Krautchan, biggest German imageboard, raided and taken down by police.
Krautchan, biggest German imageboard, raided and taken down by police
What about Bernd?
Good fucking riddance
Watch them all flock to ruschan sites
Wait, what? Far-right? I haven't been to KC in years. Last I remember they were more cucked than even cuckchan. What happened?
Damn, now I can't tell faggots posting on Ylis to go back to KC.
far-right is a label applied to anything that doesn't tow the establishment line.
there's always >>>/kc/
you forgot user
The good news is that there are other german boards like ernstchan and they got a board here too.
The link op gave us 404 …
Could be HW failure like the last time.
There was news sometime earlier in the week that an "alt right" community was going to be taken down. Is this what that was referring to?
K.C. was fucking awful, anyway.
Maybe they'll all go bother the finngolians.
N-no, w-we'll just tell them to g-go back to KC and they'll leave, r-right?
Their radio was great
This is an old news but the media matters kikes have upped their shilling tactics to take down imageboards alot lately anyway.
I don't know, user. I think you faggots are made for one-another.
Stop projecting
I'm surprised imageboards have been let to live as long as they have. When I was growing up, we were told to NEVER EVER put your personal info on the net. Now people are encouraged to document their lives online. Sure it's fun on >>>/cow/ but it is starting to make me feel like a paranoid old man. That and places always fuck up their security, from nexusmods to PSN.
Well, it should motivate them to become the Hitler they know they can be at least.
I think OP is full of shit. The text he quoted doesn't exist in any article and there's no other recent news articles that have been written about krautchan (which mention the site more than in passing). KC probably went down for whatever reason and he just wants to create drama like a faggot.
Nothing of value was lost.
KC is cancer in the extreme.
Why would you host site in Germany insted in USA?
ok enough jokes, bring back KC
Can't find a single German source either
Get in on their cuckscord, it's fucking dead, time for raid.
I actually thought it was taken down cause the krauts apparently post a ton of cp on Holla Forums
That's how military low ranks are, it's full of 18-20 year olds that get drunk and do stupid shit cause they're bored. In Korea I used to play dorm golf (golf from the top corner of the dorm down to the far end lowest level, amongst other oddball rules) every weekend, fun times.
They didn't. It was hosted in the US. I know that for a fact. OP is trying to pull an elaborate ruse.
sooo fake?
Fake or not, Krautchan is still offline:
Krautchan Bunker:
a big difference between the website being offline and getting raided
The Mods were cucked. The site had much history, but it had to die at some point.
Germany is literally an occupied country, lel.
dubs say you're right
This is bullshit. Link to news site doesn't exist, also no archive.
KC is down because of technical difficulties, not some innocent whore child models
But why?
You count as far-right if you espouse flooding your country with non-Whites at a limited rate and second-wave feminism. Taking a pro-LGBT stance against Islam is also far-right, unless you also engage in the double-think that Muslims must be defended at all costs from White hegemony.
good. They were turbo cucks anyway.
Funny you should mention that, the word cuck is bannable so we use kcmods instead
I mostly used KC before cuck became a meme, so I had no clue about the fact that it was a banned word and got banned last time I posted there.
Sounds KC tier to me.
Learn to understand irony, KC was nazi before pol was nazi but lately got invaded by leftypol shills. Loads of KC:ers would ironically shitpost agreeing with them, don't take it seriously.
cuck was banned because of inter-imageboard xenophobia, also because of people spamming cuck and BBCs like on cuckchan.
well the truth is my poltard friend that we are better posters then you who come from cuckchan.
KC>Holla Forums>4chan.
You know it's true deep down.
only thing of value they created was the countryball comics
Lurk more, you fucking new cancer normie faggot.
They (Bernd) created PEPE, the Feel, wojak, poland ball, basically every popular meme of the current time.
mongols make better memes than kasey tbh
Holy shit this is some kaycee delusion, they did create that feel, wojak and polandball but Pepe is straight 4chan.
t. kaycee oldfag
No it's not.
The current style of pepe (which got Trump into presidency) was invented on the KC, then stolen by underaged faggots from 4chan, like so many other things.
The more you know.
you niggers used to be smarter
Everybobdy knows OP is full of shit, nothing to ramble about.
No it fucking wasn't, I was your typical kaycee crossposting shitposter and pepe was on 4chan first then crossposters brought him to kaycee. KC made apu, not smug pepe that won election.
no they didn't, they just imported apustaja from ylilauta
You are wrong, totally wrong.
Wait for the autists with the time line pictures to correct you.
yli always loves to take credit for kaycee shit, like that gondola mene, that I literally saw on kaycee first in real life only for a few hours later yli shitposters claiming it as their own.
just saying this thread has far more replies than it deserves
dude apustaja first became popular on ylilauta
Is that true, that KC was the board from which NS movement spread across the other boards including 8ch?
oy gevalt
Now I'll have to go to Holla Forums for my pedo stuff.
tv on Holla Forums?
I've been posting on for the last 4 years. Where will I get my pure love now =(((
Why does have a 404 of this same URL dated August 2016?
I'm glad I don't live in a cucked country. Europe talks about healthcare is a human right but they don't even have freespeech.
Wouldn't be surprised if Imkikey had something to do with taking down KC. He hates Holla Forums.
I also saw learningchode on /kc/ earlier
Is it possible for the Germans to rally for the removal of muh hate speech laws? It's pretty obvious they're being used just to persecute the opposition, the right, and prevent the truth from spreading.