Why are you idiots so obsessed with authenticity?

This is symbolic castration, when leftists defend shitty Cuba, the poverty, low standard of living with "But we didn't sell ourselves to capitalism/USA".


The Left deserves to keep failing, keep remaining impotent and it deserves to die off while capitalist thrives.

Everything, from lifestyle moralism, to anarcho-primmies, idiots that are against me owning a house, idiots that think abolishing money is a good idea.
The Left would kill off billions simply for the ideal of "The Revolution".

your head is haunted

House? FUCKING HOUSE? Nigga I don't even want you owning a toothbrush.

Why not?

because stirner is wrong. I'm definitely going to need to do a video on this.

Stirner is a meme tho
don't take him too seriuosly

Glorious Cuba has managed to contain the Zika outbreak there with their universal access to health care. The total number of Zika infections in Cuba was 3.

Meanwhile the capitalist wonderland of the USA is struggling even to contain the spreading crisis in Cuba, to say nothing of Puerto Rico.

Cuba: 1
USA: 0

As long as you're one of those billions I'm fine with that.

Nigga we're going for gorgillions.


What kind of hipster faggot doesn't read marx?

Another Leftist moron is trying to present Cuba as some utopia and bash the USA.
If you truly are fine with killing billions because they don't want communism, then i'm fine with the bourgeoise killing you.

Another idiotic tankie defends an authoritarian shithole.


The most I've seen people able to attack Stirner on is peripheral, which is important, but doesn't collapse his main points.


I really don't see how authenticity is necessarily at odds with egoism.
I guess it depends on the context.


I hope it will be a 30min long deep lecture with grounding of kierkegaard and not a 5min meme like schmidt with "le infinite conciousness"


Reminder that we are being raided.
Anyone that mentions "lefties don't want me to own a house" is reading off a script.

Always sage bait threads.

point taken

How does this work? By its nature, an obsession would be non-authentic


You would risk millions of lives by not giving universal health-care the standard of which seems to be achievable via socialism.

Whose the real literally Hitler :>)

Retards at my uni are still trying to shill for that shitty ghostbusters remake

God damn why is there nothing in this country that's just fun anymore? Why is everything some virtue signaling political performance? I can't wait to leave this campus behind forever.

Sorry just a little teed off.

*only three quarters of population sent to gulags

If morality is a spook, what prevents me from exploiting the worker? You can't have both.


I thought you loved the Spook buster Rebel?

egoist anarchism and socialism are different theories

try reading a book faggot

no comrad.

we are going for the ultimate prize: 999 gajillion billion zillion trillion killed. we are gunna get that fucking toothbrush.

Nothing. But nothing prevents them from kicking your ass and taking your stuff either.

Why are people on Holla Forums always so temperamentally unfit?

What's temperamental about taking the full product of one's labor from a self admitted capitalist exploiter and using violence to do so if it is not offered immediately?

If you don't like it then don't get a job. Nobody is forcing you. After all, the shirt on your back came from capitalism. :^)

You shoulda taken off the socialist flag. Your shitpost would have gotten me 'til i saw your meam man face.
