Really makes you think…

Really makes you thinkā€¦

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P R o O o F S s .

the irish have rigged the media in america

Now days the chinks are also one of those 1%. And plus, those leftist groups are raging against Israel.

Jewish Labour donor accuses hard-Left of threats and slams Jeremy Corbyn's team as 'Nazi stormtroopers'

good sassanach

that's only because the palestinians are more brown

Yes sassenach, it's totally the jews, just keep thinking that.


Maybe because they're criticizing Imperialism and it's capitalistic nature, and not "muh skincolor?"

If that's true, why would many leftists here support the IRA?


Is it just me or was this meme limited to one ancap ball picture until that one OC thread where people made several ancap balls and then ancaps got mad and made ancom balls?

Should we kill all white people too, Holla Forums?

But like, one of the top 10 richest people in the world is jewish, and he doesn't even practice.


Oop. meant to reply to this one

there's quite a bit of this group that isn't jewish

and i've known some very poor jews in the past so what's your point ?


The alt-right is so funny.

They don't give a shit if they're being exploited as long as their exploiters are Christian.

he fell for the joo meme

fuck off stormfag
[white catholic eastern europoor is not having your shit]

Not really. About 30% of the 1% is Jewish. Obviously that's disproportionate, but everybody knows Jews are disproportionately wealthy.

If Jewish overrepresentation bothers you, abolishing class society will make it impossible for the upper class to be disproportionately Jewish.

If I'm a leftist, why I should mention the Jews in the 1%, OP?

And why do you think the left don't mention the Jews in the 1%?

Wow, must be a load of Jewish Chinese

Oh, I don't know.
Maybe because the 1% is interchangeable and we don't get hung up on peripheral like myopic retards