"The new customer loyalty punch cards have arrived! Buy a drink, take out a scumbag & be that much closer to a free coffee. @realDonaldTrump"
archive: archive.is
"The new customer loyalty punch cards have arrived! Buy a drink, take out a scumbag & be that much closer to a free coffee. @realDonaldTrump"
archive: archive.is
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Damn. Black Forge was all about the super alpha male image with their coffee. Thought they'd be heading more towards our demographics. Guess again.
Well, and I guess here's just one more reason to drink the brewed jew from somewhere else.
I like my brewed Jew like I like my dead bodies
ground up fine, pressed to death, and black :^)
I hate those hipster food brands/restaurants.
Never heard of it. I drink Costco Colombian supremo.
This is actually genius because the media would cover for you, and even help to set up a gofundme for emotional damages
Looking at it, it's hipster masculinity.
all things that don't exist
Report the owner to the Secret Service and FBI tip lines.
until the curse of Kek comes around and sheds light on the hoax, just like the kike bomb threat hoax
Lets play name the people because I don't really know who they are hating on?
I think 8 is Mussolini and 9 is Sen McCarthy and 10 is cruz missile
1 is obvious
Trump, __ , Coulter, Pence, Shkreli,
I know I should recognize these four but they aren't ringing any bells.
Shitlibs are such passive-aggressive cowards.
1 Trump
2 Frothy
3 Coulter
4 Pence
5 Shkrili (thought it was Ayn Rand for a moment)
6 Pat Robertson
7 Bill O'Reilly
8 Rush Limbaugh
9 Huckabee
10 Cruz
Not sure 8 Is Rush.
It's a blessing, it's just that the one being blessed isn't ever a cuck. It's us.
1. Trump
2. Dubya?
3. Ann Coulter
4. Pence
5. That fag medicine dude who caused a bunch of butthurt last year.
7. Bill O'Reilly.
8. Rush Limbagh
9. Huckabee
10. Cruz
Gourmet coffee is for faggots.
The only coffee worth drinking is pic related.
Meh … if we believe in not forcing bakeries to bake fag cakes, then we can't force companies to be pro-Trump. We don't have to buy their product.
We already have our based coffee company.
Leave a review at jewgle maps. Drive by and fire bomb the place.
Don't do their work for them.
Coffee is for faggots.
Men drink tea.
Drop some more reviews. Infested with cockroaches, cashier is a very manly tranny, coffee tastes like day old piss.
Give me some tea recommendations user.
The cuckolds in the comments are really real life people? Not shills? People like them are real? Shills and trash paid by democrats who live to work for these things don't count, I'm talking about real life cuckolds who follow every narrative, news, propaganda, media of democrats party or vote for them, seriously, disgusting mediocre loser trash pathetic white cuckolds for democrats party? Have real white cuckolds who votes or works for democrats party and aren't shills or related to the party? Have real loser, disgusting, pathetic, brain dead, white people who are cuckolds for democrats party for free? I always suspect of shills because white people can't be so dumb or brain dead to be cuckolds for democrats party after every lie, manipulation, wikileaks, hillary clinton, media, cnn, buzzfeed, huffingtonpost, nyt, washingtonpost, usatoday, mediamatters, every garbage media owned by DNC/Democrats party, every dirty tricks, frauds, cheating to get power, money, to manipulate the news, edit videos to create the narrative who they want to sell like the pathetic joke fake news CNN but all the media of DNC is in the same pathetic corrupt disgusting level of CNN who is a mediocre pathetic joke with no credibility and dead low rate garbage.
Anyway, have so few people and they seems to be a failing unknown garbage, maybe you're promoting them with this thread, even not being your intention.
White people working in media, channels, medioocre fake news and shit from democrats party is the same thing than jews working for nazis (Even knowing that many things are pure lies, but I'm using the comics meme history of jews about nazis after war who had so many suspect and lies in the history who they invented after war with some who they don't use today because are ridiculous)
Basically, white people working in buzzfeed is the same thing than jews working for nazis, white people voting for democrats party is the same thing than jews voting for nazis.
