Just revealed - President Trump handed £300bn NATO invoice to Angela Merkel which estimated Germany’s underspend on alliance over the past 12 years, then added interest.
Merkel is ignoring the invoice
Trump: Germoney, pay NATO debts
Other urls found in this thread:
Unlikely. I think he's trying to weaken support for staying in NATO in Germany.
First he refused to shake her hand after she begged, now he literally handed her a $300 billion check and demanded she pay up.
This almost sounds like satire. I want it to be true but this is some kind of top-tier bantz unheard of in modern politics where leaders prefer to take turns sucking one another off.
Assuming it's true, Merkel would be smart to remember which country has multiple military bases and 50,000 soldiers currently stationed in her country. Trump has the firepower to back up his demands for money.
The mad man.
The real question is, what's his next move?
the fucking madman is doing it.
Praise Kek
This is pretty faggy of Germany to do after putting a gun to Greece's head and demanding they pay debts. Hopefully Trump uses Germany's non-payment to justify pulling US troops out of Europe. Germany seems to love lecturing others on multiculturalism, tolerance, and financial responsibility.
Seems to be true. Other media are starting to report it. Google Trump Merkel Invoice
Heres hoping Merkel doesnt pay, Trump arrests her and Stasi cronies as Emergency measure. Installs German Conservative interim government. Gibs stopped. Kebab removed
This, Then they turn around and lock people up for shitposting and tear-gas & water-cannon their citizens protesting mass immigration
Bringing back all US army men and equipment from there, and watch Germans set themselves free and throw their current puppet government out.
Additional benefit : immediate additional multibillion$ savings for the US federal budget.
Hey Germoney, pay debts
Back to cuckchan, you newfag nigger
Wow! Truly the savior of the White Race!! Hes forcing Germoney to pay their "debts" to the instutution that enslaves them!! What a guy! if those krauts dont pay up we should firebomb them imo! fucking Nazis!
t. 90% of burger pol users
Why not make Israel pay back their money?
I cannot wait to see the USA get it's ass handed to them
lucky 7's check — kek confirms
By who, you baiting bitch?
Two bases. Only 20.000.
You should really learn your Army and Air Force numbers.
Pay debts to US or pay them to Putin when his tanks rumble over the border. Your choice
When will someone make 16 chan? These Reddit newfags are getting out of control
this will be a thread where the retarded burgers and the JIDF will show their true colors once again
please make germoney have wallpaper currency so they go full hale hortler again.
lel. Burgers spend to much time with the jews. They've become one.
This is insane tbh. Hillarious, but completely insane.
Handing over a $250B invoice for a debt he just pulled out of his ass? The fucking madman. The nerve to add another $50B extra as interest? Jesus wept, there go my sides.
Merkel's completely right though. NATO's not some sort of US military rental service.
Trump should be bullying members into increasing their defence spending to the amounts agreed upon, not penalising them for spending however little they wanted under King Nigger's lax administration.
Nobody said anything about firebombing anybody, did you not notice we all want American troops to LEAVE Germany? Are you that same butthurt German who shows up in every thread to bitch about America? Here, let me save you some time:
There. You can go now.
Take the accelerationist pill fgt.
I don't think you understand how the God Emperor works, do you?
Germany will leave NATO once they have an EU army.
Merkel needs to go. If it takes a few billion in debt to make her farce of a government collapse and the people rise up, I'll gladly take it.
Just puts Germany one step closer to full Weimar. And we all know what happens when Germany hits full Weimar.
Dying for the EU. Mein sides
Germany is the closet thing to a full on kike slave state… after Sweden (amazingly)
You realize you're taking the side of a government headed by Angela Merkel, right?
You know, it's always the same. Burgers will never let go of Germany EVER again, because they know that once Germans go full Nationalism, there will be retaliation nukes raining down on americlaps and turn America into a glowing tourist paradise.
Same goes for Putin. He may support European nationalism, but only to rustle burger nuts. Putin would never allow Germany go full reich either.
Oh lawd, Cuckchan. At least we get the slightly smarter 4chan nigger mongrels who don't use google. I'd bet the other 95% of you have repopulated 8ch.pl by now.
Shills are finally here to party.
This is now a dance thread.
yes yes YES
I know exactly how your stupid little idolised teenie adoration cult works, cuckshitters. Now fuck off back to 4chan, I'm sure you have some threads up about this over there.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Lurk more.
NATO SHOULD be some sort of U.S military rental service. That's the whole fucking point
Germoney pay debnts
Rule 14, friendo.
This is great, the 300bn of excess cash would have just gone to building "refugee" housing.
Whether it should be a US military rental service is another thing entirely. I'd probably agree that it should, especially since I live in a country that would probably benefit from that sort of arrangement. But it isn't.
That's the only thing that matters. You can't just happily do something according to one agreement for 15 years and then slam an unacceptably high bill on the table, claim it's for a bill that you just whipped out of your ass, and expect it to be paid.
Instead now it will support American niggers and Jew bankers… I fucking hate my country
I'm OK with this.
Trump doesn't expect you guys to actually pay Germany. This is to start chipping away at NATO. Trump knows you can't get blood from a stone.
These trips stand for truth.
If true, this is very interesting. It puts Merkel in a tight spot. If she pays, she has to get the money from somewhere. Will she pull it from the gibs for the invaders, or will she pull it from the people? Possibly, though incredibly unlikely, she will take it from the tithe to the EU.
Where oh where will the money co fromme~
Where oh where shall it be~
That will increase tensions anyway you split it, whether it be the shitskins or the German populace. If she pulls from the rapefugee fund, they will chimpout and possibly lead to a violent invasion that not even normies could ignore. If it comes from the people of Germany, they might actually start to raise up their voices and actually do something. And the EU would throw a tantrum if the third option ever happened.
On the other hand, if she doesn't pay up, Trump can just point out a few different things.
There are more ways Trump could spin it, I'm sure, but I'm not that grand of a shitposter unlike Mr. President.
I got banned for posting that Trump is kosher and that just because he does good things he isn't worth all the praise he gets. Holla Forums is comprised. Mods are faggots and newfag opinions are now sealed in the echo chamber.
This. He's outright fucking with her knowing she has an election coming. I doubt he intends to collect and is making a point while having some laughs. That said, it amazes me how buttmad some people are in this thread and ignoring how effective this move is since it shows how hard Trump has pushed their buttons.
Holla Forums has been compromised for a while now. That's how (((they))) got 4chan. Have you been there recently? It's an absolute shitshow and only a matter of time until this place is as filled with Jewish grease as there.
Reminder that I will be banned for posting the following link which proves your statement correct.
I doubt she will pay up. What it does do though is:
1. Germany reminded that it depends on the US for defence
2. Broke Germany is put on notice to spend more on defence. This emphasises that Merkel would rather give away gibs to refugees than pay for Germany's defence
3. Less money for refugees now there's a sizeable German army to pay for
4. Larger German Army means more, well-trained patriotic Germans and more chance of a coup
Dubs of truth.
It's unreasonable to expect that Germany'll pay, no matter what Trumps says or does.
The problem that the other countries didn't pay enough into NATO was adressed a couple years ago already, and the deadline for the 2% of the GOP goes till 2026 iirc.
Hell, all Merkel has to do is simply not pay, maybe laugh about it, and that's it.
Maybe say that the money is needed to adress the growing problems inside germany, slightly siding with the anti-immigration party in doing so, and gaining support from them as well as her own ranks for not giving in to outside influence.
Win-win and the press can't use anything against her since they're deadset on their Anti-Trump train for the next seven years.
So in the end the US won't leave NATO anyway since it's influence on Europe is simply too big/important, on the other hand Germany will not pay, since there are no reprecussions for not doing so.
Fuck me, but what Trump does simply makes no fucking sense right now.
