Based on this preview it's like (((they))) don't even want to hide it anymore.
cuck is the first buzzword. wew
Based on this preview it's like (((they))) don't even want to hide it anymore.
cuck is the first buzzword. wew
Other urls found in this thread:
If we needed any more proof that we have broken the barriers between meme and reality.
I wonder how long it took them to find someone with that stereotypical of a name.
The television jews have realized that jewish control over the national dialog is waning because of right wing efforts on social media. Their plan to remedy this is to direct the full force of their television propagandists against bad goys on social media.
It won't work.
Not sure how this will do on Comedy Central since the channel isnt the post PC friendly
Double dubs of truth confirm, media kikes will fail again. don't they realize this will only redpill more normies?
I don't see this ending well. Adding that they chose the most stereotypical kike they could find, even normies can put two and two together.
sick digets
(check'd and kek'd)
Just more proof that the media kikes that see us doing our shit are utterly clueless despite certain (((three letter agencies))) spending time and precious shekels in trying to understand our memes.
We speak in literally an alien language to them, the way they use control words and buzzwords is far different than how we use memes to signal to each other. We can easily crack their buzzwords and make them useless as they are forced to use these buzzwords for every argument, lo and they fail no matter how many times they use their shitty low energy memes.
Us on the other hand have the power of weaponized autism and KEK, praise be upon him… We can use these memes to fight the ZOG and we will always be high energy.
Memes are forever, Kikes are for the ovens.
It also makes me laugh knowing that shills on this site are confused daily due to the way our memes form and shape our language. They're probably ripping their hair out trying to figure what we're talking about due to their normie ass brain.
I say we let them continue this shit, so long as they are far enough from the mark to keep normies out of the loop. And judging from what I'm seeing here, they're not too good at their jobs…
Journalists, bah! I don't think they're even trying these days, heck… They're not even doing a quick Google search anymore let alone any real journalism… There hasn't been a real news article put out with real research for years…
This is why it's important to do your own research, folks… This is the highest quality research they can do it seems… And just look where it's got them!
Holy shit, you better be trying to be ironic.
Them dubs don't lie
Darmok and Jilad at Tanegra.
The democrats party always will be a party of freaks now? Remember, since Obama Democrats party stopped caring about the quality of candidates and tried to manipulate the media, news, propaganda.
What's will be the next narrative of democrats party for their candidate in 2020 that all the media owned by democrats party like hollywood, other channels, and pathetic garbage like buzzfeed, fake news cnn, huffington post, what will be the next manipulation, narrative and trend in the corrupt media owned by democrats party?
In the times of election of Obama, the democrats party media pushed the narrative of anti-white male, white men being cuckolds for blacks, thousands of racial tv shows, scenes of movies, movies, youtube videos, commercials and a whole industry invented around this to elect Obama, but the people were more naive and brainwashed in 2008, and even Rommeny being shit proved in 2016 against Trump in the primaries, Rommeny lost for Obama for very few percentage in 2012 and the democrats party always have every kind of dirty tricks, cheating to try to elect their candidates, like votes of illegals, fake votes, states who allow people to vote without identity like a bizarre banana republic worse than Nigeria, India and basically 99% of all countries in the world who require identity to vote but not in democrats party corrupt states.
The narrative of media, movies, tv shows, for Hillary Clinton still with the white men being representated like enemy and trying to put women of own race against men of own race, in the same way they tried to put the cuckold meme with Obama of white women with blacks and white men being the evil and trash cuckold, racially attacked, trashed by democrats party propaganda social engineering controled media in all their industries, hollywood, tv shows, media, and all their websites and pathetic disgusting race bait shit like buzzfeed, cnn, huffington post, new york times, medimatters, washingtonpost, usatoday, and all other garbage media owned by DNC in the emails of wikileaks, who are of basically the same robotic trash trying to manipulate for their evil, disgusting, garbage DNC
It's really amazing that still some few dumb white people who are racially trashed in every industry, establshment, propaganda, controled by democrats party, white men being cuckolds for democrats party and defending, in their media or voting for democrats party, white women being traitor and against men of own race and voting in democrats party, but they are less people, dumb brain dead zombies manipulated by DNC or just tiny corrupt paid shills trying to pretend that they are the majority when they aren't.