Do you even know what kind of blend is being used there? Either way, best coffee is clearly the kind you brew yourself at home without spending money per cup.
Exactly. Even at a cheap ass diner, you're paying $1.50 for a cup of coffee that you could have brewed yourself at home for ~30 cents.
they will henceforth be known as
For years every industry owned by democrats party tried to race bait, demoralize, trashing white men, portrayed them as cuckolds, trash, tried to portray the white male as the crimionals and shit and the blacks as the angels and opressed, they wanting votes of white women tried to portray white men as the worse men of all races, white women like some biggest victim of history, and arab women living in the dream with arab men, asian women living in the dream with asian men, black women living in the dream with black men, but the only race of men trashed, racially attacked, promoted like shit for the democrats party strategy of get votes, manipulation, by race bait, was the white male, who between their neutral movies of white male against white male dating women of own race and the white male being friend of a black male, had racial movies of black male against white male with the white woman against men of own race or some similar subversive democrats party industry with their default narratives and manipulation for years, every official mainstream industry of USA today looks like pure cancer, disgusting trash, controled by corrupt DNC in wikileaks, the retards even tried to make propaganda for Hillary garbage Clinton in 2016 to please their Democrats party/DNC masters in hollywood like the cowards and sellout trash who they are since they want to be promoted pleasing this corrupt group with monopoly in this corrupt industry who would need to be considered a crime democrats party use this for their openly manipulation and propaganda for the last freak candidate of democrats party who the narrative of all tv shows/movies change to follow the propaganda of democrats party, Obama trashing HIllary Clinton in 2008 because the narrative of 2008 was vote for the black, and the narrative changed for Hillary Clinton, but all the identity politics is lie, they are trashing Marine Le Pen, Ben Carson, and praising McCain, Bush, Paul Ryan for being cuckold trash for democrats party, thesde disgusting vermins of democrats party change their narrative and make every kind of cheating and dirty tricks, democrats party are the most vermin disgusting party and the republican party is infiltrated by these trash like we viewed McCain who was trashed by democrats party but is cuckold for democrats party and the democrats vermins are now even praising bush, mccain when they are useful for their manipulation, propaganda, narrative, trash
Disgusting DNC
It's diner coffee you fucking dunce. It's black, it costs a dollar with free refills, and it comes to you in a glass coffee pot.
Only British men can drink tea without being faggots. American men who drink tea also like cocks up their ass.
my mum believes the media because she says that the only reason people go into journalism is to tell the truth, so why would the media lie? My family votes democrat because they believe in marxist ideology. My dad is a lefty because he grew up in britain in the 70 and 80s and he liked the specials and whatnot, my mum is a lefty because she wanted to distance herself from her parents (both of whom were nazis), plus she was a hippy. My sister is a lefty because of my parents and then going into art school. I used to be a lefty because of my parents and being taught that it was the only moral stance, that ended when I moved to the inner city to work in a hospital helping underprivileged niggers. nothing could've redpilled me harder than that
basically the reason so many whites buy into this shit is that appeals to and exploits our naievete and altruism. We want to assume that everyone is as good natured as whites, and the marxist ideology plays to that by preaching everyone being not just equal but interchangeable, i.e. a nigger in africa is the same as a white person in austria. It's essentially just retooled christianity, with white privilege as original sin, intolerance as sin, and a moral framework designed to declaw a population
as long as whites don't experience niggers firsthand, it's easy to hold the illusion that they're just like us. Being in constant contact with them breaks the spell, but even then it's difficult because we're raised from a very early age to be ashamed of being white and to feel obligated to help everyone except our own.
