Can we enact a no tolerance policy? All in favor say 'Aye'

Can we enact a no tolerance policy? All in favor say 'Aye'

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Nay tbh


Tolerance implies putting up with something you dislike. Nobody tolerates blowjobs. They love them. Stop using faggy leftist words for everything.

actually on second thought changing to a firm no. the slap fights are too good to give up.

This is exactly the reason people like you need to be banned. Suddenly because you are nupolitico
and your balls have dropped you think you can call language you don't like "faggy leftist words"

You're essentially a little kid

you first, commie filth

Sage regnated



Stop whining Spacey and go back to your CP basement.

You newfags are really something aren't you? You just dropped in from NeoGAF or something right? Seriously, the last few weeks its been nothing but idiots across several boards being pissed off about Holla Forums being too offensive or political when its been like this for almost 4 years. Anyone bitching about this now pretending its something new is a complete faggot. If you want somewhere new to squat where you won't get triggered every two seconds, then try halfchan or IGN forums like the pleb you are.

That's why he said "no tolerance" as in "no".
Like when you have 'no tolerance' policies again terrorists. Holla Forums are basically terrorizing like TUMBLR but WORSE somehow because FUCK EVERYONE


That includes >>Holla Forums kike.


anyone who votes waifus in the poll is clearly a fucking eceleb animeposter

While I do hate those fuckers, its funny to engage them or just ignore their posts. Anyway, no matter what, some kind of stupid political shit will always sneak itself in, like the moderate political bullshit on 4/tv/. There's no stopping faggotry.




not me

Straight from the fat catlady book of 101 Ways To Win Internet Arguments.

All waifufags are scum with shit taste. Daisyfags, Quasimodofags and Emmafags. The last one is hit or miss, but they're all still shit-tier.

No straight man dislikes Emma, you retarded cocksucker

Emma is a fag.

LOL typical cuckchan

Worst people on the internet, not lying.

1. Donald Trump fans
2. Tumblr
3. Anime posters
4. people who watch television shows
5. People who like capeshit
6. people who like game of thrones
7. people who like star wars


8. you


Lad there more than one person who likes emma

fuck it, 'aye'


Fuck you fucking gay Jewish Muslim fucker. The whole website is anti leftists.

So the goons are Holla Forums right?



< posting on Holla Forums

Enjoy your permaban
you won't be missed


I also have two images, one of a black guy saying fuck racism and the next is him killing white people because they're white. I dont remember where I put them but you're retarded and so is your meme

That's fucking accurate

You belong here: >>>/cuteboys/

Wow never would have thought. Some people here dont actually watch tv do you just meme 24/7 about jews and then actually think any television should be watched? Are you that retarded?

Nothing wrong with being called a racist.

You would get a bullet in the head if I could

Maybe this board isn't for you, you sandnigger kike faggot cunt.

I am a mod there.

You don't have a gun fucking liberal scum.




You tell me because I've never seen any Holla Forums just you Holla Forumstards getting mad and calling anyone who calls you out as Holla Forums


pls leave

Sorry darling but I'm a centrist.

Found the drag-queen.

Found the queer.


Sounds good to me, "tolerance" is a bullshit kike virtue invented to ripoff the goyim

Only intolerant posters should be allowed here

This guy knows what's up.


fuggin NAY
say what you will about Holla Forums the one thing i will always defend about them is how fun they are

You don't like it when women talk about feminism? Maybe you should go to r/MGTOW


fucking lol



this is why we hate you janitors

You had to hate on my Queen again…

If you say you don't know who Maisie and Daisy are, you are either a lying troll or an idiot

Maybe what I really want is a board about video games to have less fucking feminism you autist, not to mention their feminism is not what actual feminists stood up for a hundred years ago.

my bad meant to say tv shows

We should see to it Holla Forums gets a reboot with lots of niggers.