I'm waiting for the next big trend of narrative in American tv shows, hollywood, media, if they will still with the feminist narrative who is not about women or feminism if they are against Marine Le Pen, if the director of Avengers called Ivanka Trump a dog, if SNL atack the son of Trump, and all corrupt cynical disgusting media of democrats party.
And all countries who have some dumb slave left-wing corrupt group in the power will copy for their country all propaganda, narratives and manipulation of corrupt democrats party using all their disgusting monopoly of some industries
What we will see:
White men being neutral: White male against white male dating a white woman and being friend of a black
White men being racially trashed for narrative: Black male against men of other race white male, dating women of other race, white women, against men of own race, white male, and making the racial fetish bait dream of the Black against white male, and in general this will be occasional made with other men of other races, and white men will be the neutral soft pussy only man against other white male and cuckolds for democrats party in every corrupt disgusting industry
The same for "feminist narrative" black women are in the dream in the hands of black men who aren't opressive or anything bad, asian women are in the dream of hands of asian men who aren't opressive or anything bad, arab women are in the dream of hands of arab men who aren't opressive or bad, but white women will be portrayed like the biggest victims of history, the most opressed women of all races, living with the worse man of all races (White men portrayed as the worse men of all races) if the democrats party want to push the feminist narrative if have any freak identity politic candidate in democrats party
They always will manipulate, the DNC proven in the hacked emails who are in wikileaks, all the media owned by Democrats party owned in emails, video, manipulation, lies, cover up, editing videos to remove parts and sell opposite world narrative for BLM terrorists in CNN, And many other crimes promoted and result of the lies, manipulation of narrative, propaganda, of Democrats corrupt party disgusting media.
faggot kike even put on woody allen glasses to look even more like a hebe in case you didnt get it from fucking name (((Moshe Kasher)))
And in the corrupt media owned by democrats party, you will have only the celebrities in silence or the celebrity who openly sell their ass for their corrupt DNC/Democrats party owners in these disgusting corrupt industries, should be criminal democrats party have monopoly of movie or media industry to create manipulation, lies, narrative for their party and pressure every celebrity, actor to say what their democrats party owners want, but in doubt now i think that all these celebrities are cuckolds for democrats party and will sell their ass for their democrats party owners since these celebrities are wanting to sell themselves for democrats because they control these industries and want to be promoted and have their disgusting lobby
You will see the entitled racists of other races and the cuckolds of hollywood for democrats party making any mental gynistics to say what their democrats party masters wants in a disgusting corrupt industry with monopoly, cheating and dirty tricks of this disgusting corrupt party full of disgusting lobby
Now that *is* some esoteric memery…
Tamarian metaphors could become memes…
So "Shaka, when the walls fell" would become
"Shaka, when the walls were built" :^)
If anything, it'll confuse the fuck out of shills.
Sums it all up. They can't deal with something they can't understand.
Identity politics and cheating, dirty tricks, illegal votes, every corrupt evil strategy of democrats party who already have a history of being a corrupt party
Why they have so much lobby, monopoly and manipulation over the media? Seems that 80% of the media is owned by democrats party, making propaganda for democrats party, trying to keep the narrative, lies, cover up, of democrats party
And they still having lower rates than the real independent media, news, websites who the corrupt establshment DNC democrats party websites and media wants to shutdown or censor, manipulate to force people for pathetic jokes like buzzfeed, CNN, huffington post, ridiculous freak libtard media
And they would attack Ben Carson, Marine Le Pen, and abandom identity politics narrative, they would praise Bush, McCain, Paul Ryan if they make anything and be useful for the democrats corrupt trash, the disgusting DNC
KEK seems to most agree, may he purge these heretics and fools!
Keep doubling down kikes. It's sure to work this time.
The 6th Army in Stalingrad.
Dubs for the dubs god!
no, accckkkktually
its a kikey passive aggressive way of pretending you dont know something on purpose as a half-assed form of mockery
Hitler when Berlin fell.
Thank you, KEK and many praises for this most amusing outcome
Our memes provide a Tamarian communication system where we can decipher meaning purely by mentioning names and context.
"Pedobear, when Hansen entered."
"The Merchant, seeing the goyim knew."
"Pepe, his face and self dehumanized"
"Pepe, his pee pee poo poo on wojack"
"Megyn, her pussy ungrabbed"
"Holla Forums, screaming spook"
here part 1
That's fucking great! And while it may be clear as crystal to us, to someone who is not aware of our memes, it'll be like a different language!