I haven't been to cuckchan Holla Forums since the exodus. I've been to cuckchan a handful of times since but it was pretty bad regardless. I don't want to keep running but unlike a country it's pretty hard to purge a Tibetan pottery forum. So I guess we have to wait for 16chan?
Thanks user will read.
This is just a symbolic act, but it shows that Trump is sick and fucking tired of European filth without proper armies piggybacking on the USA. It's time to pay for the military bases, man them yourselves or abolish NATO. Your move, Merkel. Poland, Hungary and Romania will pay the US to move in and even make the bases themselves, if it means not getting raped by Russia in a few decades.
It does start to grate on you when he bans 65,536 IP addresses at once, though. Wiping all posts by an IP undoes your redpilling for the day and making it harder to cycle new locations.
Blatant D&C
Also if you want to believe the rumours (?) that imkampfy is a literal turkroach antifa
Enjoy the inevitable ban.
Can't you faggots use TOR when you do your thing? It's fucking inconvenient for other people, that so many vpns are banned.
Either campaign for the restoration of what Holla Forums is designed to be or cry some fucking more. This isn't a place of passive acceptance.
So if she doesn't pay, will America stop occupying Germany?
Yeah they love their D&C. There's a few not doing it still browsing here (the ones that can handle bantz when it's directed at them). They're the good ones.
Thats a great question, Onkel Adi. The answer is no. The US of kikes and spics is the most anti nationalist entity on the planet.
8ch .onion site is extremely slow, must fill out captchas every couple posts, and can't post files. Only worth using it for serious stuff, not calling people out for being Jews.
It'd be easier for imkikey to have a little accident involving a letterbomb or something equally deadly. Mods are physical human beings as well after all.
Yes blame me
Are you even trying?
You don't honestly know whether kampfy is an individual, a sock of another individual, or a sock of a group of professional shills or agents. Being honest here
This. The chans are ran by really shady people. You really cant tell.
Sauce? The only sources I've seen said 50,000. No idea how old they were though.
Fucking keked! Praise for those digits lad! The cunt will eat her own words for her treatmwnt of greece, and 'Merica gets paod back by the thieving fucks for his service!
This is good because it bankrupts the Ewww's engine ( this fake post war "germany") and it makes germany a destination that muslims will avoid (no gibs)
Maybe this slap in the face and resulting austerity measures will knock some sense back in to the German's heads.
For Germany, it isn't an alliance. Germany is occupied. It had no say in becoming a part of NATO.
Here the true nature of the occupation and the occupier is revealed. "Give us money to prop up our failing economy or we'll murder you." Very jewish. If it was really just about cost concerns, the simple way to resolve it is to just leave. But the Americans won't be doing that, will they?
Then just leave? I mean, it seems pretty simple on its face. Just leave. Don't make a big production about it. Just pack up and leave.
The US-German relationship is not one of defense. The US is militarily occupying Germany because it wants the German people and Germany economy under its thumb, not because it is protecting Germany from anything. Germany never had a choice when it came to joining NATO. They don't have a sovereign government. Their intelligence services and political parties do not serve the interests of the German race because they are chosen and administered by US/Israeli interests.
No one is piggybacking on the USA. Most countries in Europe don't want the USA in their country. Countries like Italy and Germany certainly aren't piggybacking on anyone, considering the US occupying their country is not optional and any attempt to remove the zionist occupiers will result in immediate military conflict – regardless of the fraudulent narrative zionists try to peddle here. The US occupies Europe for its own personal reasons. Now that the money is getting super tight in the US, it's time to leverage the only bankable asset left in America to try and forcibly extract wealth from other countries – and considering the negro/mesoamerican nature of the current US population, looking to threaten White Europeans with annihilation or proxy wars if they don't pay up is more politically palatable.
So, Merkel will fold. She will demand that the US pull out military from germania, and Trump will pretend that wasn't his real objective, and when the bitch gets to reading the fine print on the contract, she'll see she now owes the USA for the bases and the cost of the flights home.
"B-bu-but muh D%C!"
I wonder if when we do not pay (likely), what will Trump do to the unwashed masses east of the Oder?
Okay, then tell Merkel to continue to ignore Trump asking for compensation for our military, and maybe he'll actually do it like a mad man and start removing U.S. military from European nations.
Trump might. He said as much at least with Japan and possibly from Nato (Idk about Nato for sure) and there was much kvetching in yiddish from the Lügenpresse.
Does anyone deny the fact that Germany And basically all western European countries are occupied vassal states?
Bankrupt Eu or remove troops removal of troops would be ideal. Although I think I would if I was Trump just appoint a new German government full of nationalists ( In other words do what they did in World war construct nation "poland" after WW1 and post WW2).
I live in the United States. Maybe I should shoot Donnie an e-mail. You think whatever intern is responsible for sifting through the suggestion box would pass it along?
Not of his own volition, he won't. The US is going to have to be forcibly removed from Europe. I'm open to be pleasantly surprised, though.
People who are still stupid enough to fall for MSM-lies should just get banned at this point. There is now excuse for believing anything they print.
the problem with shilling is that you bring up the same points again and again with very little variation. Painting a clear mark on yourself and merely immunizing the board against the particular thing you are attempting to shill.
So try harder, maybe a bit of reverse psychology, try shilling for the death of all kikes :^)
Everyone here knows that the purpose of this is to bankrupt the EU so it is dissolved and countries are returned to national sovereignty, right?
We know after what happened to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi that the US doesn't like credible alternatives to its currency.
Totally agree.
God I wonder how low the morale is for you faggots right now. Please commit suicide for the good of the world.
So you believe there were different motivations for those military actions? Were the WMDs moved to Syria, by any chance?
White House shoots down German officials' claim that Trump gave Merkel a $374 billion bill to pay for NATO
Your playbook is old, tired and busted. Please just commit suicide so real people can go on with their lives.
Typical thin skinned muttblood. You will probably have a seizure when German nationalists piss on allied pilots memorials.
lol, no more brother wars, kike.
Good thing jews aren't even human. It'll be like squishing cockroaches!
Is it my playbook that's worn out or is it America's? I noticed you couldn't answer a direct question before, though, so I don't know why I would expect you to now.
Does that extend to "brother occupations" on behalf of a negro-spic country? It seems so simple to just leave.
Oh, it's you again. You were already outed as being the German autist last time this came up, fuck off.
Germany must pay denbts
It's insane on purpose. He's repeatedly hinted that he wants to end NATO.
Just kill yourself, and for you, struggle will be over.
Or what? It's not like anybody in Germany actually wants you there apart from the officials that have been hand-selected by the US. You going to start killing them if they don't feel like footing the bill for their own occupation?
Just kill yourself already.
You've displayed some nice 1d pongs skills, but take a look at this
You will get what you think you want.
If the US wanted to it could just end NATO unilaterally. Pack up its shit and leave. And it could do all of that without trying to break up a potential alternative currency – whatever the inherent merits and demerits of that currency. We certainly don't hear many arguments that various parts of the US should use a different currency than the rest of the country.
It's possible he's also art of the dealing. Start off outrageous then work it down.
Thank you huewei brothers.
So you "outed" him as an "autist". Ok. Did you refute what he said?
We are all waiting for you to leave.
Damn, looks like Germany's a lost cause.
I remember a thread about a month ago saying that America should pay some country something. Whatever.
Not really gonna bother having the same argument with this autist for the 20th time.
You are right. Germany needs to be saved from a kike loving entity that is hell bent on race mixing and destroying nationalism, which is you.
So which is it? You can't leave on your own or are you what I say you are?
How can a nigger hope to argue with an European anyway? Oh wait, you are spic, I'm sorry.
Is it time again to raise your debt ceiling, burgers? Good.
Fuck off D&C kike. Merkel will pay, and it will force Germany to remove money for dem programs which will force the shitskins to leave for brighter gibs.
We could always give you back to vladdy, would you prefer that?
This faggot is genuinely homosexual.
I promise, I will find you, and I will cut your genitals off and feed them to your kike mother.
