each jump event, reset that variable when player collides with ground. So if x = 0 or 1 then canJump = true, if x = 2 then canJump = false.
Add a conditional that if player is not onGround and jump key pressed, then canJump = false, this way they get one midair jump and either have to hit a platform or respawn before canJump = true.

500 polys seems really high for just a gun

As neat as using an octree worldmodel and Sauerbraten's editing tools with realtime GI would be, I'm not sure if it's worth the lack of documentation or not. I haven't made much progress at all aside from skimming over the source code several times and reading papers and presentations on stuff I'd like to implement, and even if this doesn't work out I could always fall back to a more traditional engine like Panda3D or Urho3D.

What's the recommended amount for a gun (or small objects in general)? I'm asking for future reference.

I couldn't figure out a way to implement a jump mechanic in love, ended up with instant transmission on jump, so I took to the user submitted games to find examples.
Fuck my balls. I skimmed over how they did the camera movement, and my brain is already frying. Hopefully when I get home today I wont be too burnt out to try figuring this stuff out.

LOLOL don't mix up the genres. Even though from every single triple A action game to horror game have either stealth sections or rudimentary stealth mechanics, you should never ever do that, because it makes your game more complicated, is more work and makes it unaccesible.

At least you guys won't hate on me when I mention to you guys, how horror games can benefit from some dedicated stealth mechanics?

Pretty much every community dedicated to game dev/design is fucking awful. TigSource is a horrible circlejerk as well. Some of you fags don't know dick about dev either, but at least you don't pretend you do.

Absolutely agree with your point, by the way. It's not necessary for a horror game but it can add a lot of tension, games like Alien Isolation have proven that. But the addition of stealth wouldn't make any of the shitty horror games that have come out recently any scarier. They should start by not relying on cheap jumpscares.

I also think it's a hell of a lot scarier if you see monsters in their idle animation sometimes, instead of always running away from them or getting killed by them over and over again, when you make a mistake.

Have you played thief deadly shadows?
Remember that tree monster in the sewer?

What were you expecting?

I think the most important part about making a scary monster is that the player shouldn't be able to predict or understand it. Fear of the unknown is what all horror should be built on.

Nope, I only played Thief Gold for a bit.

I actually even got a pm from a dev asking me some advice for their stealth game.

It's a pity that he and one other guy seem somewhat fixed on developing isometric stealth games.

I guess you can port them to mobile and make them more accesible that way?
Not really interested in isometric stealth games though. I might as well look at or some other site and play those games for free there. Also I always feel like I play some flash game from 2006 or some casual mobile shit, when playing isometric games.

500 really is not high at all. Especially not if the game is first person. Modern games can easily reach the 12-15k triangles, though for a pistol 5-6k is more likely.

You really should play them. Thief was not only my first ever stealth game, but also the first horror game I ever played.

As a kid I was pretty scared by the first 2 missions after Bafford. You had a zombie infested mine and a giant underground catacomb complex just swarming with the undead.

It spooped me out pretty good.

Also you should definetly play thief deadly shadows as well. It has less horror missions, but one, the cradle, ist generally regarded as the most scary level of any video game ever.

The game not only made the Monster actually scary, but it also blended gameplay (dont get caught and stay the fuck away from that) with immersion.

But plebbit was just like:
Nah, when you mix stealth and horror you just empower the player too much, like they know what they are talking about.

Also did I mention that Thief 2 had giant metal robots who "talked" only using recorded religious phrases of their megalomaniacal messiah?

Shit was pretty dope.

We've got plenty of stupid comments on /agdg/ threads here too. A lot of people saying that something is shit whenever someone has enough courage to post progress and not giving any useful criticism. Seems to be happening less as of lately though.

Definitely but once again it all depends on the execution. If it's understandable and not too dependent on random things then it would surely work well.

The stealth system in Metro 2033 was garbage. The moment a single enemy notices you suddenly all others telepathically know as well even if you managed to kill the guy before he blew the alarm. They managed to fix that in Last Light but that game was too action-focused and made stealth too easy.

The series has been on my list to play. I'll get to it eventually. The few levels I played of Thief Gold were really good though.

the cancer never wants the chemo

Reddit isn't always cancerous. There's many smaller communities where discussion actually happens and that are not full of retards.

Don't be this angry at everything user

ive been to r/gamedev and r/programming a couple times, its fucking abysmal

and another time

reddit. is. cancer.
the people who go to r/gamedev and r/programming and anything related is people who are so dumb/blind and fucking clueless without the few non-retards there it would basically be cuckchan's agdg but with terrible fedora tipping attitudes and memes.

You're taking two very popular subreddits (400 users browsing in one and over a thousand in the other) and drawing a comparison for the whole site.

I've had the pleasure to find a few subreddits dedicated to the disasembly of pokemon games, with maybe 20 users connected at peak, and the place was great.

Holla Forums is honestly as cancerous as any subreddit with the same amoun of users. It's inevitable.

Now I see why it'd come out at times when I'd mash the button in frustration, but I don't understand.


It rhymes?

I love how liberating starting a fresh project is while at the same time empty files being daunting.

Working a lot with particles, i 'm completely foreign to the concept of making good particle effects but i'm starting to get the feel for it. It can only get better from here!
What do you think?

Looks pretty juicy to me.

Glad to hear!

Here is the new particle effect for defence matrix Blizz pls don't sue

Whatever happened to Xenoraptor dev? Did he make it big and abandon agdg altogether?

