Avoiding Sand Niggers

As part of work I've been pushed to move to Europe real soon. Currently the only things on the news about that shithole is muslims fucking everything up.
Given the lugenpresse and taqiya out there how do I find out what places are safe to move to. Where do I get up to date stats on the roach infection. Pics related from a quick search and I'm pretty sure they're false in some way.

Other urls found in this thread:


Never had anything happen to myself or anyone I know, beyond fistfights.

t. living in Frankfurt (highest crime rate in Germany).

You should be good in Germany in general.
For other nations I don't know.

By crime rates avoid poland and such, much higher crime rate than here, while they have no muslims, they have ~100% slavs.



whats up with Swedens higher then normal homocide rate? I thought they were supposed to be all happy and educated there?

Big cities are shitskin magnets. They all want to go to Berlin, Paris, London… Makes the whole "refugee" thing a joke. They supposedly have no money but live in the most expensive cities of the whole continent, while the people footing their bill have to live somewhere cheaper.
My impression, and I may be wrong here, is arabs are more pussies than niggers. You'll be fine, just don't walk into the arab part of town at night.

Maybe wikitravel can point you some of the places you should avoid in the city you pick.

It is true. Some niggers are too dumb to feel fear. Shitskins are usually cowards when there isnt more than 2 of them to go at you.

Turks are pretty calm, Arabs aren't too aggressive, north africans are highly violent but a very small in numbers.

Had far far more fights with Russians than with Turks in my youth.

(Despite liking turks less.)

Nice try Mohammed, all you turkroaches have to go

Had to laugh at that response, anyway what I said is factual.

Problem with muslims is that they are racial alien to Europe, low in IQ, incestous, and too high fertility, thus long term win by demography if not stopped.

Crime rate is nothing like e.g. american negros.

sounds like mexicans and blacks in the US tbh

You cannot avoid third world niggers in Britain unless you move to the Hebrides.
Most muslims are pakistani some somalian very few arabs
You counter-jihad kike-jews have one issue with your islamic caliphate bulllshit and that's the millions of non-muslim enemy invaders on top of the raghead invaders.

Until we root out the jewish problem this will never change.

Blacks get abortions at horribly high rates. Their population growth has essentially flatlined since abortion became legal in the US. Beaners, though, have shit tons of kids, both through teenage pregnancy and because a lot of them get married at 18 or 19, and they also don't really use birth control. Muslims in Europe do all the same things that beaners do in the US, and in addition to those things, they also have their men marry 12-year olds, and a lot of Muslims have multiple wives, plus they fuck and have kids with their cousins. On top of that, they're also trying to bring in as many Muslims as possible, as fast as possible, and they come from numerous different countries. When you factor in that European whites have catastrophically low birthrates compared to US whites, Europe's demographics can easily spiral out of control even worse than any study has predicted.

1.6 USA
1.6 EU
1.6 Russia
(white birthrates)

Same deal..

Muslims in practice have something like 2.5 children/woman, turks a lot less (1.8 in EU, 1.9 in Turkey).

Really the same deal.

Jews want to leverage the outrage against muslims to make goys fight their wars in the M.E. Jew-run "conservatives" or opposition parties will only slow the immigration to make believe something is done, but they will NEVER reverse the damage i.e deportation because that would be inhumane, goy.

Without deportation, it's a lost battle. They breed like vermin. Also take into consideration race mixing, whites not breeding, whites being killed by muds, record high suicide rates for whites in enriched Europe etcetra.

NEVER accept the "muslim problem" narrative. Islam is not the problem, race is. Islam is practically non-existent among whites anyway, so any time a muslim does shit, it's a shitskin doing shit, so that makes it a shitskin problem.

But it extends further, because "christian" niggers rape too. Because they're niggers. He could be a buddhist, a hindu, or an atheist, but he'll rape regardless, because he is a nigger.

Children per woman (2014)

Sub-saharan africa 5.0
Middle East & North Africa 2.8
South Asia 2.6
Latin America & Caribbean 2.1
North America 1.8
East Asia & Pacific 1.8
Europe & Central Asia 1.7

Source Worldbank: archive.is/wMzQJ

Says it all, the future of the world will be lots of niggers, quite some arabs/north africans, very few europeans or asians.

Basically the low IQ, shitty time preferency, uncivilized types win the demographic battle.

I'd recommend moving to south east Ireland, in a town rather than a city. Most towns of even 20,000 will have less than 10 negroes, let alone muslims. Pretty cheap to live there too. The only problem is all the knackers and scumbags, but they're not that numerous.

The day will come when we will stop feeding all of Africa. It may be because we finally realize they're not human, or because they finally break our backs and the few of us simply can't support all of them no matter how hard we work. Either way, they will need to produce their own food or starve, and every single time that's happened before the negro chose to starve.

Automation circle is increasingly closed… very few smart people needed to operate global agricultural/food supply chain.. meh

looks like your safest bet is in the ocean.

Satan, y-you need to work on your formatting.

fwiw the state dept has travel warnings. obviously don't rely on those but there might be useful information in one.


underrated post of the year.

Is that chart bullshit?

What do you think?

I think that's a great picture. Also checked.

I somehow missed this meme. A muslim woman walked past a violent event and tried to ignore it?




checked and kekked

Jesus you Peak Oil niggers never give up.
Back in 1970 the right side trough of that was in 1995.