>not heeb brew
Sorry user, i don't want to offend you or the people in your family, sorry for my words. Sorry, i apology for my comments because i don't want to offend people like you.
there was no offense taken, I was just trying to elucidate why so many white people are still under the spell
My parents are extremely brainwashed when it comes to politics and they act exactly like this. They get Time Magazine, they read huffpost, they repeat talking points to each other about how "hurr trump did this", and they get triggered when they go out in public and see Trump supporters. They bought a plug in hybrid to save the environment and "fight big oil". They think that nobody needs an AR15, unless you're trying to shoot up your school or kill a bunch of people in a crowded area. Before the election they also watched MSNBC, Trevor Noah, and listened to NPR and Stephanie Miller (some no name far left hack radio host) religiously. Once Trump won, they cut down their consumption of this media in order to avoid fully breaking down at the fact that Hillary didn't win.
They're also so deep in their echo chamber that they're extremely hard to redpill. Things like Wikileaks are either met with skepticism or with "Oh I don't care if the government spies on me I'm doing nothing wrong". They only accept "trusted" sources, which are sources with big brand names like MSNBC or USA Today or sources that claim to expose the "right wing media". You can show them passages from the Quran and they'll do mental gymnastics to explain it all away and to delude themselves into thinking it's just like the Bible. They want to believe that every race is different merely in color, and not in behavior or culture, and they'll explain away anything with "it's not race", or "but x does it too" or "not all x".
Living with these kinds of people daily keeps you from falling into the trap that all these people are shills and that they can't be real. They are very real, and can be a threat if they keep repeating and spreading this misinfo from the media. They're nothing more than mouthpieces for whatever the media talks about.
How can anons capture Shia's flag in 1 day but can't manage to arson a coffee shop when they've got the address?
I blame the school system. These cucks are the same suckups who did everything the teacher said in school and reminded them to assign more homework.
It's really strange how shitlibs think shit like this is perfectly acceptable. They must believe there would be no consequences at all for putting metaphorical bullet holes in people's heads. But I guarantee you every conservative would never dare do something like this to King Nigger or anyone in his administration.
I repeat:
Hi there Mr FBI
I was lefty-wing or wanted the left-wing (Not really left-wing, only brainwashed by suble and explicit propaganda/manipulation of the media) to support the left-wing candidate only in 2006 when i was 13, but since the midle of 2008, i remember for years every media, narrative, sickness, manipulation, every bizarre garbage made by them and i never will forget their evil manipulation, lies, bait, cheating, dirty tricks, trashing, i never will forget nothing about them, I learned about shills in the middle of 2011, i'm right wing since 2008, and aware of narrative of the media, politics, the trend for some political party in the media who all tv shows, movies, propaganda, their websites, end up having the same narrative in hope to put the candidate of political corrupt party with more lobby in the media.
I was aware of everything since 2008 and was crazy in the past see so many naive people, the people started to change but i lived with the pain for years of being red
I only learned about Holla Forums in the end of 2010 but in 2008/2009 and great part of 2010 i tried to escape and forget all disgusting things i viewed by left trash and learning more about their lies, hipocrisy, narrtives, manipulations for years
I abandoned the old Holla Forums of shit moot in the end of 2014 and i come here to 8/pol
Nigger, it's black coffee.
shkreli? really? dude must be fucking honored
what's with this ugly art style anime getting posted all over the place recently?
The liberals will never face real world repercussions for their behaviour because their power is entrenched.
If you were a business owner and did similar to Obama two years ago, you'd get investigated by the IRS, SS, FBI and most likely even if you're squeaky clean your place of business would be firebombed or you'd be shot walking to your car.
We simply don't have the backing or organization right now for similar operations, be they above-board and "legal" or "off the books." I haven't even discussed how we're practically different species and our problem solving approaches are entirely different based on philosophy.
buddy, theanine inhibits testosterone.
False reporting of crime is misdeminor
Also all those zogbots with holes in heads. Nice.
