What are some films where the main character slaughters koi fish by overfeeding them yet people still defend his...

What are some films where the main character slaughters koi fish by overfeeding them yet people still defend his actions?

I don't think one exists, but there's plenty where brainless goyim are tricked into believing wrong things by jewish people

How is Trump the moron when he's just doing the same thing Abe did? Why are leftists still pretending to be against kikes? They only do it for "muh poor shitskins" in the middle east. There is no other reason for a leftyshit to care so seeing obvious leftists attempting to insult Trump as if they were Holla Forumsacks is laughable. You people are fucking stupid.

Japs don't matter tbh fam.

[inaudible altist screeching]

Why would it be audible? it's text, nigger.

fucki those faggot fis hs tbh fa mm

Fatten those fishes up before eating them

Where did that travis come from

Hilldawg would never have done this

He was the interpreter.

Whats the deal with this Travis fellow. I don't go on Holla Forums often, but I always see these memes there.

Donny Drumpfet: The shame of the nation
Last I heard it is still in production.


There's already a thread, buddy.

no u



Back to Neofag

Yah and it's going to get a sequel in 2020

It won't be a comedy either.

lmao kid, adolf drumf will never EVER be reelected

lol thes drups ar lik amkin me laff XdDD
druble dump dXDxDD

This is the equal of "lol u stupid"



show some respect for THE DON you cunt

Lol. You JUST know.

Where did this obvious samefag even come from?
I won't even give Holla Forums the credit for this one.
Get a tard wrangler in here for Pete's sake.

Samefag? HA. You Drumpfenproles are so delusional! You think there could'nt possibly be more than one of us. Well guess what, Drumpfster-fire, you are going to find out the hard way.

Then why do you all type in the same feminine over emotive way within the last thirty minutes or so?

They need something to complain about, and believing these koi fish are so fragile is something to complain about. Seriously those fuckers aren't the same as some goldfish you won at the school fair.



Good, fuck weebs