Do they have a copyright on particle effects?

Sorry i have no clue who that is. Got any weebums of his?

Nah more a joke about the function of the mechanic, as it destroys incoming space stuff and enemy projectiles as they approach you. Very similar to D Va's abilities in overwatch.

He did a bug-fix update a month ago, so I guess he's still going. Seemed pretty chill. Gave me a free copy for helping.

What are you working on? Something similar to ftl?

I like that game.


I too like FTL!
However my game is very different.
The whole game has basically been designed to be a local asymmetrical multiplayer game.
Two players are working together to control the large ship seen in the previous gif, whereas the two other players are controlling their own ships, however they are MUCH smaller in size.
So the gameplay basically boils down to which 2 man teams are the better cooperators. Since a large amount of the arsenal are dependent on the other player you are playing with. For example: the co pilot in the larger ship can't control the movement, but has more crowd control abilities and is the only one who can aim their defensive barrier. The co pilot can also use a warp which lets you teleport to a location and maintain your momentum.
The smaller ships also have defensive capabilities, but they also require teamwork. For example they can project a barrier which absorbs all damage for a period of time, but you can only project them onto each other. Meaning the only one who can save you from a missile broadside is your teammate.

I think it will make for some really fun gameplay.

I think I saw something similar on Totalbiscuit's wife channel. Though the general theme of the game was love with hearts and rainbows everywhere.

Have another.

Yeah Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime. Really great game and a huge inspiration for the giant ships.

I really, really like your game.

Shame I don't have any friends to play it with.

Anyone know anything about sculpting?
When im messing around with dynamic typology I get random bubbles inside my mesh.

How does this happen and how can I fix it

Try sculpting in a dedicated program, Blender's good for a lot of things but doesn't excel in many

its because were infested with gay cuckchan cross posters and redditfags who use it almost as some sort of bragging rights.

ever since the mass exodus from the chairman pao shit there's been redditors who are still lurking and posting, and because of that more retards from halfchan have decided to pack up bags and ruin this place

dont believe me? go scan the Holla Forums catalog for posts asking for Holla Forums's opinions on games, what was wrong/with X game, and if you dont beleive that just go look at Holla Forums

small communities are usually cozy, but seriously reddit and the causal trash that browses it are mindless meme-slinging drones. I've known people in real life that would browse reddit non-stop, and they're the scum of the fucking earth.

sorry about the massivly off topic post, but this shit pisses me off.

The idea that everybody that disagrees with the general consensus is exactly why this place is cancerous. It's not the reddittors saying they like X game or bad threads, it's the mentality that anything that isn't what some faggots think SHOULD be right then has no place on this board.

You are the problem.

I'd rather have a hoard of reddittors than people like that.

What about 473,000?

not what im saying at all. im saying people who make threads on Holla Forums, asking Holla Forums for the opinion of v SPECIFICALLY are buying into the idea that Holla Forums is a hivemind and that everyone here agrees on something.
I have a problem with people who cant form their own opinions on something, or conform their opinions to match that of random people on imageboards.
my issue with people who use reddit is that everyone i've ever encountered who concurrently browse that site are fucking sheople, or people bolstering their half-baked ideas that are either held up on a pedestal or
downvoted into oblivion because it doesn't fit in with the hivemind.

i would rather not have to deal with a hoard of mindless drones.

im sure the people from that Pokemon disassembly thing are nice, but it sounds more like a dead community.

Yeah that's to be expected of reddit
That's the kind of crowd it attracts, the conformist type who won't disagree with the most upboated post.
It's one of the key issues with having a handle tied to every post, and having a penalty from actually saying what you mean (in this case the reddit downboats/points); it's made to encourage conformity.

Just stick with anonymity, and not to mention the point that here there's at least some ambiguity for which devs are which (albiet mistaken identity can get a tad tiresome).

Depends on what type of horror game it is really… but yeah, as your examples pointed out a game with horror elements can really benefit from having a robust stealth system.

They're approaching the horror genre from a very narrow point of view.
They're thinking you have to be scared of powerful foes, and to give the player power, is to make it harder for them to make the game scary (they've obviously not read any horror novels, and are going with what essentially all mainstream horror games up to now have done, which is a cop out and isn't what really makes a game scary).
Like you're talking about, it's more about the atmosphere, the immersion and hence how connected the player feels to the world, the unpredictability, and the fear of the unknown; albeit it can go far beyond this too.

So maybe
Just maybe
(hear me out on this guys)

MAYBE, Romhacking is not for me

writing clickbait is surprisingly fun
but I just want to go back to dev, suka bledź
also planning on flooding the tumblr with as many webms as I can dig up or produce

I think you dropped a couple of words in your sentence, but if you meant to say
>The idea that everybody that disagrees with the general consensus is a fucking retard
and you're implying this is what 8/v/ is like, you honestly couldn't be more wrong. You're literally describing reddit. Holla Forums is about having the freedom to say anything. That includes having unpopular opinions or telling people they're retards for having unpopular opinions. It is true that an opinion not held by most will get shat on, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to hold or express it. If you're so thin skinned that you can't deal with a ton of people calling you a fag or take these sort of comments personally then you need to gtfo because you'll not enjoy yourself here. If you'd rather be around redditors the go to fucking reddit and stay there. Don't come here thinking you have a right to force your ideals of "moderated discussion" on this place. It's the exact opposite of what Holla Forums is all about.