That doesn't mean anything. "black coffee" just refers to coffee with no sugar, milk, creamer, etc. in it. There are multiple dozens of different brews alone. Columbian, french roast, just to name two. You're promoting a generic blanket as if it means anything.
This is faggotry.
For all I know, that's some 2 dollar instant coffee from China and tastes just as good as that implies.
This, tea is master-beverage. Coffeecucks can get fucked.
Looks like they are asking for a visit from the secret service.
Post a study or fuck off. According to a bunch of forums, L-theanine (Largely found in black tea) is actually a slight testosterone booster.
I used to be a teafag but not much anymore.
Coffee is for waking you up. People who treat coffee like wine snobbery are faggots.
Hey I just like things that taste good or appropriate to me; goes for any food and drink. In terms of coffee, I don't care much about the utility but what it represents sentimentally.
I believe you were thinking about Black Rifle Coffee Comp.
I was confused as well.
Coffee for me is the default in the morning and sometimes other time.
No, an alarm clock is for waking you up. Coffee is a hot beverage that happens to be caffeinated.
You have some asshurt inferiority complex or something? Why are you this defensive over the fact that people know things while you don't?
Men don't give a shit what you think about their beverage.
Coffee snobs are all hipster faggots who patronize hipster establishments.
Thank you for confirming that you're a sub-80IQ subhuman with an inferiority complex.
Pick your local natty herbs.
Most expensive dried tea leaves can't keep up with fresh weeds.
Bigelow peppermint and plantation mint are personal favorites.
Shills can post anime, and are using it to swarm the memes here.
This user knows his stuff. Black Rifle Coffee Company is /ourguy/. A veteran owned company in Utah. I order from them for their support and you should also.
i recently bought stash jasmine green tea from amazon. $5 for a pack of 15-20 should be the most you spend on some tea. if you've got tons of money to blow teavana has some good shit you could try.
It is the fucking best user.
Kek likes rooibos? I feel honored.
I don't have anything against anime, it's just that one in particular has a terrible style and the main character(?) looks like a loli
pg tips is p good
She is, and the art is shit, and the anime is forgettable crap like 95% of the ones being made these days. Its only saving grace is that she's basically a "nazi" which is why faggots keep posting it here.
I think you're all missing something. Who the fuck uses punch cards for loyalty discounts/free shit? Anyone can make a hole, every other coffee will be free.
t. jew
why don't the mods do anything about loliposting
If it's not pornographic/"lewd"/hypersexualized then I personally don't care what someone posts, but she's just ugly and it feels like avatarfagging which is annoying.
It's somewhat expensive, but Wissotzky Imperial Earl Grey is my absolute favorite. But I can always settle for some Twinings.
Oy vey user I don't even like coffee. I'm just saying, how did they not foresee this problem? If even a small percentage of your customers does it it's still going to cost you a lot of revenue, which would be a problem unless your product is ridiculously overpriced. Which is probably the case with this hipstercoffee.
What planet are these people living on where they think Pat Robertson is still relevant? Very few people under the age of say 50 will even know who that is.
Anyway, we should make our own versions featuring Soros, David Brock, Barbara Lerner Spectre, et al and send it to them.
Yeah it seems pretty dumb, I don't drink coffee but a place I know stamps the cards with their own special stamp.
I got your fucking tea right here.
It's a fucking drug like any other, an addictive substance that is detrimental to one's health.
I have an idea for a loyalty punch card for buying coffee beans. You have a card with 9 slots, each with numbers starting from and incrementing by 11. If the customer buys at least 11 ounces of beans, you stamp the next open slot with a check mark. When the card is full, the customer gets 11 free ounces of beans.
Shut up, nerd. This shit is annoying as vegans.
No, user. We should not "make our own" anything. We should push left-leaning degenerate leaders into gas chambers, after which their fay, fashionable followers will fall into line with the New Order.
And that is the difference between National Socialism and general faggotry; we're goal oriented.
no thanks
Have fun slurping poison down your gullet. Poison grown, harvested, and processed in shitskin land.
