6 days until E3
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the most wonderful time of the year to be a cynical asshole!
What do I turn my steamprofile into this weak.
life just keeps getting worse and worse
Is there a schedule for this year yet?
Prove me wrong
Pro tip:
I just want a fun game that I can play on my PC at max settings without downgrades or cheap cash grabs. Is that too much to ask for?
Just play (good) indie games then.
I always see these threads but i never bother to see what kind of people post in them.
So let's see.
Ok post
Ironic circlejerk is still circlejerk
Normal post
Nothing special
Personal blog shit but not too bad
Normal post
Sorta funny post
Wasted advice spent on a retard
Overall these threads aren't too bad.
What did he mean by this?
Review my dick user
Who's ready for the worst E3 ever?
It can't be worse than E3 2006.
>Implying next E3 (IF we still get E3 in the future) won't be much worse than this year's E3
I'm ready!
Which scam will Ubisoft present to us this year?
What the fuck? That can't be real
It was real, in my mind.
Saline injection
Half Life 3 calling it.
2014 and 2015 had some games of interest announced, but there's no opportunity for it to happen in 2016
What? You mean that Fire Emblem Persona game or actual old games that came out on any Nintendo system before the Wii or both?
MOTHER 3 with memes and stronk Kumatora that dont need no Lucas
I'm a little bit excited about Pokemon S/M, Kingdom Hearts 3, Yooka Laylee, and hopefully MOTHER 3 appearing at E3
I' gonna miss most of the train wreck because work. No expecting anything special, all the games I'd get excited for is Tokyo Game Show tier.
Why. Why hopefully?
Why would you wish an NoA localization on anything? Even if you hated the game, that's too much of a cruel fate.
T-Thanks for reminding me about that.
See is a preview of what your going to get if NOA brings Mother 3 to America.
Post your Report Cards/Predictions
couldn't be any lower this year.
They inject it into the bladder, he's just pissing it out.
Pick one
op, i forgot mario isn't the rehash this year, fixed.
Zero multiplied by a million is still zero.
Oh boy time for advertisements and lies.
Rockstar will apparently be there so if Read Dead Redemption 2 is announced for PC hopefully this time that would be the only good thing this year.
So far half-way into 2016 vidya had been as shit as it has always been but hey, at least we got Trump. Trump is only one of the good things I can truthfully list as a good thing this year.
For fucks sake please let the collapse come already I'm getting itchy. I just wanna bash some nigger skulls in while burning banks and hanging Jews and degenerates.
I'd take low res, good gameplay over 4k movies anytime.
>>>Holla Forums
But you can buy his daughter
>>>Holla Forums
Yes, and?
and another thread ruined by politics
My personal prediction for e3?
The only GOOD thing that might happen is that more Space Hulk Deathwing shit will probably be shown.
truly, Holla Forumsfags are the worst cancer.
tbh I'm here to shitpost ironically
So what are your guy's favorite bread? Whole wheat master race.
What will sony tease and use as bait now? Will it be a PS2 era franchise this time?
I really want them to push for paid mods again, I want to see the shitstorm.
They already confirmed there isn't gonna be anything about the NX at e3
Same. I dont care if it comes out for the Super FX2 SNES just as long as its fun.
Ok fam
No they didn't, retard.
I thought they just weren't going to be showing it off, just announcing it at E#.
I personally like to talk about cheese, but if you must know I prefer the sourdough rye, not my usual bread, but a delicious one
What I want to know is what the next overwatch-tier FOTM will be. Can't wait to see literally everyone even on here expose themselves for the casuals they are. Again.
I don't why these threads keep happening when this is the obvious shit the whole time. Only thing you're missing is BF1 hype and how "a different setting totally means a better game."
I was just wondering, is Nintendo ever gonna talk about NX or are they just going to stealth release it?
I hope you're dead first on the day of the rope, nigger.
and anyways if you really wanted a collapse you'd vote the bernie or Jeb, someone so incompetent there's no way they don't fuck everything up.
I didn't include it because I honestly couldn't give a shit about it, but I suppose that EA will talk about how progressive it is for having a main black character killing germans or something. They're will also be a sexy white french woman who fucks him probably.
why can't we just talk about videogames
Vote sharia law hillary 2016
Yes they did you fucking dickcheese. The only thing that will end up happening is "Oh yeah the NX is gonna be revealed at a later date, okay bye."