Every single game that isn't among Holla Forums's favorites is off limits.

I love Holla Forums, but people here are as retarded as on reddit or any other internet community.

Actually, fuck it, I think I'll just do the webm flood.
I don't have time to write walls of text and nobody has the time to read them.

Okay, so I'm feeling my way through a prototype for a browser-based roguelite sort of deal. The one-liner pitch is
>cyborgs duel for body parts in
and as it stands I've got what I think is a framework for creating, manipulating, and eventually using these body parts in the game world. Each part replacement has a description, a 'wear-and-tear' rating (0 being fresh, 1 being unusable), and a reference, so to speak (gotta love JS), of whatever functionality it might bring (e.g.: a head replacement which is a visor that improves your aim, or perhaps gives night vision, or hearing, or a hand replacement that turns your fingers into a lockpicking set when necessary).

As it stands there are 10 separate body areas: head, torso, and left/right arms, hands, legs, and feet. Presumably there'll be a simple inventory for weapons and consumables like repair kits (health), batteries (mana…?), and ammunition - or perhaps a torso that doubles as storage. Is this enough?

Also, I'm not sure exactly how to manifest this system. I was thinking of some kind of slow paced, almost turn based first person dungeon crawler. System shock comes to mind. Suffice to say it's up in the air at the moment but I'm certain to make it a semi-immersive experience. Does anyone have experience in this regard, pitfalls to watch out for, et cetera?

Now, now user, don't get mad but there's already a game like this.

It seems to me that you're just upset that people don't like what you like.

I think the point they're trying to make is like every other shitty community on the internet, Holla Forums stifles conversation.

Cool, so did you read the rest of what I wrote?

And here's my point proven
Kill yourself

What is this thread?
What is Space Thread?
What is webm thread?
What is friday night thread?
What is gmod thread?
What is literally every thread that is made by an actual user calling for discussion, rather than a shameless and blatant shill?

Your statement is empirically false.

a miserable little pile of nodev


The second one is giving me a harder time.

I'm also making a bunch of instruments for 2 more tracks for another game (and made good progress with that)

Any thoughts on what I can throw into the second song though? (for context, the game is a surreal RPG, and the dev wants weird/wacky music)

Got some really good ideas for the second game I'm working on though.


chromatic scale, atonal music, strange time signatures (think prime numbered measures like 5/4, 7/4), random swells with strange noises, reverse swells, cymbal crashes, reverse cymbal crashes, horns, laughs, white noise

MoM user here; I thought I may as ask this.

I haven't seen my music guy for like 2 months now. He said he was a busy person, but I am not too sure where he is. Do you guys think I should find some one else?

I am not sure how many people here, specifically in this thread, could pull off Midi music akin to old DOS games, but I thought I may as well ask.

its sort of Urgent too, since I am not too sure when, but I suspect I will be working on a new trailer a month or two from now, and I need a certain song done for it

link to example?

Of the genere, game or music user?

music primarily but everything helps

Fix a bug. There's always a bug somewhere.

Heres what my old music guy did for the previous trailer (which also conveniently showcases game play!)

Its a Doom mod, I should point out

I will direct link the rest since I have no more embedds:

90% of the OST for my game is basically nice, slow, medievil, soft ambient music. The only exception to this is 2 songs.

I'll see what I can do and give you something pretty soon. Raw MIDI?

For the case for showing off, yes! You could also make a WEBM of it!

Once you show off an example and I think it fits, should I give you my email?

Oh yeah, also, this is a free project and I don't have any money, I think I should also point that out just in case

sure. for you, I'll make a minute loopable track (or so?) should take about thirty minutes tops. how do you make a webm of a midi?

overuse of the inflate brush.

I am not suuuure. I don't even know how to make a WEBM

I guess the format is not important as long as I get the general jist of the sound!

And that sounds perfect, by the way; I am excited to hear!

Long work days suck, take advantage of that free time while you can bud, it wont last forever.
best I could do in the wee hours of the morning

My goodness, thats perfect user. thats actually very lovely sounding midi!

Send me an email at [email protected]/* */!

I presume you are possibly a neet, or have enough free time that you don't possible disapear for 2 months and may or may not be dead?

I can send you the list of types of music that will be required for this project in the email, and thank you again user; your music is great, and I am thankful for your time!

Oh yeah, tell me when you send the email too just to confirm!

Thanks for the thanks, but a massive commitment, especially at cost, isn't a great thing. I'll gladly send you through two or three more midi's after this one (which I'll patch through in 12hr or less), and if we're on good terms I'll gladly do them on a per-tune basis rather than all or nothing. Gotta balance the love of the craft with duties and responsibilities.

O-Oh, sure!

How much are we talking per song?
Best guide on it ever.

It's ez pz.

If you don't know how networking works? I'll gladly explain it to you over a Skype or Mumble call, because fuck team speak.

Networking is EZ PZ, it's just confusing because there's a lot.

Would you like me to mentor you?
I've mentored a lot of people, man.

Robot Waifu guy here?

Music user, are you still there?