There are 66 million ethnic Germans in Germany. There are 46 million ethnic Germans in Arizona.
Fuck off with your D&C kikery.
You're right. I suppose I don't understand politics. If the cost burden is too much for the US to bear, I would think they would just leave. I mean, it's not like any one really needs them around. You don't make anything better by putting tens of thousands of niggers into it.
Hmm.. no, not really. It's just a pattern gets noticed where countries get blown up if they start making moves against the US dollar. It's not like its new, either. You can go all the way back to the colonial days when colonists would be getting 1/4 of the value for their Spanish dollars because the Anglos didn't like anyone not using their money.
Saddam wants to sell oil in Euros, he gets blown up. Qaddafi wants to create a gold-backed currency for Arab and oil-producing states to use universally, he gets blown up. I think Iran started to accept gold as payment for their oil, did they not? Good thing they had a little back up, right?
So when you see the argument that Europe can't have a universal currency – and granted, maybe they shouldn't; the Latin Monetary Union failed, after all – but the question never gets raised for the wildly different economies of the individual US states, it's a bit weird.
after all a friendly media conference he just hands her a check?
Most Americans see NATO as a good thing and don't want to give up our global superpower status. If Trump proposed to dissolve it outright, it would be very unpopular domestically.
This is actually a brilliant maneuver because Trump can demand some outrageous payment from Germany, get rejected because they spent all that money on shitskin welfare, and then say to his constituents "Germany just won't pay their fair share so we've got to stop protecting the freeloaders". The end result is Germany regains their sovereignty and Americans are convinced they're being saved $300 billion a year.
33% of ethnic Germans in the world live in the United States of America.
Address that, kike shill.
Typical mentality of kike spic mixed spawn. Consider how you keep harping about based slaves and hwhite brohters, and how comblock is so redpilled, that might be a good idea!
Russia has an Italy-tier economy. They aren't a threat to anyone unless they get their resources tied up with German industry – which is the real reason the US doesn't want to leave. It's the old Intermarium plan.
Well.. I'm not really disputing that, but I do seem to remember several prominent European countries who did NOT go into Iraq, so ultimately you can't just say "it's the kikes" when you're the one following through with it. Was every soldier a kike? Was every general? Was every reporter, cameraman, contractor?
Keep going. Show us how low IQ, muttblooded and inferior you are.
I was the poster you were replying to on a different IP.
I was referring to this event in the Oval Office like referenced. I know he shook her hand on other occasions, but during the main photo shoot when tons of media photographers were gathered in one room, he wanted to publicly deny her the honor he extended to every other world leader who visited.
Here you go you fucking kikes. Answer that, go on I'll fucking wait.
Are you seriously going to fucking sit here and imply that bullshit? Faggot I have tons of videos of Germans welcoming refugees in with open arms. GG no re. kys kike
100% Deutsch faggot, my great-grandfather worked for NASA after WWII.
Says the kike demanding Germans nuke literally 1/3rd of their entire population.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be addressing or what it is supposed to be achieving? The occupation is good because many German descendants live in the US? Or the occupation will end because of that? There are a lot of Italians here in the US, as well. That certainly doesn't make what the US did there postwar – reinstalling the mafia to power in Sicily – acceptable. There's an awful lot of Spaniards and English in the US, as well. I'm not really sure what the point is.
You specifically said Germany was going to Nuke America, and that they should do it. Then went on to blame every American for the actions of their government while of course at the same time denying that same responsibility for the German people
You're supposed to be asking yourself why it's okay to kill off 1/3rd of all ethnic Germans.
Way to blow your cover kikel.
Is this an argument of who has the most Germans? Yes, I agree, the more Germans the better. You have a point there, you worthless mongrel. Now bow to your masters.
They should have better stayed in Germany though. Would have won the war most probably. And you would be sub-40% White by now like South America.
I thought we are slave turkroach babies? Why would we care about super pure "germans" that dont even speak German and drink Budweiser in the US of spics and kikes?
I thought we are slave turkroach babies? Why would we care about super pure "germans" that dont even speak German and drink Budweiser in the US of spics and kikes?
Still lying.
Also still jewishly implying things by telling half-truths. Go get a job with the media and then kill yourself.
No, I didn't. Feel free to source me up on that.
No, I didn't. Feel free to source me up on that.
I openly said I lived in the United States. Why you would assume I'm a kike who wants to end the occupation of Gemany [is this at the top of the list for the kike agenda? end your own occupation?] when you're the one talking up how many Germans there are in the US as a proportion of population, I can't quite figure out.
From a White perspective living in the ZOG, there's no downside to this. Either Merkel gibs shekels and parts of infrastructure can be rebuilt, or Germoney throws ZOg out of Rammstein with constant riots and Neo-cohen war interventionism is over.
If they have billions and billions to cough up for rapefugees, they can pay the ZOG or stop taking fucking arabs. Either way it's a win.
Get the fuck out of Germany and stop financing their zog. You'll probably save more shekels than what you're constantly begging them for.
Go protest the bases you candyasses, until then you're all talk about "muh Reich a week after the bases are gone"
And you are.
>Just kill all white people who don't eat sauerkraut and pork and avoid eating chicken and other winged animals on new years to keep their luck weighted down and prevent it from flying away
Again, fucking kill yourself.
Go look at your fucking samefag ID faggot.
Because you don't want to end the "occupation" you want to D&C Americans and Germans to create infighting to prevent them from dealing with the jewish problem.
Drown yourself in semen D&C kike.
Hey look at that. The media making shit up again.
Don't forget the consensus cracking samefag D&C kike shills who swarm the thread to inhibit discussion and create infighting.
You won't get any shekels, you beggar. Arbeit macht frei.
It's always one """"German"""" guy and a TORpedo. Always the same thing. Their posts are always so similar I don't even have to ID filter, I can just word filter phrases they always use.
Can't fix stupid, I guess.
Of course I do. Why else would I say it?
I don't follow the logic. The current American military empire that bleeds the populace at home to sustain is a creation of jewish interests. The present occupation of Germany is a product of jewish terrorism and jewish interests. Wouldn't the simplest way of getting rid of D&C be to just end the occupation so it isn't a talking point anymore? I'm at a loss to comprehend what you're even defending.
Semitic and asiatic superstition. Are you sure you are hueweit?
Man Germany is shit at bantz. Pretty sure Trump is trying to do right by you, guys, I'm pretty sure he wants Kebab removed from Germany, but Merkel is standing in his way and he is humiliating her.
What disgusting "art". Typical of kike slaves. What would Hiter have thought of subhumans with such filth on their computer, much less posting it around?
Germany is rightful American clay.
I'll post it again, just for you my (((German))) friend.
How exactly have you saved yourself? Give me the details. The last time I looked you were worse off than Germany in every sector. Trump's accomplishments didn't even stop the tide YET. Try again when you're above 50% non-White.
The only way to do that is through genocidal application of military force. Considering the US has military assets in Germany, if they were interested they could go ahead and get started. I don't think the House of Saud would be particularly pleased about it. Or Bahrain, Qatar, or any other Arab shit holes that bankroll the US.
How much is Germany still forking over in holohoax "reparations"? Trumpstein wont ever touch that one. Trumpstein is just another in a long line of vermin working to destroy Germany once and for all
Because Sauerkraut is an asiatic and semitic invention, surely.
How have you?
Disingenuous, lying, dirty fucking kikes. Keep it up, you might start seeing those threats against your jewish community center's becoming real.
We not only helped ourselves, we helped you to by delegitimizing your jewess chancellor. AfD will probably do well this next election cycle though so I think we'll be even in a few months.
Meanwhile in reality we're the world's largest exporter of oil and they exist at our pleasure because we choose to buy their oil instead of using our own.
Oh look a fresh IP address, how's life in Tel Aviv?
Wow. You're just collapsing in a red text sperg out. If you aren't in charge of the country, it's not your country then is it?
