Check your privilege Mulattos

These niggers are a parody of themselves now.

>Let’s cut the crap—nothing is as simple as “We’re all __.” It’s nice to be reminded that we’re all in this together, human solidarity and back solidarity are beautiful things. They're just not the only things. And when we don’t acknowledge the realities of the bad stuff, we let them fester and we leave others, the people we claim to be in solidarity with, more vulnerable.
People of color can never fully separate themselves from their race and what it signifies to ‘others’, of course, but let’s not pretend that light skin blacks do not receive privileges that are at the expense of dark skin blacks. Every hip-hop reference, every magazine cover, the ease of crossover success for the ambiguously brown while darker skinned folks (especially women) somehow seem largely underrepresented, and subsequently under-valued.

Light skin women like Beyonce and Halle Berry are considered to be two of the most beautiful women in the world. And while that thrills me as a black woman with a similar complexation, the universal acceptance of their beauty might just have something to do with their European facial features. It’s almost as if this makes them more agreeable to a wider range of people. On the inverse, we have people like the Kardashians who benefit from ambiguous complexations that allude to the 'exotic' and exploit the aesthetics of women of color. They do so with exponentially more success than actual black women because they’re white. They don’t need the perception of a proximity to whiteness—they are whiteness.

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Here is the archive and I'm gonna kill myself….brb

They're trying to convince niggers to hate light skinned mongoloid half-breed niggers. Nothing wrong with that. Hopefully they'll thin themselves out more.

Let the Niggers eat each other alive like fried chicken.
When you leave Libtards alone to long they snap on each other for attention.

I keep saying that I must have seen it all… and yet here I am, getting blown the fuck out again.

UnLuckily all nigs speak english…
If not we would have tribe vs. tribe

Kinda reminds me when people say slavs aren't white along with other Europeans

This is not new though. Even back in the day Fredrick Douglas and so on commented on this issue. It has been a constant thing. This is why on shows like the Cosby Show and such they had different looking blacks in the kids, even though that shit seemed odd and out of place to most people.


I have explored the depths of the online negro, they have invented this thing called colorism.
Basically light skinned niggers are at the top of the hierarchy of niggers.

I would like any nigger reading this realize, that compared to an actual white person, you are both useless niggers.