Anyone have any idea why running this code would possibly make Unity 5 editor crash?
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class player_base : MonoBehaviour{ // Use this for initialization void Start() { } public void FloorChecker () { bool floorContact = false; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.up, 10)) { print("Houston, we have landed."); //you're a fucking faggot dude floorContact = true; } else { print("FALSE"); //that's better floorContact = false; } } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { Rigidbody player_body = GetComponent(); while (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { player_body.transform.Rotate(1,1,1); print("A"); } while (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { player_body.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime); print("D"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { //Invoke("FloorChecker", 0.01f); player_body.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, -100); print("space is being pressed"); return; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad7)) { Debug.ClearDeveloperConsole(); } }}

Did you mean to click my name user?

I really need to learn proper programming some time after doom modding. it doesn't look TOO tough.

That's an endless loop right there. You're supposed to use an if.

sorry, i didn't
i just forgot to erase it when opening the quick reply window

yeah, that makes sense
also, fuck rigidbodies

Also, you're moving a rigidbody in Update(). Are you sure you want to do that? They're physics objects and should normally only be updated in FixedUpdate.

Assuming you can produce a midi file, just run it through a synthesizer, producing say, a flac (or just hit the export button in your program), then encode that to opus and wrap it in a webm container.

Fun fact, all these file formats, mp4, webm, mkv etc. are essentially archive formats, like zip, designed specifically to hold audio/video. You can make an audio-only mp4, you can wrap an mp3 in an mkv, you can do all sorts of stuff. The important thing is that many containers only support certain streams. For instance, mp4 mainly supports h264/aac, while webm supports for instance vp8/vp9/vorbis/opus. ffmpeg should satisfy any encoder needs, assuming you're fine with using the command-line.

Now I am curious as to why you clicked it~

Oh yeah, on an unrelated note, I am just about finishing the final minor enemy for my game. I think my project has around 35 enemy types, not including bosses and mini bosses.

I am fairly certain Zdoom supports Midi just fine. The main reason I want Midis is for Authenticy. I'm autistic like that

dude, I'm such a fucking novice at this that I didn't even know about fixed update.
thanks user, i owe you one

You're in for a rough time.

The physics engine is probably the most annoying part about Unity. You'll probably experience lag, because the physics engine runs at 50 fps.

There are three update methods.
Executed every frame, as fast as your computer can.
Executed at fixed intervals for physics stuff (can be configured, default is every 20 msec.)
Executed every frame, but after Update() has been called on every object

Hope this helps.

thanks user, that actually helps a lot
wew, here goes nothing

Don't let it discourage you. As I said, the physics engine is a PITA. But here's the thing: Video game physics in general are. There are just lots of problems due to how they work. It's not a Unity thing.

Nigga, another musicfag here, gonna shoot you an email okay? also Daggerfall best TES ever, and music is actually pretty good, specially the dungeon tracks

Oh sure sure, and send me an example of your music when you do!

I love soft medievil midi music, and it so happens to fit with the theme of the game!

It should be noted not ALL the music is like that, but the majority is!

Heres my Email again!
[email protected]/* */

You should get into the habit of putting shit like that in the Start() or Awake() method.

I tried that, but for some reason it kept giving me compiler errors.

Made a GUI for the in-game sql client, going to try and make a promo vid for the rest of the day

Don't be intimidated by compiler errors, they tell you exactly whats wrong in very searchable terms

It's really not. My instructor, who has worked in the industry, made damn sure that we worked in low poly first and our weapon was 1750 tris max.

that's frostfang from GW2

Just a guess - did you put the variable declaration inside the function? If the variable is going to be used by other methods, then the variable should be declared inside the class but outside of any methods.

public class nigger: mammal{ private Rigidbody rb_mynigger; void Start() { rb_mynigger = GetComponent(); } void Update() { rb_mynigger.drank("purple"); }}

Small correction:
In this case, it would go into Awake(), not Start().

Usually you're supposed to use this for camera movement.
Although, if you have a camera attached/following the transform of a rigidbody then it's best to put camera updates into the fixedUpdate.

Always google the error. As it really helps later on to know exactly what the compiler is complaining about, and it's generally really precise once you know what it means.

The threshold for "low poly" always changes in an upward direction, but they do always try to teach people to start low.

If you can't make a low poly model look good, you can't make a high poly model look good.

Progress, the wall of text edition

So as another user suggested I tried out OpenCL, and I found a C# port called CLOO which I compiled to a DLL and threw into my project.
I was pretty stoked (mostly due to the intellisense due to an external program, and error checking, plus robust documentation), and studied a bunch of resources for a day and half before really getting into it and programming (those extensive documentation thou, hngg).
I did a variety of tests and unfortunately the overhead associated with just doing basic operation like setting a compute buffer or setting a single value in the OpenCL kernel plus executing an extremely basic kernel has major overhead [10-15ms] of transfer time between CPU->GPU [.01ms kernel execution time of course]; which seems exaggerated compared to the native compute shader (max is .5-1ms in compute shader, setting 5 different compute buffers and a few global values).
That is, excluding the initial 90-100ms it takes for executing the functions to gather needed data like context, defining the OpenCL program, and device gathering steps too; which only needs to occur once.

Can anyone else concur on my observations that the transfer time between CPU->GPU is exaggerated in OpenCL (be it the native C, C++ wrapper, or C# wrapper)?
I'm thinking it's probably due to the C# wrapper CLOO (uses OpenCL 1.1, maybe the transferring between CPU->GPU is unoptimized in this version?) which does this, and not necessarily OpenCL itself which should at least perform along similar lines as Compute shaders (they're essentially the same in purpose [GPGPU programming] after all, but OpenCL is more mature obviously).