I think we're really onto something here.
Rhodesia, when Mugabe won
Don't you watch South Park? Those fashy goys are the opposite of PC.
they just try to be edgy
Right wing youtubers do this stuff for free and are more entertaining.
Looks like we've got a purity-spiraling 1488er on out hands here.
OP if I see you IRL I'm gonna pinch your nipples.
go back to TRS
i'm starting to think these comedy shows are catering to my sides
Can't be shown in your country.
Ok, let's say they do understand Pepe and Kek.
They just look retarded claiming a cartoon frog is a hate symbol and we're NatSoc wizards of a new Thule Group who worship an Egyptian God of Primordial Chaos, no matter how true it is.
Holy shit. Not only are we winning, we're kicking their shit in.
Forgot it Jake
youre talking about normalfags
smdh tbqh famalam
That's why we must never give up being ridiculous. The more ridiculous we are, the more powerless they are to stop us.
Fuck off and stop trying to get us to spoonfeed you on our memes, CIAnigger.
I'm not sure I understand the thought process on this one…
Who exactly is the target demographic? This is supposedly a comedy show. People like us find that sort of shit cringeworthy. I'd wager most normalfags either also do or just find it annoying - if you're not religious, you don't want to be preached to. As for the cult of political correctness, wouldn't they find such "problematic" content "triggering" and offensive? They get off on being offended, so maybe that's the idea to draw in an audience, but it's still not comedy even if you give them that.
What about liability? Something like this has the potential to result in online lynchmobs of rainbow haired ham planets and eunuchs. Packs of sociopaths who think they can do no wrong and think themselves justified in destroying the lives of anyone they see as an infidel to their golden idol of political correctness.
I'm genuinely curious who the fuck thought this was a good idea in any way.
More garbage from the garbage media. How surprising.
Patrician taste.
The purpose is similar to the Daily show or Colbert report: both shows had small followings among college faggots and beta males, but clips were pimped out by the wider media when appropriate to help Democrats win news cycles.
That's really all it is.
Reminder that if you're here and watch televizion, you're a part of the darker side because you are willingly submitting yourself to it.
The Daily Show and Colbert atleast presented themselves as political satire. There were jokes. Maybe not funny ones, especially near the end, but the concept and "comedy" were there.
(Hit send early)
This is also intended as a way when 'cuck' or some other 'problematic' word comes up in a conversation, some lazy libtard can link a five minute clip of a Jew saying cuck isn't a real word and it can't be used in a debate. Then the debate shifts to word usage, which means normies tune out and the left continues on pozzing shit.
Not really. You were *told* they were funny and had jokes by the media. After Craig Kilborn left, Leibowitz pozzed the show.
I've been teaching myself how to cook and bake because of his youtube channel. It's great stuff.
The laughing audience tells the viewer when they're supposed to laugh. Comedy, or the illusion of it, opens up neural pathways that put people in a suggestible state.
Incidentally, that's how Holla Forums does it too. Except Holla Forums is actually funny, we can't rely on underhanded comedy tricks like laugh tracks like the comedy central jews.
Did someone unleash Guacman? I suppose it is just about his birthday today.
This is just more proof that legacy media is dieing. Increasing amounts of their programing is just skimmed from the internet these days, even the weather and science channels have viral video shows now. I find it particularly hilarious that major news channels are forced to report on tweets, all those talking heads trying to analyze and spin for six minutes straight based on 144 characters.
First reply on the official announcement tweet by (((moshe))) himself
My fucking sides!
I have no idea how you came to that conclusion…
If a shill was trying to get people to spoonfeed them our memes, wouldn't they find a more tactical way of doing so? Think about it, instead of proposing a potential new way to shitpost, they would make some sort of shill thread no doubt…
Shills are not just a meme, they are a thing and while they are mostly ineffective against people who have been here long enough to be serious, they are still a thing… If anything they have driven paranoia to the point where anyone who proposes something new is instantly labeled a 'shill'.
This is sort of the reason why a lot of people are getting into more concentrated organized groups where they can actually bring something to the table and work on great things. People who sit there and accuse other people of being shills whilst bringing fuck all to the thread aren't that productive.