You don't give a shit, but the overwhelming majority of normalfags will praise it for being "totally different and not the same game with a different paintjob"
Oh okay.
I guess they're waiting till TGS or whatever Spaceworld is called now.
Try harder faggot.
Jesus,so it really is going to be just Zelda? Fucking hell, i mean why the fuck are they acting like they have any more wii u games to show off, it's obvious to anyone who's heard anything about the wii u these past couple months that Nintendo's pretty much done with that thing. There's no way in hell they're devoting resources to making more wii u games.
The rothschilds have trillions. And they are backing shillary.
Yes… good goy believe the trump meme
They're probably going to show off from wiiu/NX ports. Maybe they'll announce another Metroid game.
no ty
I think this statement could be made about a majority of people, I think the problem is just that people in general are obsessed with one thing or another, not just Holla Forums lads.
And Jeb! spent shitloads of money per vote and lost. Your point?
Good refutation better jack off into my own asshole now.
It's a measure of how much he owns, effectively being how much he is worth. Meaning he obviously has plenty of money to be worth $4.5 billion dollars, and likely has even more in savings for future investments like say… running for President.
dont worry, you wont have to choose. because they dont be fun either.
Noose tied and gun loaded
And yet they'll lose the election. All of the money in the world is useless when the only thing you can buy on your side is total incompetence.
yes you should, you should also kill yourself for using jewish owned media as a source.
So E3 friday or Saturday?
Don't get my hopes up user.
Please let there be a VR music game shown this year. I want to laugh my ass off.
but OP, E3 starts on the 14th
Calm down, Ben.
It will be Other M 2
instead of having a dance pad they'll attach gyroscopes to your feet and you'll see the floor flashing in VR
They'll need to buff the shit out of Kumatora to make her a Lucas-tier attacker who don need no men, she's the fistfighter through her glove weapon-type and she's still the weakest physical attacker of the lot below even fucking Boney or an absent-minded cripple
They already have federation force and in Nintendos eyes that's a full game so almost zero chance of Metroid.
Doesn't E3 start on the 14th?
Press conferences start before then dumbass
Found an E3 cringe compilation top 10 thing while browsing YouTube.
Also, it is the ten year anniversary of Sony's $599 GIANT ENEMY CRAB RIIIIIDGE RAAAACEEEEER press conference!
It feels like last year's E3 was just a few weeks ago. I still haven't recovered from what MGSV did to me.
Same here. It never seems to end.
I really want them to push for paid mods again, I want to see the shitstorm.
The only way I could see it getting pushed is if they somehow dress it as something that the community needed or something, like saying "hey now we have COMMUNITY DLC MADE BY YOU GUYS!" I don't think a shitstorm would happen with whatever they do.
Did this faggot really think this was a good idea?
Goddamnit I didn't quote the text right
It's not bad it's just not the savior of the industry everyone (myself included) hoped it would be.
I was the one telling you faggots that it wasn't going to be good but despite everything Holla Forums has warned normalfags about (Don't get hyped, get optimistic) everyone still got hyped.
Feels good
Well you deserve that laugh.
At least Monster Hunter will never be shitty.
I didn't say they were for me
You just made an assumption that many many fanbases made.
What are you saying? It was never any good to begin with.
Remember, both Bethesda and Valve admitted that the only thing they did wrong with paid mods was implement it for a game with a pre-exiating community. Bethesda's already planning on locking Skyrim 2 modding to their own Bethesda.net platform.
Maybe you're just bad?
Maybe I don't pay money for watered down baby games on little baby cellphone console?
The konami conference with the staring guy fucking got me. That shit was too fucking weird.
or maybe youre a faggot
no user, he's definitely a faggot
I was about to deploy the maximum bait funpost and you fucking ruined it. I had him triggered as fuck too. Nice going, faggot.
which company is going to praise communism or karl marx first?
what have you done?!
Does anyone wonder if nintendo inadvertently sabotaged microsoft with the wii?
Because it was never good to begin with
Something tells me you wouldn't whine about politics being unrelated if it were your lolbergtarian views being espoused instead.
And nintendo is going to fail with VR. The world goes in cycles
Can we just ban this faggot? Like, forever?
Also, dubs.
You know that was 6 hours ago, right?
JUSTICE does not concern itself with time.
Shitty post, kinda circlejerky
Is nintendo doing VR?
What did he mean by this?
neo/pol/ has imploded by now with the mods banning everyone who doesn't agree with them, leading to everyone trying to leave the sinking boat.