After all that I went and finished the last bit of my compute shader version of my algorithm and fixed most of the bugs.
I've gotten to the point of actually rendering now (though it's for bug testing, and I'm transferring data back to the CPU to make a mesh the easy way from my generated data, as to make sure the algorithm I completely redesigned to be parallel works correctly, and it does!).
Soon I'll be creating a vert/pixel shader which uses the compute buffers of verts/normals to actually render the mesh, without having to move the data from GPU->CPU, and it'll be purely on the GPU. luckily I figured out a nice trick exploiting the mesh rendering pipeline, as to be able to generate a collider based on this data, without major overhead; although it's mostly theoretical at this point as I have yet to try it… but we'll see.

Currently, my work flow is now to fix an error, or code something new, and wait the 30sec-1min of compile time while watching an anime or browsing Holla Forums
Not too bad, as the execution time for a compute shader is worth said compiler delay at this point.

How do you clean the mesh of any attachment to a specific bone. Its clearly blue and not attached but the mesh is deformed every time I move the arm


Depends on the song. Simple minute loops, free. I presume you need 32 for a megawad and have 5 or 6 already?

delete the vert groups that pertain to that specific bone.

Rate my UV unwrapping.

I don't even know what the fuck I am looking at anymore / 8

Awful and I am not quite better but I am pretty sure there is a way to do it better.




This is horrendous, did you use the automatic unwrap? You're going to have to redo that mesh, or decimate it to hell and back. Also, get rid of most of the triangles; square mesh topology looks better when unwrapped

Can't you just have a planar projection and then unwrap it using the bounding box or something?

You could, but that wouldn't really solve anything as far as the actual topology of the mesh goes.

What I did is I unwrapped the parts individualy (which caused them to take up the whole uv space) and then hid that section before going onto the next piece, and so on. That picture is what happend when I un-hid and highlighted everything.

Here is everything when it doesn't overlap.

Oh, ok. That definitely looks better. I'll give it an 8/10. I'd still recommend using less tris though.

Not bad, I'm seeing some UVs that can be stacked on each other to save room though.

I am not quite proud of this, my commissioner will have to judge, PhysX helps but I am still horrible at weight painting, I hope at least there is a way I can do some decent textures.

What is it you're doing, exactly?

A costume, with PhysX, the model is a placeholder but it was easier to work with that one instead of the one the person sent me, he said he still can use them anyway and they share the same skeleton.

I have no idea how to make grass fit into my game. It doesn't worth with outlines, but it looks out of place without them.

Someone who's actually good at pixel art make me some tall grass B) (or post some examples)

Looks fine to me.

It looks fine to me, user.

Move on from this, because it's golden you nigger

don't be so hard on yourself.

Keep your autism in check, it looks just fine. Whats your game aboot?

I like this very much

an artist is his own worst critic. It looks good.

I forgot asking las time

What engine?

Also, on outlines, you do not want grass to have that shit. You use em on characters (to differentiate clothing pieces) and maybe buildings, but they contribute to making something look "hard" like stone, generally.

You have a great grasp of lighting and shading.

I think you should move on to your next assets and keep up the good work.

Also keep your game in mind, build it level by level, but make sure the first level connects to the next in some way, otherwise you get FF13 which was a bunch of levels strung together because they had no communication in story, so each level was made BEFORE the story was cemented basically, which did not work out.

I dunno.

It's my own engine built on Monogame.

Yeah, I know I don't want outlines, but it just looks weird without them. I'm gonna dick around with it a bit until I like it a bit better, but if everyone else says they're fine then I'm prob just a retard.

no, you're an autist. be proud.

Congrats for that, looks amazing.


if (spawnlings.Count > 0) { var candidates = spawnlings.Where(a => spawnOdds[a] < Random.Range(0f, 1f)); if (candidates.Count() == 0) { continue; } Crawler newSpawn = candidates.First(); if (newSpawn != null) { spawnlings.Remove(newSpawn);, 20, x, y); } }

No, the worst part is, it works half the goddamn time. Other half I get an exception on this line.

HOW Is it invalid? The count can't be 0, so it has something in the ienumerator. WHY? Why does it only work SOMETIMES?

any randomization factors in your code?

If it only works SOMETIMES, that probably means that one of your random factors is interfering in a process, in that your ienumerator or whatever you're using to determine that number includes 0 as a possible number.

I'm not good at programming, but that's my advice on where to look.

First thing you need to do is calm down. Second thing you need to do is look up what your problem variable is associated with and rule out each.

It's dungeon generation. There's a lot of random floating around. I think it's in the Random.Range part, where unity's overriding the random function is fucking with my LINQ code.

It looks good, user. :3

Look great to me user, but I'm no pixel artist.

that's just the autism we need user, keep up the good work

I'm way too lazy to look it up, but I've read a few times that it has some major overhead compared to the more "manual" ways of doing the same thing

Also I don't know exactly what's going on in your code (i.e. the methods, collection type), so I can't tell exactly what's wrong…

not sure which collection tbh… would help if I knew… I'll take a shot in the dark though.

This is generally due to trying to pop or peek a queue (or a stack & equivalent operations) when it's actually empty…
So make sure the count is [greater than] zero before continuing.


sage for correction

The best bugs are the ones you type out a post to ask for help, and by typing out what's wrong you figure out how to fix it.