God bless that man.
Top kek!
How can anyone think that's a good concept for a tv-show? Are they worried about ratings at all?
He's quoting the trailer linked in the OP. For those who didn't watch it, it's just a series of words flashing on the screen: "Cuck, feminizai, SJW, etc". The last word it shows is "JEW"– it lingers on "JEW" for a few seconds, then shows their kike host's face going "HIYA!"
(Nice trips, man)
Even so, the very fact that he's shown up to this shitstorm will make these nipplefaced cucks quiver and begin to kvetch about the evil mass murdered, Sam Hyde!
I know, it's almost as if being slightly uncomfortable is bad for these types of people.
This looks like a parody you would see here. The left has become a joke.
You're probably right. This is genius self-promotion. Attack them right off the bat to trick them into spreading his name and brand to a wider audience.
What is he doing right now anyway? Does he have a new show?
Jews are still stuck in fourth generation meme warfare, while we have moved on to fifth, sixth, and seventh generation. Sad
Yeah, not allowing the script but this is literally all I needed to know.
They're not doing it for ratings. They're not motivated by profit. This is propaganda, pure and simple. They're more than willing to lose a few shekels for this.
Didn't you learn that with their ghostbusters bullshit?
I think he's been essentially blacklisted.
Liberals understand implicitly it's not about making them uncomfortable. It's about making the unpeople in jesusland uncomfortable.
For fucks sake look at all these scripts.
Double Dubs of Double Holiness ==CHECKED==
You are right. They will fail.
They're all jewish.
Keep mainstreaming that antisemitism, Moshe.
At this point, Sam Hyde has had little choice but to carry on his meme and make it a part of his whole comedy thing. And he's done that real well… Our guy Sam BTFOd many liberals in HWNDU season 1. The very fact he exists and yet the Jewish owned Comedy channels have attacked him the way they have proves that freedom of speech even in comedy is dead.
Maybe he should try to crowdfund something?
It would get pulled down, almost certainly.
Yap. Clips of this show will be trending on normiebook and plebbit constantly, recommended to everyone on jewtube.
I hope you are running a secured virtual machine, user. Purge it once you're done.
They allow plenty of right wing people on patreon e.g., why would sam of all people be taken down?
He named the Jew.
Daily show and Colbert were basically left wing argument training videos. They would provide the average jackoff with a few quick and clever ripostes to standard arguments so they could pwn their bigot republican classmates. Similar to Marxist classes that teach argumentation tactics and protest slogans, just on a mass scale. They were never really meant to be comedy shows.
Most of the time the "argument" was a false equivalency through a "humorous" comparison to a totally unrelated subject flavoured with fake studio laughter.
So there is no hope at all for Sam? You faggots make me depressed.
Well, technically they are tactics to shut down an argument while appearing to be more intelligent. Leftists know that it isn't about winning with logic, just about looking like you are in control to any bystanders who may be observing the argument.
How do you know that's from TRS unless you go on TRS yourself or did in the past, goyim?
Sam and Charls do some of the most unsafe, noguns cringe shit in the full video, it's not even funny… like literally putting a shotgun barrel in their mouth just to be edgy.
Sam has fallen from grace and let the kikes kill his motivation since his show was canceled.
Exactly this. I used to be into this shit when I was younger. Like, just eager for a chance to shut down some "right" teacher with their bullshit then I grew up and got into guns.
Seriously, it's on the level of an Ace Attorney name or some shit for it to literally sound like "much cash".
I was at a friends home and his wife and her gf were sitting on the couch watching some retarded network sitcom. With out fail every time the laugh track came on they both giggled like 2 fucking trained dogs. I noticed this and eaves dropped on the sound track, but of course I could not see how any of it was at all funny. I just thought to myself how fucking sad.
I expect he probably will.
christ how does trs even get traps wrong
They pulled Hotwheels off of Patreon, and he's a crippled jew.
Silicon Valley is not and never in a trillion years will be our friend. It's pozzed to the core.
Yeah, but wasn't that over /hebe/(or whatever the pedo board was called) instead of Holla Forums?
