In the movie Gravity, where did Sandra Bullock land?

In the movie Gravity, where did Sandra Bullock land?


She has no ass.

And what did Bill Murray whisper to Scarlett Johanson at the end of Lost in Translation?

She looks really good in this movie, very fit and tight for an old broad.

in my cock #BOOM

don't you mean on your cock, in it would be quite painful

god damn hobos


What is the best space undies movie?


Not pictured : Getting raped by a bunch of niggers 10 mins later.

Niggerfaggot spotted.

Notice how she looks giant in this scene? It is to symbolize

holy shit this is the funniest thing I've seen all day, and you're all innocent expecting genuine discussion
holy fuck
>>>Holla Forums

Total proof that the alt right has no idea what a film is because they watch John Wick 2


as hore

Are you gay?

Goddamnit I was late

I'm still upset that Gravity was so inaccurate as to not show Sandra Bullock in a thick thermal undershirt and astronaut diapers after she removed her spacesuit. Astronauts do NOT wear underwear that skimpy in space.

On that yuge planet where time slowed down a lot.

But trannies do.

Does it matter? The whole movie is an allegory for birth.
The water is the birthing fluid or whatever it's called.

On my cock.

If you think a woman’s ass looks like a man’s ass, you are gay.