Gamemaker was simpler honestly; especially since I didn't have to browse spanish githubs to find the solution to my problem.

imo those are definitely the best bugs to have, but not the most satisfying to fix
Though, I'd rather have those than elusive ones heh

Sup /agdg/, I just started a gamemaker project for a top down shooter with sandboxy open world. This time it's for real, I'm going to do it all by myself. Which one should be my priority? And which one will be/should be the more time costing?

Judging from state of gaming culture in current year, which one should I prioritize on to make my cheap ass low effort gamemaker trash sell like hot cum?

Prototype core gameplay with placeholder art. Iterate until it feels good. Worry about everything else after that.

Which one?

That's a good idea. Draw colorful basic shapes for placeholder art first. It won't satisfy my restless autistic INFP soul, but I gotta think realistically here.

Looks fine but the movement makes it look like it's alive.
The patches should move in waves instead of individually.

Anyone have a Game Maker tutorial that handles going down slopes, instead of just up, like this one?

More specifically, I'm trying to handle movement like in the Mega Man Battle Network games do in the overworld, so when you hit a wall at an angle, you continue along it.

Demonstrated here at 10:54, when he collides with the top wall, and the game moves him along its edge, despite continuing to run straight upward.

Feel free to mute the video, unless you're intent on killing yourself.

UE4 4.12 introduced planar reflections, they look fantastic. It's exactly the kind of look I was looking for.

Man, that engine sure is way more complicated than Unity.
I wanted to try it out for two weeks to see how I like it. I still have till Wednesday and I'm not sure what to think. I really want to like it, but I don't want to do all the shitty systems again.
Going back to Unity isn't a thought I like either. There's a lot to like about Unreal.

I just started to port my old character to UE4. The basic systems I have to set up are

I moved to UE4 from Unity because I don't know how to program in a real language, nor do I have the time to learn one and I managed to get around nicely after one month of usage. Appearances have fooled you, friend. It looks complicated, but trust me, it's not. Give it more time than two weeks. It may not be a perfect liiiibre engine with GPL license and all that shit, but it's leagues ahead Unity in terms of ease of usage, features and some more stuff I won't list here.

With that in mind, I don't think our experiences can be compared a whole lot.
Firstly, I do know how to program in "real languages" (Webdev shit, Java, C#, C++, C, the basics of x86 assembly). Furthermore I'm not interested in Blueprints script, because it's slow as fuck and I know C++. It's the gameplay framework that breaks my balls. I have all this code that I wrote for Unity; All this code that is ready to be ported. I just have no idea where to put it.

The main difference between Unity and Unreal so far, is that Unity gives you nothing to start with, whereas Unreal has this framework you're supposed to work in.
Unity is pretty bare-bones, whereas Unreal has lots and lots of tools to help you, none of which do before you actually learn about them.

Well, that's a whole new level of shit you have to do. I thought you meant things like getting to learn the basics or some shit. Porting code from a different engine and a different language is sure to fuck you up, regardless of to the engine. I'm not sure if that is possible without tons of work being poured into that. Depends on how much you code you have.

Also, with 4.12 you can actually convert Blueprints to C++ code, so Blueprints being slow isn't that much of a problem anymore.

The grass should sway in the direction in which the character moves. If the character moves up through the grass then it should up, when the character passes through it.

Blueprints has way, waaaaay more problems than just efficiency.
From what I've gathered, the old Blueprints script (that wasn't compiled to C++ when deploying a build) was about 10x slower than C++. That sounds like a lot, and it is. However, even a 10 increase in performance wouldn't help a whole lot, because the biggest issue stems from it being completely unsuitable for "complex" algorithms and data structures. ("Complex", not complicated)

Say you have a lot of actors and you need to find the nearest neighbor for each of them. How would you do this in Blueprints?
>Calculate the squared distance to every other actor (normal distance, if you're an idiot)

Congratulations, that's O(n²) shit right there. In case you don't know what O(n²) means: It means that if there are n actors, it takes n² steps to find the nearest neighbor.

The all nearest neighbors problem can be solved in O(n*log(n)). (assuming base 2 here)

On top of that, Blueprints graphs get really big and unreadable really fast from what I've seen. Yeah, you may hide some stuff in functions, but the functions themselves are still overly complicated.

Not saying it's generally shit, just that it's not a replacement for C++ (or at least shouldn't be treated like one, if you can help it).

Even for that naive approach, you'd keep two/three floats and an actor reference. Set all of the values to the FLOAT_MAX. For each actor, check if it's x distance is smaller. If it is, check it's y distance, and then z if 3D. Then set the reference to this object if all of those were true.
Squared distance causes problems in large scenes, this method has an early out for most objects, and keeping results in an array is downright retarded.

I'm also not sure why you wouldn't be able to implement a k-d tree for that O(n log(n) complexity in blueprints as you appear to claim.

Oh, you totally can, it's just that you'll end up building a massive graph, if you do everything in Blueprints.
It's the kind of stuff where you're better off writing code in C++ and expose some functions/events/properties to Blueprints for comfortable use.

I agree. My solution was downright retarded. Don't know what I've been thinking.

Shit, you're one of those "performance comes before actually getting shit done, or clean code, also I haven't measured it but I can guarantee your code that is only run once is too slow to be usable" retards

There are good reasons not to use stuff like LINQ and parts of runtime reflection during gameplay. I still wouldn't agree with what says, because there are times when LINQ totally is the right tool to use. Saving and loading comes to mind. You'll probably have to perform a lot of data transformations and using LINQ for that is the best option you have in C#. Furthermore, saving/loading is only done every once in a while and is expected to be slow (menus/loading screens).