Making Germany as inhospitable as possible is the first step, but it's one Merkel is never going to take. How is it not a net gain all around for Merkel to be humiliated by Trump? I don't think there's a lot he can do - military action from Freedomland is almost certainly out of the question - except whatever he can to delegitimize Germany's ZOG until you start taking over government buildings and beating to death party members.
Why not say Germany is occupied by Israel since both America and Germany is?
Because you're a disingenuous kike
Meanwhile in reality they own massive shares in every major defense contractor and investment bank and without them accepting US dollars for oil, hardly anyone around the world would keep the stockpiles of the currency they do on hand.
Geraboos should be gassed. They are as bad as weebs.
You are terrible at this. All the bullshit arguments you make for why America is bad can be applied to every other nation on the fucking planet.
tldr; Gas the kikes. That's all that needs to be done.
Because I live here in the US. The overwhelming amount of the population are good goys or literal shitskins. America believes having troops in Germany is good. Germany deserves it. Germany is bad – either because they don't worship jews enough or because they are White. At a certain point the US needs to be looked at for what it is, not what you or I would like it to be or would shape it to be were we in power.
I'm not German.
That is complete and utter bullshit.
I firmly believe reality is now satire. There's no other explanation.
Meine Ehre heißt Treue. Now it's seven.
Today's Germany is the 1980/90s USA. The only difference is the acceleration, which means that less time is available for Germans to turn the tide. They stopped boiling the frog, probably because you're almost bancrupt.
What did you achieve in 1980? Nothing, you lazy piece of shit. Whereas Germany has reacted faster than you, the AfD will be the biggest opposition force in this years election. And then in 2021, when Germany reaches your 2016-situation, the AfD will win 51%.
It's fake news, Literally. All of it.
Considering how much holocash the jews have sucked out of them, no wonder they have no money for anything else.
Of course, the jew with the golden hair gives zero fuck about Germany, but kicks the dead horse. Meanwhile on Holla Forums, faggots are posting about how Trump is supposedly saving the white race.
Nigger I live in the US and that's completely true. Wake up and stop being in denial.
Then why do you insist that zog-Germany pays your zog?
I see nothing with this tbh
It most certainly is not. Do you live in South Dakota or something? For crying out loud, you're shrieking uncontrollably in this thread at anyone who says the US should just fuck off while sperging out that the US can't be blamed because it's really the jews. It's completely contradictory. The US is totally controlled by jews and can't be blamed for anything, but anyone who wants the occupation by this jewish power to end is a jew shill.
Then how did Trump get elected? Why did a guy carrying a "Da Goyim Know" sign beat the shit out of some Antifa tard? We've been kept down by kike propaganda just as much as Germany has, and we're fighting back with people in the streets. When was the last time Germany held a major march or protest for right-wing ideas? When was the last time they took their message to the streets? They have to play the game before they're going to win it.
20 people aren't the whole fucking population. Remember Trump's approval rating is 30%. At this point a whole fucking kike funded coup against him would only make the American people flinch.
Du bist ein fagot
Totally something an American would post, yep. Because Americans, especially Holla Forumsacks enjoy cucking themselves in arguments.
I'm not insisting anything other than we kill D&C shills.
It fucking is. Leave your gated community you fucking cuck. It's mostly white people who are sick of dealing with niggers.
It's fine to call for an end to the "occupation", but call it what it is: Israeli occupation instead of autistically screeching MUH AMERICA IS EBIL!!! over and over again you fucking D&C kike.
I seriously hope they don't pay you for this shit fam.
Where's gore spammer when you need him?
I'm just going to go ahead and filter you. You're not interested in doing anything other than misrepresenting what people say to you because you're desperate to cling to your misguided patriotism.
Gonna end up filtering like 60% of people on this board. Patriotism is a hard filter to break through.
It is what it is. There's a limit to how many times I'm going to watch a poster distort what's being said to him because cartoonish exaggeration makes the strawmen easier to knock down.
There are literally thousands of people on the streets every fucking week. Never heard of Pegida? You should watch less Fox News.
Like in good old times. You'll never change, eternal burger.
Stop projecting your insecurities.
Don't leave a suicide note. Nobody cares.
Then enjoy your fairy tale world. You're a 100% country then.
why is it heißt instead of ist? "my honor is called loyalty?"
Well, the next step is seizing government buildings Deutschebro. Afraid of going to cushy European jail? This isn't and never was going to be solved peacefully - take some tactics from the Soros Revolutions.
Then why won't you do it in your own country also? As always a guy with German heritage, i.e. Trump must handle all the shit while you lie on your lazy ass. Do you think your demographics will change through peaceful means?
Then comes in to defend the D&C
Just throwing this in here to spit in the face of Americans
Here the faggot took my argument that he was blaming America for all of Germany's problems and tried to spin it around.
Even though I never said I did not want to end the occupation of Germany or that the occupation was good.
I'm enjoying the fact you're a torfag. Clearly you're ban evading like a little bitch because you shit up other threads, and are now pretending to have the moral highgroud. Topkek.
>insult, insult, insult, muh america is nigger even though literally one third of all germans on the planet are Americans
Are you going to seriously just fucking sit here all day long blaming everyday Americans for everything?
And you have the fucking GALL to pretend like you're superior?
Kill yourself.
Go back to Krautchan and use your own servers if you hate America so much. Oh, wait.
The hand shaking thing was just at the debate where he'd gotten word in advance that Killary was planning to leave him hanging, so he didn't extend his hand.
Is WW3 really going to be started because Germany lets in millions more isis sleepers and pressures remaining EU members to take them? Sooner or later more EU members will vote themselves out so they can have their sovereignty back. Which in turns makes Germany go full retard? Is this a curse that was put on Germany?
I can see at least 5 threads in the catalog about spics being deported and antifa getting attacked.(vid related)
I think the Madman is pushing it. I expect to see an increase of resistance, culminating with an assassination attempt, possibly successful.
I'm sure Merkel wants to completely ignore the issue until after the election. Trump is simply lifting the ball up for a nationalist party to catch it and score the elections, simply by saying "fuck you America, we won't pay". They need to keep pressing the issue and force all other parties to declare their stance. Whoever says they'll pay is going to be fucking destroyed at the elections.
Of course not paying means NATO will cease to exist, at least as it does today, and possibly (hopefully) most US bases around will disappear.
Big setback for globalist kikes' agenda!
The golden goy strikes again
When Kushner and Bibi follow through on Rebbe Schneerson's command to bring back the Mosiach, and you are living under Noahide law, will you take the rope challenge?
We know the score, Shareblue. I don't know where they found people willing to play your game who aren't one of us, but I assure you, the noose is tightening. And if Trump turns out to need one too - never fear, because we won't spare him.
I hope you people understand what the 3d chess move here was. The previous administrations never bothered to either formally change the amount of money members should contribute nor did they bother to actually make sure people are contributing. Having the other members indebted to you and rely on your military for defense gives you POWER. The nato is nothing but a ZOG control tool.
Trump is trying to kill the nato without the jews being able to really call him out on it since he is going after members using their own rulebook.
I'm not sure why I even have to browse a board with retards like this.
It's the Germans. They are super, super asshurt about the mere existence of America, and they think every Burger on this board is a hair trigger away from genociding them, even though we're facing the exact same problems caused by the exact same people that they are. Plus they're really sensitive about bantz. I wish them the best but sometimes it's like smdh fam
I'm german myself. If this actually was about the debt I'd be in favor of paying it. I'm just saying people seem to be massively missing the point.
What said is good analysis too:
Trump is killing the nato right now AND helping german nationalists.
How's that for shitting up the board with divisive D&C against any other European, just because you can't admit you're as bad as Sweden? PAY UP
Not helping.
What are you waiting for then? Rev up those Twatter accounts, this needs to be a national issue by september. Godspeed.
I'm not even German, but are burgercucks literally this assblasted?