Then the Jews wonder why Americans use RT for news…they may be funded by the Russian government, but that's sort of the point. They don't need to push ZOG's agenda, which is what makes them the most reliable MSM news source on anything related to 'murcia or Europe. They're also amazingly fast since they don't need to wait for permission of 5 different big Jew producers. The fastest way to find out about ongoing habbenings is to have RT notifications on your computer. Sometimes they are a full 2 hours ahead of the Controlled Western media. As soon as it breaks on twaater, they have it up.
that still exists?
It was about GamerGate. Brianna Wu and Zoe Quinn flew out to meet with Patreon to get his account suspended.
Just checking all these dubs
Yes, let's all watch gay, Jewish teevee to hear about internet happenings. Get fucked Shlomo.
This is the video, for those that don't trust flash.
MSM, with autism, their screeching intensified
would fit right in the low testosterone thread lel
I see. GG seems so distant to me, I barely remember anything about it.
SO what? I still don't remember much about the drama, the threads etc.
This is the gayest fucking jew I've ever seen and that is saying something
says it all
It's alright. Everything is going to be alright.
so ur just a newfaggot
I live in europe, my man. I have a hard time believing that.
If there ever will be good times here again, they will have to be payed for in blood.
All I said was I don't remember much about the details, faggot.
Cause you were not there
"Stereotypical badger holding a hamburger. The little merchant sits bewildered."
You do know TRS constantly went in here to try to shill their bullshit here and talked just like you, you TRSodomite. Fuck off back to your jimpacted site.
Believe what you want to believe, faggot.
so he's the new John Oliver or something?
Daily Reminder
You are crap enough to be a shill, because
for that shit, was forced as fuck.
Let me remind you the important shit:
While all this was going on,
they're the owners. they can print money
It takes about 6 months to understand, I'm pretty sure the Alphabet has some interns on it and know how to at least communicate, but not create memes.
Journalists on the other hand, cannot be expected to put any work, they can and will publish anything, and since they are seen as experts by the normalfags, there will be none the wiser.
This is like a strongman going into a town and saying he can list 1000 pounds, he says it's 1000 pounds, if people disbelieve him, he ask them to lift it up, they try and fail, then he goes in, lift it up and then people cheer, but in fact he only lifted 400 pounds because the only thing you need to be a strongman is being the strongest in your audience, then no one can actually tell what you are lifting, the same way no one can tell a journalists is bullshitting unless you know more than him.
That was glorious.
Btw. did we ever hear again from the gay psychologist from texas, who was fighting the twitter war? The guy was a faggot, but I kinda liked him.
I don't remember him. Do you recall his name?
I forgot to mention that Godfrey Elfwick epically trolled the BBC at least twice.
Oh, God, I think it was Ben or something. He only had an alias on twitter. He got doxxed in the end and stopped being involved in gg, because someone threatened his patients. He was always talking about poverty in the south and how the family unit disolved through that. Interesting stuff.
I don't remember that at all. What did he do/say exactly?
I also remember the one faggot that always avatarfagged with punpun pictures, I hated that guy.
We've memed too strongly
It's called "appropriation".
We didn't meme too strongly. We memed too publicly.
Don't remember him. The queers always curiously get doxed. Probably made it up.
Arguably one of the greatest trolls who ever lived. He got tons of twitter pissed by claiming it was discriminatory to not allow HIV positive men to have sex without telling anyone. He got on BBC radio after he claimed he had never seen Star Wars, but that it was 'racist' for having a black villain named 'Dark Raider' who 'ate watermelons and spit seeds.'' They invited him on based on that tweet, amazingly.
He wound up writing an article about how reading online articles almost made him a racist right before the election. That one was very subtle and the left actually spread it around.
They all steal some memes each that they push, creating an over all effect for the normalfags, where they see all of our memes pushed.
If we had paid them, it would have been called division of labour, but I don't know what's it is called when they do it for free.
implying they mattered
Have you watched the latest seasons? Trey and Matt are just about as afraid of directly offending SJW's as they are offending Muslims with Mohamed imagery.
Compare the episode where Kyle's dad wants to become a dolphin to any of the PC-principle episodes and you'll see just how much they've been tip-toeing around and keeping their satire much less obvious.
Is it wrong if I assume that any guy who has over styled, floopy hair and wears thick rimmed non-prescription glasses has sucked a cock at least once in his life?
Matt and Trey are literal cucks, they fucking have actual wife's sons.
Any subtle programming words during that split-second flashing of the words?
