So Arnie, needy as ever for attention, talked some shit to a guy who dared to disagree with his 'special olympics' bullshit. Libshit press loves it and has made him hero of the tards. Of course his old man would have gassed these defective, mongoloid fucks, but then Arnie is a race traitor, pervert and generally a piece of shit.
Why am I posting this? Because there's a TON of mothers on his page talking about their retarded children. So if you're looking to mine some salt to mine on a Sunday, it's rich over there. They call "retard" the "r-word" haha.
It's more pushing by the Jews to destory the concept of the tall, manly, fit man; what any good, healthy male should be. By equalizing all people, retarded or not, they are destroying the concept of the "Ubermensch", which manifests itself many times over in Darwin's concept of Natural Selection. All this proves is that we live at the end of an empire, where we went from bodily and spiritual perfection (athlete or philosopher) to egalitarian perfection (all are perfect as they are). It doesn't help that the national heroes of the U.S are nigger basketball playing beasts, who lack the mental capacity to demonstrate any other Ubermensch quality besides being fit.
Ayden Butler
Leave the handicapped alone. They can't defend themselves and they don't bother you.
Aaron Howard
Striving to be the best while possessing a crippling mental and/or physical disability should not be discouraged. Of course they will never be on the same level as a perfectly healthy athlete, however I see no problem in them training and having their own special competitions against each other. Note: I'm not saying they should be in the same competitions as those with perfect health.
Adrian Sanchez
If you know anybody who still likes Arnold, send them this webm.
The man who infamously likes to drive around humvees in LA, larping as military says that you should become a vegan because muh global warming. Can you believe this shit?
Isaiah Flores
Fuck off degenerate.
Brody Clark
Parker Reyes
Sad. He was my childhood hero.
Jaxson Jackson
same. that webm just put that nail in the coffin for me.
Hudson Collins
Just separate the characters he portrayed from the person.
Jason Davis
Pretty bluepill for someone named Blacknigger…
Juan Torres
wikipedia. org/wiki/Neger
Brayden Davis
I don't care. All I need to know about him he is gungrabber and was California governor when it went full commie.
Jack Hill
what the fuck?
Lucas Martinez
How the fuck am I supposed to get big like you, Arnold, if I can't eat meat? The hypocrisy is real. Also, meat consumption isn't directly related to poor cardiovascular health, it's just most fat fucks eat mostly meat and very little vegetables.
I still like Arnold, even though I disagree with him on a lot of things, but he should at least recognize how hypocritical he looks in this video.
Owen Gray
The jews used Arnold for this messaging specifically because it's hypocritical. They're trying to create an artificial association between veganism and being big like Arnold. This is their attempt to fight the "vegans make you a limp-wristed effeminate faggot" meme which of course is grounded in truth, but can be suppressed with the right dishonest propaganda.
Luke Evans
*veganism makes you…
Parker Hughes
Interesting if true, but I think most people understand the connection between protein and gains. They'll probably recognize this and start promoting soy protein, which if consumed in high amounts, has estrogenic effects. And yeah, I've noticed most male vegans tend to be thick-rimmed glasses, nu-male types.
Adrian Hall
Daily reminder that pics related are the wetback maid that Arnie stuck his dick in and the disgusting bean curd that was produced as a result.
Jonathan Jones
Spoiler that shit, faglord.
Henry Brooks
Karma is going to bite you in the ass when your child is handicapped.
Brandon Adams
Matthew Russell
Those guys aren't vegan. Meat gives you tits, fruit and vegetables give you health. Go eat your tendies fatty boombatty.
Cameron Jones
Fuck you op you faggot mining salt from women who have enough problems already (retarded kids) is shit tier go kill yourself