Fuck off.
t. Germanic burger
Work on your reading comprehension. It's not blaming. It's pointing out hypocrisy.
It probably will start because you're building an anti-ballistic missile system in Europe.
This isn't exactly "seizing government buildings" and "tactics from the Soros Revolution"… I'm seeing a pattern here, you have all poor reading comprehension or you're forgetting your own arguments after 5 seconds.
It's historical experience. Up to this point it's 2-0 in Germany's favor. They tried to free themselves twice with a gigantic struggle of which you can only dream off and I don't think that you're capable of it any longer. Civic nationalism is as far as it gets, which will balkanize you in a couple of decades. It's over for you. Only an external force can save you, which only can come from Europe. So let them go, you are not in a condition to free them. You never were.
You and Russia simply can't organize the Western World in any meaningful way. You both failed in the most spectacular manners. It's not part of your character. You can showcase your individualistic spirit and lure people in who want to get rich. But you will never create any impulses which could rally the Europeans around you in a manner like e.g. the SS did. So do what you do best, go full isolationist and try to get rich.
You don't even have your own ideas. Without Germans you wouldn't even be able to larp here as NatSocs. You probably don't even know what this Weltanschauung implies.
That's a lot of implying my dude. The Hakenkreuz and Sonnenrad existed long before Germany was a nation-state, they don't belong to you exclusively, but this is Holla Forums. We're all on the same team here. Every person who spends any length of time on this board appreciates the German contributions to history and mourns those who fell fighting the forces of ZOG, which unfortunately includes many of our own grandparents. In a way it's easier for you. It's easy for the losers to become resentful and to think long and hard about their defeat - but who thinks deeply on the morality of a victory? Victory needs no explanation, that's how the meme goes. Yet the Burgers who are here - are here because they did think about it, and came to the conclusion that we won against the wrong enemy. I think you need to give us more credit. After all, we are, overwhelmingly, of the same blood.
This board would be so much worse if there were flags.
Fuck off.
Yeah, yeah, 58D chess, a.k.a. we dont know what hes doing, but in god emperor we trust.
Thread theme.
/sp/ says hi.
So are we nuking the germans? Or invading russia together? Or what's even happening anymore?
NP, we could pay it within 5 years - if we would throw the fucking sandnigger migrants out. Unfortunately Merkel is a Soros puppet.
This isn't cuckchan Shlomo, you get banned for "bantz" here.
Are you high? Germany couldn't beat America when you were war mongering Nazis. Now that you are feminized metrosexuals, you feel that you can win a rematch.
He's likely referring to the fact that the US is a non-White country with a collapsing economy that doesn't have a future.
It still has a future, just a browner future led primarily by wealthy Zionist WASPs and their Jewish overlordes. The U.S. will continoue but its our job to decide how it continoues.
Come on man, ISIS isnt that competent
No, it doesn't have a future. It's already over and it's just limping along now trying to figure out where it wants to use the last remnants of its military superiority before it loses that, too.
I don't think you understand how the Jews work, they don't just plan their globalist empire in a way so that it eventually fail. The Jews have the U.S. run like a well oiled machine thats not going anywhere; as long as they can maintain a population to basically fund their globalist empire through accumlating capital and expanding the Wests economy over the worlds resources they will be just fine. Don't act like the Jews don't have an actual plan for the continouation of the their great globalist goy empire because all your doing is waiting for the U.S.'s interal collapse that won't come.
The U.S. can survive the future as a controlled nation of mongrelized goyim; its a matter of if we will let it happen.
The country is already at a point where internal and external consensus about just about anything is virtually impossible. The US is over. Just because the people inside the USA can't figure the kikes out doesn't mean the rest of the world hasn't. The US is taking an increasingly aggressive posture to other major powers because jewish control over world resources is slipping.
The US is done.
We'll see about it buddy. We'll see
More meatloafs are waking up the JQ everyday, believe me America is not done for. We might be slightly browner, but Jim Crow was only a few decades old and no reason it can't be brought back. American Citizens pride themselves on a history of removing foreign influence from their government, and their armed to the teeth. Once America is redpilled, there will be no DeNaziFication process like there was in Germany. You can't breed war strains out of Americans. Once Americas been woken up, a sleeping giant will reach havoc on the world.
reminder to all anti American Eurocucks that there are enough white small towns in America to reconquer if the diversity in the cities attempts to take over.
D&C The Thread
Not spending is not debts – If you would know this, you wouldn't be indebted Greece.
Against whom? North Korea, Iran or based Putin?
Germany is surrounded by “friends”, against whom is the US defending Germany? I don't see anybody they are defending Germany against.
Germany has no common border with Russia. How do you think that could work out?
Why are there US forces in Germany? The Russians left 20 years ago. Time to pack for our US friends.
The way I and the Russians see that, is that the USA is threatening Russia and there is no alliance between Russia and the USA. Russia is preparing for a war against the USA.
Greece's defence minister threatens to send migrants including jihadists to Western Europe
Obama gets 50 countries to pledge to take in 360,000 refugees
The country is majority non-white.
The country is majority non-White and a staggering portion of that wasn't even born in the US. American history isn't actually relevant to the American population anymore.
With small arms. They certainly aren't irrelevant, but it's got to be 10% of combat deaths at best these days. What matters is the supply chain and heavy weaponry – and in the US, that's all nigger all the time.
Considering most of the country isn't even White, I'm not sure why it would be necessary.
Supposedly Trump was America waking up. Now he's shaking down Germany for "protection money" like a mobster and the wait is on again.
What on earth is it that you think the country has been doing for the last 70 years?
Less than 1% of the American population is in the Military. FEMA tests have shown that if a possible civil war scenario were to break out that the even the most ardent racist whites would be working with black street gangs to secure area's. There are more white gun collectors than there are members of the military, a large portion of them have military training or go to gun ranges a few times a week. Against a major Jewish threat? All races would work together destroying a Jewish power structure then would assess where'd they move and where'd they belong afterwards. It's not a matter of if, it's only when. If you actually think anything America has done in the past 70 years is worthy of concern, wait until an 18 year old recruit just realized everything he's learned about has been a Jewish lie, and that Jews are trying to kill their country. Or better yet, that Jews did 9/11. If you told Americans Jews did 9/11, they would all hold hands and cheer for the day of the oven. ((also nice try Shlomo, your days are numbered))
ITT: Butthurt Muslim-loving Krauts that will never realize that Americans have protected them militarily for 60 years, which has allowed them to stay out of every war since 1945… which is why they've had nothing but progress and peace among their people. Germany has lost no people and no money to wars they would have either started or entered had they not been protected by the US.
Stay mad. The best of you died in WWII.
If Americans haven't figured out the jewish gameplan by now, I don't really see it clicking at all. Have fun with your nigger street gangs.
Have fun with your Muslim rape and murder squads.
You got a few yourself, don't you? Round Ft. Hood way?
oy vey don't team up and work against us goyim!
Work with whomever you want. I'm sure he bears a striking resemblance to some of your own family.
We killed him. You'd have sent your wife to suck his cock and live in your house.
Go back to shareblue or krautchan
Is that the sole purview of godly niggers in the Kwa?
Nothing new from the J S A
Are you denying that many of your women head right to the migrant centers to get their mouthful of sand nigger cum the same way they used to show up at my barracks to get their mouthfuls of nigger soldier cum?
t. Former 1st ID soldier from Warner Barracks, Bamberg Germany.
No, I think everyone is well aware of the negrophilia that follows around Americans and the nations they infest. The first order of business is mass murder, followed by a systematic program of education and media that centers solely on the nigger and its glamorization. America's negroid nature and its satisfaction in that is well known to this board.
That's why the original post I made in this thread is so accurate It's funny seeing Americans not getting it, though. "If I have money, I drink all night. No matter if I'm broke in the morning, I'll drink water."