However, you need to have an understanding for how shit works, if you want to actually reason about this sort of stuff. "Having heard" that something is bad, doesn't cut it. You need to »understand« the code you write. LINQ being repeatedly called inside your game loop likely isn't the problem, but the symptom. The actual problem is probably either the architecture of your code, laziness or you simply not knowing any better. If you need to repeatedly query a collection of GameObjects/components/whatever, you should prepare a specialized data structure for that job and keep the data there. That usually happens in Awake() or Start() and may be done using LINQ.

LINQ is like a sledgehammer. You totally can drive a nail into a wall with it, but that doesn't mean that it's the best option for the job.

With LINQ it's easy to write code that's hard to read, borderline impossible to debug and inefficient at the same time. Is LINQ code necessarily hard to read, hard to debug and slow? No. The main problem is that it's nontransparent. If you start chaining those methods and throw in some lambda-expressions for good measure, you run the risk of performing lots of operations on a collection isn't suited for them.
The same line of code can have vastly different performance characteristics depending on the underlying type of collection, which the developer can obfuscate using var (or anonymous types, if he really hates you). Let's not even get into what LINQ can do on your heap, if you're not careful.

I forked a complex saving/loading solution for Unity and let me tell you, the LINQ/Lambda gymnastics that the original developer pulled of where both, impressive and a very good demonstration of what LINQ can turn your code into. Nothing shows you how bad using too much LINQ can be, like having to debug a chained expression that's +20 lines long, where the debugger doesn't even tell you where exactly you are right now.


Side-view Platformer slope climbing/descending and topdown 2d wall sliding are two very different things.

Or be smart and code against the default case, where the value is equal to default(float), in this case, 0. Assignments are fucking slow, and doing a dozen checks should still be faster.

LINQ isn't really that shit. I don't use it much myself, since I find it more educational to do it manually, but LINQ is just syntactic sugar to create an iterator, process some logic, and build an ICollection from your old collection. It does need to iterate the entire collection you give it, so using it carelessly can be pretty slow.

If it has a performance problem, then it's flexibile at the cost of speed, but it's really fucking handy when you use it outside of your tight main loop.

Did you read your error, user?

"candidates" is an ICollection (whatever that type is). Spawnlings is in fact, greater than 0. But that's not the collection you're checking.

When you call candidates.First(), you're creating a new LINQ query on the result set. What happens when I give you a list of 100 spawnlings, and none of them fulfill the condition of "spawnOdds < Random.Range()"?

Candidates in that case will result in an empty (but initialized) collection of 0 elements. Thus, invoking a method First() will point to … what? Boom, crash.

Here, I coded something that should work

That has to be the dumbest thing I've heard all week, and I heard an artist talking about Python code he wrote so that's saying something. Are you thinking of memory allocation?
In CPU instructions, MOV generally takes between 1 and 2 instructions while CMP takes 3 or 4. This case is moving a very basic constant into a pre-existing variable. It's fast. (source: )
That aside, setting it to the maximum value isn't going to be slower than setting it to 0 after every object. Again, we're not making a new float every time because that would be retarded. There is no way for any of the values to be equal to default(float) AKA 0 at the end of the calculation unless your nearest neighbor is yourself, which you would obviously not want.

Could you explain the algorithm a bit more in depth? Maybe I am not understanding the explanation or maybe I am taking it too literally, but how does MAX_FLOAT come in play when checking distance?

No, I'm not. And keep in mind this is C#, not C++. Hardware is out of the picture, here. This is strictly regarding the VM it runs on.

// Slowestpublic void DoFunc_A(){ for(int y = 0; y < 256; y++) for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) { float index = (y * 256 + x); if (index > 1000) { ... } } }// Faster, but still slowpublic void DoFunc_B(){ float index; for(int y = 0; y < 256; y++) for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) { index = (y * 256 + x); if (index > 1000) { ... } } }// Magnitudes fasterpublic void DoFunc_C(){ for(int y = 0; y < 256; y++) for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) { if ((y * 256 + x) > 1000) { ... } } }

It should be very obvious that the 3rd function, DoFunc_C is way faster than the other methods. And it's not just a matter of the others having "more" instructions (otherwise it'd be about twice as costly), this is by a much more significant factor. The assignment operator to write to a variable is slow.

None of this matters because its a micro optimization.

MAX_FLOAT (or actually just Float.MaxValue in C#, since this was Unity we were discussing) is an impossibly high value (I believe in this case, Infinity). Thus, any entries with this value can be safely ignored.

By setting them to an impossible value to start, then you can simply change the valid ones to a proper value. That's all.

And I was arguing it was better to use 0 instead of Infinity because it would be marginally faster to create the initial values, since you avoid iterating all N elements and assigning to them, whereas allocating an array would set them all to 0 to begin with, so this would be the more common case, and as said, a distance of 0 would be invalid anyways, which is the entire point

The conversation was about c++ and blueprints you illiterate mongrel. And your example is in no way related to the discussed problem either.