Technically South Park showed Mohammed back during the second season
Your numbers fit your form of thought very well. Hopefully you use your powers for the right side. That's a good question though, I wouldn't doubt it, but I don't want to check myself.
Are you fucking kidding me? Since when have you watched it 1999? Fuck that channel if those kike fucks think I'm gonna watch a split second of this haha. Officially makes me want to cancel cable once I can finally leave my rents house. Unfortunately faggots might tune in. I'll bet it's fucking cringeworthy though, just wait.
How many watch this show, this channel, tv anymore? I guess they still have some impact but for myself I wouldn't know they exist if it weren't for posts like this pointing out that they do.
Everyone I personally know watches it primarily when South Park is on. Nobody thinks nigger Noah is funny.
There are still regular new episodes or everyone you know tuning in to watch reruns?
Within the 9-second mark, the center words were: >RACIST
And for most of the words, the one above the center word is WYPIPO
But WYPIPO first appears with DEMAGOGUE
I've literally never heard this word before
Trayvon, his skittles bag torn open
Seems like nigger shit.
"wypipo" is a forced meme on twitter that only appears in marxist circles full of snowflakes who block like crazy, including blocking people they've had zero interaction with, so they're unlikely to interact outside of the echo chamber they've fashioned & thus the forced meme is kept away from the majority of the public.
Deliberate isolation is one among many reasons they can't even force a meme.
Zimmerman, his zim zam unflim-flammed
Riot-Chan, her teeth clenched, her baton raised.
Antifa, his foot a dog toy, his face wet
Podesta and Clinton at Comet Ping Pong
Pepe, his smile smug
Jim, his pigs well-fed.
Based Stick Man at antifa's skull
A while back there were people trying to figure out a new language for pe/pol/ to communicate in. They wanted to use the elder Futhark.
This is the solution.
Moot, when he escaped to mootxico
Habbo, when the pool closed
Hillary, when she wore purple.
Hotwheels, his arm-sized dick.
Moot, his Canvass unwiped.
The JIDF, their sweaty palms exposed
Ben, when the original was posted.
Hilldog, when the seizures hit.
Trudeau, when the skies are gray.
Jeb, when the guac surged.
I think I know where they'll take it.
Jeb, his pocket filled with turtles
Jeb, pleading for applause
Rubio, his dispelling the notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.
Mitch, his ipod unfound. Mitch, an hero.
Holy shit look at the way he crosses his legs like a woman when he sits.
Matt and trey always fly low.
Infact matt stone is very intriguing. It's like he pretends to be jewish.
Also many comedians, musicians and artists from that late 90s period seem to be the same. They are fully awake to the reality of the world. Their public opinion is a facade.
But are they with us?
Milo and Jim behind Arbys with the Crisco.
Anno with his cp obsession.
I meant kimmo. I need sleep.
He's got the SJW fish mouth, obvious sign of kikery
That's what gave it away, not the fact that he's named fucking "Moshe"?
what do u mean by this
People in stress might struggle to breathe through their noses. Sinus issues.
If am not the only one who doesn't know this kike and someone wants to research him, I saw this earlier.
rmz dot cr/release/moshe-kasher-live-in-oakland-2012-webrip-x264-rarbg?m=m
jas. townsend & sons is the comfiest shit ever, you ubermensch friends of mine
MFW I was acquainted with Moshe years ago when I was a blue-pilled normalfag, but now the DOTR can't come soon enough.
The guy in OP? Story?
Not much to tell really, I knew a girl from SF(where he is from) that knew him, met him twice. He was just starting out, and I saw him become bigger and bigger over time. He really has a hateboner for the Holohoax, and apparently has a fat-fetish. I didn't know him super well though. It's just funny to see some guy I met 11 odd years ago discussed here.
I just realized something. Hipster numale urbanites are cryptojews. Now this seems kind of obvious, but it's far more blatant than I'd realized before. It's like a culture where white people LARP as kikes.
Are they being ironic?
Say no more. Twitterfags get on this.
Dude his name is fucking Moshe Kosher, this isn't a crypto-jew this is a jew jew.
From his wiki.
A lot of them in Seattle are Scandinavians. Lots of "Swedish Americans" that somehow seem to have the same conditioning as proper Swedes.
Is Moshe's bff Mordecai Shekelberg? Is his dad Chaim Kasher?