Well, don't get all quiet on me now… Do they fuck the sand niggers like they used to fuck American nigger soldiers? All day long, your German whores used to line up outside the gate of the barracks to get their daily doses of nigger cum. Your women sure do seem to love niggers of all flavors.
You can't wait six minutes, grandpa?
Oh, okay. It's someone else's fault that your women love the migrants and love the niggers. I gotcha.
Why do the men in your country allow this? Oh, right… some events that happened 70 years ago and you're oppressed.
Krauts: The true niggers of Europe.
Do we live in an alternate universe where the US isn't a majority non-White country?
Can't you niggers go roleplay somewhere else? No one is buying your muh dik fantasies.
You don't have to "buy" anything. Just talk to any soldier who was stationed anywhere in Germany about how much Kraut women love niggers.
Do you live in an alternate universe where you fail to understand that your prosperity has come at least in part by ensuring that Germans haven't fought in any wars since 1945?
which is why this place is dying
Go away nigger, I won't cater to your white wimmins fetish.
What the fuck wars would they even be fighting in? Are you brain damaged? Vietnam? Korea? Grenada? Afghanistan [pick your decade]? Can you just stop and listen to yourself? Going around looking for a war because someone doesn't want your funny money or because dictator A,B, or C wants to start buying missiles from the Soviets isn't keeping some third party out of a war.
Look at how butthurt he is when he hears the truth…
What if this is just a plan to say, we'll if you aren't going to pay, we're not either, so, fuck you and the rest of Europe for letting islam ruin europe, NATO folds, and then we have the next Reich.
I think it's you that's butthurt that I'm messing up your little fap session here. Wasted lube I guess.
stop being ghey.
the press wanted a specific staged handshake, when the God Emperor and Miss Merkle were seated. This is just another case of the press not being able to make DJT (pbuh) act like an obedient doge.Why, on this board at this time do you want to shill for the ex-Stasi bitch?
What wars would they be fighting in? We will never know because you were occupied by forces that kept you out of wars. Had you been allowed to keep your military and sovereignty, I can think of at least one country you would have ended up fighting. Russia.
And filtered.
Deutschland is ge-fucked - too many muslims.
Why would I fap to that in my imagination when it happened every day and night in the barracks I lived in? Every night, our guest log in the barracks read like a German phone book.
Anja, Tanja, Tatiana, Astrid, Ingrid… How many German whores can fit in one barracks with all those niggers?
Capped and fixed.
And thats just for NATO… hehehe Germany is fucked beyond redemption. Whole world is actually a bubble waiting to burst, economically.
checked. germoney actually has a much much much bigger debt than Greece. Greece was an experiment inside the EU, as we all can see, as many more countries have such a higher debt.
And no GDP doesn't cover it, lads.
Anja, Tanja and Tatiana are not common german names. Perhaps what you saw (in your imaginary deployment) were ukrainian prostitutes.
Nope. Must be a Bavarian thing. Many many Tanjas and Anjas. Perhaps it's not common where you're from, but it was an extremely common name in Bavaria. Grüß gott, cuckold.
"I must be the centre and the cause of all of the world's problems!"
The only one powerful enough to drain a swamp this size is… God. Let's hope President Trump is on his side.
What a weird thing to do. Since the 60s the majority of Germany and alot oft politicians wanted the mericans to withdraw their Military bases. And america never responded to that even after the collapse of the soviet union. And nie trump hands the germans a bill for freaking american occupation? Doesnt he know that germany still paid reperations for ww1 untill 2013?
Don't you know that it's fake news and he never gave her he bill?
But moreover, again, you are retarded.
Here's what happened, you fucking kraut… we left many of the military bases in Germany and what did you faggots do?
You moved in refugee rapists to the same barracks the US used to occupy.
Complain about Americans and the safety net of never having to fight a war or be the subject of aggression, but who would you rather have? Was it better in the 80s and 90s when soldiers spent their money in your country and helped your tourism industry? Or is it better now when your women line up to get raped on New Years Eve?
Typical clickbait headline fake news, OP.
Here's what it actually says in the article:
>The US President is said to have had an “invoice” printed out outlining the sum estimated by his aides as covering Germany’s unpaid contributions for defence.
>Said to be presented during private talks in Washington, the move has been met with criticism from German and Nato officials.
This. I wish people would actually read the damn articles being posted instead of sperging out like fucking retards.
So it's true then that US army get broken and heavily brainwashed?
You mean the last few years and even month were pegida and right wingers protested in the thousands in every city. Had large power point presentqtiona on how nonwhites will outbreed Europeans on the city plaza? Pic related
Let me ask you when did the Americans actually protest? Isn't it ironic that if trump hadn't come around you would have had jeb! Now? Or that only 1/4th of the country wanted trump as the candidate. Don't pretend you had some national awakening moment. Trump pulled you through this
Hey, pot. You're black.
t. kettle
Germany doesnt even have nukes. If it wasnt for NATO you would have been fucked in to submission by Russia decades ago.
I think it would be better for Germany to have its own army and nuclear deterrent.
What isnt fair is just to expect the Americans to defend you and not even pay them what you promised.
You mean the post-war constitutions that forbid Germany and Japan to ever have a large army again …. Written by Americans? Nice meme
In reality the US military was in parts responsible for large refugee waves. Most immigrants we have in Germany are Yugoslavians and now sand niggers. That shit would never have happened if YOU AMERICANS (i know it was your government but you seem to think the German people do all this not the German governments) didn't start Colorado revolutions, bombed Libya and supplied Assad's enemies with weapons. Cheers
One last time: THE MAJORITY OF GERMANS in the last 50 years DID NOT want American occupation forces. What are you on about the Germans expecting this. They never had a say in this, nor did they have a say in joining/forming the EU. The majority of Germans were against that too but it was one of the conditions for Germany to reunited posed by nato.
But you dont want Russian occupation forces either right?
So without the US you would have had to make some nukes and have an army.
Which is not cheap.
Both forbidden under post-war treaties and one of the reasons why there were occupation forces im the first place. So that Germans don't build an army again like they did secretly despite Versailles treaty after ww1. You got this all upside down. The same goes for Japan too.
The US now is how Germany will look in the near future. Brazil now is how the US will look in the near future. My country is already well in between US and Germany
I'm not here to lie about how the army is perfect, but quite literally what they did was replace US soldiers with shitskin rapefugees.
And yes, without US occupation and protection, Germany would have most likely fought Russia at some point, which would have set them back how many years?
You trade soldiers who spend their own money for rapists who take German money and destroy the places the government gives them to live in.
If given the choice between having occupying US forces, war with Russia or shitskin invaders, I'll take the US occupiers.
Massive Spam by Anti-Russia Shills
Helo Senator McCain, your Jew shul is busy today
Hi, TORpedo.
Are you saying that Germany was fine with living under Russia's thumb and if they had an army and were allowed, they were just fine living as they did prior to 1989?
But in your haste, you've missed the point where I've said over and over again that a war Russia and Germany would have been catastrophic for them?
Do you always pretend to be a retard?
The Russian have left the building, the US has to leave now.
Senator McCain you are not welcome here.
We have been leaving in stages since the early 2000s. They replaced US soldiers with rapefugees and put them in the same barracks to live.
You were saying…?
t. britbong
Im the farthest thing from an anti Russian shill Im just pointing out that someone has to pay for Germanys defense or they would get dominated by the closest powerful country which for Germany would be Russia.
I would prefer it if each nation defended their own borders. That is the obvious sensible way of doing it..
But if a nation wants to have someone else provide their defense, and make huge savings, some of that money should go to the country (or in the case of NATO its a group of countries) that is providing the defense.
t. American citizen
You might as well call everything else from before the exodus "cuckchan" then.
Your hatred is more funny than pathetic
A soldier fucked his girlfriend. He's just still sore about it.
