What is happening to this country? Can't even abide by simple Halloween traditions anymore.
Open door on halloween
2D is much better
pedos have shit taste
This tbh. Why settle for little girls when you could have a petite woman? That way you get the DFC combined with adult intelligence. It's way better.
Pretty sure it's a boy.
Specifically, he should be the son of the dude that plays Sabretooth.
She isn't. The other one was clearly a boy.
They don't even look the same you sperg.
as if any adult would ever settle for you
I've been wondering about the fetishistic implications of this for awhile
Is that why we don't hear it much anymore? Or am I reading into this too much?
I've got a magnetic personality tbh. Why wouldn't they?
Delete this now.
Fixed that for you
why are you postin that slag? anyone who did drunk sex parties and has freakin tattoos is not worthy your time
I would ravage her cunny tbh
Because she has a refined beauty combined with a slutty charm and that is a rare combination. I want to fuck her face and I'm shouting it from the rooftops in a digital manner.
Daisy has that effect on people.
You're missing the point here. We're talking about feet.
I think halloween is inheritantly catering to foot fetishists.
her "cunny" is already ravaged, you can have those used goods if you want buddy
What about Camren? Her cunny is definitely tight and her body is kind of petite. Would you?
Might like to. But no, I'd be too much of an awkward sperg to go through with anything
now I answered yours, answer my question pls
you wanna go to jail son
I'd say it's partly because of the fetish element but more because we live in a age where you have to be careful about what you say around children and parents end up passing on this bubble wrap clinical mentality to their children. The problem is that parents wouldn't like their children to say that to a stranger for reasons of politeness and risk of causing offence imo, children aren't allowed to be children anymore. Footfaggotry isn't well known enough to be the reason.
You know Daisy has her appeal but I think Camren is slowly becoming my number one waifu tbh…Daisy can't match her vibrant, youthful energy with her slutty charm and fuckable face.
Emma in a nutshell.
*wips dick out
go on kiddo do your worst
Oh cool we spammin shit from our comp
That's all from my arnie folder
I like Arnie too
Emmacuck brain status:
Triggered [X]
Not triggered [ ]
Come at me, bro!
you left out the rest
I guess, but isn't a foot fetish like the gateway fetish? It's not exactly unknown
This whole thing messes me up.
show me one example of anyone ever saying or doing that
That sounds crazy to me, I can't imagine anyone thinking that's the reason.
But I guess I'm the crazy one.
You have to get into the mind of the average normalfag to understand it. They are hypersensitive about their children embarrassing them.
It's unknown to most normalfags.
I know, it's just so weird. Ever since I became a degenerate. I can't imagine telling my kids it's okay to say to a stranger "smell my feet" but for a totally different reason
Like just searching the rhyme up (trying to find the origin) makes me feel uncomfortable
On Halloween I turned my lights off and was just playing some video games. Around 6:30pm-ish the door knocked and I opened it. I typically just open it since nobody ever comes to visit unless it is my Dad or my cousins so I know it has to be somebody I know. So I just automatically opened the door.
Immediately a little girl starts walking in and doesn't even say anything. She just starts walking towards the kitchen area and looking around. She must have been around 4-5yo. I'm freaking the fuck out and ask her what is she doing.
About 2 minutes later some parents are shouting…like not panic shouting. Just like "trying to find someone" shouting
Julie! Julie!!
Julie baby where are you!?
She screams from my kitchen and they walk towards my apartment but stay outside the door (my door was wide open). They ask her what she is doing and she says she was looking for candy. The parents laugh and profusely apologize and tell her my light is off so that means I don't have any candy. She then shouts
And she pouts. I'm still freaking out but the Mom tries to usher her towards the door to take her out of my house. As they are leaving I quickly stop them and go into my refrigerator and hand over my king size Snickers that I was saving for desert. Julie seemed very happy. The parents said I didn't have to do that but I said, "Hey, it's Halloween. Enjoy the night you all."
They then left. I felt cheated. I was trying to be nice but she didn't even tell me "Trick or Treat" or anything like that. Plus, she took my Snickers. I mean I offered but only because I'm nice.
I'm not sure why lolis like me or have no fear towards me. A few weeks ago I was in line at the grocery store waiting to get checked out and all of a sudden I feel a tiny hand grab my hand. So I look down and this toddler is holding my hand just eating a lollipop like nothing in the world is weird. Like holding hands with a stranger is completely normal. So I look around and see behind me what looks to be her mother on the phone. So after her phone call is finished I nod my heads towards her and she looks at me like
I then nod down to my hand and she sees her kid holding my hand and she quickly grabs and picks her up and says
Then she moved her cart and wedged between the aisle and my cart and picked her daughter up. Not saying that wasn't the right thing to do but why did she have to insult me? Not like her daughter was freaking out. She seemed comfortable just holding my hand chilling eating her candy in line.
who said anything about masturbation or breeding (that's a child btw, she'd likely die in childbirth)
i just meant if ur gonna fixate on cosplay 2D is better, you sick freak.
How the fuck can cosplay be 2D?
cosplay is 3D pretending to be 2D.
so obviously 2D is better.
i trust this isnt too difficult for you to grasp.
I would fuck a child.
The correct reaction would be, of course, calmly close the door on her face, then calling the police. Ya dun goofed.
>yeah, goy, produce more children to consume and produce goods in the future, you wouldn't want the (((consumerism-based economy))) to crash, now would you?
Your time is up, (((Schneider))).
We all would
I wouldn't even care its illegal. I just need an opportunity.
ayy lmao
fuck off bitch
There is unironically nothing wrong with this ban.
Pull your head out of your ass.
I read this whole thing expecting some loli sex and got nothing. Not even a little lewd.
The fuck, man?
I don't get it
what do you mean by that?
you realize it is physically harmful to fuck a child? molestation and fucking aren't the same thing
WTF i don't want to be a pedo any more if it's getting popular.
wtf I love NeoGAF now!