Green (or black) tea with jasmine is my favorite for taste. I drink Chaga/Reishi mushroom tea erry day for the health benefits.
The coffee I drink comes from Europe.
The plant itself originates from shitskintopia, Africa. Consuming plants or the byproducts of plants from the shitskin homelands is fucking cucked.
It's German I think, not that it really matters. How far are you faggots going to move the goalposts?
this. went on this site, sweet marias, that teaches you how to roast your own beans with a popcorn maker, and also lists the cheapest grinders available. pair that with a Moka pot, nail the technique, and you've got better coffee than even the most pretentious of trust-fund hippies can make you.
Threatening the president is a crime.
Where are the posts about ruining this company's reputation? Is this thread being slid?
black forge coffee phone no. , fax machine no. , email, and etc. when?
Weird how a famous conservative coffee company comes from Utah where Coffee is considered Haram due to the Mormonism.
To be perfectly tbh with you my fam I sometimes unironically get overly sweetened cappuccinos from starbucks becausse men who are tired don't give a fuck about what strangers on the internet think about their choice of caffeine.
What the actual fuck to Mormons have against coffee and tea anyways? I've never understood that.
The difference between a company located in Somalia that's selling, growing and harvesting the coffee between a company in Germany selling Somali coffee grown and picked by Somalis has virtually no difference in regards to the practices involved in the growing process.
They're trying to seduce masculine men to cuckdom.
Little did they know that they're becoming more aware of this bullshit everyday.
Every single day more and more normies are wisening up bit by bit and seeing the libs and democucks for what they really are. Each and every day of their ridiculous "resistance" only angers the normie more and more. The dem front has been crumbling away ever since the DNC debacle even though they'll never admit it, and they can't piece themselves back together. The libs and other fucks end up eating their own in their own despair.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I love volunteering and community service work, and used to be heavily involved with my state's YMCA youth organization, which is basically an organized volunteering group with mock government mixed in. It became very apparent to me, around my junior year of high school, that the majority of these people, while kind and generally loving, are having their altruistic and compassionate natures taken advantage of by a biased and hateful media. Most of them see through the "Kill all white people" bullshit, but strong politicized biases still push through, especially with the women and girls in the organization. It's depressing to see, and trying to show them that their worldview is skewed is often taken as a personal attack, because it would mean all of the things they've been doing have actually doing more harm than good, which they aren't emotionally willing to accept.
Some of the most amazing people I've met have been kind, compassionate, altruistic people who've been taken advantage of by marxist professors, a lying media, and the big smiley face hiding the true nature of the democratic party.
What really is happening is that the blind is beginning to see.
We really are breaking the matrix. Cultural marxism was the cancer. We're the cure.
I bet many are beginning to see the truth about ideology. That is my goal. Teach the truth about ideology.
These people know they are joining an ideology when they take the redpill. But the opposite don't even see the pills.
it's rush.
That said..
Deaf dumb and blind kids sure play a mean pinball and that has me worried.
Even the ones of the alphabet soup that are sent to lurk here end up getting redpilled and eventually defect to our side. It is the inevitable happening of anyone from the outside that decides to lurk here. Sure, they may try to shitpost, but eventually the seed of doubt sinks in. And then their bluepilled world begins shattering before them. Bluepilled friends they used to engage in conversations with now become irritatingly annoying as small truths they squeeze in end up getting met with backlash as they become the target for "wrong think". Then over time, they finally come back here, make a thread going "FUCK YOU Holla Forums FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME. I WANT TO GO BACK. " but they can't. The desire to see the true world for what it is will plague them. And then they become one of us.
I know how that feels, like you can see the truth but it hurts so you just tell yourself you're being racist and need to ignore those thoughts. my sister is probably that way, she dated a nigress in high school so I can't imagine she's clueless to their nature. The only thing that helped me get away from biases was dating a cop who was really far right, probably a natsoc but we broke up without me finding out.