Give it a couple days till they stop trying to force themselves on other boards and either go back to neocuck/pol/ or leave for fucking good.
i'm late but looks like its time to go into red zone.
I'm not the other guy but do you understand what bankruptcy means in Trump's case?
I'm sorry. I was just overwhelmed by the post's sheer innate faggotry.
it just werks on my machine
if only you knew how cancerous they are.
From what I've seen they just find the community favorites and reasons and post them.
just run it in VLC or mpv or something
Oh god, I've forgotten how awkward they were.
I would hate to be on stage
watch mojo has always been a soulless cash-grab since the channel first started.
i just refreshed it werks now.
Fuck you, watchmojo is top notch work break lunch entertainment.
Kill me please.
Will we see something on par as $599?
Why couldn't be something like a normal video, just ten videos back to back, just cut to the next video.
People come to top 10s for the fucking "top 10s" videos, I came for the food that the chef made not the chef himself
the only thing watch mojo wants is profit they use every click bait technique in the book their literally the buzzfeed of youtube, without all the political bias.
Use this one
Prepare for unforseen consequences
literally less cancerous than anime.
Nah mate, this is clearly a smugger anime girl.
I want to fuck the smug out of her.
Really hope you fags won't have multiple threads rolling about basically the same shit.
Nice projecting there, user.
Not everyone feels the need to shove their worldview into everything they do.
sage for off topic
i don't even care if it is saline, that's just wasteful.
ejaculate should be used to paint the inside of wombs, not slowly dry on the floor
whether it's fake or not!
Don't speak so loudly, they are lurking all over Holla Forums ready for the herd mentality.
I don't honestly know. Do they all just have nothing?
pretty chill since the stuff i really wanted are confirmed to at least make a appearance.
why did you grade before the event started?
Most charts are absolute ignorant biased shit and theres a meme around that prediction.
No need to take them seriously
Can't wait for this shitshow to be over.
Wait, I missed a Holla Forums-bashing thread? When? Where?
They always think screaming is a good idea. See also that pterodactyl kid.
I don't think I have ever had expectations as low as this year.
There is nothing at all to look forward to.
Wait, there's going to be another pc show?
Wasn't last years a 3 hour borefest?
Yeah, it was pretty much a proof of concept.
Apprently normalfags liked it, at least theres actual devs and gameplay shown now.
Nothing to hope for.
Everyone gets a C- and Detention because all if I care.
If this is true, this year is just getting worse and worse.
I want my full HL3 singleplayer raising-the-bar experience, not yet another online bullshit skinnerbox with cancer interaction.
Yooka Laylee's E3 Trailer got leaked
Apparently it's coming out Q1 2017
That's a tempting click, but I don't wanna spoil myself.
More likely than not it's probably le ebin rickroll or some stufid shit. Nice try.
This is a big if, but if it's true than the salt would be ginormous. I don't think most valvedrones will defend that shit.
Also, here's your threadly reminder that E3 is run by jews.
$1000 to network with devs and other journos to build your cliques and narratives. It's basically the price for being a part of the kool kid's klub of games media.
Anybody got a drinking game image?
There's no memes here, just a gameplay trailer
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
At least I'm not garbage.
I can't believe they're actually doing a good job with it.
They're on time, it looks like it should, and seems straight up Banjo Kazooie.
what the fuck
It's being delayed from Oct 2016 to early 2017.
No no no no. See here, asshole. You think you can just slither around with some cheeky meme shit and the shitload of comments by yourself on your profile? My God, you don't even play CS:GO. You're fucking trash to me, utterly disgusting. I mean considering that I'm some random furfag on steam going about shitposting on Holla Forums, I'm doing a lot better than you in terms of it. You think just because you look like some psychedelic Scottish chav fuck that you're better than me? Where the fuck are your parents? Where is your fucking medication? When you wake up in the mirror, are you proud of seeing this fat and dirty blob of yourself? I assume you do, hell you probably get off to it, you sick fuck.
How about you get the fuck out and kill yourself, you cheap as shit cockney faggot. Don't come back.
I'm hyped for cringe.