Again, I ask if you would rather have shitskin invaders, Russian war or American soldiers. Resoundingly, Merkel and the Germans have chosen shitskin rapists. As I've said numerous times, they actually gave them the housing that soldiers lived in.
Germany can get fucked. Third Reich or not, today they are just as bad as Swedecucks.
Do I need to bring up pics of German girls with nigger soldiers and refugees?
Typical germanistani faggot. Ignore the roach licker.
Post all the pics you want. German women fell at the feet of nigger soldiers and they can be seen hanging out around the migrant centers waiting for their daily intake of shitskin cum.
There are armyfaggots who race mix. But at least the US government doesn't put up propaganda teaching niggers how to fuck white women.
Kek. So i'm an anti-Russian shill for saying "Germany reminded that it depends on the US for defence". So if Germany doesn't rely on the US (NATO) for defence who does it rely on then?
t. anti-globalist/nationalist.
Defeatist shill confirmed. Trying to demoralize whites saying we've already lost.
Put your mouth on the business end of a loaded gun as soon as possible.
Bahaha you fucking ARMY KIKES are pissed!!!! Fucking losers!!!!!!!!!!
Nigger, you've been spamming those pics for an hour now. I post a few in response and I'm the one who is ass blasted? Kek. Have some more.
As per usual, the vast majority of Holla Forumsacks are completely clueless about geopolitics.
This is not about NATO you morons - muh NATO is nothing but a PRETENSE much like muh WMD's were a pretense for invading Iraq
Germany isn't the only country in NATO which fails to fulfill the ominous 2% nor is Germany the only country hosting American troops, yet only Germany is being targeted here. Why?
Because this is about plain old financial warfare! The US have the largest deficit in the world by far (-469 billion USD) while Germany has the largest surplus in the world by far (+301 billion USD).
About a month ago, Trump and Peter Navarro have they want to tackle this deficit as soon as possible.
This is obviously their first move.
Which wars have you soldiers in since 1945?
What made you think I was infantry? Do you not realize that because you're in an infantry division, it doesn't mean you're infantry? Or did you just look up the MOS to sound like you knew something about something?
Fighting for the kikes is a huge setback that Germans didn't have, you fucking retard. It's not a good thing that Americans have fought for kikes. But you sure haven't had to, despite your undying loyalties to the Jewish multicultural agenda.
Your excessive use of exclamation points and fake laughter doesn't mask your shilling.
Also, are you giving the US credit for singlehandedly defeating Germany? Because you might place better blame at the feet of the Brits and Russians.
You can shill against whites for literal weeks on this site. You won't make a difference. Kill yourself.
This is retarded. Both countries have brown people problems. The solution is to get rid of them all.
No it's not hard at all. Stop fighting with fellow whites. Start fighting against the hordes of brown.
If you refuse, you're no better than a virtue signaling leftist calling for more nigger semen.
Confirmed shill, reported.
I actually reported him twice. First time reason was "anti-white shill" second was, "needs a time out".
Your report was "anti-white shill #2".
I already said you're both retarded for fighting with each other instead of fighting off the browns. And then you outed yourself as an anti-white shill, and thus earned my report.
Stay mad.
You don't even have cars in 2017 that don't run on sand nigger oil. You want me to believe you'd have attack helicopters that run on what? Solar? Electricity that you can't produce?
Stop with the holier than thou shit. We are all flawed and you have many problems that are your own doing. Fix them first before pointing fingers. I didn't vote for Merkel.
Reported again :^)
And again, you were getting your shit pushed in by Russia. I wonder how bad it would have been for you if we let Russia finish the job. Perhaps we should have.
Or would have have stood up to Russia and lost most of your population again?
Were you happy living in east Germany and west Germany?
Keep posting and I'll keep reporting :^)
Which choice would this stupid bitch make?
Reorting to tor already, kike-kun? My you sure went limp quick.
Well since I'm not Jewish and have no affiliation with the porn industry and don't consume interracial porn, you can talk about it all you want.
I'm against degeneracy of all kinds and would gladly aim my rifle on the kikes who produce it.
If Germans would stop looking at cuck porn, perhaps the market would dry up?
are drumpf fags this retarded?
Post them. Compare German porn tastes to American.
:^) 88xDDDD
You idiots are the worst.
There is really no reason to have a large occupying force in Europe anymore. They can take care of themselves. And it would save us a ton of money. Think about it. We could even sell our military bases to them and still occupy like a barracks or two here and there. We could draw down from like 50,000 to like a few hundred in Germany. It would save us a ton of money. Its not like we're going to stop being their allies if we bring our troops back home.
According to youporn, Germans have "mom," "sister," and "step sister" on the list of top searches. Anything else you want to say about porn tastes?
America is truly everyone's greatest ally.
Could the fact that niggers live here and also look at porn have anything to do with that?
So this whole thread is based on a lie, laden with bait and ShareBlue shills who take the opportunity to muh dick about imported niggers and crack relations between German and American anons.
Any user who doesn't like cock up theis ass should've been able to report and sage this shithole thread, and filter the obvious ///Germans/// and ///Americans/// for the next thread that has to do with Germany
uhm…..g-guys….what's with all this Mom and Stepmom shit….y-you guys don't actually watch that stuff do you…? Ew.
Its still not in their top 12. But top gaining.
You shareblue faggots are terrible at this. Good luck on your future "careers".
No wonder you got hired for this job! There's no way you're smart enough for anything else!
I have enough experience with hurting people's feelings on the internet to know that these shills are suffering every time they massively fail to fit in. Imagine it being your job to subvert a group of people yet every time you open your mouth they just laugh at you for being a terrible human being and transparently awful at your job too. Those smug 2ds are doing real damage.
How long do you think it'll be before you get fired for not producing results? It's ok. I'm sure you're used to failure by now!
Isn't it fun pouring salt in their wounds?
Your kike handler is going to be so cross with you! What a shame~
what's up jew
We're both in deep shit. You should stop arguing who's less cucked. Pointless discussion. Nobody of us will fall.
The only thing going the way of the dodo is you, kike-kun.
You're slowing down, kike-kun! What's wrong, getting tired? Maybe you need some motivation?! How about I say something that I KNOW will upset you?
Smug kills the goon
It's a new ploy to goad kampfy into banning whole IP ranges.
Expect even more TORposters in the future.
Just install the porn mods in skyrim and play them, why search for them on a porn site.
Tor-kun you're such a fucking faggot.
Look at who is doing all the modding before you spout your theories.
Just because it's not working every time doesn't meant it's not an agenda.
Well if it is someone's agenda, they are pretty fucking bad at completing it, considering it's fuck-easy to look at the board logs and see who is modding.
Here's a novel idea: How about you post proof of this agenda you claim is real?
He wont
You're terrible at this
Moon man has done more than enough questionable modding to warrant concern.
I wish the logs still showed the post that was removed like it used to this seems like a backtrack of the entire purpose of the board logs.
Not arguing that moonman is the greatest mod. I'm disputing that there is an agenda to cause IP range bans for Tor posters.
By the way, you can still see some of the posts that are deleted through 8ch.net/bans.html
this is what you get for not fighting better and smarter against your kikemasters.
Hanging around here and shitposting will not improve the conditions in your country. Do what the poles did, Breed and form militias and infiltrate your cops so you can kill your retarded pedoshitskins.
This is the worst possible time for the US to leave. All the sandshits would murder millions if the US army left.
That's been the plan all along I suppose.
are you fucking retarded? germany looks like fucking brazil now because nobody shoots your shitskins.
Don't worry, we will liberate you after we kick your zogbots out of Europe and Russia kicks your shit in in Syria. Maybe we'll have some shekels to spare also.
Hot blonde from Albania? Bullshit!
masturbating over the past leads you nowhere german brothers, start thinking about the future
also pay your debts lol
I think moving to disassociate themselves from a parasitic and non-White occupying force that seems hellbent on using their territory [and that of neighboring nations] to launch a thermonuclear war against another White country is about as forward thinking as it gets.