No I know he's a full blown Jew. I just realized from looking at his picture that he looks like a stereotype of a young Jew. He also looks like the stereotype of a young hipster. And it occurred to me that numale hipsters are just imitating Jews.
you wasted dubs on that
The great day, that is yet to come.
The high paid consultant PhD types understand us well enough more or less, the grunts have no fucking clue. The high paid consultants just don't really understand why we're winning, because to understand why we're winning you have to be on our side heart and soul. If that happened to one of the PhD consultants, they'd dump every single document they had on the inner workings of the shill companies and it'd be a wikileaks-style blowout like the chans have never seen.
So is this basically retarded Kikes trying to use old media and old strategies to combat us?
Lurking on his twitter and I'll find the fatty fucker and bring him to justice for y'all.
Longtime lurker poastin
I just want to tell all of you niggers that I'm really proud of you, us, and how the poor debased hated white man has proven that his will is deathless, ego less, and always and in every case aligned with the will of God.
We raised Trump up. If he fails we will crush him. If it was up to us, we'd be living in the Fourth Reich exploring the Solar System. And if we fail, we fail in order to ensure our children and grandchildren will see the light.
Praise kek, love the Memes, gas the kikes
Anonymous, horizontal, decentralized internet communities are literally the next evolution of the human race.
We've in the baby stages of archiving what the transhumanists haven't been able to buy yet by accident.
Seriously, WTF??? This guys seemed cool back in 2014 on Joe Rogan. What gives? His voice got all gayer and he got that "Hipster Cuck Bootlegged Hitler-Youth Haircut" now. I've noticed that people have been getting "cucked" or turning into "SJW dykes" at an ALARMING RATE these past few years.
It's gotta be the shit that's making the frogs gay. LOL!!! And to think Kek/Pepe was trying to tell us something. Fuck the kikes and their "Estrogen Chemtrails"; funny how they've been targeting their own for years.
The truth is that we just liked frog memes.
The explanation of "it's just a joke that become large and serious" is never even considered by normalfags.
Don't forget user, to the eternal normie, John Olvier is hard-hitting news and journalism. "Uncomfortable," in all likelihood, means 'Let's unbox racism and White supremacy while our panel of jews, niggers, and spinsters make lowbrow jokes.'
this picture needs a brazzers logo more than any other picture I have ever seen
That's just the excuse
the 3 parenthesis to denote jews comes from the hillary clinton email leaks right? some democrat used it to refer to a jew i believe… just need to make sure my memes are squared away.
didn't even notice at first, holy fuck
I have no smile but I must smug
No, it predates Hillary email leaks by about a year. It comes from *TRS*
what worries me is one of our people betraying us and using their extensive knowledge to guide the enemy towards cockblocking us
mfw we're forcing them to reveal themselves and they don't realize they're doing it.
You were just a cucked faggot in 2014.
More like "most kosher"
You are an idiot, it is simple, this people have only one thing in mind: BIG BLACK COCKS, they will defend it in irrational ways, they are in love with them.
Have you ever been in love kemosabe?
You should probably go back to Holla Forums
No, I've been taking note of the sudden rise in Feminism, BlackLivesMatter, and SJW phenomena on Tumblr at the time and, after linking it to (((The Tribe))) and FreeMasons, have been visiting TomatoBubble and TheDailyStormer (back when it was good) at that time. This was just a few months before #GamerGate happened and Red-Pilled practically everyone overnight. Regardless, I was still in the "Not All Jews" state of mind at the time.
I'm just noting how this Moshe guy has become cucked since his appearance on Rogan 3 years ago. As Vox Day stated, "SJWs Always Double-Down".
If it's anything like Shia, they will have a mental breakdown within a couple months.
whats trs
Read Levi-Strauss, it is the savage mind vs the scientific mind. Savage mind wins, because the scientific mind can't play and isn't even real. All the scientific mind is good for is the refinement and repetition of prior great savage minds.
The savage mind conquers and establishes a realm, then the scientific mind maintains the realm until a new savage mind appears to institute a new form under new styles of communication that elude the grasp of the scientific mind until it has been established in dominance.