Something about someone you're dating verbalizing that badthink and telling you it's ok bypasses all the kike (((moral))) bullshit, especially when it's phrased as not hate of others but love for yourself and your people. Humor is good for just making the topic approachable too, but I remember the thing that really broke through for me was comparing helping a stranger over your family to helping nonwhites over whites, and that probably would work on other women because of the natural inclination towards family and empathy. That and the appeal towards nature, how it's intrinsically hierarchical and that's ok, and that marxism, with it's false ideas of egalitarianism, is directly opposed to natural law. Whites love nature, and reconnection to it is a good antidote to jewish antics. Even when I was living in a city, I had to go to a park or a beach at least once or twice a week or I would feel really shitty. This is probably true for most white people, and hell probably for the other races to some degree.
Not to mention that in schools and (((modern society))) in general, arguments are misrepresented and semantics rules over essence. Like, basically framing marxism in good terms and anything else as morally deficient. As a hypothetical example, imagine jews wanted to pass a law to regulate white births. They would phrase the bill as the Sustainable Population Growth and Management Act or something, and so in the bluepilled mind anyone who opposes that bill ==must== be opposed to any kind of population size monitoring and control. Just like the EPA, people think that if you're opposed to the EPA then you're pro pollution and hate the environment. It's absolutely ridiculous when you think about it, but when you're under (((their))) spell you just take it for granted.
s-sorry for the long post it's just frustrating seeing jewish tomfoolery day in and day out and not having anyone irl to talk to about it.
I think you've got the wrong board. >>>Holla Forums is two doors down.
All i see is meme magic at work.
gets it
There are bible verses about remaining clear-headed and not becoming inebriated. Retards sometimes interpret this as to mean you haven't have anything psychoactive at any time, rather than to avoid going on benders. I know a guy on this bent that had multiple root canals without medication. Can't fault him for his dedication, I guess.
But like. Really. Jesus' response to showing up to a party that was out of booze was to divinely provide a keg. I don't get where the mindset comes from.
Do you know what i think is funny, and i know it may seems weird to some people here, but i honestly think that even with this autistic, blinding rage and hatred these people actually DON'T KNOW why they hate Trump other then that they have been told to. They don't shy away from saying that they would straight up end the Trump family like the Bolsheviks, but when you ask them WHY it's like their brains shut down and once again goes into a loop of some kind going back to the murderous intent rather than the reason.
Any of you guys have an aeropress? I've been thinking of getting one.
To explain the ugly loli is simple. The creator did not want lolicons lusting for her.
To explain why she is being posted, her character is a fascist, cold blooded soldier. and smug animu girls trigger goons/kikes/cucks.
looks about right
that's some CIAnigger meme division shit right there.
Water + milk.
I doubt CIAniggers were very aware of Holla Forums circa 2012. Back then only SRS and JIDF really cared
tres bien!!!
honestly I never saw that one before. guess I just mentally filter out cancer.
You'd be surprized.
A couple of days ago I was buying a drink and there was a guy before me, who referred to a promo poster at the checkout "win a trip across USA" and said "who would ever want to travel in USA with Trump in power". By the look on my face he must've realized he made a mistake, so he quickly apologized and left. I still have no idea what the fuck that was.
I don't get it. Every single time some SJW or company does something like this is blows up in their face. Newbalance? Their sales went through the roof. Nordstrom & other stores refusing to carry Ivanka Trump's clothing line? Sales increased 400%. Even that game that removed John Tron's voice acting in it has been bleeding refunds like nobody's business.
My mistake is thinking they have any common sense, but god damn left, you so fucking stupid. What do they expect is going to happen?
So he's a liberal and a carpet muncher?
This is a bot or something. I've seen huge retarded sounding posts like this in many other threads. They all look similar with similar buzzwords and a complete lack of proper punctuation. Do not fall for this.
Any other brew is objectively worse.
