Which Sonic cartoon is the most kino?

Which Sonic cartoon is the most kino?

Underground without question.

I guess satam or Sonic Boom


Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog > Sonic Boom > Sonic X

I haven't seen any of Sonic Underground or the other one. Sonic Underground looks like it has Sonic OCs though, so I might check it out.

Sonic Boom has some genuinely good jokes here and there.Anons tend to like it because it does the occasional jab at feminism and liberal culture, but beyond that there's pretty good humor sometimes. Its pretty self aware regarding the Sonic franchise so if you're a fan you'll appreciate those moments. Wouldn't say it's a very good show in general since its a simple kid's comedy cartoon with self concluded episodes but its pretty good compared to others in that format.

Satam I never watched as much as I'd have wanted to but I keep hearing good comments about it.


Boon kino

Wow its nothing

more like CUCKTOON

well Holla Forums is dead, so we may as well talk about toonkino here

How is it dead? What happened? I always thought Holla Forums was for comic books lol is it for cartoons?

no one goes there anymore because it's a gay overmodded board, everyone comes here now

Bullshit, we report low quality content and posts so we don't end up like Holla Forums.

ironically despite your efforts you are in the basement of shitposting right with us. so congrats i guess.


not you personally, bright boy. Holla Forums is in the basement with us.

I liked Adventures as a kid until a scene where Sonic blushes has romantic feelings for some female character. It made me feel really strange and uncomfortable so I stopped watching Sonic altogether. I wonder if that's the moment when people who grow up to be furries just shake it off and keep watching.

sounds like a symptom of autism, honestly

As a result you only get less than 20 posts a day. Was it worth it?

I swear to Christ, if any of you faggots says SatAM is "Reddit" for ANY reason, I will personally hunt you down and collect your spine for a fucking trophy.

Don't test me.


AOSTH is the best, everyone else is a distant second.

The fact that it looked like a fever dream cartoon with a blues singer as Robotnik and a buxom redhead as his admirer says enough.


That's prime Reddit, tbhfam. Basically the original Adventure Time.

But kids like that. See how popular Harry Potter was.


I watched a few episodes of Sonic Underground a while back. That is pure autism.

Sonic X was actually okay for cuckime

I think you're thinking of Sonic Underground, which isn't that bad but can be cringy.

the cartoons suck. the games are much better.




Bliss bump

SatAM is overrated trash. Sonic X was awful even in Japanese. Sonic X is definitely the most kino.

Last time I was there, there was no moderation. It was free-for-all shitposting like here.

It's not like you can squeese 1080p out of those cartridges.

how about they all suck and sonic a shit


That thing doesn't even output at 1080p. I know I have one.

Exactly. So it'll look like ass on a HD TV.

it still looks better than what the original systems would output, at least the Genesis, because it had coaxial

This one.

what did they mean by this?

Cream is the best Sonic girl, obviously.