It's the year 2000

On a scale from 1-10 how excited are you?

Monkey's Paw

0 because I don't actually watch movies or tv.

I'm not that emotionally invested in flicks so I wouldn't care at all. I'll watch them for fun occasionally and watch some classic kinos here and there just to appreciate them. I would probably end up killing myself if my life was at such a low point that I found Hollywood rumors "exciting".

Also, just so you know OP, most people here would have been three years old in 2000.

No wonder this place and cuckchan has really bad taste about anything made between 1990 and now.
Case in point

Not rumors told that this was the future.


Firstly, you wouldn't be making much sense, and secondly, I'd hardly believe you for many years after.

Getting more Star Wars films after the prequels? Yeah, following a decade-long wait. Forget about that part much?
Likewise for Alien, the two AVP films are still years out and I would have given up all hope long before 2012 when Prometheus dropped.
Lord of the Rings? That film hasn't even come out yet. I probably wouldn't know what it was unless I followed insider stories at the time.
One film hardly makes a franchise. I said it in another thread and I'll say it again, Indiana Jones is a trilogy with an epilogue made 20 years after said trilogy's conclusion.
Star Trek's getting a remake, by whom? Mission Impossible 2 just came out, that franchise is very much alive and well for the time being.

If it was you who told me, the way you implied everything would be like this stuff happened in 5 or less years from 2000, not 15+.

If I told you that it all was going to happen, is all. You can say its 2001 and everyone saw Fellowship of the Ring if you want to strengthen it. All my point is all those things happened in a decade of time. Yet almost all of that shit isn't considered good. Only Lotr is

Why did you lie to me in 2000?

Mi:II was so bad it took longer to make M:III and if that was bad it would have not made the next two as big

I wasn't even born yet lol

No 5.

my mom wasn't ever born yet lololol

No one ever wanted that.

how about making something new?
enjoy your creative bankrupcty


I was in school when Phantom Menace came out and everybody loved it, pretending to be Darth Maul and Obi Wan and whatnot. Kids loved the movie it wasn't until i was 15-16 i heard that people hated the prequels.

I was always fascinated by the way retarded people are never told by their parents that they are.

I'm amazed there's still Red Leddit Media cucks on this board. Like, you are aware of it but still choses to be a retard. The Prequels are the closest Hollywood got to art.

In school, I knew one person who didn't like the first two prequels, and even he thought Episode 3 was good.

This is why Holla Forums is shit and has been shit since 2008