Drink up boet
Looks like the kind of shithole that has employees who treat you like crap as if they're entitled to your money.
Because we don't help failing businesses luck out with Jewish lightning?
Really overpriced and their coffee is so so (I've ordered in the past).
But it's marketing is based and they are making a fortune from the current political climate. So my hate goes off to Black Rifle because they have the balls to do what so little companies are doing right now.
fug. "my hat"
Because they don't follow the same news-sources.
So that a game has "some refunds" is in their eyes just a couple of hundred angry right wing trolls who are bitter they are getting some opposition for once.
It's quite obvious with the GG-dynamic, how it went from being a 100 guys with lots of sock-puppets when convenient, while also being deep in Trump and Putin's pockets with many million people actively seeking out female developers only to harass and threaten them.
It's refusal of reality, as if reality bends to your feelings - it worked before, so why shouldn't it now? Just cry loud enough, and you get some moral support, which you unfortunately can't use to pay for bacon with.
Yeah, one week GG is dead and the next it's a shadowy entity on the level of current deep state.
You're tantalizingly close to the truth, user.
A Specific Brain Structural Basis for Individual Differences in Reality Monitoring
27% of the general population lacks the PCS, which significantly impacts their ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. It would be interesting to see that 27% further broken down by ethnicity or political alignment.
More research needs to be done on this.
Me too. Costco all the way. 10 bucks for a ton
So after skimming this thread about the far-left liberal hipsters making their coffee sound manly when they're really not, a question came up as to why you guys are complaining about the quality of coffee.
How do you brew your coffee anyway? Someone once told me that running grounds through a traditional coffee maker with hot water was wasting it because the grounds still contained the caffeine and flavor. You have to put the grounds in a filter in a pitcher of cold purified water and let that sit for a day, then once you heat it up and drink it, you're going to feel the real strength of the coffee when you feel like your heart will explode. The grounds will then be fully used.
Apparently, this is one of the secrets of why people keep coming back to coffee shops is because they do this to their coffee. And obviously the other is the sugar or whatever they add to it.
Mormons were just following the trend of the Temperance Movement of the 1830's, which literally believed that hot liquid of any kind was bad for your health. But since that was proven to be obvious bullshit they latched on to caffeine being the reason why it should be forbidden.
Double dubs checked. It's nice to see (past) reformed leftists show up here with humility and sympathy towards our plight and cause.
Looks like they want us to bankrupt them.
All we have to do is steal a stack of these, punch out every hole on every one, and distribute them to people. Free coffee for everyone!
No it's just some Brazilian guy who doesn't know how to write non-stilted English.
There's a guy out in Seattle that works particularly on Polaroid Land Cameras and SX-70 and 600 models. After Trump became elected his social media accounts went from being the occasional business promotion to multiple-per-day posts about being the resistance. I don't do business with the person anymore, and he's been kind of a dickhead on the phone about business alone. He came from money and does most of his business online so he isn't familiar with the idea that you can't shit on your customers if you want their dosh.
It makes me kind of sad to see people take their business and use it to make political statements. The 'film industry' has some indie elements to it, like one company that's trying to basically reinvent film all over again, and they have a 'gender discount' if you say you're a woman. (wwwcatlabs.info/gendergap)
Coffee is also good, but it has to be strong
I'm into photography myself, made the switch to digital many years ago though. I don't think I've ever met another photographer who wasn't a shitlib or extremely progressive. I had to unfollow a lot of photographers on Instagram after the Trump victory as all of a sudden they were extremely concerned with signalling to each other who hated Trump more. I wouldn't have cared if they didn't like Trump in private, but to go out of your way to show how much you dislike the guy (especially coming from non-americans) was pretty enraging.
Stormfronters ruined Holla Forums.
Stormfronters ruined Holla Forums.
it isnt real masculinity
it's the fucking henry rollins "what? you own a gun? pussy" type of "masculinity"
It serves no-one in time of war.