Think of it like this, even in science, most so-called scientists of today are merely technicians or engineers at best. They can recite formulas and do calculations, feed you some physical theory behind their mechanics, but you ask them the meaning of Being and they have no idea what you're talking about. They can't tell you a thing about the nature of reality other than to point at some formulas. Even gravity, a concept initially regarded as mystical on its creation is still unexplained today; scientists can today only say that it probably has something to do with mass if dark matter is real. Newton was a real savage mind, and all the scientific minds that copied him pale imitations, and those scientific minds couldn't stop the next savage mind no matter how hard they tried. Because they don't know what the next savage mind will come up with, because they don't even understand the basis of their own work they do. Today's scientists couldn't give you a modern understanding of gravity and they couldn't even give you Newton's understanding of gravity. No one ever told them to read Newton's manuscripts or the criticism of his era, so they never read it. All they know is what is in zogbooks written by McGraw Hill and the banks that have an interest in programming people to do things without knowing the how or why or what they do. All the people ever learn to know is who where and when. You do this here now and you get paid, no more questions.
Caffeine also puts people in a suggestible state. If you want to try to sell something to someone, buy them a coffee first. Your odds will go up, and you can do science to verify this as science has already verified it.
Put any hardcore libby through the same regimen and show them a bunch of chimpout videos and they'll be redpilled in a heartbeat. And really, the whole regimen is only needed to counterbalance the past indoctrinations that utilized the regimen. Anyone who isn't already indoctrinated just needs to see a few videos to understand why the liberal multicultural utopia will never work; a little more research and they'll understand why liberals are so committed to their dream of a multicultural utopia that they'll sacrifice their own culture to realize it, nevermind that the result won't be multicultural at all, but simply unicultural with themselves as the newly marginalized cultures.
Islam, for example, was running 'multicultural' societies long before Marx, they just ensured that Islam would dominate the societies until there was a war or revolution that defeated them.
But for liberals there is no going back; they'll try to force multiculturalism, and when that fails, they'll declare it to be the fault of white/euro/christian culture and therefore they'll permit the destruction white culture, and they're already engaged in it. They've just burnt too many bridges and made too many mortal judgments to come back from, truly irredeemable, and when their utopian dreams fail, they'll project their own irredeemability onto their very own culture in general and demand its destruction to avoid accounting for their own failures.
Most people, especially women, have some terrible fear of being the only person in the room not doing what the other people are doing. Which is why the laugh track is so effective. It could be "Hey I just murdered your mother and fucked her corpse" with a laughtrack and those bitches would laugh on cue.
Sounds like something Holla Forums would think of to mock the jew, but… fuck.
It's nothing anymore, kek.
Sounds like it would have come from here, since when do SJWs mock negro dialects? It's on par with "dindu nuffin" or "gibsmedat"
holy shit
you sure they re just too much of a kike to violate their litigious non-disclosure arbitration agreements in their work contract?
Jews will never comprehend the magic
Why is his face so punchable. WHY DO THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.
What book is this? I'm going to fucking google it, I just want it in the thread.
dubs confirm it won't work. the internet is the new media, no one will watch "Larry Wilmore but with a jew" because no one watch Tel-Avision anymore.
Insufferable. How many years ago was Social Network and they're still recycling the marketing.
Who's the uglier (((beta))? This Comedy Central fuckface or that heeb on Netflix's Love? They look identical. Way to repulse America.
Great post
i truthfully do not mind moshe's comedy. i've seen him in chicago a few times(live in wisconsin, family in illinois) and his stage presence and crowd work is honestly pretty flawless. i also believe that he tends to not make jarring political statements in his comedy, at least not outright. that said, he looks like a malnourished college educated gay jew, and that kind of act is generally not going to be suppressed in the entertainment scene. he literally looks like the posterboy for the SJW scene, probably sent by the jewsl to replace people who occasionally swim downstream of the liberal narrative, like bill maher.
i do think he is a good, intelligent comedian, but i do not think this show will be good. too many cooks in the kitchen, very clear agenda on the table, the producers are both female, and it's on comedy central. i don't have cable TV so it's kind of a non-issue, but i can't see myself wasting my time with this. i really hope he wields his comedy and message responsibly, but i'm not holding my breath on it. kind of sad.
My friend took me to a "cool clothing shop" when I visited Brooklyn, and (((everyone))) there had the look. The name of it was Saturdays, and it took me a few minutes, to make the connection that it was named for the Shabbos, 'cause the owner was frozen chosen as well.