Pseudocode, though keep in mind this is just an optimisation for a solution you shouldn't be using in the first place since there's faster methods of finding your neighbor:
float d_x, d_y, d_z;Object neighbor;for each object{ d_x = MAX_FLOAT; d_y = MAX_FLOAT; d_z = MAX_FLOAT; if (abs(this.x - other.x) < d_x) if (abs(this.y - other.y) < d_y) if (abs(this.z - other.z) < d_z) { d_x = abs(this.x - other.x); d_y = abs(this.y - other.y); d_z = abs(this.z - other.z); neighbour = other; }}

Ah, I see now, but I think this wouldn't work quite as intended, if I understood the problem correctly. Imagine your first object has an x of 0.1, but an y and z of MAX_FLOAT - 1. It doesn't matter if your next object is at (10, 20, 3), which has a smaller distance vector, it simply won't register it.

Honestly, the best and optimal solution would be to use an octree or k-d tree. I can guarantee you won't find many more optimal algos.

You're right, that's some prime friday night stupidity on my part, original user was right using lengthsquared. Had 267ed2 complained about that he'd have been right. Instead, he complained about "storing a value then comparing it to a constant" when the conversation was about "comparing a value to a previous one and replacing the previous one if it's smaller" while also thinking in a language unrelated to the topic. That's just downright confusing.

Remember: Don't code while intoxicated, kids.

I've deduced that much, but I'm still having trouble with the slide. Because it's isometric, the slant of the walls is 2:1. As a result, sliding up the wall is jittery one in direction, but not the other.

But user, that's what gives me my coding powers.I guess that explains the quality of my code, though.

Read the basic documentation and learn your way around. If you have questions ask them here and people will probably answer.

Learn what an actor, pawn, character and controller is. There's plenty of sample content to reverse engineer and a guideline for people coming from unity.

In one of the UE4 samples they use this as a way of getting the nearest actor. Works fine. Doing it (as well as any real calculations) in BP is a bad idea if you have a lot going on in your game.

const FVector MyLoc = MyBot->GetActorLocation(); float BestDistSq = MAX_FLT; AShooterCharacter* BestPawn = NULL; for (FConstPawnIterator It = GetWorld()->GetPawnIterator(); It; ++It) { AShooterCharacter* TestPawn = Cast(*It); const float DistSq = (TestPawn->GetActorLocation() - MyLoc).SizeSquared(); if (DistSq < BestDistSq) { BestDistSq = DistSq; BestPawn = TestPawn; } }return BestPawn;

For wall sliding in an isometric world (where the actual world is isometric and not just the view of it) probably the easiest thing to do is this. Just keep in mind for every check/movement you will need to divide the y-length of the vector by half.

1. Cast the object's hit box to check if we hit a wall
2. Move to the wall and save how far we didn't go past the wall (velocity - actual movement length to wall)
3. Now, rotate the movement vector left by small increments until the character isn't moving into a wall. Do the same but rotate the vector right. Now compare the result of both sweeps to see which had to sweep further to achieve not moving into a wall.

Whichever sweep is shorter (or whichever actually succeeded) will be the actual movement result.

Now make the character move again but this time move them the distance saved as a variable in step 2.

For corners or any non convex wall you'll need to raycast each "spoke" of the sweep in case there is yet another wall to collide with.

You can also make your character move slower depending on how much they are facing towards from the wall by multiplying their end movement speed by the inverse of how far the sweep was.
ie: (1 - sweep_ang / 90) * move_speed

>tries to give some general advice in a sarcastic way apparently sarcasm doesn't really come across the internet well, who knew, implying that you should google it and maybe keep it in mind
kek, chill out mang

nah, I use it myself, but providing my own first hand experience from my own tests months ago isn't worth shit; so I implied you should search it if you don't believe me. meaning to find a blog of someone who actually documented their performance tests of linq in unity (i.e. know when and if you should use it, not that you can't use it)

nah, getting shit to work should be top priority.
Although, depending on what I'm working on performance generally takes the cake as the most important (unless it's something like a menu, where my "budget" of 16ms isn't at stake), and is more so than "clean code" as long as I can understand it at a glance.
Although, for the past few months I've been working on shit that handles massive amounts of data, and requires crazy performant code to run well (it's "tech demo" tier algorithms); so tbh that's made me bias against LINQ as of late.

tbh I prefer the manual methods, and those being more performant is icing on the cake.
Though sometimes linq is just plain unavoidable when it's just too convenient, but I tend to only keep it when my 16ms budget isn't being burned at the stake.

It depends on what you're using it for, in a lot of cases I agree, but anything that creates avoidable garbage (as linq tends to do in certain cases) it isn't well suited for code you're handling large amount of data/iterations/etc and require performance with.
Although, as mentioned above my focus as of late has been to make my code as performant as possible due to doing just that; so I'm a bit bias.

So, you're a special kind of retard. Got it.

Holy shit, I can't even mention LINQ without having a bunch of sperglords flipping shit about my loading screen taking 120 milliseconds instead of 110 milliseconds.

Somehow, I had this particular group of losers was somehow better than any other group of losers. Shitty programmers everywhere.

i hear reddit calling you
I've hear it's a safe space for people such as yourself with sensitive sensibilities

we get it, all you can post is 'umad'



Ooga booga where the new thread @ fam?

here you go, I suppose

jestem dość pewien, że spolszcza się do "bladź", a "blyed'" po rusku to jakiś wieśniacki akcent

It's both more realistic since you don't move full speed to the left when moving straight into the wall and slightly left, and sounds like a lot less of a hassle than doing two sweeps.

I see we have problems with reading comprehension, user.