Why do morons on this board think Trump will bring about accelerationism?
Why do morons on this board think Trump will bring about accelerationism?
Because they tend to forget that, if elected, the radical Right is usually assimilated by the status quo and becomes the new normal, and they also tend to forget that when this new Right fucks up, we get the blame either way, just like unions and welfare are blamed for what neoliberalism causes.
You forgot the logo to blacked.com
Trump can single-handedly severely weaken AmeriKKKa
Price of all gomoddities goe up :DDDD massive blowback
Literal civil war as people assemble to defend muh minorities
Increase the debt by a huge amount overnight, riots and chaos as people revolt when they realize how badly they get fucked
US military hegemony disappears overnight
And on and on it goes.
Well that pretty much covers it. I might add that they think socialism is "inevitable" in the context of it will happen no matter what.
Is this better?
Yes, thank you comrade.
Speaking of which, it's odd how trump-fags won't shut up about cuckolding despite "loathing" it or whatever
because he will. it's a scientific fact america will become india 2.0 based on his "free market reaganomics economic policies"
Accelerationism is a meme
Because he's an incompetent buffoon in way over his head. Whether that will be enough isn't certain though.
I just want to watch the world burn tbqh fam.
I have a hard on every time I think a retard like Trump could get access to nukes in the future.
Hillary isn't going to bring the liberal idol fueled "left" further to the left she is just going to drive it further to the right all with porkies money.
Trump will at least spur people to wake up and realize that a neo fascist, ultra porky, idiot will NOT work now or ever. Let Trump fuck everything up for 4 years (most likely less since he'll get impeached) and after the damage has been done we get a younger, further to the left version of Bernard Sanderista in the white house easier then ever.
This. A Hillary victory will just cement the Democrats future as the idpol neolib party, because hey, if its not broke, don't fix it!
this tbh. I only want him to win ironically because I wanna see what happens in a trump presidency. If you seriously want him to win for any other reason you're an idiot.
Why do morons now call any strategic thinking "accelerationism"? I'd really like to hear what is their definition of "accelerationism".
And why do morons think that Hillary "I will obliterate Iran" Clinton is the lesser evil in the first place?
that is so lazy and weak tbh.
find a better villain, the world can only burn once, we need a real show, not a bunch or retards who will make it pathetic.
He's moderately more vehemently disliked than Hillary, but that's not saying much.
Hillary could just as easily be an accelerationist candidate if that's your standard.
Hillary IS the accelerationist candidate, she is the perfect embodiment of the system. People really don't understand what accelerationism is.
I really shouldn't be rude to people.
Because they came from Holla Forums
I don't get what the problem is
classist tbh fam
Alright now that's just bullshit. I like reading stormfront for fun/rageporn and they have a 50 page thread about fucking much they hate him in the politics section. I find the average stormfag is a bit more intelligent (or at least consistent with their anti-jew viewpoints) than the average Holla Forumsack.
the stormfront (and i can't believe i'm saying this) is smarter than the average Holla Forumsock
if the picture wanted to be accurate they would use a picture of the daily stormer
Thirding this. The Stormfront meme was started by moot when he named them as the scapegoat for /new/ getting so overrun with Nazis that he deleted it. It was never Stormfront specifically and associated specific people with things they had nothing to do with is a bad idea.
Because they forget that right-wing strongmen are far more likely to suppress leftist movements than centrist liberals
You clearly do not understand anything about anyone of those issues. Have fun larping
Spend less time on occupy democrats
I think he was half right. Many people come to 4chan because they are too obnoxious or abrasive to not get banned on regular forums, so it makes sense that we got an influx of Stormfront users that were even too stupid by their standards.
Stormfront is a more understandable and banal kind of bad: they are too steeped in ideology to even see others as human. But the kids worshiping Trump are just immature nihilists that wank their egos off to being as edgy as possible while having such blind faith in a meme candidate that they can't mentally handle the contradictions in why they support him.
Ironically, this has also led to 80% of leddit to become Holla Forums, which they are still too memed to admit.