That's less than half a year of delay. That's super on time talking about game releases
Bitches come and go (brah)
But you know I stay
Bitches come and go (brah)
But you know I stay
Got my balls licked by a Zooey Deschanel look-alike
Cocaine addict, razor blade to your head
Conflict, I'm a contradicted shit
Peeing on old people's houses is an inflict
2003 shit, this ain't no splitting bills shit
I'mma peel banana skids while listenin' to R Kelly's Greatest Hits
Yung Lean up in the club feel so morphine (morphine)
Yung Lean up in the club feel so morphine (morphine)
[Verse 2: Yung Lean]
Poppin' pills like zits
While someone vomits on your mosquito tits
Slitting wrists while dark evil spirits like Slitherin
Slitherin' with tricks, I'm sick, acid trip
Makes my spitting sick and makes me start hitting chicks, knitting thick
Shitting quick, fitting dick, like transmitting shit with an AIDS stick
Think your gay as fuck like a fish stick
Tequila shots and salt licks
Getting balls in your face like a free kick
Yung Lean stays motherfucking freaky
[Hook X2]
[Verse 3: Yung Lean]
Rotten teeth like Gargamel
Cast a spell
You keep on trying to yell
But your dead body stinks
Worse than my swell
Well lean expels diagrams as if they were made in excel
Fuck fat hoes like Adele
Get my dick stuck inside a lamp shell
Get it out with sperm cells and hair gel
Swim in Mexico mademoiselle
Point and laugh while he fell
Whose laughing now that I'm explosive like Alfred Nobel
Yung Lean only attracts an older clientele
Very Well
Is this the new "I'm triggered so I'll reply in song lyrics" song?
Troll spotted.
That's adorable.
Thanks for the you though.
Holy shit, get your asses back to >>>/reddit/ you cancerous bunch.
I just wanted a drinking game.
ghost recon wildlands gets a downgrade.
Does anyone even have a definitive E3 schedule?
I need it for my shitposting schedule
Pic completely unrelated
… sauce?
Use reverse image searches you fucking furry piece of shit.
0 results you vanilla eating retard.
Just go to e621 and search for "cow" or something.
Goddamn, why are furries so lazy?
Who cares? Modern video games are shit.
Most things are pure shit nowadays. We live under the globalist Zionist NWO that is slowly marching towards our AI-led deaths.
Where's the all-caps?
It really makes you think, doesn't it?
come again ?
what timezone do europeans have?
end times
anything I missed?
I'd post my card with the times, but the idiots in charge don't understand time zones so now I don't know which is the real start time. Different websites are putting both EDT and EST for the same hour.
Yeah that's what I encountered when I tried to find it
Just put feminine dick in the Sony slot
Bannerlord and DoW3
I'm ready to give no fucks, watch the VODs, and continue to give no fucks.
If its written as EDT assume EST, it makes the most sense that way, otherwise its fucking retarded and invonvenient to anyone who is sutpid enough to actually want to watch this shitshow
I remember your report card from last year user, good shit
Dis some good shit my man, reaction images fit well and its pretty unbiased.
fucking hell, in sweden. Made me laugh.
Where are the bingo cards Holla Forums?! You said there'd be bingo cards!
Only because I've lost faith in everything and everyone.
But thanks fam, I strive to only provide the highest quality reaction images that I come across first in my folder that fit.
Finshed my card, raito
Really now
Yes, the highly contested and enormous voter base of borderline fascists. Surely the kikes need this to secure a victory.
I'm going with this. Some times got changed from the last time I posted it.
There's also the other streams from Sony, Microsoft, and Squeenix after the big stage conferences but I don't know if I should add them. The card would get pretty big. Maybe I'll add Squeenix whenever they put down a time for it.
I'm thinking of having a little box on the side for the extra streams so people know when they happen, including me.
So why do people post that pic of Squilliam with E3 countdowns?
It's the universal sign of E3.
here we go! :^)
Trying too hard to fit in/10
I'm at a loss for words at how bad this is.
Is it normal for companies to be revealing all their games BEFORE E3?
Add Dead Rising 4 to that list as a possibility, and they'd better have a fucking roundhouse of new IPs and shit for me to even stand up to anything, since if they have like 4 games it's gonna be shit
it's like opening Christmas presents early
How's this?
Also, here is my report card.
Im confused because the parodies in that picture are no older than 3 years but the picture looks like its been around since the 90s and passed around 1000s of times.
i'm taking this card with me it's perfect, thank you user
Lol that woman being like "no, no NO NO NO N-"
So what is the official schedule?
I need it and i'm too lazy to look it up.
COWADOODY apology tour for Sony. Expect MW Remaster to finally be sold separately.
Holy shit. When was this beauty made?