The US fears an alliance between Russia and Germany. This would practically end all of their foreign ambitions. It would also end their economy. Who wants to hold their trillions of dollars of funny money debt if they don't have to…
The US fucked up in Ukraine and in Syria and the debt ceiling is rising. The clock is ticking. Putin has to wait it out while crushing Russian Maidans.
That's why they're building ballistic missile systems in Europe. It's basically the Samson Option.
Most ppl with migrant background are Europeans tho in germamy
Not only that but all the millions of Germans that returned after the fall of the Soviet Union are also officially counted as "people with a migration background".
I agree with everything you've said here. It's also why the Trump administration/US establishment has been assisting anti-EU candidates. I don't really have anything positive to say about the EU, but I think we should drop the pretense that the US and various corporate interests attack the institution because they are worried about an Islamic takeover or demographic suicide. They don't like the euro currency and they don't want it to be seen as prime competition for the dollar.
Γλυκιά ειρωνεία…
υ υ υ υ
But the Greeks were lazy pieces of shit. While most of Europe were working they were basically chilling, going out of work a decade earlier than everybody else and hiding their financial problems. Nobody forced them to give away every leverage they had. It's like Trump's argument about how the US was being ripped off, but he has nothing against Mexica and China personally because he would've done the same in their positions.
We all know that God is a Serb…
We kinda earned it by working by far the most hours per day among Europeans.
Not that our country is not full of "lamoghia" but that' statement is like confusing Americans with the ZOG.
Good, I hope this will ultimately lead to European countries leaving NATO
And to be more precise, the prime mini-ster that was responsible for this was literally named "Semites" "Simitis" is just how it's pronounced in Greek, if you transliterate his name, Σημίτης, into latin as done by classic and scientific literature it becomes "Semites" (and it means the exact same thing)
You're right, I found some statistics. Greeks worked approximately 1 hour longer per week than Germans (full-time jobs). The difference was the productivity index (EU=100), where Greeks were at 76.3 and Germany for example at 123.7.
Dubs compel me to agree that we can't hope to compare with Germans at work ethics but great deal of this lack of productivity was due to lack of infrastructure and planning, not lazyness or lack of philotimo.
gets me every time
Funny how the cockroaches are higher than Germany
To be fair cockroaches define themselves from warfare. Military conquest is the closest thing to something they could be proud of even if it was mere zerg-rushing.
Do you have something demonstrating whites haven't lost? Or do you expect me to take your word for it?
Second picture
That is London or somewhere else in Britain
Third picture
tykkäävä is no German word, probably Finnland
Forth picture
Grammy Award, USA perhaps?
The weather was nice, suny, the last days.
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?
I don't understand this constant shilling either. (((They))) probably fear the AfD. We call the media "fake news" and "Lügenpresse". But if they're writing about Germany it supposedly MUST be true, it is representative of the WHOLE population and is not merely a wet dream of some leftist scum.
That place blew up once it was outed that every alphabet agency was there for legit inside information from anonymous informers. The shills are hitting it into permanent oblivion because of the power chans have.
This, actually. It is in the same plan of the volkswagen "incident".
checked. That kike fucker destroyed our economy
Or the „self-accelerating“ cars from Toyota and Audi.
(((US government ))) regularly does economic shake-down of his friends and allies, like in the case of the “Jew Gold” in Switzerland or the “Slave labour compensation” from Germany.
Germany is a frequent victim of that tactic. Germany and Japan both paid most of the US costs of the first Iraq war.
Who has forgotten “Ausschwitz in the desert sand”, ending German economic relations to Libya and Iraq.
Pre world war II, Persia had the audacity to buy their railway hardware in Germany, urging the need to dispose off the “Nazi collaborating” Shah and occupy the country.
Greece regularly paid 30% more for their military procurements than other countries. Guess were the kick-back money ended?
This is really sinister:
> Finnish Migrants Rapefugees Pose with Preteen Girlfriends on Social Media,” AG News, April 15, 2016
((((((((Pamela Geller)))))))
All the Germans and Germanboos ITT who do not want this debt to be paid are ignoring one simple fact:
If the globalists in power cannot pay back Germanys debts to NATO, then this puts yet more pressure on them to be replaced.
And if they're replaced with one of OUR PEOPLE, Trump will waive the fucking fee.
Instead of playing along with this convoluted scenario of "ifs", why doesn't the United States just pack up its shit and leave? The US is the occupying force – it isn't there to protect anyone. It is there because it does not want a strong Germany, not now, not ever. It is there solely for its own zionist interests.
If the US is no longer in control of zionists, then it seems to follow that there is no reason to fear a strong Germany and no reason to keep occupying the country. Demanding money from Germany for what's been going on the last 70 years [as if the US hasn't extracted enough of Germany already] isn't any different than the mafia [who the US reinstalled in Sicily in the aftermath of WWII, after Mussolini had all but destroyed them] going into a corner store and bashing it up, telling the owner things like that happen without "protection".
The spin some of you mouth breathers are trying to put on this is disgraceful. Just fucking leave. Nobody wants you there.
Ignore him, they will never learn. Focus on memeing the AfD so they can strategically ally with Russia and kick all burgers out of Europe. Peace with Russia is mandatory. After this is accomplished the US can be ignored. They have long enough driven a wedge between us. It's time to expel them from Europe.
This is a good thing. The only bad thing about this is the corruption, leading to vast sums of that money to end up in the wrong hands and not on military equipment. The fucker Semetis and his friends forged documents and put us in the eurozone, effectively destroying our economy since then. This isn't the only scandal of his, there are literally hundreds of them.
Glorious, glorious madman.
Naturally, and I'm sure Trump knew that she would. It's not an invoice; it's a message.
ftw Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are being memed into reality. Pic related
Because the United States isn't a person, idiot.
It can't just decide to do a thing and do it, there are hundreds of people involved in the decision all whom have competing interests. Containing a third that doesn't care, a third that perpetually thinks Russia will invade, and about a third of whom are outright zionists who can ruin a politicians career by calling him racist.
By the way a significant (possibly majority) faction in Germany itself would cry foul and invective if America tried to get out of the country. Because American presence means Germany can spend TWO TIMES LESS MONEY on military, which translates into billions of dollars for welfare and pet projects. They wouldn't have the fucking autobahn if they had to buy a thousand more tanks, and they certainly wouldn't be able to huff their own farts over how civilized their social security system is if they had to have a navy consisting of more than a few corvettes.
America rebuilds Germany after the war. America rebuilds East Germany after reunification. But America is the one extracting? Extracting what exactly? What of any value has America taken from Germany?
I'm starting to understand what flavor of retard you are.
Holla Forums is still down and no one cares.
user i've got some bad news for you…
unfortunately, countries dont pay their debts, they just eventually default on them. this is trump trying to get the german people upset with merkel, so that when she loses the election, he wont have to deal with her sandy old cunt anymore.
The USA did reduce the number of troops in German, closed some bases. Americans then were saying the same, that Germans would regret it, economy would suffer, Germans would beg them to come back.
Didn't happened. Everybody was happy the Amis left.
Germany had thousands of tanks and the Autobahn and welfare was higher then. Germany had more tanks than anyone in western Europe during the cold war.
Do you know that it were the USA who demanded that united Germany had to reduce its armed forces, scrap or give away as gifts most of its tanks?
Are you crazy?
Nobody but the Germans rebuild Germany, while at the same time paying off a whole bunch of leaches.
Like intellectual property, your economy is based of, worth billions of 1945 Dollars. Billions of World War One “reparations” paid to last nickle until a few years ago.
Unfortunately one can only default on real debts, not imagined ones like those on discussion in this thread.
We're going to build a great, big, beautiful wall
Could just take the balance out of future arms bought from Germany. :^)
Third time's a charm Krautfags :^)
Germany having to choose between EU 4th Calipate-Reich-Thing or NATO would be hilarious.